Part 13: Bella's First Day

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January 18, 2005

3rd POV

Forks High School, Cafeteria

Bella had gone through the first half of her day at Fork's High School and was beyond pissed. Everyone seemed to be so shocked when they saw her. She knew what they had expected; a  genius model, like Genie. She knew the only reason Jessica was hanging around her was to get the bit of popularity that came with being the 'shiny new toy' as she put it when they sat down at the table. Mike was like a puppy, she was pretty sure that she could train him up if she wanted to. Angela while nice was clearly a fan of Genevieve by how much she mentioned her and talked about how she used to babysit her and her brothers. The rest well, they just weren't worth mentioning aside from Ben's habit of calling her baby and Tyler's obsession with Genevieve.

She was picking at her food when they walked in. They were beautiful, just as beautiful as Genevieve. She had thought that was impossible and she wanted to know how. "Who are they?"

Jessica looked at them and then back clearly confused. "You don't know the Cullens?" She had asked as if she couldn't believe it.

"I just moved here a few days ago." Bella said as though it should have been obvious.

"I know! It's just, "

"Just what?"

"Bella, they're practically part of your family!"

"I don't have family that looks like that."

"Genevieve does. God, she's so hot. I'd love to tap that!" Tyler speaks up from beside Mike as he sits already realizing who they were talking about.

"Pig." Jess say rolling her eyes before looking back at Bella. "Genevieve and Dr. Cullen have practically been dating since they first moved here. They're practically the Fork's 'it' couple. It was this huge thing at first because he has like three kids, even though they're not really kids. Rose and Jasper Hale, the blonde ones,  are seniors and were adopted. They're dating Emmett, the tall muscly one, and Alice, who kind of looks like a hyped of pixie. They're Mrs. Cullen's kids wi-"

"Genie's dating a married man and that's ok?" Bella looked at them like they were crazy only for them to look at her the same.

"No!" Jessica scoffed. "Just like listen, ok? Anyways, Mrs. Cullen is Dr. Cullen's sister-in-law. They moved here with him like a year or two after she was widowed. Apparently, she didn't want to live in a place filled with the memories of him or something like that."

"And the other one?" She asked looking over at the one with bronze hair who had briefly looked over before turning away as the door opened once more, only letting her see his eyes momentarily. She saw Genevieve walking in with a basket then and scowled.

"Edward? Totally hot but completely unavailable so don't even bother. Apparently, he has a long distance girlfriend and no one can measure up to her." It was clear by Jessica's tone that she had tried and failed, repeatedly. We'll see about that.

"What's she doing here?"

"Oh, Genevieve usually stops by with lunch for them. Sometimes she stays and will eat with them but usually she leaves to have lunch with Dr. Cullen. I still can't believe you don't know about this though I mean Chief Swan's dating Mrs. Cullen."

"He's what!?" Bella's voice could be heard throughout the cafeteria.


Moments Earlier

It was strange how much their lives had changed. They no longer had to worry about moving about every few years thanks to the glamour that made it appear as though they were aging or even coming up with excuses to not be in public on sunny days thanks to the one that hid the sun's affect on their skin. Gen's magic was added to their crested jewelry and so long as they were worn they had no worries. Considering the spells she put over them, they would never have to worry about them being damaged by accident as they were now nearly indestructible, could not removed by anyone else, and were even invisible to anyone they didn't tell about the crests to.

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