Part 14: Edward Loses His V-card

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A/N: So, I've decided while I will do some lemons they won't necessarily be explicit. This isn't porn but there will be some detail and for those on Wattpad and Ao3 gifs to go with those details. In case it wasn't clear with me saying this or you decided to skip it there is a warning for a lemon below and it will mark the end of this chapter.

Swan/Cullen Estate

She was worried. Edward had been silent the whole drive home not once turning his head away from looking out the window. It was only as she parked in the garage that he looked at her. His eyes were darker than usual but she could see he was nervous about something also. "Your eyes are a bit darker even with the glamour. Are you hungry?"

"Not particularly." he says before looking down and mumbling something making her wish they hadn't decided to wait until her immortality spell kicked in to cast the permanent body augmentations for the extra boost her immortality would bring. Her temporary one required a charging period of twelve hours and unfortunately for her that meant she wouldn't have her enhanced abilities for another hour or so since she kept it active when she wasn't around humans since Carlisle, Esme, and the kids worried about hurting her and Charlie if they weren't careful otherwise. "I think I should grab something to eat though. I'll be back in an hour or so."

If she had just kept her mouth shut her and Charlie would have the permanent enhancements now but no she had to mention the power boost that would come when her immortality kicked in and of course Carlisle asked if it would make a difference. Now she was stuck waiting until her 21st birthday so that the permanent version of the spell would enhance them to newborn levels and spending every month until then redoing the temporary versions. Honestly, if the Volturi wanted a fight, let them come. Her hellfire had only killed her the last time because of the enclosed space, the gases in the tunnels, and having no way to exit without it backfiring inwards where her people were making their escape if she tried to. Give her an open space and she'd turn them into ash, just like the first time Cora tried to barbeque the normal way. She wonders if her and her nephews are safe and happy.

Unknown to her in the world she had left there was an island of magicals, hidden within the ocean, and at its center stood a statue of the Lewis sisters who had both given their lives to ensure their survival, one baring a remarkable resemblance to the fallen heroes as it had been made by their son and nephew, Nikolas Summers. While Margo Lewis had been reborn to this world Coraline Lewis-Summers had entered another but that was an entirely different story.


It hadn't taken him long to find a doe to feed on. When he returned he found her preparing to take a shower. She had taken out an oversized blue shirt and leggings to wear when finished. He sat at the bed and watched trying to make up his mind. He had always thought he would wait until marriage but the more he thought about it the less important it seemed. He knew who he would spend the rest of eternity with did a priest and saying their I do's make it that any clearer? No. And so when he saw her let her letting her hair down from the ponytail she'd put it in this morning he couldn't stop himself as he moved behind her and ground his body against hers. "Tell me to stop and I will."

She turned around, surprised with him but as she looked into his eyes she saw that while he was somewhat nervous there was more surety and determination in them. She leaned up and kissed him and opened her mind to him letting him know she was ready to take this next step with him and had only been waiting for him to be as well.

He stripped himself of his shirt before he lifting her onto the dresser. Her hand reached out to pull him to her before trailing down to undo his jeans, pushing them down and leaving him bared to her. He stepped back from her removing the white lace hidden beneath her dress before slowly unbuttoning the shirt dress, enjoying how her eyes watched him do so before he bent down in front of her. He spread her legs, his fingers rubbing at the heated flesh of her thighs and buried himself between them. Soon enough, the taste of honey was filling his mouth and her hand playing with his hair as she quietly moaned above him. 

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