When I Can Tell You

By leeminberliu

12.9K 613 247

B-Joo is scared to tell him; terrified actually. What if Hansol rejects him? But like his brother advises, he... More



2.1K 98 63
By leeminberliu

"What did Hansol say about... ya know?" Xero asked while twisting a shiny earring through his ear.

"Umm..." Byungjoo ran his fingers through his hair still in disbelief of how considerate and compassionate Hansol had been. "He just kinda distracted me; told me if I needed to talk about anything he was there for me, but that I didn't need to explain what happened... so we just watched Harry Potter."

"Wait," the blonde boy turned to face his hyung, "you had the golden opportunity... and you still didn't tell him!?" Xero was astonished at his embarassed brother, and stared wide-eyed at him waiting for a proper answer.

"Ani..." B-Joo buried his face into his hands, "I wasn't ready, Xero-ssi."

"B-Joo-ah! You are never ready! I have told you and told you to tell him damnit," Xero exclaimed while pacing over the room flailing his arms about. "Take it from me, that boy has been friends with you for as long as we've lived here which is what? 9 years!? I don't care if you aren't ready to tell him, he is ready to hear it! B-Joo how would feel if Hansol concealed shit about himself like that from you!?" Xero ran his fingers through his hair in frustration "You know hyung, for you being the hyung it seems like I'm the one always giving you pep-talks and advice."

"Xero you don't understand..." Byungjoo just shook his head.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN I DON'T UNDERSTAND!? Do you not remember me telling you that I told Seogoong and Hojoon! Do you think it was easier for me!? Seogoong and I are just as fucking close as you and Hansol, aside from the liking eachother part, but did you think I was ever ready!? It took me 4 years to tell Seogoong and 6 to tell Hojoon, and still I was never ready! I told them, because they tell me everything and it was like a giant weight on my shoulders. Byungjoo... it's fucking heavy as hell to hold that on your shoulders for so long. It will bring you so much relief if you just fucking tell him. He of all people who loves you in clearly more ways than one would be understanding! And if you think about it, what would you think if it were his family? Nothing.... you would think nothing different of him. We think people will take it much worse than they actually do. Please fucking tell him."

Byungjoo stared wide-eyed at his depleted brother, taking in every word he had just spewed. They had definitely had their fair share of serious conversations, however they had never talked to one another with the intensity and seriousness Xero had portrayed just then.

"What if he doesn't understand the dreams and thinks I'm crazy? What if he thinks I will..." A lump formed in B-Joo's throat and his eyes became watery. "I don't want him to think that I will... just because she did... and we both have those dreams..." Byungjoo had a number of droplets pouring down his cheeks at this point while he tried to hold back the sobs from escaping his throat.

Xero sat next to his hyung and and put his head in his hands. B-Joo couldn't tell over his own sobs, but his little brother, who was sat right next to him, cried just as hard.

It was hard to think about for Xero. The vivid dream of his brother coated in blood on the bathroom floor had occured way to many times and just the mere thought of it upset the tall, blonde boy. But B-Joo was distraught on top of it which only upset him more. "Hyung, Hansol is my friend too." Xero sniffled after moments of crying silence had passed between them.

"I know."

"So if you want... I can tell him," Xero suggested.

Byungjoo's still teary eyes met just that of his brother. "No Xero," he feverishly shook his head, "thank you, but if he finds out, it needs to be from me... because I... I want him to know I trust him, and I want... it's just I... I wouldn't feel right if you..."

Xero placed his hand on the small of his hyung's back to let the other know he understood. "You can do it Joo." The younger boy pulled his brother into a warm, comforting hug before sending a smile his way and exiting the room. B-Joo was left all alone to ponder the unusually deep conversation that had just taken place, and his conclusion was inevitable... to tell Kim Hansol everything.

It had been a few days since Byungjoo had seen his best friend, but he would surely see him at the party tonight. It's not that B-Joo was unpopular (especially because his brother was Xero), but he didn't really expect to get invited to the prettiest girl in school's birthday party. Not only was every guy flinging themselves at Hyunsoo, but she was always drenched in high-fashion brands and drove a beautiful sports car. So needless to say, B-Joo was stunned when he got a very formal invitation that stated he could have a maximum of 2 people accompany him to the birthday rendezvous.

"Are you meeting Hansol before?" Xero asked as he pulled a pair of black skinny jeans up his legs.

"Aniyo, he's already with Hyunsoo. They are pretty good friends from what I hear so he went early." Byungjoo was just finishing off his look with a spray of cologne.

"Chichayo?" Xero said with almost too much enthusiasm as he smirked. "Hyung, you have to have Hansol set me up with her."

"You like Hyunsoo?"

"Who doesn't?" Xero huffed as he shut their dresser drawer.

"I'll let Hansol know then," Byungjoo was somewhat baffled at his dongsaeng's confession. "Or you can just make a move on her tonight?" he suggested.

Xero's eyebrows shot up, "humh," he mumbled placing a circular black hat on the back of his head, sure to let his blonde locks show at the front. "I never thought of that. Good idea, hyung." B-Joo smiled in satisfation with his success in giving Xero advice for once. "So you ready to go?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. I guess tonight is a big night for both of us then?" B-Joo awkwardly chuckled, obviously nervous to face the boy he had to spill his guts to.

"Well I don't think me flirting with Hyunsoo is quite on the same level as you telling Hansol, but... sure. Big night hyung, so we better get a move on slow ass." Xero said instantly lightening the atmosphere.

"What the hell are you talking about? I was ready centuries before you, pretty boy," Hansol teased flicking the other boys hat causing it to faulter ever so slightly.

"Byungjoo-ah!" Xero whined while his hands flung to his hat to properly set it back in place.

B-Joo laughed to himself at the other's reaction before grabbing his wrist and dragging him out the door. "Come on, we're gonna be late."

"Whatever you little shit," Xero scoffed trying to hide a smile as he walked next to his hyung.

They arrived at the gorgeous and rather large home of the birthday girl, and walked in to find a larger than expected number of people dancing around with cups of what was sure to be alcohol within their hands along with loud music. Byungjoo and Xero weaved their way through the people to find the large dining area where Hyunsoo's brother Kyungmin was handing out drinks and taking gifts to place on the large table behind him.

"What's up man? I was starting to wonder if you two were gonna show!" Kyungmin called as he grabbed B-Joo to pull him in for a 'bro-hug.'

"What do you mean, didn't the party just start?" Byungjoo asked confused.

"Yeah, a half-hour ago!" The tall, lanky boy stated while pulling Xero in for a quick embrace.

"Well my brother's a dick and told me it started now," Joo replied before holding out a tiny blue gift bag for him to take. "This is from Xero and I, but tell her Xero-ssi picked it." He sent a wink in his brothers direction earning a smack on the shoulder from the diva beside him.

"We both picked it," Xero corrected although he was sure Kyungmin easily caught onto what Byungjoo had tried to insinuate. "And for the record, I don't like to get to parties early or on time because it's awkward when just getting started. And about your sister, do you know where I could find her?"

Kyungmin placed the blue bag on the table behind him before pointing over B-Joo's shoulder into the rather large living space. "You all want a drink first?" He offered cracking open a can of beer.

"Yeah, thanks man!" Xero accepted the cold can and B-Joo just grabbed a shot of the table and nodded before they headed to the prestine, massive living space where they could see Hyunsoo towards the middle with a fuzzy pink boa and a tight leather bustier paired with a matching skirt.

"Here," B-Joo said as he handed the shot to Xero before they could reach Hyunsoo. Xero knew Byungjoo's relationship with alcohol and downed the shot without a word before handing the empty glass back to his hyung.

"She looks fucking hot," Xero stated as they approached.

"Yeah, sexy as hell," the purple-haired boy humored his brother with the response although his eyes were on someone completely different. The glittery eye liner made the dancing boy's eyes pop and his blue hair had been dyed back to brown and was loosely curled. His torso was bare except for a un-ziped, grey, leather jackett that perfectly complemented his acid-washed, ripped skinny jeans, which left his bare chest and faint abs available for Byungjoo's viewing. With Hansol there, looking like that, there was no way he could possibly make his eyes look anywhere else. He completely forgot about Xero and Hyunsoo, and slowly walked in the direction of the beautiful male before him.

Somewhere in Hansol's wild dancing with Hyunsoo, Xero appeared, and this meant Byungjoo had to be close behind. Sure enough, Hansol saw the dapper boy with his purple hair neetly pushed to the side adorning deep purple oxford unbuttoned an un-godly amount for Hansol's control. Hansol locked eyes with the smiling boy, and his stomach began to tingle. He couldn't wait any longer and ran the rest of the way to his sexy hyung and flung his arms around the other's neck. "Joo-ah!" He whined finally feeling the other in his arms.

"Hansolie," Byungjoo half-spoke-half-whimpered when he felt hansol's lips against his ear.

"I know you don't like drinking, but I had a few drinks, I promise I won't have more though!" Hansol said as he placed his palm on B-Joo's chest not being able to control himself.

"Hansol, you can drink as much as you like. I myself just don't really care for alcohol." Byungjoo was all too aware at Hansol's hand and it easily brought a familiar red heat to his cheeks.

"I know what it's like to be the only one not drinking, so when this buzz ends I'll stay sober with you. Promise." His lips moved against B-Joo's ear making the other shiver. "Now dance with me, sexy."

Those words brought a smirk along with a burning desire to Byungjoo as he ran one hand over the other boy's bare stomach before pulling him closer by the hips. Maybe it was the atmosphere, or the fact that Hansol was in a tipsy state, but he had had no fear in taking advantage of the situation and his confidence sky rocketed.

The two boys were soon forming beads of sweat as they danced and grinded on each other to the upbeat, party music. There came a point where Byungjoo's exposed next became too much and Hansol lost control releasing his lips to lock onto the other's soft skin. B-Joo unconsciously tilted his head to the side to allow the older boy more accessibility and moaned as Hansol found and nibbled at his sweet spot. The soft nibbles became a feverish sucking and B-Joo felt a tingling pain where the other was marking him. Intoxicated by the atmosphere and Hansol's actions, the usually timid, purple-haired boy found himself exploring Hansol's torso with his hands; pushing the fabric off the other boy's shoulder so he could bite the glistening, beautiful skin to claim him.

Suddenly both boys were being pulled in the direction of the stairs completely baffeled. As they were being dragged to the upper floor, they spotted a farmiliar curvy body hugged by a leather outfit with a fuzzy pink boa around her neck.

"Ya!" Hansol yelled, "Hyunsoo! Where are we going?"

Hyunsoo didn't reply, but kept dragging the confused boys up the stairs and into a room that appeared to be a den or game room of some sort. "We are playing truth or dare! and Hannie you always makes things interesting, but I knew you wouldn't come without Joo-ssi... so here we are! Let's play," she chirped, somewhat tipsy, as she took a seat in the circle of people sitting on the floor. B-Joo saw Xero directly to her left along with Seogoong, Hojoon, a girl named Jiyeon, and a few other people he barely recognized in the circle. The two sweaty boys .ade their way to sit amongst them, and Byungjoo nervously twiddled his thumbs wondering how intense this game would get with a bunch of drunk 18 year olds as the players.

"Isn't truth or dare a bit immature?" Hansol laughed as he took off his jacket leaving his upper body completely bare.

"Isn't getting love bites a bit immature?" Xero slurred obviously drunk.

"Touché," Hansol smiled to himslef and suddenly Byungjoo lost all confidence as a heat of red came to his cheeks once again. He felt incredibly embarassed that he had marked Hansol and that everyone could see the purplish bruise.

"Me first!" Jiyeon cried bouncing up and down. "Xero-ssi, truth or dare?" Xero chuckled and chose dare before Jiyeon proceeded to tell him to kiss Hyunsoo. Xero smirked before planting a slopy kiss on Hyunsoo's lips earning a sheepish giggle from the birthday girl. From there Xero found out Hyunsoo indeed liked the blonde boy back, then she dared a girl named Mindae to take a shot, which led to her dare...

"Hansol, I dare you to put your jacket back on and then pretend to be Byungjoo's stripper! and you have to end up in only your underwear," she laughed almost falling over. It would be much more funny had Hansol and B-Joo been in the same drunk state as everyone else, but they weren't. Hansol's buzz had faded away and they were perfectly aware of everything that was going on... which was why Byungjoo was so baffled when Hansol grabbed his jacket and instructed Mindae to put on the best stripper music she could find.

B-Joo's eyes followed Hansol all the way out the door and watched as he re-entered with a darkness in his eyes, a smirk on his face, and the leather once again covering his shoulders. Mindae blasted Jay Park's "Metranome" as soon as Hansol came back in, and he immediately began moving his body to the music.

First Hansol sexually bent over, making sure Byungjoo had a perfect view of his ass, as he unlaced his timbaland boots. He then walked behind B-Joo and flung his leg over the flustered boy's shoulder before bending down to capture the tip of the other boy's ear between his teeth. "Pull my sock of, sexy," he whispered ever so seductively earning a whimper from Byungjoo as he chewed his lip and did as he was told. He then followed suit with the the other sock before Hansol was back in front of him diving into the floor and grinding the soft carpet in a smoothe wave. Hansol rolled over onto his back with his knees bent and thrusted upwards perfectly in sync with the music all the while never looking away from the boy franticly biting down on his lip, crossing his legs tightly in front of him, and shifting awkwardly every so often. Once finished on the floor, Hansol rocked onto his feet and seducitvely rolled his upper body to a stand ever so slowly letting his shoulders fall behind so his jacket would slide down his arms and fall to the floor. He bet over once more to pick up the article of clothing only to throw it at the boy staring in awe. He lightly chuckled when B-Joo placed the coat in his lap and re-adjusted himself back into a more comfortable position.

Proud of what he had done so far, Hansol slowly removed his belt as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip. Once the accessorie was successfully discarded, Hansol broke into his freestyle dancing adding thrusts and body rolls quite tastefully until he reached the bridge of the song. The slow part. He unbuttoned his jeans and sexually pushed them down before flinging them somewhere in the direction of Hyunsoo, but he was only focused on the boy in front of him.

B-Joo was extremely turned on and filled with desire as he watched Hansol's incredibly sexy routine. But just when he thought his tourment may come to an end, Hansol started walking over to the terribly embarassed and lust-filled boy in nothing but his black Calvin Clein breifs. Hansol removed the jacket in B-Joo's lap only to replace it with himself, and he could definitely feel why the jacket had been there. Hansol swivled his hips in Byungjoo's lap earning a throaty moan from the purple-haired boy. B-Joo was incredibly overwhelmed with everything that was going on, especially the fact that this was all happening in front of a decently large group of people. Hansol softly kissed the spot he had marked earler before moving his lips along the other boy's jaw only to stop at the corner of his mouth. Hansol smiled before casually pulling away with a laugh and hopping back to his feet. "How was that?" He asked cheekily as he went to retrieve his pants and belt. Byungjoo quickly replaced the jacket in his lap trying to think of things to diffuse the rather large situation at hand.

"You're such a fucking tease, Hansol," Xero laughed as he through Hansol's pants to him.

Once Hansol had everything but his jacket back on his body, he sat back down next Byungjoo and looked at him with the most michevious glint in his eyes. "Byungjoo-ssi, truth or dare?"

B-Joo's eyes went wide as he gulped. "T-truth," he stuttered, all confidence he had ever had completely drained due to his body's betrayal and Hansol's stripping.

Hansol leaned in right next to the other boy's ear. "Is it true that I turned you on?"

B-Joo bit his lip even harder, knowing Hansol was well aware of the answer. So he merely nodded, staring at the darkness in the other's eyes. "Your turn." Hansol smirked at the tomato red boy next to him.

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