Peter Parker Oneshots

By MarvelMultiverse

831K 19.5K 21.1K

The title is pretty self-explanatory, I think. These are all original stories that I wrote myself. It started... More

I will murder you. Love, Peter.
Ned, you Traitor.
No-no Words
Not (That Much of) An Idiot
Not Who You Think I Am
Bitch I'm Gay
I Was Hoping We Could, Like, Not Shoot Me
Words Can Lie
Secrets Are My Thing
Thanks for the Knife
Look, I Get This Is a Field Trip, But How do You Know Me?
Fake It 'Till You Make It (Or Not)
Winter (Replacement - Part 2)
Avengers at the Beach
Peter and Social Media = Complete Disaster
What Could Have Been
High Stakes
Wrong Number
Kidnapped (+Art!)
5 Times Peter Hid an Injury From Tony
Spider Powers Are Insane
Phone Calls
Kind of Like A Home (Fix-It)
Stay With Me
Human Shield
Protect You
Forget Me Not
Spider-Man Unsolved
Post Mortem
Who Changed?
Social Media Disaster Part 2
Social Media Disaster Part 3
Mini-Fics Part 1 (The Spideypool Interlude, I'm Not Dead, etc.)
The Official Goodbye


8.1K 261 143
By MarvelMultiverse

platonic soulmate au! unless you want to read it as romantic i guess, i don't really approve of starker but whatever floats your boat (by the way, if any of y'all didn't know, platonic is friends. it's like the greek concept of philia/storge, which is friend/family love, rather than eros, which is romantic)

spideychelle but if you want you can imagine Wade or Johnny  instead or something

platonic soulmate au background: things you write/draw on your skin appears on that of the others, scars also appear but they don't physically cause pain or physical impairments: here's our good friend the issue there, Peter has super healing, and doesn't often see any scars because they heal on his body (what? plot convenience? ... nooooo)

romantic soulmate is everyone has a soulmark on their wrist, blah blah one matching you get it onto the story

also i'd like to point out this is the 69th part soooo

Peter was shifting in his seat anxiously as Ned rambled beside him. "I can't believe we're presenting this at Stark Industries! That's so cool!!" He exclaimed, finally pausing to take a breath. Peter flashed a quick grin at his best friend. It was a shock that Ned wasn't his platonic soulmate: everyone had a romantic and platonic soulmate. As it turned out, MJ was Peter's romantic soulmate, and they had figured it out about a year ago. 

A tall building broke the horizon in front of them, and Peter's breath caught in his throat. Sunlight was glinting off of the windows and metal, creating a beautiful scene. 

Midtown High had received an invitation to present their Science Fair at Stark Tower, and the two winners would get internships under Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. Considering the circumstances, Peter had decided to do a project focused on the Avengers and quite a lot of stuff about it. The projects had been shipped over to the main room earlier that day, and once they arrived, they would receive their designated locations.

The bus slowly rolled to a halt. "Okay you guys, front rows first!" Mr. Harrington announced, gesturing for the rest of the group to get off of the bus. Two more buses were following close behind, but Ned, MJ, and Peter were placed on the same bus.

Peter stood in quiet awe as he took in the building in front of him. A small sensation covered a part of his left arm. His platonic soulmate! Peter hadn't met them yet, but they were communicating through writing. Because personal details were not sent, Peter had taken up writing in blue pen for a week after his soulmate asked vaguely about his gender. Peter's soulmate did the same, so Peter really only knew his platonic soulmate was a guy - who got the crap beaten out of him quite a lot. Peter's healing got rid of the scars though, so it didn't last long. Also, his name started with a T! Because he signed everything with it until Peter got the hint.

"Hey, are you okay?  I noticed you left imprints on your palms?"

A smile broke out across Peter's face as he replied. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit nervous :) "

The response was swift. "Need to talk about it?"  Peter actually laughed aloud. "I'm okay, haha. Just a school thing."

Peter and his platonic soulmate had already established that his soulmate was way older than Peter - about 30 years, which meant that it was probably that they'd either be an odd pair of friends or have a mentor or father figure relationship. 

"you got this!" 

The man never stopped helping Peter when he was stressed with jagged, hasty letters scrawled on his arm, and-

He was shocked out of his reverie when Flash shoved past him roughly and joined a group of his friends. 

"What a dick," MJ muttered, stepping up beside Peter. He grinned at her, then made an pantomimed face of awe. "Really? I never would've guessed!" MJ shoved him teasingly. "Oh, now you're just doing the same thing!" Peter exclaimed indignantly. The girl just laughed and waved at Ned, who had been previously lost in the crowd.

Peter looked up at the building and noticed a movement around the 80th floor in a window. Looking closely, he saw the distinct shape of a man wearing sunglasses. When his vision focused slightly, he recognized the man as Tony Stark. An involuntary gasp escaped Peter's mouth and he quickly stifled it with an exaggerated cough. Mr. Stark frowned down at him - could he see Peter from all the way up there? The answer hit him in a second: the glasses. He'd heard about the sunglasses being a huge piece of technology. 

Mr. Stark turned around and disappeared. 

Tony's POV

After talking to his soulmate, Tony was watching the group from Midtown step off the bus, using his glasses to make the view clearer and larger. Suddenly, he noticed a kid watching him. Was that possible? He was almost a fifth of a mile into the air! When the kid gasped, and recognition sparked in his eyes, Tony knew  the boy had recognized him. But he was 80 floors up, nobody could see clearly from that far, especially not through tinted windows. Right?

"FRIDAY, get facial recognition on that kid," He demanded. "I can't do that, Boss," She replied. "What? Why?" Tony asked. "I couldn't get a clear reading on his face. He looked down as I tried to scan him, and I couldn't use old photos, he was constantly in motion," FRIDAY retorted, a bit of exasperation clear in her tone.

Tony turned to go downstairs. "Well. I'll figure it out later. First, I need to go to the lab and finish up a few equations."

Peter's POV

It had been a few minutes since the incident with Tony Stark, and his soulmate was writing equations on his arm again. They had long since established it was fine for the platonic to write on his arm, and it proved that he was pretty smart. 

Numbers and codes were being frantically scrawled on his skin, and Peter laughed a bit. MJ nudged him in the side. "Is your platonic writing again?" She inquired. He nodded, grinning. 

Twenty minutes had passed as they made their way into the building. An additional twenty passed as they got initiated and given badges that 'were imperative to their visit'. And his platonic soulmate was still writing.

Ned watched Peter's arm in awe. "He's gonna run out of room," The boy predicted. "You should stop him." Peter sighed. "Probably," He consented, bringing out a pen.

"Take a break!"  He wrote quickly, a few inches below the bottom of his soulmate's equations.

The writing halted for a few seconds, then resumed under Peter's message. "I will, I will. Just give me a minute."  The equations started continuing. "T..."  The words stopped again. "Okay, okay, fine. I have to go do something anyways. See ya later, P."  "Bye!" 

"Hey! Kids! Pay attention, yeah? This stuff is important!" The announcement was from a man at the front of the crowd, who was wearing an impeccable suit and short hair with hints of a beard. Peter recognized the man as Harold "Happy" Hogan, Tony Stark's head of security and chauffeur. 

As Happy escorted them into a large rotunda on the 90th floor where rows of projects laid out. He gave out clipboards as people walked in. 

Peter was definitely stressing. What if the man recognized him as Spider-Man? What if he thought that he was a threat? 

Instead, Happy barely glanced at him and asked: "Name?" He fought for the words to surface. "P-Peter Parker," The boy stammered out. The head of security leaned over, grabbed a clipboard, and passed it to Peter. "Table 19A," He said dismissively, then motioned for him to move along. Peter stumbled over to Ned. "Where are you?" He inquired. "I'm 18C," Ned answered. "I'm 19B," MJ added. Peter beamed: it looked like they were all pretty close together. "19A," Peter replied in turn.

They found their table rather swiftly, and Peter dropped his backpack beside his assigned table. Looking up at his board, he took in the project. He had done an evaluation and reproduction of the basic Avengers materials. After analyzing the arc reactor, he had done a study and recreated it, finding a way to make it smaller and more eco-friendly, and generating more energy. After that, he had done similar bits with the flying mechanisms. Next, he had done a bit on the gamma radiations that caused the Hulk, recreated the weapons of Hawkeye and the Black Widow with better capabilities, completed an analysis of Captain America and the Winter Soldier, improved the Falcon's Redwing, and brought in his newest prototype of webshooters.

Peter still didn't understand the dynamic between Spider-Man and the Avengers. They didn't know his identity, but they had worked together on multiple missions, and Tony Stark had made him a suit. 

A lot of students had done projects on the Avengers, but they were mostly superficial. 

Even so, Peter wrote to his platonic soulmate. "okay so now i'm more stressed haha i thought i did something original, you know? but then i just realized like twenty people did the same thing as me... yikes."

The response was instantaneous. "i'm sure yours is better than theirs tho"  Peter laughed slightly. "i hope so haha."

The next twenty minutes were mostly Peter standing around, waiting for the official announcement. 

When the clock struck noon, Happy announced over the intercom that the fair had officially begun.

A judge approached him very quickly, and Peter did his best to answer all of the woman's questions. He felt he did a good job, and by the approving nod the woman gave him, it was confirmation enough.

A lot of people came by his station, astounded. Apparently Tony Stark had invited a lot of famous people, because he recognized quite a few people who came by.

An hour later, Happy called for a fifteen minute break, then Tony and Pepper would move on to the other half of the room - Peter's side.

"i'm so bored,"  his soulmate wrote. "aha me too. there's a lot of people and a single one of me and i'm not sure i like it,"  Peter replied.

MJ tossed him a snack bar, and Peter caught it immediately. "Love you too!" He informed her from the table next to hers. MJ just laughed at him. 

"i know right? i'm at this school science fair thing and it gets overwhelming." 

Peter choked on a bite of his granola bar. "you're at the midtown science fair?" 

"are you?"  "YES" 

"MJ! Ned!" Peter exclaimed. "My platonic soulmate is here!!" Ned rushed to Peter's side, eyes wide. "Really? Who is it?" He inquired. "I'll ask if there's a place we can meet, I guess."

"wanna meet somewhere?"  Peter wrote."or... we could make it a competition..."  T replied. "i'm interested."  "whoever finds the other first gets free food from the other person?"  Peter grinned. "i like food. deal?" "deal. i'm gonna win." "not if i have anything to say about it!"

Peter tugged his sleeves down, hiding the writing on his arms with a secretive smile. "What are you doing?" MJ prompted. "I'm gonna win," He replied, grinning. 

The fifteen minutes went by very fast, and Peter proceeded to scrutinize everyone who came to his table. Some were wearing short sleeves: striking them as immediate impossibilities. The ones with long sleeves either didn't have names starting with T's or didn't show any signs of writing to Peter's enhanced sight. Even so, he entertained their questions like a diligent student.

Tony's POV

His platonic soulmate was here. Tony already knew his romantic soulmate was Pepper - he was hoping to propose soon - but now he would get to meet P, who was somewhere in his building and hopefully they hadn't already talked. 

Peter's POV

Nothing productive was happening, until he looked over and saw Tony Stark talking to Ned about his project. That meant they were coming to him soon. Peter straightened, running a nervous hand through his hair, careful not to let his sleeve drop in case T saw. 

Tony looked over and his eyes widened almost comically at Peter's project. The man walked over after a brief dismissal to Ned and took in the project. 

"Wow," Mr. Stark managed. "I've seen a lot of Avengers exhibits today but... wow. What's your name?" The man asked. 

Peter attempted to gather his wits about him. "I- uh, Peter. Peter Parker." He didn't miss the brief flash of interest in Tony's eyes. Was it possible...?

"I see... would you like to tell me about this project?" Tony asked. Peter hesitated at the way the man's eyes flicked to his arms - possibly trying to look for writing?

Now, Peter prided himself on not being a complete idiot, and the idea that Tony Stark was Peter's soulmate wasn't out of the question. Of course, Peter could be reading too much into the situation like when Timothy Pierce approached his table a bit before Tony did. 

In the meantime, Peter explained his project to Tony. The man was a bit more in-depth than the rest of the judges, but that was natural. 

Suddenly, recognition flashed in his eyes. "You're the kid that saw me on the 80th floor!" Tony exclaimed. 

The first thought that occurred to Peter was to play dumb. 

"You have an eightieth floor?" 

Damn, not that dumb. 

Tony stared at him for a few seconds, clearly noting the obvious internal smackdown. 

"We're on the ninetieth floor, kid," He pointed out, a quirk of amusement at the corner of his mouth.

Peter buried his head in his hands. "Yeah, I know, I know..." He muttered, embarrassed. Straightening up, he let out a yelp of pain as his finger hit a nail on the table, slicing a tiny cut into its side.

Quick as a whip, Peter looked up to see a small scar on the side of Tony's finger. 

"Oh my god," He whispered. Tony looked at him, confused, before noticing the cut on Peter's finger. "You hurt yourself?" He exclaimed. "Doesn't matter! You're T?" Peter rushed the words out, frantic to beat the man before he noticed.  

"Wha- you're P!" Tony gasped. Peter beamed. "Does this mean I win?" He questioned. Tony scowled. "Damn. I guess you do." "Oooh. Language, sir. You know what Captain America says-" Peter broke off as confusion flooded Tony's face. "How do you know that?" He asked. "Oh. Um. It just seemed like something he'd do?"

Tony's POV

Tony wasn't an idiot either.

His eyes fell on the web shooters, and then caught Peter's nervous glance toward them, and then the fidgeting fingers.

"Ah, I see," Tony stated, eyeing the web shooters pointedly. "Aren't you a bit young?" Peter flushed. "I'd like to think I'm doing pretty well."

Tony couldn't deny him that, so he shrugged in agreement. "Well. This is not what I was expecting for the day."

Peter nodded awkwardly. 

"Well, I'm sure you're going to win this whole contest so you'll probably end up my personal intern. If not, here's my number." Tony scrawled his telephone number down on a spare sheet of scrap paper. Peter grinned at him and tucked it into his pocket. "Thanks, Mr. Stark!" He exclaimed. "Oh no. No, no, no. You're my platonic soulmate. You call me Tony."

Peter squinted at him. "Okay, got it Mr. Stark." 

Tony fell silent. Did the kid just sass him?? "Listen here you little shi-" "Oooh, language again. Better watch that, Mr. Stark!" Peter retorted cheerfully. Tony couldn't suppress a laugh. "Oh, this is going to be so  fun," He stated. 

Peter's POV

Ned grabbed his arm as soon as Tony left. 

"Oh my god, this is like the coolest day of both of our lives."

idk man i wanted to do a soulmate au of something and i was like 'what about a platonic soulmate au?? :DDD' and then i was like 'lmao yeah lets stay up til 3 in the morning writing it' because some people assume i really diligently spread it out over the weekend,, nooo i write sunday.

 through the day and night.

welcome to my life

have a great day ! :) hope you liked it!

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