Stockholm (Larry AU)

By AmySaunders10

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Reuploaded story by lovelylovebites of Ao3 Stockholm Syndrome, when the hostage develops passionate feelings... More

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By AmySaunders10

It had been 38 hours and 24 minutes. Harry sat hadn't left Louis' bed for anything more than the joining bathroom. He hadn't had anything to eat, hadn't slept; he lay in his lover's bed, completely nude. He covered himself in blankets and comforters to keep warm but they never replaced the heat that Louis would've given him. He lay on the the older boy's pillow, trying to inhale the scent of mint and sex he left behind but that didn't replicate Louis' presence.

Harry hadn't shed a single tear since Louis left. He was still in shock at how the love of his life was taken away from him, so easily. It was only hours before the incident they had made love, and now that didn't matter, because the person he was so intimate was snatched right from him.

The younger boy had promised he would find him one day, but how was that ever going to happen. Harry was stuck in the cold apartment that seemed lifeless without Louis, and only God knows where he was.

Only over a day had passed and Harry was already so miserable without Louis, far worse than he had been the first time. This time he had fallen harder for the boy with the blue eyes; he had fallen truly, madly, deeply in love with him and he was gone. Just when he knew Louis wouldn't choose to leave, he was forced to.

How was the 19 year old survive without his true love, if he couldn't even make it through one day without him? He gave up Louis for money, didn't do anything at the moment because he thought once he got the money he would find Louis again. But that turned out to be the wrong choice.

Louis would never give the money, and harry knew that all too well. He would wait around until he was released, he might try to escape again, but no matter what he was not going to give in.

With no money for Derek, meant no money for Harry, equaling to no Louis for Harry either. The curly-haired boy knew he had made the wrong decision, possibly the worst decision of his life.

He should've fought for his love, shouldn't have let him be dragged out of the flat, shouldn't have let him leave his protection. But at that time he couldn't do anything and he regretted it so much.

The thought of 'Maybe this is a sign' crossed through Harry's mind. Maybe they just weren't meant to fall in love, maybe it was best if they stayed apart and that's exactly what the heavens were trying to do. But no matter how many times Harry said it to himself; he never seemed to believe it.

Maybe it was just his hopelessly romantic self or the fact that he was lovestruck but he knew that he and Louis falling in love wasn't a mistake or a misfortune; he had a feeling right from the beginning that something like this was meant to happen. They were meant to fall in love and they were meant to have a happy ending together.


"Get in the car and don't make a sound" The stranger who had pulled him out of the comfort of the Stockholm flat said to Louis. He had tied him up; his wrists and ankles likely red from the rope burn and his lips sticky from the duct tape covering his mouth. However Louis still thrashed around, trying to get any sound possible to grab someone's attention and for someone to help him. But the night streets of the outskirts of Stockholm proved to be unhelpful.

The car was driving with full speed, no doubt way over the speed limit. All through the car ride Louis kept looking behind him, hoping a black range rover was following hot on their trail. He hoped that harry was after them and that he would fight for Louis and wouldn't let him go. But every time he was disappointed with the sight of an empty street.

It didn't take long before the car stopped, pulling into a parking lot. The stranger who had introduced himself as Derek came to Louis, untying him and grabbing him out of the car. Louis was lost to where they were until he followed Derek silently, like he threatened, to the ticket counter.

"Two tickets for London for the next train" Derek asked the lady behind the booth. Louis tried signaling to her for help, but she seemed to be as dumb as a board, only giving him some rude gestures in exchange.

"Sir the next train leaves in 10 minutes. Enjoy your trip" She said in a nasally voice, as she handed Derek the tickets, probably still upset with Louis. It took only a couple minutes to get through the station and all the formalities and into the train to London.

The cart was completely empty, not many people wanting to travel at night obviously. This gave Louis a chance to finally speak; unlike before when he had been told to not cause any suspicion or his ass will be on the line. "Who are you? Where are you taking me? And why is it away from Harry?" Louis asked yelling out of his seat, only to be pulled back down.

"Told you. My name is Derek. I'm your kidnapper" He said sarcastically, hoping to put an end to Louis' questioning, but it wasn't so easy.

"So what about Harry? Why is he not here? Why did you take me away from him-" Louis ranted but was quickly cut off by a hand pressing over his mouth. Soon a cloth replaced the hand, and before he knew it he felt oddly drowsy and shut his eyes.

The knockout gas was enough to keep Louis unconscious for the time being and also for several hours after. Once he woke up, he was no longer in the train cart he had fallen asleep in. Instead he woke up in a nice double bed. It wasn't as fluffy or comfortable as the one he had been used to for the past week or so, but nonetheless, it could work.

Louis knew he was in his new captivity, and he didn't like it one bit. Firstly, it was miles away from Harry; he was all the way in Sweden while Louis was in probably a nameless apartment building in London. And it felt so cold. Physically, the heater was on, Louis could feel it beside the bed, but the white walls, the white bed, the empty room, everything felt cold and lifeless. The only bit of radiance in the room was from the mirror that hung across on the wall opposite to him. Carefully walking up to it, Louis took a look at himself. He looked the same, but there was definitely something different he couldn't put his finger on. Moving in closer, Louis inspected himself once again, from bottom to top.

His roaming eyes stopped at the reflection of his eyes. Instead of the usual bright blue, there was the tiniest hint of green in them. Louis wasn't used to his eyes changing colour but was well aware that it happened to people. The green in his eyes was jade, and warm the same way Harry's eyes always were. It was like a tiny bit of Harry had sewed itself in with Louis' being, like Harry had overtime become a part of Louis. And now that his part was not with him he felt incomplete. It all felt wrong.

That's when everything caught up with Louis. Everything from him leaving Harry to being where he was now. The whole idea recently dawning on him, overwhelming him greatly. His eyes began to water, his lip pouting and trembling trying not to let the sob that was coming escape. A tear slipped down his cheek. He knew there was no way Harry could hear him or see him, but he needed to get his words out in the open. "Where are you? Please...I need you Harry".


Harry was done moping around. He couldn't bear not being with Louis. And clearly Louis couldn't do anything to see him, so he had to take charge. The only thing was finding Louis, but by experience Harry knew exactly how to do it. He was going to get his love back and this time Derek was not going to get in the way.

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