Naamloos deel 5

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It was starting to get late into the morning, neither of the boys in the Stockholm apartment had breakfast yet. Their stomachs were grumbling, and without even being in the same room, both knew that the other wanted to be fed.

Louis wanted to have a decent meal to satisfy his stomach which had been empty for hours. He was desperate for something to eat, and only Harry, the boy who had him locked in the room, could feed him.

Harry, on the other hand, could eat freely, a whole stocked up kitchen just outside his bedroom door. But his shame and embarrassment preventing him from even taking his head out from under the covers. He knew Louis wouldn't see him in the kitchen, considering he was securely locked in the room; Louis' not who he was hiding from. No, he was more shamed from his own self, because of the thoughts he kept having. Those thoughts about Louis that he shouldn't be having.

He wanted to eat, he needed to be fed. But the problem was he wanted to be fed by Louis. Every time he even thought about the food, the image that came to his mind was a delicate Louis, cuddling next to him in their bed. A tray sprawled out over their laps, holding Harry's favourite chocolate chip pancakes that he imagined Louis would've made for him. The older boy's hand would hold up the fork, the end full of as much of the food as it could hold, resting in front of Harry's lips. Louis would tease Harry by bringing the food closer and closer, touching his lips, yet when Harry opened his mouth, Louis would pull back the fork. He would trace the food filled fork in patterns in front of Harry's face, challenging him to have a taste of the sweet breakfast. Harry would pout at Louis, he imagined that the blue eyed boy wouldn't be able to resist and give in, placing bits of the pancake in his mouth. A smile would be shared between the both of them, as Louis would cuddle further into Harry's chest. He imagined them to be an adorable, loving couple. But that couldn't happen and Harry knew it.

He did his best to weave himself out of those thoughts but it was hard to walk out of such a picture perfect moment. A moment he could only have in his dreams.

"Harry!" He heard being said, which snapped him right out of his fantasy. He got up abruptly, shocked from his name being called. A small knock followed, and had it not been eerily silent he wouldn't even have heard it. His first instinct was obviously to look out the window, faintly expecting to see someone trying to get his attention. Although the chances of that happening were too small. He barely knew anybody, nobody wanting to know him, there was no chance he had even an acquaintance.

Like his guess, there was nobody, he shut the window, which he had opened earlier, and grumbled back to his bed. To him it was a waste to get up, and the voice was probably just an after affect of being too tired which had started giving him hallucinations.

Not a second after he had covered himself with the mass of blankets and duvets, the voice was heard again, just a tad louder, and the knock followed after was longer and louder than the one before. Harry wanted to ignore it, but the name-calling and the knocking kept getting louder and far more annoying than the first.

"Harry! It's almost noon! May I please have some breakfast?" The voice screamed. And that's when the curly-haired boy finally started to catch on. The voice was Louis. The knocking was him knocking on their shared wall.

He couldn't believe he forgot to feed Louis. He was so invested in his thoughts that ironically Louis slipped from his mind. "Harry?" he heard being asked again, it was clear that Louis expected a response.

"Uh, sure. I'll bring some over in a couple minutes" Harry managed to stutter out, and even from the other side of the wall, Louis still managed to get Harry flustered, and he knew it. The faint cracks in Harry's voice put a mischievous smirk on his face.

The thought and crave of food drifted to the back of Louis' mind, and the only thing prominent in his mind was the ways he could take advantage of Harry to escape.

Stockholm (Larry AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz