Naamloos deel 2

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There he was, Louis William Tomlinson, ordering his usual Yorkshire tea, no milk, no sugar, at the small cafe down the street from his house, like he's been doing everyday at 6 am for the past two weeks. Or at least as long as Harry's been watching him.

Harry's been keeping a close eye on Louis for a while now, watching his every move, his every habit, but not getting himself seen at all. He liked it that way, he had to know everything about Louis, and know the perfect time to take him. At a time where he was without security, in a small unknown place, without a crowd to witness the crime. This cafe was the perfect location.

The boy hid in the alley next to the building, pulling up to hood of his battered old black jacket, trying to hide his recognizable curly locks. He also pulled the collar up, trying to hide his facial features as best as possible, but still keeping his eyes peeled. He crouched on the ground in the small passage, the new dirt stains from the ground adding to the several that were sprawled on his jeans, as he tried to hide to the best of his ability. Harry was a big guy, it was hard for him not to get seen, but he tried.

After seconds, Louis exited the coffee shop, making it obvious by the ringing of the bell that sounded as the door opened. He waltzed down the walkway, oblivious to the 19 year old hiding only steps away, with a rag sprayed with sleeping gas, ready to steal him. Harry walked right behind Louis, holding his breath trying not to make a sound from the close proximity.

In the blink of an eye, the younger boy had suffocated the older boy with the knockout gas, watching him faint with a struggle in his arms. He looked around to make sure no one had seen him, even though they were the only two that littered the road at 6 am. He picked up Louis with ease, resting his arms behind his neck and knees, and dragging him to his newly owned Range Rover, the sole car parked on the empty street.

His intention was to roughly drop the unconscious boy in the back seat, but he couldn't force himself to be so coarse with Louis. His gorgeous face and feminine figure evoked a bit of delicate and careful handling. So he gently laid the fragile boy in the back seat, making sure to buckle him up, as best as he could, making sure he wouldn't fall.

He got to the driver's seat in the car, turning it on and driving off right away, knowing the small amount of gas he'd inhaled won't hold Louis unconscious for too long. He drove fast, yet carefully, through the 40 minute ride, looking back every couple minutes to assure Louis's safety.

Once he reached the new flat, he gently picked up Louis, same way as before, and took him up to their temporary home. He walked into the flat, being greeted by the lavish living room, and walked down the hall to the room Louis would be staying in, the room that was supposed to be Harry's but then again, Louis would need the master bedroom far more than him. If Louis was going to be held against his will, at least he should be comfortable. He laid him gently on the soft king sized bed, propping Louis's head up on the fluffed pillow and tucking him in like he would to a 4 year old. He forced himself to walk out and leave the precious angelic figure, locking the door from the outside like he was told to.

"Derek, I got him, he's in the bedroom right now" Harry said on his new iPhone to his boss. He was told to call him once the first phase was done.

"Good job, I knew I could trust you. I'll make the call to his people and let you know when they'll pick him up and drop off the money" He replied smugly. He seemed really happy, but with him about to get £500,000, Harry understood exactly what he was going through, considering he was pretty excited too.

Harry waited for the sound of a scream or a crash, notifying him the Louis was awake, but he never heard it. Six hours later, once Harry had cleaned, done his laundry, ate breakfast and made lunch, he started to get worried. Louis should've been up, he didn't inhale too much of the gas, he should've gained consciousness by now. Negative thoughts were racing through Harry's mind, what if something happened to Louis?

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