Naamloos deel 15

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It was quiet in the Stockholm flat, only small murmurs and whispers heard, getting louder closer to the captivity. Inside the room, both boys lay cuddled into each other, body parts tangled until they couldn't be told apart. Their eyes closed, relaxed bodies pinned together, no space given between them. Their bodies were still sweaty from the activities they engaged in only minutes ago, but the dampness never bothering either of them.

Louis lay, Harry pressed to his side, as he whispered sweet nothings into the curly-haired boy's ear. He could feel the smile that played along Harry's lips on his bare chest, after every compliment, the smile only getting bigger and brighter.

Sweet kisses were pressed to his curls, Louis' small delicate hand rubbing Harry's pale, soft back, the action very soothing for the younger boy. He was drifting off, the tiredness too much for Harry to be able to keep his eyes open, and the melodic voice he was hearing wasn't helping him stay awake either.

Just as he was falling into a state of unconsciousness in his lover's arms, a doorbell sounded through the flat, startle ling both of them. "Just ignore it" Louis said, knowing fully that his captor was quite exhausted and just needed an excuse not to get up. Humming an agreement in response, Harry snuggled further into the boy's arms, pressing a chaste kiss to his chest, right along the tattooed writing. They both remained that way, until the doorbell sounded again, but this time neither of them could ignore it because obviously whoever was on the other side of the door was not going away without seeing someone.

Reluctantly, Harry got up from the bed, leaving Louis to reach out for him childishly. "Who do you think it is?" Harry asked while shrugging his clothes on, and trying to make himself look at least a bit presentable.

"Neighbours. They probably have noise complaints considering you were very loud" Louis replied, Harry's cheeks reddening at the mention of his moans and pleas of desperation.

With a quick and embarrassed, "Shut up" he left the room, leaving it unlocked this time, because obviously after what just happened Louis wasn't going anywhere. He rushed to the door, in the process the bell ringing 3 more times; someone was getting very impatient.

Casually, Harry opened the door, ready to apologize to whomever had complaint and to vow to them they would never hear his inappropriate sounds ever again, but the person that awaited him left him shocked. "Harry! Son, it's nice to see you again" Derek replied, walking past a frozen Harry into the apartment.

Derek Samuels? What was he doing here? All the way in Stockholm? Did Louis' people finally give the money? These questions were racing through his mind, paranoia clouding his thoughts. He stood there still at the doorway, not yet over the surprise he had received.

He was jostled out of his daze, when he heard Mr. Samuel's deep voice order from the couch, "Close the door lad". Harry did as told and walked over to the sofa his boss was seated on. He stood in front of his with a curious look on his face. "So has Louis been alright?" He asked oddly, it didn't seem like his normal tone.

"He's fine. Safe and held" Harry answered, visibly swallowing a huge lump in his throat.

After a bit of indecisiveness he replied, "Good". It seemed smug, too suspicious.

"What brings you here? You could've just called to ask that" Harry asked trying to get the man out of as quick as he could, God forbid he saw what state Louis was in at the moment.

Mr. Samuels didn't bother replying to the question, instead saying whatever was weighing heavily on him, Harry could tell. "So I was in town for a couple days, and don't worry it wasn't to check on you or anything. I came from London to here for business actually " He said, patting the seat next to him, insisting that Harry sat down, but Harry refused, not wanting the other man to be too comfortable. "While here, I decided to check the news one day. it played some entertainment, reality bullshit and normally I wouldn't have kept it on, but then someone very interesting showed up on screen" Derek said, faking amusement.

"Louis Tomlinson was on the screen. Now I don't know too much Swedish but I know enough to understand that he was spotted in Stockholm, somewhere he shouldn't be and no one should know he is" Derek continued his voice quite intimidating and threatening at this point. Harry clearly knew he was busted; only God knows what his boss would do to him now.

"It wasn't my fault he escaped but I got him back. He's in that room, perfectly safe and he will stay in that room until we get the money. I promise I won't let him ever leave the room-" Harry ranted his apology in a defense against what might happen to him next.

"Harry!" Derek said, cutting off the poor worried boy. "Don't worry. You will stay here. You will get your money when it comes. I'm a fair man and I made a promise" He continued, Harry releasing the breath he'd been holding. "And I will rid you of Louis. I'm going to find someone else to keep him from now"

Those words that he uttered made Harry's world practically crash down. He was taking Louis away. He was taking the love of his life away from him. "No. I can watch him!" Harry insisted, yelling to get his point through.

"Harry, clearly you can't....Why is this a big deal anyways? You still get your money. You can still stay here; keep all that stuff I gave you. You can live a fine life, so why does it matter if I take Louis away with me?" Derek investigated.

Harry as just about to answer impulsively but the response of "I'm in love with him" would be way too inappropriate and completely wrong. Anything Derek was even giving him would be gone if he ever told him that Louis just might be the love of his life.

Derek made his way to the door that was obviously Louis', it being the one of two doors that were closed with a lock built in. He pulled out the key, which Harry didn't even know he had, although it made some serious sense that he did.

Too fast Mr. Samuels unlocked the door and had it open. Harry was scared to see the sight that was probably on the bed, a restless, waiting, naked and ready to scream Harry's name. Making his way to beside Mr. Samuels who waited in the open doorway, staring at what he assumed to obviously be Louis, and was surprised at what he saw. The bed messy, but looking cleaner than just-after-sex look, completely clothed, and lying close eyed on the bed.

A breath of relief left his lips, but just as he relaxed, his body stiffened again. Seeing Derek rush to Louis, bothering his lover's peaceful state. His boss grabbed Louis' hair, tugging on it hard enough to yank him up. Whatever rest Louis was trying to get was gone as his eyes flew open, and a scream of pain left his mouth.

It killed Harry to see his love scream painfully, showing he was being tortured and needed Harry, but unfortunately Harry couldn't do anything to stop the pain.

Wordlessly, Louis was pulled off the bed, his body landing limply on the floor but Derek's hand still grabbing a fistful of hair and another fist full of Louis' shirt. Clueless Louis couldn't do anything but scream as he was getting dragged out of the room.

"Harry!" He screams repeatedly, calling for his captor to help and protect him, but the curly-haired lad was helpless in that situation.

Derek didn't seem to care much for the blue-eyed boy's ear-piercing screeching. Louis thrashed around in Derek's grip trying to get away from the stranger and back into his lover's arms but was too weak and tired and overpowered to be able to get much success.

Harry couldn't do anything but watch, as the boy he loved with all he had, was brutally taken from him. He couldn't even move or speak, too frozen and shocked from what was going on.

Before he knew it, his boss had taken his crying, screaming captive out of the Stockholm flat, slamming the door behind him. It took a while for Harry's mind to register what had just happened, his eyes catching up before his brain did, giving him and eyes full of tears. He was breathless and motionless, and could only think of one thing. The one thing he should've told Louis before he was gone.

"I'll find you. I promise"

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