Stockholm (Larry AU)

By AmySaunders10

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Reuploaded story by lovelylovebites of Ao3 Stockholm Syndrome, when the hostage develops passionate feelings... More

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By AmySaunders10

There was a knock on the door, interrupting Louis from the nap he'd been trying to get. The uncomfortable, thin mattress, the strange smell, and the dust floating everywhere made it quite hard for Louis to fall asleep when he wanted to. And just when he was about to fall into a state of unconsciousness, the knock on the door had made him wide awake again.

He wondered who could be on the other side of the door anyways, the motel seemed too poor to be able to offer room service, not that he ordered any either. Also the cleaning staff had already come and gone, so the person who was continuously knocking was a mystery.

He was a bit wary about opening it, not knowing if he should, maybe just sit quietly and hope the person would go away thinking the room was empty.

He tried that for a couple minutes but the impatient person he is couldn't sit still, even if this could be a matter of life or death. The knocking hadn't seized since the second it started and the deep sound was getting on the boy's nerves. He wanted so desperately to put an end to it.

Louis made his way off his creaky bed, walking over to the door. It didn't have a peephole to warn him who could be on the other side. He had to do it himself, and brace himself for who might be there. For all he knew it could be a psychotic murderer.

The door knob was turned by Louis after he unlocked the door, so slowly, leaving just a small gap. As soon as the door was only millimeters open, it was pushed. It swung against him, Louis managing to back out just in time to avoid it hitting him.

"Louis. You left" The curly-haired boy spoke hauntingly, now in the open-doorway looking sickeningly at him. Harry looked quite angry, his usual shy, bright green eyes almost black from rage, his hands fisted as if stopping himself from inflicting violence. He looked like a mess, his nostrils flaring, his body tensed. Honestly he looked quite intimidating to Louis.

The older boy took a step back, trying to create as much space as he could between the two of them, not wanting to be in any position that he could be physically hurt by the other boy. But Harry only moved closer, resulting in Louis stepping back again. They continued this pattern, holding each other's gaze, until the feathered-hair boy's back hit the wall, Harry closing in on him.

The taller boy's arms created a barrier around Louis, putting in his loose captivity once again. Both boys were breathing quite heavily, the only sound that filled the silent room.

Louis had thought he'd be happier to see Harry again; of course he's the person he craved since he left the apartment. But now he wasn't so sure. Harry was here to take Louis back, to hold him in his hostage once again so obviously Louis wasn't happy, he was downright afraid.

"You thought you could escape?" Harry chuckled darkly, bringing his face closer to Louis'. There was no love in what he said, unlike when they had talked before. Now, Harry seemed dangerous and blunt and the type of person who would definitely punish Louis, and not in the way he wanted.

Harry was waiting on an answer to his rhetorical question, an answer he didn't receive. He tugged at Louis' hair, hard, practically ripping the hair out. "Answer me" Harry ordered his voice louder than before. He pulled Louis' hair, bending the boy's neck back on itself, creating such pain, making Louis whimper and scream. The younger boy felt a bit of sympathy, wanting instantly to release the hold and pepper the hurt boy's neck with kisses. But he wasn't going to give in. Louis played him and he was going to make him pay, no matter how much it hurt both of them.

Louis was surprised a bit that the behavior he was getting from his kidnapper, but he knew he should've expected it. Harry probably had caught on to his plan and now he was paying the price, his discomfort. He had given up on answering Harry's question, and now was insisted on asking his own. "How did you find me?" Louis asked of curiosity, trying to stammer through the ache he felt in his neck.

Harry got more aggressive, facing Louis to the wall, twisting his arm in an impossible hold behind the boy's back. This made Louis even more miserable, no doubt Harry's grip bruising him in several places. He was being pushed straight into the wall over and over again as Harry answered his question. "You're the biggest person in England. Everyone knows you, it wasn't too hard to follow the crowd of girls screaming you name" Harry said, his tone making it seem as if he was utterly disgusted. "Couldn't even escape properly".

A flashback raced through Louis' mind. Before he found his way to the hotel, he remembered seeing some good looking girls, probably in their late teens, early twenties. The girls had recognized him right away, being not only a business man but also a wealthy socialite. They had asked for pictures and talked to him, even flirted with him; no matter how much he tried to get away, they wouldn't let him leave. Until finally he had to put his foot down, push them away and find a place to stay, the motel.

Louis was twisted once again, hunched over as Harry kneed him in the stomach, putting him in a headlock. His grip was unbearably tight, purple marks already forming where the captor's fingers had been. Louis could withstand the pain up to a certain point, he knew Harry needed to out his frustration and since he was the one that caused it, he was ready to take it, but the positioning he was in at the moment was killing him. "Harry please, let me go" He begged, tears rolling down his cheeks. Harry should've gave as soon as he saw the waterworks, he wanted to, but the rage in him was still there, making his grip tighten, blocking out the pain Louis was in.

"I'll let you go, once I get the money. Until then you're coming back with me" Harry said, clamping Louis's hands behind his back, dragging him out of the room, kicking and screaming. It killed him to hear Louis' ear-piercing yelps and screeches as he tried to fight it, but Harry's anger had put quite a lot of strength and adrenaline in him, overpowering Louis easily, making him helpless.

Once down the stairs and sneaking past the people in the lobby, they were outside by Harry's black Range Rover. The door was pulled open, and Louis tossed into the backseat, no gentility at all. A rope was grabbed by Harry from the floor of the car. In an instant he jerked the older boy around, ending up with his hands and feet tied tightly. This time Harry had everything planned; Louis would have to die to escape.

Louis' mouth was also taped, and his body pushed down to lie in the backseat. Harry was being rough with his hostage, like he should've been all along. He wasn't going to play nice with him anymore, because he was the last person who deserved it. That insensitive jerk played with his heart and left it broken, and now he's going to feel the pain, Harry thought.

All through the car ride back to what Louis assumed would be the same flat, he struggled, but the best he could do was thrash around and erupt some screams which came out muffled and inaudible. Tears were still running down his cheeks and Harry did his best not to look at the captive in his backseat, knowing he would cave in and possibly set him free.

The ride was quick, only about 10 minutes. Harry parked and got out of the car, jostling Louis up and out as well. By now the blue-eyed boy had quieted down, knowing there was no use in wasting all his energy struggling. He was going to use whatever left in him for another escape, only this time he would take Harry with him. That is, if he could get his forgiveness and if they could come up with a plan.

He let harry blindly drag Louis up to the flat, him obviously not knowing where to go, not familiar with the building. Luckily there was no one around, preventing any suspicions. They went into their shared flat, and the green-eyed boy took his former lover straight to his previous residence.

On the way there, Louis saw the mess of a living room and kitchen in front of him, the mess not being there before. There was broken glass everywhere; making him thankful he was wearing shoes. The cushions were ripped, everything on the floor. The place looked like it had been the site of someone's anger. And that it was. The trashed rooms were the result of Harry's rage.

The door was unlocked, this time only one set of keys existing for the job. He stiffly dropped Louis onto the bed, untying the knots that held his hands and feet together, trying not to care about the rope burns that had scarred the boy's skin, and roughly yanked the tape off of his mouth. Louis was sure he lost his facial hair from that, the pain coming out in the form of a screech.

Harry was about to leave when he heard a small voice utter, "Stay". He couldn't believe after what Louis did, he dared to even say that. He wasn't going to fall for this trap anymore. But to Louis it wasn't a trap; it was an honest request of some nice company.

He lunged off the bed, grabbing Harry's hand just as it was about to disappear behind the door. "Please?" Louis asked, still with teary eyes. The look on his face was so vulnerable, like he would break any minute. But it also made Harry remember that he had been the victim of this look before. He had given into Louis' act last time but not again, even though the truth was that it wasn't an act.

He snapped his hand out of the tiny boy's light grasp; turning around, ready to give him a piece of his mind. "I'm not falling for this again. You used me before just to escape and you try to use me again but it won't work. I'm on to you" Harry screamed, scaring Louis a bit with his loud, deep voice. "You played me! Did you know I actually liked you? A lot! I loved you enough to give you my first kiss, to treat you better than I treat myself, to give you everything you asked for! And you never felt the least bit guilty! You still used me and you left without me! You never liked me!" Harry said, feeling hot tears sting his eyes as he tried to seem strong and hold them back. "You can't do all that and still expect me to stay. I'm done. You are my job and nothing more!"

Louis was heartbroken. He knew he had done those things and of course he felt guilt. But hearing them repeated from the innocent boy he so wrongly exploited was painful. It would be less painful to have his hearing gone so he wouldn't have heard that.

"Harry, please. I'm sorry-" Louis started but was cut off by the younger boy.

"Save it". The captor left abruptly but not before speaking those last words that made Louis feel dead. "And by the way, anything I felt for you is gone. I hate you"

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