Von Multie_fandom001

3.8K 115 9

when supergirl is taken by Cadmus Alex will do anything to get her back. even if that means going to another... Mehr

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14

chapter 6

177 6 0
Von Multie_fandom001

The top floor of the D.E.O was a mess the missile had been a direct hit the bottom floor, however, was made to last under these circumstances. Kara and Sara had exited their training room and out into the hall when they got there they saw Oliver, barry, Thea, and zari.

-Do you two know what that was? It sounded like an explosion.- zari asked.

-No but yeah it did and it sounded like it came from upstairs.- Sara said.

-ok barry and kara go upstairs and check it out quickly and come back and report.- Oliver said.

-ok- they both said.

-in a minute they were back.

-it looks like a bomb went off up there.- barry said.

-but then wouldn't it affect down here too?- Sara asked looking at kara.

-No the downstairs was built to handle that type of stuff in case we got an alert of a rogue missile or something like that.- kara explained.

-ok so what is this a rescue mission know?- zari asked.

-yep. Ok, kara, Sara, and zari you guys look for any survivors on that third floor me, barry, and thea. will look at the 2nd floor.

-there was practically no third floor I mean Alex’s lab was completely destroyed.- barry said.

-Oh my god! Alex and Maggie were in there working on something.- Kara said starting to panic.

-hey were going to get her out ok calm down kara.- Sara said putting her hand on karas cheek to try and calm her down.

-yeah don't worry Alex and Maggie are going to be fine. There both badasses. Kara, can you use your X-RAY vision to see if you can see them under the ruble?- barry asked.
-No the D.E.O was practically built head to toe in lead.- kara said. - wait I can see if I can hear their heartbeats.-

-wait you know what their heartbeats sound like?- thea asked.

-yeah I memorized all of you so I could tell if anyone was in danger or anything.-kara said.- ok so Winn iris and maggie have a normal heartbeat a little high but it's probably from the shock. Felicity is a little low but not that bad but Alex is barely there. We got to go now!-

Kara flew Sara and zari up to the second floor while barry speed Oliver and thea up.

Kara and Sara right away saw movement under some ruble and when to go see who it was. Kara saw maggie and quickly got her out from under the ruble.

-where's Alex?- Kara quickly asked.

-I don't know we were working when all of a sudden BOOM!-

Kara closed her eyes and then from the looks of it started focusing on something.

-I found her!- kara said as she speeds over.

While Sara, kara, and zari were digging up maggie and looking for Alex Oliver was trying to dig out Winn with thea who was knocked out cold but nothing more. He wasn't surprised he was buried under a couple of pounds of concrete. After Oliver and thea were able to pull Winn out thea said she would get him to the Medbay downstairs Oliver then went to help barry get iris and felicity.

-hey you ok guys?- Oliver asked looking at iris and felicity who was buried right next to each other.

-yeah Winn pushed us out of the way from some of the falling debris. Is he ok?-

-yeah he probably has a concussion.-Oliver said.

-Oliver look.- barry said to Oliver Oliver looked and saw that felicity's bone was poking through her skin.

-She needs a hospital no medbay so go when we get this off her get her there. Ok?-

-ok. Iris anything hurt.- barry asked his wife.

-No I’m fine just a little sore.-

Oliver and Barry got the two out of the ruble when thea got back thea helped get iris to the med bay and barry speed of with felicity to the hospital.

-ALEX! ALEX! Can you hear us? Sara, kara, zari, and maggie calling out.

-Here I’m over here!- Alex tried her best at telling if it wasn't for karas super hearing they would have never heard her. Alex was also trying to wave her hand above some rubble but it could barely be seen.

-Alex we are coming, ok babe.- maggie said as got a little closer. -just hold on.-

Kara got to her first kara started to remove some of the rubles when Sara, zari, and maggie came to help.

- hey you're alright we got you. Is anything hurt? Besides you, head witch has a nasty cut on it from the looks of it.- kara asked.

-There's a sharp pain in my side I think I might have been impaled by something.- Alex said her voice rough and scratchy.

-Your right you were stabbed by a knife but it looks like it's just a flesh wound there is no internal bleeding or anything so that good. Hey, we are going to get you out of here and to a hospital ok.- kara said.

-ok.- Alex said looking back at kara who had a tear in her eye.

-hey kara, maggie I love you both so much.- Alex said trying to keep her eyes open.

-hey don't speak like that we are going to get you out of here. Maggie said with tears in her eyes. -hey just hang on a little long for us ok. So that means keeping your eyes open.-

-kara thanks for being the best little sister I could have wished for. And maggie thanks for the best wife I could have asked for.- Alex said.
-hey Alex no you stay with us ok.- kara said full-on balling now.

-hey Danvers you don't get to leave us ok. Don't put kara through what I went through when I lost my sister ok.  you stay here with us ok. Do not give up. Keep fighting.- Sara said starting cry fearful of losing a friend and scared for kara.

-hey lance thanks for being a good friend.- Alex said.

Alex closed her eyes right as zari pulled the last piece of concrete off of her. As soon as zari said she got it all off kara had Alex in her arms and out off to the hospital a fast as a bullet. In about half a minute kara was back and gone again this time so was maggie.

Sara and zari decided to head back down to the new mini D.E.O on the lower level that acted as a bunker.

-hey where's maggie, kara, and Alex?- Oliver asked as Sara and zari walked into the room. But as soon as he said that he saw the tear marks on Sara’s face.- No whos dead?-

-Alex isn’t dead but she’s really bad kara flew her off to the hospital and then came back to grab maggie. She started talking like this is the end.-  Sara said gripping Oliver’s jacket and placing her head on his chest and started crying.

-OH my god this can't be happening. -iris said starting to cry herself.

Zari walked over and wrapped iris in hug.

-where is felicity.- she's at the hospital with a badly broken leg and Winn over there is out cold. He pushed me and felicity out of the way.

-barry you read me?- Oliver asked through the comm.

-yeah felicity is almost done getting leg wrapped up I’m going to bring back when she is done then come back I saw kara and she told me everything so I’m going to stay here with maggie and kara for a while.- barry said.

-don't worry about bringing felicity just stay with maggie and kara. I will pick felicity up in one of the non destroyed D.E.O vans.-

-How is iris?-

-She's fine.-

- ok see you soon-

-yeah see you soon.- Oliver said as he tapped the comm to turn it off.

-I’m going back upstairs to see if anyone else needs help.- Sara said wiping the last of her tears from her cheek.

-I will come with you.- thea said getting up and following Sara back to the bomb site.

Thea and Sara were climbing all over the concrete and broken glass when Sara and thea heard two screams of help both coming from different directions.

-I will go to the one coming from over there you go to the coming from over in the other direction.- thea said.

-ok just be careful and if you need help just call me.- Sara said.

Sara was following the sound of the scream. When she got close she was really confused when she would call out for them to call out to her and they wouldn't. Sara was walking over some ruble looking for the person screaming for help when she felt something crack under her boot and at that moment is when the screaming stopped. When she looked under her boot it showed she had stepped on a speaker from the looks of. Sara was right about pulling her batons out because she could tell right away this was a setup. But before she was able to do anything she was hit over the head unconscious by someone who looked like j’onn but with half his face covered with metal and wires.

-j’onn?- Sara asked as her vision started to go blurry.

-No I’m cyborg superman!- the cyborg said as he lifted Sara over her shoulder carrying her away.

Kara and Barry were back from the hospital as they walked to the mini D.E.O. when they got their Oliver quickly got up from where he was sitting next to felicity.

-How is she kara?- Oliver asked.

-She stable they were able to remove the knife. And said that she will be just fine.- kara said.

Oliver sat back down blowing out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.
Felicity, Winn, and zari doing the same. Barry went to go sit next to iris.
And kara just looked around missing two people.

-hey where are thea and Sara.- kara asked.

-I don't know they went back upstairs to see if there was anyone else to help. But they have been up there for a while.- Oliver said.

-I will go see if I can find them.- kara said turning back around to head back to the upstairs that looks like a war room.

About 20minutes later kara came back with a barely conscious thea. Kara quickly laid her on one of the empty beds when Oliver came running up asking what happened.

-I don't know I went up there to see she was knocked out, I looked all over for Sara but I couldn't find her anywhere.- kara said with panic in her voice.

As Felicity was about to speak the TV in their room flipped to another screen showing what looked like a woman sitting in a chair knocked out.

-OH my god that’s Sara.- zari said

-hello this is CADMUS and we have something of your supergirl. We have one of your dear friends, the white canary. Now supergirl we will give her back but you have to turn yourself into us.-

At that moment Sara woke up and started yelling for kara not to do it but was knocked out by cyborg superman.

-You have 48 hours to do so or we will her. CADMUS out.-

At the end of the video were instructions for kara to follow. Kara ripped open her shirt and was about to leave when iris called for her.

-What are you doing kara?- iris asked

-I’m going to turn myself in as the only way to stop it.-

- what no are you crazy there just going to kill you.- Winn said.

-then I’m willing it what has to happen they almost killed Alex and are about to kill Sara if I don’t go, I’m not going to allow anyone else get hurt this ends now.-

She was about to leave when barry speed in front of her

-No we will get Sara back together we are not going to let you do this by yourself.- barry said.

-This my war and no one else is going to get hurt because of me.- kara said.

-kara don't make me stop you.- barry said

-I would love to see you try.- kara said.

With that barry pulled out a syringe and stabbed it into her neck it was able to pierce the skin because it was laced with kryptonite but the syringe was filled with a drug designed to knock Kryptonians. He then put the low-grade kryptonite cuffs on her and secured her to one of the beds.

-What did you do to her?- zari looked shocked at barry.

-Alex gave me this stuff before I left because she knew she was going to do something like this if anything like this happened. Don't worry it only knocked her out.- barry said.

Sara looked around for anything she might be able to use to help her get out and escape. Sara knew she needed to think of a way fast because she knew kara would try to turn herself in to save her. She also knew that the guys wouldn't be able to hold her off for long.


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