Two nights was enough (Aloha...

By fanfanfanficficfic

34K 691 1.4K

DISCLAIMER: ahhhhhhh some horny stuff 1: I'm hungry *grabs a glock* for blood 2: cringeee More

Annoying neighbour
The King game
Mini chapter/ NON canon: Trance
Afterglow limo wars
Feelings align through dancing
There you are... idiot
Midnight assault
Dont regret this
All night
Finishing what i started
Peeping Tom
Thinking of you


1.6K 52 84
By fanfanfanficficfic

A soft smile was present on Army's facials, his eyes appeared mellow and loving. It was as if a wave of sudden relief had washed throughout his body, there he was. He walks closer from Aloha's left. The male inkling had his upper body arched forward, arms on the balcony ledge, with a glass of what Army assumed to be alcohol in the boy's hand. Aloha just seemed like a carefree spirit, not thinking about anything in particular. Army felt a little dumb worrying about Aloha, he's right there.

"There you are... idiot" Army said in a playful yet calming tone.

Aloha twitched, he was brought back from his daze. He turned his head to the where the voice came from. He knew who it was, and with that his pupils dilated at the sight of Army with a grin that came after.

"Oh~ haha, looks like I've been found by Mr detective~~. Aloha remarks with a cheeky grin.

Army stood close to Aloha, their eyes only looking at each other.

"What brings you here, captain?" Aloha asks, he twirls his glass, the ice creating a distinctive sound in a not so quiet night.

"Well", Army leans forward, looking into the night sky above him. Mirroring Aloha.

"I was looking for a boy who doesn't seem to keep his promises that he made for himself"

"Promises?, for myself ?" Aloha states in confusion, expecting an answer from the other.

(Army: EEP, DID THAT SENTENCE EVEN MAKE SENSE!?, OH MY GOSH DID THAT COCKTAIL IS MAKING ME FORGET COMMON VOCABULARY!?!?) Army's face flushed in red as he started to fidget and fluster all over the place. Aloha gazed, a small yet loving grin was plastered on his face.

(Aloha: ah, this cutie)

Army began to utter something.

"W-well you said you wanted to slow dance with someone. But you just left during the beginning" Army muttered quietly, face all red as he played with his sleeve.

Aloha heart skipped a beat.

(Aloha: d-damn, how can an inkling be this cute!?!?!)

Aloha had a small confidence boost, he felt as if he was Sherlock Holmes explaining a case.

"Haha, first, I didn't leave at the beginning, I left during the break" Aloha stated as he straightens his posture.

"What—-" Army was cut off as he was about to ask a question. Aloha continued.

"Second, I left because I needed a breather, away from others" Aloha emitted his confidence further into his reason.

"But—" Army was cut off yet again, Aloha already knew what Army was going to ask. He caved into his main reason for his disappearance.

"And the reason I left.... I guess I just didn't really want to dance with any inkling there"

Army's eyes widened

(Army:Why..... why do you look so sad. Your sly smile disappeared the moment you said that. A small smile is left on your face. Are you dumb!?, did you think I wouldn't notice your sad face?. How do I comfort you?, who did you really want to dance with?, it couldn't have been some stranger... right?)

Aloha continues, oblivious to Army's absence

"That was your question right?"

Army snaps back into reality, he utters out;

"Yeah, you're more of a detective than me" Army said in a sadden tone

"Hahahaha of course, I'm Aloha, the smart and the handsome~~~" Aloha states in a cocky way, sparkles all around him

"I'm sorry" Army apologises out of the blue, making Aloha stop and question.

"Hm, Why are you sorry?" Aloha asked, his indifferent voice pierced into Army's conscience. It made him feel terrible.

"Well, I pestered you into giving me an answer, you seem so sad about it too"

"Nahhhhhh, it's not your fault that I didn't find anyone to dance with" Aloha brushes it off.

(Army: he's playing it off as nothing, god I'm terrible. I have to leave)

"No, I'm sorry for bugging you—-" Army proceeded to leave.

(Army: I'm bothering him too much—-)
Army gasped. He felt his wrist was being grabbed onto, he turned back with a peachy face. To his surprise, Aloha was holding onto Army's wrist quite firmly. The glass he had earlier was placed to the ledge of the balcony. Aloha's eyes were wide open, his mouth was slightly agape, he looked desperate.

"D-don't go—-"


The two ended up talking about nothing in particular for the past 10 minutes. Whether it be, turf wars, personal stories, the fact that Goggles had pulled their pants down before, etc. Just fun stuff.

"Hahaha, wow that really happened, hahahah!?" Army laughs

"Yeah, seriously Goggles just jumped out of the air and pulled down my pants as I was skiing, it was impressive in a way ehehehehe" Aloha snickers alongside Army.

"How does that even work?"

"Dunno, hahahahaha"

(Army: wow this idiot... wait there was something I was going to ask—-)

Army turned his body to face the side of Aloha's body. Making Aloha look at Army due to the sudden movement, with his arms still on the balcony ledge.

"By the way...", Army spoke

"Hmm?" Aloha paid full attention to the orange clad

"W-when we were waiting for the l-limo at the apartment, you asked me if I liked something. What were you going to ask?"

Army stumbled on his words, a nervous wreck he was. Aloha's expression changed into a nervous one. He was fidgety and played around with his thumbs

"Oh.... I was gonna ask..."


Army gulped as he grew more curious to what the answer to Aloha's question was. He waited for almost the entire night, just for that moment. His heartbeats was increasing.

"If you like matcha"


"Ha?" Army's body turned into a stone, a cold breeze blew loudly towards them.

Aloha looked away as he pouted a bit, his cheeks were slightly red as he continued

"Well you were staring so intently at the cafe in-front of our apartment building. Then I thought, wow he must like his tea or something like that. So I started to name out some type of tea you would like"

Army was left speechless, he didn't really know what to say afterwards. He was thinking of many scenarios beforehand, never did he think that this was the answer. Army felt like he over estimated the situation over nothing. Which made him a bit flustered. No, very flustered.

Tsundere mode, activated!

"S-so what if I do like matcha!, what were you planning on doing with that information anyways!?"


Army regretted saying that so loudly, he looked down to his feet, with a red face, as gushes of steam left his head. Aloha said nothing, the silence grew for several seconds.

"I-" Aloha began.


"I was going to ask you out for tea tomorrow..." Aloha muttered bashfully.

"EEEehhHHH!?" Army exclaimed, his heart rate increased as blood ran through every part of his face and body at a faster pace.

"R-really!?" Army asked for reassurance.

"S-hhhhhhh, it's not a date or anything. A-Nd we would probably be hung over because of tonight. Tea would probably help us cope with it you know!" Aloha gripped onto his golf visor with his right hand, in attempt to hide his face.

"Fuck..." Aloha sounded, his pout grew bigger.


"W-why matcha though, there's so many tea choices, why matcha. Is it because I look like a traditional inkling!??, Do I look boring to you!?" Army pestered. Aloha grew a little more flustered and resented to say the rest, he eventually caved in.

"Errr, well...."

"Well what!"

"Well, it was a pick up line—- Hehehehehe"

"Which was?, be more clear!"



"Come on day it!, repent for making me overthink!" Army wanted justice.

"........... I- I like you very matcha"


Army froze, he stopped in his tracks. Realising how much he was overreacting and paused.

(Aloha: Ahhhhh he's quiet, I guess I shouldn't have left him on a cliffhanger. He's gonna kill me isn't he)

"I know it's a dumb joke, you can nag if yo—-"

"PFFt- hehheheheheehehe, that's so corny hahahahah"

"Woah, you're not mad?" Aloha blurted out in shock. What a turn of events.

"Ahahahahaha, I don't know what's wrong with me, overthinking to a question with such a simple answer. I mean, you're just a huge dork after all hahahaha"

"Oi!" Aloha felt embarrassed and sounded his shame vocally.

"But......" Army had a sly smile imprinted on his features.

"W-what is it?" Aloha asked, still embarrassed

"You're my favourite idiot" Army spoke softly, looking straight into Aloha's face. Aloha's expression went from dumbfounded goat, to flushed, surprised squid.

Did Army just say something sweet to Aloha?

"W-WHaT!?" Aloha blurted one shock, he changed his position to a straight one out of shock. Never in his life did he expect Army to say something so affectionate like this, sort of. Aloha started to stammer around in order to cope with the current situation.

"And yes, I will go to for tea with you" Army giggles out. A warm expression present.

"W-well as expected!, who would reject my invitation Hahahah. I'm this good looking" Aloha awkwardly exclaims. Steam oozing out from his head.

(Army: Eh.... what's this?~~~)

Within the sights of looking at a restless Aloha made something in Army switch. He felt like a different inkling all of a sudden. A sense of victory and.... the desire to tease. His body temperature had risen, his cheeks appeared rosey and his eyes seemed to yelled out.... mischief.


Army took a step closer to Aloha.

"You know you always make fun of me when I'm embarrassed or flustered right?" Army said in a soothing tone, a rather mischievous and alluring tone at that.

"Ah, y-yes?" Aloha sounded, like a mouse. He traced Army's small figure as he crept in closer, with his head down. His heart rate beats at an irregular pace that made him feel even more restless. His instincts are calling out to him to do something, unimaginable.

"I wonder~"

"W-onder what—?"

Once he was an inch away from Aloha, Army proceeded to get on his tip toes. Aloha's head tilted back as he gasped at Army's sudden increase in height. Army was still shorter than him, but he felt like he was being looked down on by a beast.

"Hey, Army what is it—- MMMPH" before Aloha could finish his sentence, Army's pointer finger was placed on his bottoms lip. The touch made Aloha go wild in his mind but he couldn't show it, he was paralysed. Army traced his lip with his finger and ended it with a small tap.

"Who's the flustered one now?"

Tsundere mode, deactivated

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