Stuck In Love

By MadlyninBliss

23.3K 1.3K 632

Arthit is a newly appointed journalist in a big news agency's scandalous branch called Exposé and his first j... More

Will There Be Ice Cream?
Nothing Comes Above Pink Milk!
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It's Complicated And Stupid
Date Him Before I Kill Myself
I'm In A Big Mess, Kong
What Were You Thinking?
So, What's The Plan?
Bro What The Hell!

My Gaydar Is Pretty Strong On You

2.1K 140 73
By MadlyninBliss

Deer and Kong were going strong, together.

Deer looked so much in love with Kong that it was sickening, Arthit would really sometimes mock gag behind them or scowl at them even though he would always smile in front of them, of course he would support his best friend's lovely relationship even if Arthit didn’t really liked it.

Why he didn’t like it was just another thing Arthit avoided to think about because honestly, he had no idea why he actually disliked their relationship, maybe it was just that Kong was sharing his time not just with him but this Deer, and Arthit was truly being a brat to want all his attention.

“Do you hate Deer?”

Arthit had expected that question to come and strike him sooner or later….

He had seen that coming since he knew how strange and cold he acted when Deer was around, obviously his best friend would pick up on the fact that his best friend wasn’t really liking his boyfriend.

Arthit looked up from his book, Kong pushing his glasses back on his nose as he stared at him sternly, if he was upset, he was masking it perfectly well under that passive expression.

“’Hate’ is a strong word, Kong.” Arthit tried to dodge the bullet and he knew he barely managed to.

“Arthit…. He’s my boyfriend…. He means a lot to me.”

“I don’t understand how you even make the time to manage a relationship when we have exams over our heads.” Arthit snapped and Kong blanked for a moment, staring at him in disbelief.

“Did you really tell me… ME the nerd… to study instead of having a boyfriend?” Kong asked, but it was pretty clear as to what he had interpreted.

“Those are your words, not mine.” Arthit shrugged and definitely didn’t deserve it when  Kong kicked him out his room and Arthit had to walked all the way from Kong's house to his own house next door…. Quite embarrassing when his sisters were the ones to open the door for him, snickered and commented that Kong definitely kicked him out, finally tired of his shit.

Arthit just felt way more terrible than he ever felt, he knew he wasn’t being a supportive best friend the way he was disliking Deer even if Deer didn’t do anything wrong.

If Arthit had a checklist of traits that Kong's boyfriend should have, Deer would pass all of it, he was the perfect boy for his best friend but still…. Arthit was sulking like Deer had stolen his house or something.

Maybe he was just too attached to Kong….

Maybe if he started to block his own feelings from that of the feelings that he should feel towards their relationship, he eould stand out as a supportive best friend.

He needed to stop sulking like a kid, study and also support his best friend. Also…. He should really have some other friends beside Kong.


Arthit's P.O.V.

I wasn’t ready, my head was hurting from the hangover and maybe I should've sent a 'thank you' text to Kong for stopping me from drinking more, atleast I slept well but my head was hurting and no matter how much I tried to present myself as perfect as possible, my eyes looked hungover.

“Rough night?” Wad asked as we stepped inside the MoonSun company's main building, we had decided to meet there, he looked considerable dapper even if he was just going to handle the camera, then I remembered Wad really looked like one of those guys who would be in his pyjamas and still look good.

Not that I would ever mention that in front of Kong. He was another one of those guys.

The receptionist soon enough, confirmed our appointment with the CEO and I felt my heart thrumming louder in my chest, I felt my hands turning clammy as we walked ahead and towards the lift, even though Kong had tried to calm me about this but he still had no idea where exactly I worked and I was hellish scared.

“You’re gay, aren’t you?” Wad's sudden voice startled me and I looked at him in surprise.

My horror might have been evident on my face before I masked it back to a passive expression.

“Bisexual, how-“

“My gaydar is pretty strong on you.” Wad said, adjusting his bag on his shoulder and I narrowed my eyes at him.

Why was my gaydar so late in detecting me though?  Could've saved me a lot of years....

Maybe if Kong's gaydar had caught me way before-

The lift's door opened to the fifth floor… I had never really been in Kong's office before so I was a bit nervous.

Oh my god, I was really going to do this…

“You must be Mr Arthit and Mr Wad, this way.”

One of the workers escorted us towards the office and I really felt like turning on my heels and sprinting out of the place, what if Kong realised from which department I was working from?

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I missed the slightly elevated path ahead and almost stumbled my way into the office if it weren’t for the hand that immediately grasped my arm.

I yelped as I straightened and came face to face with the one grasping my arm and lo and behold…. I was facing none other than my fiancé.

Kong looked like he was about to scold me to watch my step but, as if the situation struck him, he backed away after nodding at me in a formal greeting.

I greeted back before I walked over to Wad who…. For some weird reason was just staring at Kong, as if he was stunned or something, I had never seen that expression on him…. He looked like he was watching something beautiful for the first time.

I glanced back at Kong, and well… Kong did look kind of a hot deal, his sleek business suit, sharp fitted, the pair of his glasses that made him look way too professional…. I remember the time I had asked him to wear those in bed-


Wad's voice pulled me out of whatever the hell I was thinking and soon enough we settled down, Kong infront of us, Wad was handling the cameras and I pulled out the file, the questionnaire and stuff, I had already looked through enough but still….

At first the questions were simple, about his business and company, his aim and everything, his modelling career and how he even got the idea that eventually led to a business of billions, everything I already knew but noted down for the sake of it, to look atleast a bit professional but I felt nothing in front of Kong.

I had never seen Kong like that, he smiled curtly, presented himself stern and sharp, the kind that knows how to get his work done, the one who has his bloody life all sorted and his thoughts and feelings compartmentalised, he won’t let you into his thoughts unless he wanted to.

CEO Kong so different from the Kong I woke up to, the one whose smiles and chuckles are easy, the one who was always there to make me smile, the one who also trips on his own feet in the mornings where he could barely open his eyes, where he would whine about his work and wanted to sleep a few more hours in my arms, who fought with me over video games and movie options... 

Finally the last of the 'irrelevant' questions ended and the questions that I had to work with came up.

“So, Mr Suthiluck, with all the success and the fame, you are a very charming and young… any  special someone in your life?” I asked, already feeling my heart doing bloody summersaults by now.

He smirked curtly and shook his head, “I don’t want to comment on it.”

How hilariously awkward it was for me, his fiancé to ask about the special someone in his life…. This was really embarrassing.

I glanced at Wad, an excuse to not meet Kong's eyes any longer, Wad was frowning behind the camera.

“But you are a young guy, Mr Suthiluck… there might have been girls in your life…” I pressed, I knew this was too personal and unprofessional from my side but that was literally written on the file! To press him until he cracks at least some hint about his love life….

This was getting embarrassing as hell because I AM the 'girl' in his life…. The hell?

Why was 'being straight' even as a default for any person?!

I was screaming inside, my breath caught inside as I stared straight into the CEO Kong, his curt smile slipping but still he smiled tight lipped and shook his head,

“I don’t want to discuss about my personal life. Can we take a break?” Kong had turned to Wad and Wad nodded, shutting the camera for the time being and I dared not to look at Kong, I let my gaze settle on the cup of coffee being passed to me.

Eventually I managed to excuse myself and made my way to the washroom, anything to get two minutes alone by myself…. To calm my anxiety before I had to face Kong again.

I was staring at my reflection in the mirror, I looked like a mess, even though my formal shirt and trouser weren't out of place, all my panic was written all over my face, I had to calm down-

I heard someone stepping in, bolting the door from inside, I snapped my head and almost released my breath when I found Kong standing, his eyes were still stern, a little annoyed.

He didn’t reach me before he looked around, making sure we were alone before he turned to me.

“Arthit…. What the hell?!” He hissed in a whisper and I sighed.

“That was very unprofessional of you.” He stated and I rolled my eyes, gradually reaching for his hand and his eyes softened just a bit.

“You know how the interviews are… they want some juicy gossip to attract people but I swear the main focus is around your company and it’s aims… it’s just to attract people.”

It felt terrible to lie to him like that, but I had no spine in me to confess the truth, that his loser fiancé was working in some loser department that fed that loser public who fed on everyone’s personal life… treating celebrity's love life like a scandal.

“Just a few more of those questions…. Don’t dare let anything slip up…. It’ll be over.” I said and he sighed, taking my other hand.

“It’s fine, nothing I can’t take or haven’t gone through before, just- get this over with.” 

He stared a little longer in my eyes, he glanced down at my lips before he uttered.

“Do you realise how hot you’re looking right now?”

Okay, I was about to say that-

“Can we have a quick make out?” Kong asked softly, his voice turning deeper and I felt weak on my knees already.

“Oka-“ Before I could even finish my answer that he already knew, he pushed me back until I slid back on the cold marble of the sink, my legs wrapping around his waist before his lips latched on mine.

We were making out like we weren’t going to make out at home at evening…. Why was I never bored of this guy?!

I found my arms wrapped around his shoulders, my hands deep in his dark hair, tugging at it playfully, he was eventually trailing kisses down my neck and jaw. He smirked when we were kissing again, something he often did and I loved it, I knew I could turn him on like that but I never thought that the CEO Kong was still whipped for me with every being in him.

He abruptly separated, I wanted more!

He must’ve read that in my eyes before he uttered, “Evening, my place, just… calm yourself. You look like a mess.” He said before giving a soft peck on my lips and moving away, brushing his hair with his fingers, adjusting his clothes and back to being perfect while I stared at him dumbly.

“You called me hot a few minutes ago.” I commented.

“That you are…. A hot mess.” He winked and I rolled my eyes.

I watched him as he gave himself a once over, his warm smile replaced by the curt one, he was back to being the CEO Kong.

“Back in two minutes or I'm ending this interview.” He snapped at me before seemingly giving into his desire before he kissed me on my cheek and just like that he was out of there.

That was hot.

Okay, no! Calm the hell down! Two minutes! And as far I knew him, he would end it in two minutes if I didn’t arrive back.

“Who was your first love?”

“This is like the fifth question you have asked about my personal life, Mr Rojnapat, I would still answer the same, I want my personal life private, I don't give anyone the right to know about it until I want them to know.”

I knew I was getting too irritating, and he was just bearing it for my sake, I couldn’t disappoint him more so eventually, I made my own questions, the kind of questions that one would have to understand his company, his projects and his position over it, how it was hard where he was and the hard work this business needed, that he had brought this company to new heights with his own efforts and labour, the things one ignored when the celebrities reach the top.

Eventually, he seemed to calm down and answered more smoothly.

As the interview came to an end, Wad was just watching with wary eyes from me to him like he was catching onto something he wasn’t sure of.

I was more and more anxious by his flitting gaze as he wrapped up the cameras and stuff, I winded up my file, greeted Kong formally as he did back to both of us, there was so much humility to Kong that I could not overlook, I smiled slightly but his smile stayed cold and I knew…. I just knew he caught on and he was going to have a talk with me at his place.

If Wad had caught onto something, he wasn’t uttering a word, he was barely even looking at me, but this time his nonchalant pose didn’t hide it, he was trying to not speak but something was bugging him, I just knew. What was it? I had been extra careful with everything!

“Thank you for today, Wad, we’ll work on the camera clips tomorrow.” I said in a sigh, the tiredness getting to me and Wad nodded.

“You could’ve asked if Mr Suthiluck has a fiancé instead of a girlfriend…. Maybe we would have gotten something.”

That was all Wad said before he hailed himself a taxi and soon enough left.

For a few minutes, I just stood there dumbly, like my brain had stopped working and then it struck me…

What did that mean?


What the hell?!


If I thought that I was in a mess before, I was definitely never ready for this.

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