Tyranny of the Heart

By FutureStarofTARDIS

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"This is a story that I know you haven't heard. This is my story." Aurina, a fearless, but kind-hearted woma... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Death of the Greats
Chapter 3: The Aftermath
Chapter 5: Complete Bliss
Chapter 6: The End of My World
Chapter 7: The Letter
Chapter 8: About to Change
Chapter 9: Night Raid
Chapter 10: A Fantastic Battle
Chapter 12: Who You Are

Chapter 4: The News

109 5 0
By FutureStarofTARDIS

Thank you all for your support again! It really means a lot to me!

I have uploaded this chapter which is kind of the beginning to the beginning... I don't know. I think I may have to come back and edit through a lot of this so it is not so much exposition. 

But for now, read on and don't be afraid to comment!

“Rise and shine, malady.” My maid, Marion, said softly as she shook me awake. I snorted awake, quite unladylike, as she pulled the curtains to reveal the bright sunlight.

I squinted my eyes and rubbed them. “Why must the day be so bright?” I whined. Mornings had never been a strength of mine.

“It is a beautiful morning, malady.” Marion encouraged. She had been my maid since I came to live at the castle. At this point in time, she was getting old, but she was still able to help me get out of bed and get dressed. Her neverending patience and gentility with me had only grown over the years, and I greatly admired her for that.

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to sit up. “The important word in that phrase is ‘morning’, my dear Marion.” After willing myself to get up, I walked over to the window that overlooked the garden. It was one of the prettiest views of the whole castle, and it was one of the things that I loved about my room. As I looked down over the beautiful flowers and shrubs, and as Marion picked out my dress for the day, I saw Caspian walking around.

It was a week before his coronation and as the day drew closer, Caspian grew more distant. “I see our future ruler is wandering in the garden again.” I sighed heavily.

“He does enjoy his alone time.” Marion nodded and motioning for me to lift my arms so she could remove my nightgown.

I obeyed and glanced down at Caspian again. “He should not spend so much time alone. It is not good for him. Sooner or later, he has to come to terms with reality.”

Marion fastened my bodice as she spoke. “You should no be too hard on him, malady. After all, it is a lot of change that happens all at once.”

“I know. I just worry about him.”

“You are very kind to worry about him, malady, and that is noble. However, you must not worry your pretty little head over him. No use worrying about what you can not control.” I pondered her words as she finished dressing me. Not being in control was something that scared me, and was quite unfamiliar. I could at least try…

When I was done dressing, I told Marion I would go fetch Caspian for breakfast. He would more than likely turn me away, but I could be very persuasive, if necessary.

As I entered the garden, the ever sweet aroma of the flowers filled my nostrils. I stopped for a brief moment to inhale the scent. To me, that scent always made me feel at home and relaxed, no matter what I was feeling. Something that my father used to love, as well. It was as though every time I smelled those flowers, my father was right there, voicing aloud his admiration for natural beauty. When I was a young girl, he told me that the scent of a flower is the plant's way of talking with you. That morning, they all greeted me with a friendly smell.

I brought myself back to reality, and saw Caspian sitting on a bench, thumbing one of the wildflowers. “If you keep fiddling with that, you will stain your hands red.” I said, as I neared him. “And I am not sure that the people will respond to a king with blood-red hands.”

He turned his head to see who spoke and smiled ever so slightly. “It could be the blood of our enemies.” He joked lightly, to which I chuckled. “Why are you here?” He asked.

“To come and fetch you for breakfast.”

His smile disappeared and he looked away. “Thank you, but I am not hungry.”

I felt my concern for him rise. “Caspian, you have to eat something.” I insisted. “You have barely eaten anything all week.”

He shrugged, still refusing to meet my eyes. “I suppose I just have a lot on my mind.”

After hesitating a quick moment, I decided to take a seat on the bench next to him. “Anything you wish to share?” I asked, hoping he would talk to me. We had hardly spoken since the announcement of his coronation. Truth be told, I missed my best friend. I wanted more than anything for him to make fun of my face, or to laugh that I just sat on a cake. But he remained in solemn silence. “Caspian, please talk to me.” I begged. “You barely even look at me anymore, and I am starting to get very worried about you.”

He sighed heavily. “You do not need to be worried about me, Aurina. I am fine.”

“How am I supposed to know if you never speak to me and spend all of your time alone in gardens?” At this point, I was getting frustrated. This was a prime example why no one should ignore me for weeks upon end.


“No.” I interrupted. “Do not tell me that you are fine, because if you do, I will run you through with a sword, future king or not.” That got his attention, for he turned to look at me at long last. I could see his brown eyes, that looked so much like his father's, weighed down by grief and stress. “The only thing I want to hear from you, Caspian, is an explanation as to why you have been wandering around for the past few weeks.”

He looked down at his hands, which were slightly red from the flower he had been fiddling with. “There is just... so much change.” Caspian finally said.

I adjusted myself on the bench to try encourage him. He was actually talking to me now. “What do you mean?”

“The coronation, me becoming a king and ruling a whole country... Our wedding.” He admitted quietly, making us both shift uncomfortably. He stood up and ran a hand through his thick head of black hair. “It is all happening at once, and I do not know if I am ready for it all to change.”

I remained silent for a moment, Honestly, I could not blame him for being scared. I would never admit it to anyone, but I was thinking the same thing. After a slight pause, I said, “Everyone gets scared of a big change, Caspian. It is normal to have second thoughts...”

“I am not having second thoughts.” He insisted, cutting me off. “I am thinking of... maybe... resigning from the throne.” Caspian purposefully avoided my eyes, anticipating my reaction.

He guessed correctly. “What?!” I nearly exclaimed, but then keeping my voice low so no one but he could hear. “Caspian, are you crazy? You can not resign from the throne!” 

“And why not?” He challenged, daring to look me in the eye. “I can name at least ten good men who would be a better ruler than I. If I step down, then I do not have to worry about letting down the kingdom. We promised your father that we would wed when I become King, but if I am never crowned, then our agreement is null and void.”

I could only stare at him with a gaped open mouth. It was clear that he had been thinking this through. “But I do not understand. This is what we have been raised to do since when we were children. It is all we have ever talked about, it is all you have ever dreamed about.”

“Because it was all decided for me. Before I had even come out of my mother's womb, it had been decided that I was to be a ruler one day.” He turned his back to me and looked at the rising sun. “But I can not take the responsibility. It is too much pressure, and I would not even know what to do.” Caspian's voice grew quieter with every word. I could feel him withdraw even more.

In this situation, I could only chuckle from the frustration that was welling up inside me. “Well, you do not run away from your responsibilities, first of all!” I snapped, heaving a sigh. “By the stars, Caspian, you are quite frustrating at times.” Rising to my feet, I started to pace a bit, needing to process what had just been said. “You are thinking that you are not worthy to rule your people because you do not believe yourself to be ready. Well, do you not think that means that you are ready? You are already caring about your people by putting their needs first. Because that is what you always do. You have always put other people before yourself. That, Caspian, is what will make you a great king.”

He stood silently, but obviously paid attention to my words. “I guess... I'm just scared.” He admitted quietly.

Feeling the fight leak out of me, I sighed and said, “I know, Caspian. To be honest, I would be worried if you did not feel this way. All I am trying to say is stop worrying. It will be fine, you will see. And you do not have to go through this alone.” I could not tell if that satisfied him or not, for his face remained like stone. I reached out and took his hand. At first, he stiffened at my touch, as if he was unfamiliar with it, but then, he relaxed a bit. After a long pause, he looked down at me, with him being so much taller than me. “Thank you, Aurina.”

I nodded with a small smile. “I am your friend, Caspian. Nothing is ever going to change that.” I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “But come on. We better get to breakfast before it gets cold.”

We walked into the dining hall, where "Uncle" Miraz and Aunt Prunaprismia, or Auntie Pruna, as we called her, were finishing up their meal. We nodded to them apologetically, and took our seats. As I sat, I couldn't help but notice Miraz's intense glare on the both of us. It felt as though he was casting out hatred through his eyes.

The cooks brought us our plates and we began to eat in awkward silence. That is, until Miraz broke it. “It is certainly nice of you to join your family to a meal.” He spoke with a casual anger, as he cut through his food.

“I apologize, Uncle.” Caspian answered, before I could. “It was my fault, and Aurina was only trying to get me to come to eat. It will not happen again.”

“I truly hope you are right.” Miraz mumbled without really mumbling.

“Miraz,” Auntie Pruna reached out and touched her husband's hand. I remember wondering how a soft and gentle soul like her could ever love such a cold man that he was. “Let us just enjoy the time we have together.” He nodded and resumed eating, but something told me that he was not truly satisfied. “Aurina.” She turned to address me. “Will you be available this afternoon? The royal dresser has a couple of dresses she wishes to try on you for Caspian's coronation.”

Across the table, I could see Caspian tense at the mention of his impending fate. I nodded to her. “I will make sure to stop by.” Auntie Pruna smiled brightly and continued to eat her food. I noticed her eating more vigorously than usual, as if she had been starved. “Auntie Pruna, are you planning on a famine anytime soon?” I joked, nodding toward her plate.

Her cheeks blushed lightly. “Oh, I do apologize.” She wipes her mouth with her handkerchief and gives Miraz a secret look. “Lately, it feels as though I am eating for two.” The look was subtle, but I was very perceptive and saw the secrecy amongst the two of them. Caspian was, of course, oblivious to what was going on.

“What is going on?” I asked, getting a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The couple share another glance before Pruna shrugs and Miraz stands. “It seems as now is as good of time as it will ever be to tell you.” He said, as he walked to his wife's side.

“Tell us what?” Caspian asked, finally paying attention.

Miraz rubbed his hands on Pruna's shoulders. She looked up at him and glowed. Then she looked at the two of us and said, “I am with child.”

I dropped my fork on the plate in shock. It was no surprise that Pruna wanted children, since she was always so kind to me and Caspian. But the thought of Miraz being a father chilled me to the bone. No one would have guessed that he would be one to want children. Before this, I had always thought that he saw children or anyone younger than him as though they were beneath him. Dumb and reckless creatures of the world.

“Congratulations.” Caspian said, breaking the silence. I then realized that I hadn't said anything.

“Yes, congratulations, both of you.” I struggled to sound sincere.

Both Caspian and I rose to embrace Pruna and shake hands with Miraz. Needless to say, I didn't shake hands with Miraz. But as we said our congratulations to the couple and Pruna started to speak about her hopes for the baby and how she will prepare for its arrival, a thought dawned on me.

Of course, Miraz wanted children. He wanted an heir of his own, in order to keep his blood in the royal family. But if he was trying to create a lineage of his own, that would mean that he is behaving like a king. But Caspian is the only thing in his way at the moment. 

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