Nerissa (Lord Alpha Human Mat...

By liyananina

2.1K 58 8

She did not know anything about werewolf but now she had to live with them in the cold mountain to pay her de... More

Author Note
O N E : C O O K I E S
T H R E E : T A K E N
F O U R : S L E E P-W A L K I N G
F I V E : H O U S E & P R I S O N
S I X : S A N D W I C H E S
S E V E N : W E R E W O L F
E I G H T : S O U L M A T E
N I N E : F I R E B U R N
T E N : W A R M A S F I R E

T W O : P A R T Y

209 5 1
By liyananina


It's almost 3 pm in the evening and I already pack the remaining cookie jars into a basket. It was deadly heavy. I don't waste any time to wear anything except for what I have been wearing since morning. A light blue jeans with a black t-shirt. I pulled in my red sweater to I don't freeze on the road.

I untied my hair for it can get some air before I tied it again. I don't want my hair to distract me from my ride to deliver my precious cookies. No makeup or perfumes because I already smell like cookies, I should just come as a cookies maker. 

There were many expensive cars surrounded the city hall and also some bus from another town. Those cars would probably be driven by important people. I parked my bicycle around the back area and slowly put my basket on the ground. I looked around to ensure I don't draw any attention.

I entered the back door where there were food stored. I walked to the line of food. There were so many, it made my stomach growled. I haven't eaten properly since high school graduation. Grandma was sick and I, unfortunately, don't know how to cook food except for deserts.

The irony.

"Rissa! Good to see you here. Put the basket over there next to the apple pie, my dear." She cheerfully said as always. Her gold coloured dress made her looked gorgeous. She always welcomes me as her another daughter. Maybe because of my pathetic life. 

She was not my aunt. I called her Aunt so we can be close as aunt and niece relationship. I don't have any family left. It's just me and grandma.

"Come serve your self." She already had a plate on her hand and passed it on me. "There is much more food in front." She said trying to get me to socialize with people. But I refused. I am too embarrassed to crash into the party with casual attire.

"It's okay Aunty Bella. I am deeply happy to see all this food." Honestly, I don't mind others as I already saw my favourite mash potato in the tray. Also, I want to take some food for grandma. I cannot be that obvious.

Aunt Bella already left the area to meet another guest. So I am alone in the isle of food. This was heaven on earth that I never been before. I wish that I can eat everything in this store but I can't. My stomach was full of cheesy mash potato.

I'm full.

Just later I heard people shouting in the party. I don't really want to know why I don't want to get involved. Quickly, I packed some food and put it inside the basket that I just for cookies. But before I went home, I could at least meet my friend Madeline before I got back home.

She's so much as my source of income since she always asked me to bake dessert. Half of my duck bank was filled thanks to her. I should at least meet her and thank her for the invitation aka free food.

I sneaked out of the food store and took a peek into the party. It was a luxury lavish party. Everyone in the party wears a good outfit. The guy with tuxedo and the girls with their dresses. Food, decoration and lighting were so splendid. I rethink my decision to meet Madeline.

Not today.

I went back to the food store to meet a guy who was standing next to my bicycle. His hand was holding a wine glass and the other was in his pocket. He looked very smart, charming like a prince. A prince next to a bicycle seemed weird.


He turned his head to me and looked stunted but later kept an emotionless face. I knew that my outfit was like a party crusher so I quickly get out of the hall and stood next to my bicycle. I knew that this was my queue to left when someone already noticed me.

"You're a human?" He uttered while scanning me up and down. He's a tall, muscular man with dark brown hair, he had a smiling line on his face even though he did not smile.

"Yes?" I am not sure what to respond to that question. Is that even a question? This guy is weird.

"Do you know about us?"

"Who? This party?" I asked back since I don't really get what he was trying to ask. This guy is handsome but weird, not a good combination. But I just answer it anywhere, trying to be polite isn't a crime.

"I bake the cookies for this party and my friend invited me but I don't think I am fit to get in there." I answered sincerely.

He growled slowly. "You really have a habit to answer a question with another question."

I stood there awkwardly. Now it was my fault? I just kept quiet to avoid any wrong sayings. "Nice to meet you, Mister." I tried to escape the situation and just get out of the hall but he grabbed my hand hard almost drown into my skin.


"What is wrong with you?" Now, this guy started to hurt me.

"What is wrong with me?!" He raised his voice as his anger increased per second. He getting aggressive by dragging me inside the hall from the back door. I struggled to pull my hand back but he had a strong gripped.

He pulled me into the centre of the party which instantly drew everyone's attention. "Who invited her?" Everyone stopped what they were doing at the moment. All eyes focused on me. This was not what I wanted to be present at the party. Somehow, I feel insecure about my outfit.

"Who invited a human in our party?" He growled again. Out of these people who half of them I knew, only Aunt Bella step aside with Madeline tailing behind her. They both looked as they were about to get scold.

"Alpha Shawn, forgive me. She's my daughter's friend. We invited her here. Please, she did not know anything." She explained while looking straight at me.

"You expose your family to the human and now you bring this human here?! This is not acceptable. Execute her." He growled again. Did he want to execute me? What era is this?

"Mr Alpha, I am very sorry that you are upset because I came to this private party. But I want to leave this party quietly when you stopped me back there." I tried to defend myself since this could be just a misunderstanding.

"This human dare to talk to me, how rude you are! Your piece of shit human!" He gripped my hand harder and pushed me to the ground like trash. Another scary growled somehow beamed from the entrance of the hall almost made the hall shaking.


I felt on the hard floor almost twisted my wrist. Aunt Bella and Madeline quickly approached me with a worried expression. I looked at them but their eyes fixed to another place. Their eyes shook in fear at a person who just walked into the hall.

A man with tuxedo and angry faces. He seemed as he was ready to fight whoever in his way. I sigh internally. Why I was in a bad position to see people and animal fight in a day. I really want to live quietly and peacefully.


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