The Unordinary Life of The Gu...

By Midknight_213

2.1K 26 16

My name is... well I forgot. Most people call me Tex because we put on a show and I volunteered to be a cowbo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Final act

Chapter 9

42 1 0
By Midknight_213

"Yee haw!" I yelled riding a Beowulf with Ace in my right and a smile on my face. I shot an Ursa in the face causing it to explode with other Ursa surrounding it. I stabbed an explosive knife into the Beowulf's back as I flipped off as it exploded. I summon the golden gun blasting a death stalkers, nevermores, and heards of Ursa.

Shade casted Spectral Blades and dashed cutting through Grimm quickly with incredible speed. He left nothing behind him except for enemies that turned into void light after being hit. I threw a knife as a group of huntsmen and women joined the fight as the Grimm was pushed back.

"Forty-Seven-Niner, Mistral is secured." I report as she pitches in. "You're not clear I am detecting something headed your way!" She replied as an Alpha Manticore bursted out of the sand and into the air slicing off her wing.

Leon jumped out and turned as a he fired the last word. He sent a blue flaming lion into the Manticore as it chomped on its wing it fell to the floor as Forty-Seven-Niner jumped out of the Bullhead with a parachute.

Leon at point blank, unloaded a cylinder of bullets from the last word,turning it to ash.

"Jeez, next time you leave you should wake me. Who this guy." Leon asks as I chuckle. "Leon this is Shade, he's a hunter like me." I introduce him as Leon looks at his dark tinted visor. "Hello Leon." Shade says as Leon smiles. "Hello Shade." Forty-Seven-Niner walked up to us while removing her parachute. "So I see you found him great just great." She said with a bit of sass. "You got a radio, cause I dont know about you but I have stuff to do and I dont plan on staying in Mistral." I hand it to her as she calls in a ship. I smile as Shade just looks at Lron trying to hold a laugh.


It was a rainy day in Vale as I patrolled the streets. I passed a Luxurious restaurant that had a song that I recognized.

(Might have to turn it up to hear the rain)

I looked inside through the window as men in suits and females in dress made conversation, watched, danced, or kissed while the singer sang. I look on puzzled as the song plays, it reminded me of a girl I loved. Someone who I cared for dearly and hoped she did for me as well. I pat my cheeks and continue to patrol the streets again.

《Leon POV》

I normally dont get into fights when I'm bored but Hey I was bored. So i did what a bored fighter would always do, go looking for a fight. Now I'm against a wall in an alley with people who absolutely hate me. 25 I think with different weapons and stances. If I use last word I'm a murderer, if I fight I die. Oh well it's my fault, dont go looking for a fight kids. The 20 or so people rushed. I lean right dodging a bat then punching him across the face. I  grab the bat and swing left in right knocking out five more. I swing and clash against another back as it sends a shiver though my arms. I kick them away toppling two other people. I dash forward and spin cracking the bat against someone's leg the knocking them out. I noticed a little floating object as it watched from above. I slowly back away as more swarm in. Then a knife into my back. I fall to the floor and then I hear a bullet load into a gun. "Well shit." Were the words that escaped out of my mouth.


《No ones POV》

The fight was quiet until the load bang from a gun. Tex rushed with Ace in his hand he ran to the alley and aimed down it as unconscious bodies lay, until he set eyes on a ghost. Reviving someone. Tex made his way through the piles of bodies as the ghost took notice.

???: A hunter? Good you can be a friendly face. My name is Adam.

Leon rose slowly. "Eyes up Guardian. Hey there big guy, I'm Adam and I'm a ghost actually I'm you're ghost. This is a friend." I wave and step to him. "Howdy I'm Tex." I said as he looked with his head cocked to the side. "Do you know who I am." He asked as I nodded. "You're name is Leon." He looked at me, "I'm Leon? That's a nice name."

The rest of that night was hard. Tex could still hear fly me to the moon as he escorted Leon back to Beacon.

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