Chicago Love Season 4

By Paulinemartin100

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How will Kelly and the family cope ? Or will he have to? Find out in the next season of Chicago Love! Face cl... More

Part 1 "I died today"!
Part 2 Little Magpie!
Part 3 Mayo all dayo!
Part 4 It's me, you little shit!
Part 5 "I saw you in heaven"
Part 6 "What the fcuk is it with water"?
Part 7 Water! Arghhhhhh!
Part 8 The Chapter with no title!
Part 9 "I for idiot"
Part 10. Just the two of us
Part 12 Oh thank fu ... god!
Part 13 Well if it isn't Mark "I'm a d*ck" Hunter!
Part 14 "The wheels on the bus"
Part 15 "Don't you dare push me away"
Part 16 You're a heartless b*tch!
Part 17 Unreasonable behaviour
Part 18 "My Mom's gonna love you"
Part 19 "Summer Lovin" ?
Part 20 Mickey Mouse!
Coming Soon Season 5

Part 11 "I'm glad i'm not the only one who's been a bad girl!"

588 19 6
By Paulinemartin100

BETH:  I knew it!

SHAYLYNN:  How do you know about it?

BETH:  Hank was here when he got the call to say she was alive!

SHAYLYNN: I heard about the body in your basement!

BETH:  It's so sad!


BETH:  So if Hailey's  twin was shot?  where's Hailey been hiding?

SHAYLYNN: She was held captive!

BETH: Oh! By who? When are you coming home?

SHAYLYNN: You know I can't tell you that! I don't know, i need to go!

Shaylynn hung up

BETH:  Tut!

Kelly looked across at her.

BETH:  I don't know why she phoned me, I got no info out of her!

Kelly laughed

KELLY: Because Hanks gonna kick her ass!

BETH: Shut up! (laughing)

Beth's phone rang again, it was Erin

BETH: My god! It's Erin!

Beth answered

BETH: I thought you were dead i hadn't heard from you in so long!

Erin laughed

ERIN: Sorry, i'm still around

BETH: Are you coming to visit us?

ERIN: Mmm, nah!

BETH: Yes you are! I have a new baby you have't seen yet!

ERIN: I know that! (laughing) I do have you on Facebook! He's beautiful!

The next day Beth was driving to Riverdale to go and talk to the parents of Tiffany, the girl who was murdered. She had told Kelly she was running a few errands to get out of the house. The neighborhood was not a good area. There were a lot of run downs homes. When she reached the address  she parked up outside and looked up onto it, it was one of the better houses on the street.

Taking a deep breath she grabbed her purse and got out of her car. Closing the door she walked up the path then was about to knock on the door when it opened and a blonde woman stared at her.

LINDA: I don't owe anybody any money lady!

BETH: Are you Mrs Linda Halston?

She looked Beth up and down

LINDA:  You own the house where my daughter was found! I saw your photo on the news!

BETH:  I've come to offer my condolences to you and your family, i'm so sorry about what happened to Tiffany

LINDA:  Hey Frank! It's the lady from the news ....

Her husband appeared and looked Beth up and down then looked at her car

FRANK:   I think you're in the wrong part of town!

BETH:  I only came here too ....

FRANK:  We don't want your type here! With your flashy car and clothes!

BETH:  I came to ask if you needed any help with the funeral costs?

FRANK:  You think because you have money you can just make handouts? Our daughter is dead! 

BETH:  She died in my house!

LINDA:  Well at least you can sleep at night!

BETH:  I won't ever be able to sleep in that house ever again knowing what happened to Tiffany, my family and i won't be moving back there.

FRANK: So you're just going to go buy another one huh?

BETH: Look i'm sorry what happened to your daughter but you can't blame me for that!

FRANK:  Just go! You have no idea what it's like for us! To be in our situation!

BETH:  I've not always had money you know! When i won the lottery it came at the lowest part of my life! I had nothing!

Beth was trying not to cry

BETH:  And i won't have you or my husband telling me what i can and can't spend it on! So do you want my help or not!? (shouting)

Linda and Frank just looked at Beth, she burst into tears.

LINDA:  Come on into the house

Beth wiped her eyes

BETH:  Thank you

Beth walked through the front door then Frank closed it.  Walking into the living room Beth looked around. It was homely enough but was in a bad state of repair.  There were photos of a blonde girl on a side table.

LINDA: That's Tiffany

BETH: She's beautiful! How long was she missing?

LINDA: Nearly two years

BETH:  That must've been awful for you

LINDA: We went through hell not knowing where she was!

FRANK: I'm sorry for the way we spoke to you, it's been hard for us

BETH:   It's okay, I understand.

They began chatting about Tiffany and they wanted to know Beth's story so she told them all about her.

BETH:  So what do you do Frank?

FRANK: I'm a joiner by trade

LINDA: And in a dead end job! Where the manager takes all of the credit for your great work!

BETH: You need to get you both out of here!  Is this place rented?

LINDA:  It is, but we can't afford anything better than this!

BETH: Wanna bet? Frank I buy and renovate houses. I use a project management team, we use joiners, plumbers etc. I'm sure they could be doing with another joiner.  I'll contact Simon the manager and get him to give you a call, would that be okay?

FRANK: You would do this for us?

BETH: Yes. This is what I love to do.  Now what area would you like to live?

Beth got home a few hours later with a few bags from Forever 21 to make it look like she'd been shopping. Kelly met her in the hallway, he was holding Jaden.  She gave them both a kiss.

BETH: Hey cutie!

KELLY:  You were ages, I was gonna send out a search party

BETH:  Funny!

Kelly looked at Beth

KELLY:  Are you okay?

BETH: I'm fine, I need a coffee, made by the best coffee maker in the world! (smiling)

KELLY: One cup of coffee coming up!

Beth heard laughing coming from the living room

BETH: Who's in there? Is Rachel back?

KELLY:  Go see

Beth walked into the living room and saw Erin playing with the girls.

BETH:  Erin! (surprised)

ERIN: Surprise!

BETH:  Oh my god! It's great to see you!

Erin got up from the floor and walked over to Beth, they gave each other a hug

BETH:  How long are you in Chicago for?

ERIN: A week!

BETH:  A week?  Yay! (laughing)


Erin laughed

ERIN:  Your girls are adorable!

BETH: They are, aren't they?

KELLY: I'll go make that coffee!  Here, take Jaden

ERIN: I'll take him!

Erin took Jaden then Kelly disappeared

ERIN: You're so heavy!

Jaden smiled at her

BETH: When did you get here?

ERIN:  About half hour ago

BETH: Does Hank know your here?

ERIN: Yeah, i'm gonna go see him later!

BETH: Jay and Shaylynn are on a secret mission

ERIN: Not so secret if you know about it though! (laughing)

BETH: Shaylynn told me! So is this a holiday or a work thing?

ERIN: A little bit of both

BETH: Well i'm glad your here

Erin smiled then looked at Jaden

ERIN: Beth he's so beautiful

BETH: That's because he looks like his daddy!

KELLY: Erin! Do you want coffee? (shouting)

ERIN: Yeah! (shouting)

BETH: Are you staying with us?

ERIN: Yes, Kelly's already asked me

BETH: Cool! Lunch at Flemings? Oh shit!

ERIN: What?

BETH: I have a meeting with Josh Kercher

Beth looked at her phone, the meeting was in an hour

BETH: I'll be back in a minute

ERIN: Okay

Beth went into the kitchen and walked right up to Kelly

BETH: Babe I forgot I was meeting Josh at two

KELLY: Can't you cancel it?

BETH: No, I'm meeting him at the property

KELLY: Well it won't take long and Rachel's back anytime

BETH: You wanna tag along?

KELLY: What about Erin?

BETH: She's meeting up with Hank! Is that ready yet?

KELLY: Watch it (smiling)

He kissed her cheek

BETH: Have I told you i loved you today?

KELLY: Probably, I've lost count how many times you tell me!

He laughed

BETH: You should be grateful!

KELLY: Yeah? (smiling)

BETH: Yeah! (laughing)

KELLY: Get outa here, I'll bring your coffee through when I'm done!

They kissed each other then Beth headed back to the living room smiling. Rachel appeared at the front door.

RACHEL: My god, the prices of wedding dresses!

Rachel dumped her shopping bags on the marble floor

BETH: Have you been out wedding dress shopping without me?

RACHEL: I just went for a quick look,  just to get ideas!

BETH: Well it doesn't matter how much they are because I'll be buying it!

RACHEL: It still doesn't justify the prices of them!

BETH: True! And don't forget I know Vera Wang!

RACHEL: You know Vera Wang?

BETH: I know a lot of people!

RACHEL: I'll keep that in mind!

BETH: And we have Say I Do! My mom can help with the wedding stuff

RACHEL:  I know but i'd like to do some of it myself

BETH:  You can have your own input


BETH: Come and meet Erin

RACHEL: Erin? Oh Erin, sure!

While Kelly and Beth met up with Josh, Erin took off in Beth's Bugatti to meet up with Hank.

Place: North Ridge Avenue

Josh was waiting for them inside with the realtor

JOSH: Hey Kelly, I never knew you were coming!

KELLY: Neither did I

They gave each other a man hug

JOSH: Beth, as beautiful as ever but still dressing like shit!

BETH: Well design some women's clothes then!

JOSH: I am!

BETH: It's about time.

Ben Thornberry the realtor gave them a tour

BETH: Thornberry! Wasn't that a cartoon? (laughing)

BEN: The Wild Thornberry's!

Beth laughed then Kelly gave her a look so she stuck out her tongue at him. Josh laughed.

JOSH: God we can't take you anywhere!

BEN: There's a freight elevator! It has nearly 12,000 square feet over two floors. There's a rumor going around saying it was originally built in 1918 for Charlie Chaplin to use as a silent movie theater

BETH: I'm not paying over the odds for a rumor!

JOSH: This place is amazing!

BETH: Is it what your looking for ?

JOSH: Exactly what I'm looking for

BETH: Because I could easily turn it into a dance studio! (smiling)

JOSH: Don't you dare! I hate you sometimes!

BETH: Ha ha! No you don't! Ben, we'll take it! Full asking price!

BEN: Okay!

BETH: Right! Lunch at Fleming's?

JOSH: Sorry I can't. I have to meet a client!

After signing the relevant paperwork at the realtors office Kelly and Beth made there way to Fleming's to meet up with Erin. Hank was sitting next to her when they walked into the restaurant

BETH: Uncle Hank!

Kelly and Beth joined them at the table

HANK: Where we're you this morning ?

By the look on Hanks face Beth knew that he had found out about her visiting the Halston's

BETH: Why are you asking when you already know?

KELLY: What's going on?

Kelly looked at Beth

KELLY: Beth! You didn't go visit that girls parents?

BETH: I'm sorry! But i couldn't not go see them! You should see where they're living!

KELLY: Beth! For fuck sake!

BETH: What! (annoyed)

KELLY: What did we tell you yesterday?

Beth never said anything

KELLY: Well?

Erin shook her head at Kelly

KELLY: She never listens to me Erin

ERIN: She never listens to anyone!

BETH: You shut up!

KELLY: Beth!

BETH: I am here!

KELLY: Well answer me then!

BETH: I went to offer my condolences. Then i offered Frank a job and got them a new place to live!

HANK: They told me that! I don't want you in that part of town!

KELLY: Where is it?

HANK: Riverdale!

KELLY: Riverdale! What! The worst place in Chicago!

BETH: I was fine!

KELLY: We'll talk when we get home!

Beth are her lunch in silence. Kelly kept stealing glances at her

KELLY: Are you okay?

BETH: What do you care?

Kelly sighed then took a hold of her hand under the table.  He gave it a squeeze.

KELLY: Where did you get him a job?

BETH:  He's a joiner so i got him a job with Simon.  He starts Monday!

ERIN:  That was nice of you Beth

BETH:  Yeah, well i'm a nice person

KELLY:  Well maybe if you spoke to me  about it i could've went with you!

BETH:  I'm sorry!

Hank gulped down the last of his coffee

HANK: I need to get back.  I'll talk to you later Erin.

Erin nodded.  Hank stood up and put on his coat and hat.

HANK:  I had a word with Shaylynn last night!  She wont be telling you anything else regarding cases!

BETH: I'm glad i'm not the only one who's been a bad girl!

Erin smirked as Hank gave her a kiss goodbye.

HANK: Keep your wife under control Severide!

Hank kissed the top of Beth's head

KELLY: I try to!

HANK:  See ya later!

Hank walked out of the restaurant.

KELLY:  Let's get outa here

Five or so minutes later they were home.  Rosie and Ellie came running up to Beth.

BETH:  Hey girls!

Rachel walked into the hall

KELLY: Where's Jaden?

RACHEL: He's lying on the couch asleep

KELLY: I'm gonna get a drink

Kelly walked into the kitchen

BETH:  Shit, he's not happy with me

ERIN: Go and talk to him

BETH:  I'll let him cool off first

RACHEL: What have you gone and done now?

BETH:  Never you mind nosey ars!  I might go for a lie down and keep out of his way

Beth picked up Ellie and gave her a kiss.

BETH: You want to come and lie down with mommy?

Ellie never said anything

ROSIE: Me no lie down!

BETH:  You don't have to

RACHEL: You go on up, i'll watch them

BETH:  Thanks.  Grab your bag Erin, I'll take you to your room

ERIN:  Thank you

Rachel took Ellie from Beth then the two women walked upstairs.  After Beth took Erin to her room she went to her bedroom and lay on her bed.  Kelly appeared a few minutes later.

KELLY:  Why are you up here?

BETH:  I'm a little tired

KELLY:  Are you avoiding me?


Kelly lay down next to her on the bed and looked at her

BETH:  I can feel you staring at me

KELLY:  Because I am

Beth opened her eyes and looked into his.  He smiled at her.

KELLY: You're so reckless at times! You don't think!

BETH: Is that right?

KELLY:  Yeah, that's right! Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?

BETH: Because you would've tried to stop me

KELLY: No I wouldn't have.  I told you I would've went with you

BETH: Well I'm sorry, it's done now

She closed her eyes

KELLY: Hey (quietly)

BETH: What?

Beth kept her eyes closed, she knew what he was up to

KELLY: I love you (smiling)

Beth opened her eyes and smiled at him

BETH: Why do you have to be so fucking perfect?

He brushed a stray hair away from her face

KELLY:  You are (quietly)

They  slowly pulled at each others clothes and it wasn't long until they were down to their underwear.

BETH:  I'm gonna go close the drapes over


Beth got up and walked over to the drapes and closed them. 

Kelly was already under the covers when she got back.  She laughed at him

BETH: You just can't wait!

KELLY: Do you blame me?

BETH:  No, not really! (laughing)

Beth joined him under the covers. He grabbed her making her laugh.

KELLY: Who's on top?

Beth laughed ..... about an hour later they were lying with their arms wrapped around each other.

BETH: We should get up

Beth though what she said then giggled

KELLY: You have such a filthy mind!

BETH: No I don't! (laughing)

KELLY: Well i'm ready if you are?

BETH: No, later!

They started kissing again and Kelly's hands began to wander. He stopped kissing her then looked at her breasts.

BETH: Why did you stop ? (Smiling)

KELLY: Beth, I can feel a small lump. Here, feel ...

Kelly took Beth's hand and pressed her fingers against the lump

BETH: Oh my god, no!

shaylynn belongs to RonnaSweeney51317

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