Percy Jackson, Son of Chaos...

By Cetirus

241K 2.8K 2.1K

Percy is betrayed when Nick Waters, a son of Poseidon and Percy's half brother, comes to camp. Loyalties are... More

Chap 1 - I Am Replaced
Chap 2 - A New Life and Mates
Chap 3 - Nick is a Prick and I Get Claimed
Chap 4 - Revealing Myself to the Gods and Campers
Chap 5 - Friendly Game of Capture The Flag and A Stupid Quest
Chap 6 - The Prophecy, Nick is Jealous and a Coward
Chap 7 - New Ally and Annabeth is Actually Stupid
Chap 8 - Nick is an Embarrassment and I get a Gift
Chap 9 - Nick is Delusional and A New Mate
Chap 10 - Fun in The Lotus Casino and A Giant Puppy
Chap 11 - Set Up and Beating Up an Olympian
Chap 12 - Olympus, An Ashamed Sea God and The Traitor Revealed
Chap 13 - Prophecy Fulfilled and A Vacation
Chap 14 - I'm Back With a Quest to Tartarus
Chap 16 - New King of Hellhounds and New Pets
Chap 17 - Sea Of Monsters and Grover in a Dress? Clarisse gets a new ride
Chap 18 - The Siblings, Thalia's gone and My last mate
Chap 19 - Reunions and Some Fun
Chap 20 - Nick is still an Idiot and Percy's Niece
Chap 21 - A Stalker and Another Pet
Chap 22 - Stowaways and Battling a Titan
Chap 23 - New Powers and A Victory
Chap 24 - The Curse and Uncovered Plans
Chap 25 - A New Mission
Chap 26 - New Campers
Chap 27 - Unexpected Ink and Two Embarrassed Camp 'Leaders'
Chap 28 - Ally and Duel
Chap 30 - Pre-battle
Chap 31 - Final Battle and New Olympians

Chap 29 - Beginning of The War

4.6K 65 30
By Cetirus


Who does that Pit Spawn think he is? Waltzing into my camp, acting like he owns the place? He even goes out after curfew, and Chiron doesn't do anything! He's lucky he's even alive, because I could probably get the gods to kill him with only a few words! It does help they don't trust him, so they'd most likely do it on their own.

I know exactly what will get to him, I just need to get his girl. I'll need to prove myself as the superior demigod, and she'll naturally dump him, and go for me.

I was pulled from my thoughts as the horn sounded, signalling an attack. In a hurry, I rushed to put on my gear, and to grab any weapons. I could see campers on every side of me, doing the same, except for the Pit Spawn and his friends. They simply stood, watching us, smiles on their faces.

I narrowed my eyes, they're up to something. I blinked, and they were gone, disappearing into shadow. Confused, I returned my focus to my gear, and pulled on my last bits of armor.

With no time to waste, I rushed to the camp's borders, Brad behind me. When we arrived, we were greeted with the sight of a small monster army of maybe one hundred, while the Pit Spawn fought with his friends, slowly dispelling what was left.

I rolled my eyes, and gazed around the enemy army, searching for something that might let me know he is here. 

And not four seconds later, my eyes landed on five cloaked figures, standing to the back. I saw red, this must be Percy. I growled, and slowly advanced, not bothering to note the few monsters left. 

Before I could get close enough to charge them, they vanished. Spinning, I looked to the newbies, and narrowed my eyes. 


I quickly finished off the rest of the army, and turned to meet Nick's angry eyes. Keeping my expression neutral, I approached the son of Poseidon.

Brad stood behind him, looking at me nervously. 

"About time you showed up, we could have died! You're lucky we know how to use our weapons." I called, scowling.

Before he could reply, a bright light flashed between us, revealing the Olympians.

"The war has begun!" Zeus' voice was loud and commanding, "While it is certainly earlier than anticipated, you may not slack in your training. This is serious, and you must treat it as such."

I raised a brow, "War? You mean to tell me you intended to keep an entire war secret from us?"

Zeus scowled, "Silence, mortal!" He paused, turning to Chiron, who had arrived moments before, "Chiron, you are to enhance the training. I want every camper to be prepared." With no further explanation, he flashed away, the rest of the gods following his example.

I turned to Zoë and Nico, "We leave tonight, after sending Chiron to Helix. Before we leave, we can put the plan into action." I spoke quietly to avoid being heard.

The two nodded in agreement, and we went about our days.


I quietly entered the big house, keeping my eyes open for stray campers. 

I stepped through the door, "Chiron?"

"I'll be right there." Chiron called from the other room. 

A few moments later, Chiron rolled in, riding his wheelchair. 

"I suspected you'd come tonight. I assume you're leaving for Helix?"

I nodded slowly, "Yes, but that's not why I'm here." I paused, gauging his reaction, "I wanted to invite you to join us, seeing as we could use your help."

The centaur smiled warmly, "It would be an honor."

I grinned, "That's wonderful!" I gave him a small, green crystal, "This will take you to Chaos' office. For now, I have something important to do here."

He nodded, taking the small crystal from my hand.

I smiled, and made my way back to the Chaos cabin to meet the other two. They greeted me at the door, already wearing their cloaks. With a small nod, we slipped on our masks, and ran to the armory. 

I hastily gave them both greek fire bombs, and we silently placed the explosives around the room. Once we were finished, we flashed to a nearby treetop, in order to watch the chaos. 

I removed my mask to grin at Nico, and to toss him a small controller.

He grinned evilly, and made a show of pressing the large, red button. In an instant, the armory exploded with green flames, spraying the charred remains of armor in all directions.

The sound woke the campers, and they poured from the cabins, rushin about in a frenzy. Nick and Brad made their way to the fire, desperately trying to extinguish the flame. I nearly collapsed with laughter, watching the two do increasingly stupid things.

Unfortunately, our fun was put to an end when the gods flashed in, looking quite annoyed. Within minutes, Poseidon had extinguished the fiery inferno, using seaweed essence, I assume. At least, that's what the bright green liquid had looked like.

Rolling my eyes, we moved forward in order to listen to what was being said.

"I demand to know who is responsible!" Zeus thundered.

Brad stepped forward nervously, "We don't know, Father. Everyone was asleep."

Athena quickly looked around the crowd of campers, searching for something. "Where are the new campers?"

Nick scowled, "Probably still in bed, though how they could sleep through that, I have no idea."

Brad frowned, "I'll go check it out."

A few minutes later, he returned. "They're not there! They've disappeared!"

Gasps sounded through the air, and everyone looked worried. 

Zeus looked furious, "It appears Perseus has managed to sway them to his side, but no matter. We don't need those pathetic mortals, we shall win anyways!"

Cheering filled the air, deafening us. The gods flashed away, leaving the campers to repair the armory.

Rolling my eyes, I took one last look at the billowing smoke, and teleported to Helix.

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