๑Not the same love๑ AU (♡Rusa...

By LittleBunnyDoll

19.7K 288 684

(if I make any mistakes, tell me please haha(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃) •The cover art is not mine, credit to zzoupz on tumb... More

•First meet•
•Crossover Lovers•
•Friends forever•
•A sleepover and a killer•
•A date to three•
•A little bit fun•
•Who's killing?•
•A new challenger•
•Two good ennemies•
•A bloody party•
•Too fast•
•A surprise meeting•
•The convention•
•A new conflict?•
•My darling•
•Two murders•
•☆My only star☆•
♡~Special Valentine's Day~♡

•Fake murder•

467 9 10
By LittleBunnyDoll

Mexico's POV

The next morning, I waited infront of China's house and see the cops coming for taking him. Well, they are stupid. The cops here are stupid yeah I say it! How can they believe me so easily?!
It's a fucking great news! Yeah! But they are a little stupid too hehe!
Talking about news, the journalist arrived too.
Yeah because you see, China isn't in our poor appartement. He is living in a fucking mansion!!!
So yeah, he is rich, his family gave him all this of course...
Anyway, when I see the cops taking him to the car, he noticed at me. He look petrified.
I just smiled at him.
He got into the police car, yelling at them that I was the one who did all this.
I denied and cry a bit: "How could lie to them and to me?! I'm sorry, you're just a danger for the society and for... You know who..." I say and smirked.
China look at me angrily and try to get out of the car. They are only one car and three officers. One of them thanked me and give me again their number and all... He asked me if I know someone else. For China of course. I shook my head and say no.
He understood and tell me "have a great day!".
I thanked him too and say the same.
I see them going far away from the house.

The last one now... America!

America's POV

I was watching TV because, well, I was in the mood to do it... I have nothing else to do...
Then, Canada suddenly run downstairs screaming like a maniac!: "America!!! You see that?!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I say a bit sleepy.

"Look at the news!" He say and handed me his phone.
What?! China is... Arrested?!
For what?!
"Apparently for the murder of all the countries before." Canada told me.

"Wow...! It's strange..." Is say and get up of my bed.

"Yeah... But, I have a good news...!"

"Huh? What is it?"

Canada hugged me and say: "I'm with Ukraine again! We're together!"

I was surprised and happy!: "Wow! That's a good news Canada! This means, you let Mexico behind huh?!" I say excited too.

He let me go off the hug and slapped me but a little slap on my cheek: "Yeah... Sorry, I deserve this one hehe...!"

"It's not that... It's just... He didn't want me so... I just forgot my love for him and turn back to the one who I really love." He say.

"Wow! That was beautiful, what you say!"

He giggled and we go downstairs for eating the breakfast.
Today, it's a boring day... It's too cold to go outside and there is ALWAYS SNOWING!!!
So, I think I'm going to stay home and chat with Russia!
And watch some movies and series if Canada don't take the TV for himself!
He always do that, but, he have Ukraine now so... He will call him all the time.

Anyways, after that information, and after our breakfast, I call Russia for telling him about China.
He is surprised as well. He saw it too and we don't know how to react... It is true? I always thought it was Mexico. Not because I hate him! This is not the moment, it's just... Well, all the time we saw him, at the party, at school everytime... He was acting... Strangely?
I mean, yeah, it's not because he is acting like that so he is a murderer...!
But, Russia thinks the same.

"So, you think, someone say a fake news about China?" Russia asked me in the phone.

"Yeah... But, I'm not actually sure... Maybe we can search for it?" I tell him.

"Yeah sure! I'll take you now then, I have nothing to do now hehe."

"Oh yes! I finished my breakfast too! See ya!~"

And we hang up the place.
I prepared myself, like always, my blue jeans and my military coat and run outside.

"Where are you going like that?"

I turned around and see my dad asking me the question.
I tell him that I'm hanging out with Russia. He smiled and winked at me.
Why do my family thinks that we're going to... You know...!!! *Sigh*
Anyways, I was waiting outside, it's a bit colder than before but there's the sun so that's oki doki!
I see Russia's car coming.
I get in the car after he stopped, and we drive away.

"So? Are we going to see Mexico or China?" Russia asked.

I look at him, and then say: "I don't really know... It's better if we talk to China first."

"Already then."

And we drive to the police station.
After arriving there, we immediately saw China, there was journalists outside and cameras!
Well, it's normal...! China is rich af. I mean, richer than EVERYONE!
His family got a lot of money because of factories and all the products they are making over and over again.
So now, he is in jail! Or maybe not...
He was talking with the officer and complaining about something.
We approach there but suddenly someone stopped us: "Good morning teens! Do you need something? Or waiting for someone?" He asked us...
We respond him that the guy over there is our friends and that we want to talk with him.
"Oh yeah, every journalists outside are waiting for him! But I don't think it's possible now, he is suspected for murder."

"But, how did you found him?" I asked.

"Sorry, I can't tell you this information. You can wait in the waiting room if you want to." He tell us.
We thanked him and go wait there.
I look at my phone and Russia... Well, he was looking around.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him.

"I... I don't know. China isn't my friend and you know that, but... What if it was really him?" He tells me.

"We can't be sure. And I don't want to pointing anyone! But Mexico is my number one suspect." I say and we didn't talk again.

After thirty minutes, we see China coming towards us, pissed off.

"China! Well uhm... Are you...-"

"Furious?! Pissed off of all this shit?! Yeah, really!" He say and sit down.

"So what happened?" I asked him.

"The officer isn't sure too. But I explained him about Mexico."

"Wait, what?!" I say surprised.

He look at me and smiled: "Oh my! Where are my manners? I beg you pardon! It's just that you know absolutely nothing between me and Mexico. Our relationship was based on the same term... But I'm naive to trust him like that. And that's how I find myself in his shit...!

"But ... what do you mean? It's Mexico that..."

"Who accused me of murder? Yes. So, everyone knows he's the killer."

"Sorry?!" Me and Russia we screamed, surprised!

China look at us confused: "What? You guys didn't know?"

"Well,..." Russia started but I cut him off.

"I knew it! But he didn't believe me!" I almost scream.

China giggled a bit and tell us to not worry about me. He have a tone of lawyers. We agreed and after that, we let him.
We then drive away and don't know where to go.

"So?... What should we do?" Russia asked me unsure.

"...What do we have to do?... Well, let's go visit our dear friend. Mexico!" I answer him and we took the road that leads to his house.
After arriving in front of his house, we get out of the car and wait here.

"I'm a bit nervous right now..." Russia say.

"Everything is going to be alright! We just have a little talk with him!" I say and go towards his door.

Russia look at me anxious and immediately run infront of me: "No, wait. I knock. You stay next to me all the time and behind me, is that clear?" He say really worried.

I look up at him, blushing and nodded.
He knocked.
No answers?
Again, he knocked.
Then, surprisingly, he finally opened.
"Oh! Russia! What brings you here?" Mexico asked him smiling...
I look down at him angrily.
"Oh uhm... Hi Mexico, me and Meri are here for talking a bit with you." Russia say.
So, he invited us inside.
"My roommates are outside so I'm alone! Please! Sit down!" Mexico say and pointed us the living room.
He then get us three cups of tea.
We declined and just talked with him.
"So? What do you guys wanted to tell me?" He asked us.

"Well, we want to talk about China and uh... His attestation." Russia start. I was still looking at Mexico with anger.

"What is the problem?" He say.

"It's you!" I screamed!

Russia's POV

Oh shit.
"America, honey! Calm down!" I tell him and hugged him for not attacking Mexico..
He look at America with no expression and take a sip of his cup.
Then, he tell us that he did what he had to do. And it was, denounce a murderer.

"It's fucking wrong! You're the killer! Admit it! We know it now!!!" America kept roaring...!

I tried to calm him down but nothing to do, even my hugs don't affect him a little!

"Why accuse me without evidence? I have evidence for China, he had weapons in his room and that's how I suspected him! The poor... Killing for someone he loves..."Mexico finished looking at me and... Smiling.

It gives me a rather awkward effect. America continued to growl.
Against Mexico.

"Well... We have evidence too, don't we darling?" I say looking at America. America was a little confused because our only evidence is... That he behaved strangely, and again, it's not real evidence!

"You're a fucking psycho and a boyfriend thief!!!"

"America calm down!" I tell him a little yelling.

He stopped and still groaned in a ball in my arms. I sighed and tell to Mexico what is the truth.
He look down and blush a bit... He is embarrassed I think...?

"Okay fine...! I... I tell you the truth... Because... I love you..." He start.

I look at him surprised but not too much. Because I know that.
America was really surprised and even more angry now.

"But... I kill them just for us...! And... Now, there's is just one of them... One last country..." Mexico say, looking at America with no expression again.

"Fight me!!!" America scream again!

"Please Ame calm down!" I say resisting America's attacks.

"I have a lot of things to prepare... Can you please go?" Mexico tell us and get up.

We look at him confused but leave it anyway.

When we arrived at the front door, Mexico stopped America: "Wait, not you America, I just have to tell you something."

I take America's other hand: "If you have to tell him something, I'm here too, I don't care." I tell to Mexico.

He look a bit pissed off but tells him anyway: "I appreciate your cooperation and all, but I think the real murder was you all the time."

America look at him confused and surprised.
Mexico approached America's neck and whispered: "You were the one who stole my boyfriend first I remind you, all of this and your fault."

America wanted to respond but I take him in my arms and we leave.
"Wait!!! I wanted to tell him what I think about!!!" America say trying to get there.

"He is not worth it." I tell him.

He sighed and I take him in my home.
We didn't talk in the car. He was looking outside angry.

"... I'm sorry I took you like that..." I tell him.

He just look at me and didn't respond.
We arrived quickly at my home and there was Ukraine and Canada going outside of the house.
We are them going out and laughing.
Well, there's just Belarus and Kazakhstan-
Wait... This is my dad's car...!
So, he is finally home?
I open the door and let America get first.
And, surprise surprise...!
Belarus and Kazakhstan are again in the living room watching TV and giggling.
They saw us.
Oh no...!
"WELL WELL WELL!!!~ What are we here!" Belarus scream and run at us.
She look at America with sparkles in her eyes: "So you're the bunny boyfriend of the big scary bear huh?"

"Wow! We're so happy to finally meet you!" Kazakhstan say coming too...

America look at them confused but smiled and was happy.

"Okay it's enough! We're going upstairs!" I say and take America's hand.

But Belarus stopped us: "Wait, Russia! Dad wants to talk with you first."

I nodded and let America with them.
I go to the kitchen and see my dad there, cooking.
I approached him: "Uh... Hey dad. It's been two weeks or uh... One? We didn't see you hehe...!" I say nervously.

He look at me and smiled: "Yeah, it was long, but I had a lot of works. I wanted to talk with you about someone..."

I sit down and continue listening him.
He was still cooking and talking: "I see you coming with your... Boyfriend? Well, I heard about China's attestation. Did you two went to saw him?" He asked me.

I tell him the truth, all the truth! With what happened with Mexico, with China and the murderers.
He knew all this. He heard about it, like everybody else, on the TV.
But I was still surprised by... What happened with Mexico and America.
It's like... They were ennemis but I thought they were... Friends now?
I'm stupid, I know...

"I just wanted to ask you this, don't worry. Nothing else is wrong. Just be careful outside alright?"

"Yes dad, thanks." I say and get up.

"Oh! And, a last thing." He stopped me.

I turn back and listen to him.
"I will go to do affairs somewhere else. So, I won't be here again, I count on you to be responsible. And take care of your siblings." He finished.

I nodded and smiled then I go to the living room.
America and the two idiots were laughing over and over again.
What is so... Funny huh?
I look at America, he is so happy... I'm going to join them after all, I'm tired for doing something else right now!

So I join them on the couch and take America in my arms.
He smiled at me and kiss me.
He finished to stay here to sleep.
He already called to his parents.
Then, we fall asleep on the couch watching the TV.
Just me and Ame.
The others are already sleeping.

It's a beautiful night right now...!

It took me so long why?!
I didn't finished because I was lazy to write everytime I wanted hehe so sorry!
But here it is!
I hope you like it!(。ŏ﹏ŏ)
I know this chapter contain a lot of dialogues and I'm sorry about this too. (╥﹏╥)
Also, it's close to the end!
(It's a... Spoil?... Nahhhh!!! Just an advertisement!ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ)
Bu I still hope you enjoy this chapter!


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