Diesel (Aces MC #1)

By a-l-foster

443K 18.4K 424

Twenty year old Harlow has spent the last two years avoiding the advances of club members, much to the annoya... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

59.9K 1.8K 47
By a-l-foster

Chapter 1


What should I wear? I've only ever been a waitress or worked in a bar so it's difficult to know what to wear. Is a suit appropriate for such an interview or should I wear jeans and a t-shirt? This one makes my bum look big, red is too bright, I just don't know. A suit, I'm going to wear a suit.

I scattered clothes all over the bedroom floor trying to find the perfect outfit, I wanted to make the right impression but didn't want to come across too uptight. Letting out a sigh I glanced at the mess I'd made in my normally tidy bedroom. I grabbed a pair of black and white pinstriped trousers that would match the white blouse I was currently holding, and after deciding to have my hair up out of my face, I applied a little mascara and clear lip gloss.
Looking in the full length mirror I decided that I looked a little conservative so I opened my shirt slightly by unfastening the top button, then sprayed myself with my favourite perfume. Yes that's it, professional not slutty that's the look I want. With a deep breath, I made my way out of the apartment, collecting my portfolio from the pine wooden table by the front door and took the ten minute walk towards the interview that may just change my life forever.

The sun was shining brightly which made my journey a little more bearable and the walk gave me the opportunity to consider all possible scenarios. As I approached the building I saw two Harley's parked on the high street directly in front of the shop and my heart rate increased as I become a little nervous. Not because bikers scared me, I'd grown up with them all of my life I was practically raised by the Skulls after my mother had died of an overdose when I was four. No, I was nervous because so much was riding on getting this job. I finally had the chance to become independent and wanted so badly to get a job that I knew I would love and be good at. I took one final look at my reflection in the shop window and unfastened another button on my blouse, letting out a deep breath I opened the door to the Aces Tattoo shop.

The bells chimed and sounded my arrival but it was the music pumping loudly from the back room that set my heart racing as my anxiety took hold. I glanced around the reception area, which took me by surprise, as it was clean, and tidy, something that the Skulls weren't particularly good at. Five red leather chairs lined the back wall and a square pine coffee table positioned in the far corner containing a selection of tattoo magazines and a yucca plant that was in dire need of water.
As I looked around taking in the scenery, I heard footsteps as someone entered the room behind me. I turned to see a scrawny young man of average height, that looked to be in his late teens staring at me with an unreadable expression. He wore jeans that had seen better days, a blue t-shirt and a standard leather cut, which read 'Prospect' and I knew that it would be difficult to get through him to talk to the manager because of his demeanour.

"Can I help you?" He asked with an almost bored tone.
I pointed to the piece of paper stuck in the window with sticky tape, "I'm here regarding the job advertised." I held my portfolio tightly against my chest, "I called earlier in the week and was told to pop in to show my designs."
The Prospect looked me up and down lingering at my chest as a smile crept slowly across his young face, without warning he laughed, not just a chuckle but a wholehearted belly laugh. He doubled over at the waist trying to catch his breath, holding his stomach as he continued. I stood uneasy trying to keep composed as I shuffled from one foot to the other as time seemed to stand still but I could slowly feel myself getting annoyed the longer he laughed at me as the heat rose through my body. If I couldn't get past the Prospect, how would the owner ever take me seriously?
I gripped the folder tightly in my arms, I knew I was a fantastic tattooist I'd been working on the men in the Skulls MC since I was sixteen years old. Blaze had seen my Art portfolio when I was fourteen, I remember the day as if it was yesterday because someone had actually paid me some attention and appreciated my hard work and creativity. I was sitting in the grounds of the club and Blaze had looked through my designs and asked me to produce some for the books at the shop. I steadily built my portfolio and he looked after me taking me under his wing so that I could learn my trade. When I turned sixteen, he allowed me to practice on him and the other club members, much to my dad's disgust. I had good grades at school and my dad wanted a better life for me outside of the club or at least to be invisible and not draw attention to myself until I was eighteen.

I had faith in my capabilities even if this jerk in front of me didn't but I couldn't stand the humiliation any longer. I spun on my heels, walked through the reception area and out into the street slamming the door behind me. The door closed with such force that the bells came off, which gave me a little satisfaction after what had just been a crushing experience and the end to a shitty day.

Twenty-four hours later

"How dare that little shit laugh at me like I'm nothing?" I said aloud. I was getting ready to go back to the Aces Tattoo shop but this time I was going prepared and I wasn't taking no for an answer. I applied a little heavier make up than I usually wore and opted for black heavy eyeliner, smoky eyes and bright pink lipstick. I decided to wear something that I would feel comfortable in and chose my tight leather trousers, knee high boots and a black leather waist coat which enhanced my curves. I already had a big bust for my size but the push up bra I was wearing intensified them further.
My hair had always been my favourite feature, so I decided to wear it down to give me a little more confidence. My hair was like a veil that hung to the waistband of my trousers and I was fortunate that my dad had never allowed anyone to cut it whilst I was growing up.
I'd never used my looks to get anything before but today I was going to use what God had given me, to get my foot through the door and speak to the owner. For the second time in twenty-four hours, I looked at my reflection with apprehension but this time I was being myself and liked what I saw. If I were told 'no' dressed like this, at least I had my armour to fight back. My armour also included my personal designs that covered most of my upper body telling a story, my story, which I was proud of. I picked up my keys along with my portfolio and walked out of the door ready to get the job I deserved.


"Spike!" The Prospect shouted through the curtain.
I ignored the little shit. He had pissed me off yesterday by sending a potential employee away. I needed someone to start immediately as I was snowed under with running the shop and errands for the club.
"Spike!" He shouted again.
"Sorry man, I better see what that little shit wants." I stopped Bear's tattoo and stood from my chair.
"No worries, I'm not exactly going anywhere." Bear stated as he lay on his front sprawled out like a starfish.
Throwing my gloves into the waste bin, I strolled to the reception area and pulled back the curtain to notice Jimmy drooling over a customer.
I clipped him around the head, "Stop being so fucking rude and move out the way."
Jimmy mumbled something under his breath before disappearing into the backroom, I sniggered to myself at seeing his demeanour. I turned to face the customer that had gotten Jimmy excited and that's when I got a good look at the girl standing at the reception desk. She was beautiful, not your typical beauty but she certainly made my cock twitch. She had long black hair and piercing blue eyes that looked like they could see straight into your soul, not a place I wanted her to see into though.
I noticed her tattooed arms and chest and that her designs were feminine and suited her small frame well, some tattoos make women look butch but not this one. I continued to check her out but realised that I was staring and didn't want to come across as an arse.

I was about to speak when she offered her hand, "Hi I'm Harlow, nice to meet you. Are you the owner?" She asked looking at me with those beautiful eyes.
I noticed that she was clutching a folder close to her chest. "What's in the folder?" I asked her curiously. I wasn't in the habit of stating who I was before I knew what the person wanted.
"Oh sorry, I'm here about the job you have advertised in the window. I brought my designs to show you what I can do." As she spoke, she placed the leather bound folder on the counter. "I've also got all the relevant paperwork."
I flicked through her designs noticing how talented she was, her designs were creative and different to the usual shit I saw and I found that she had roused my interest.
"Who did your artwork?" I asked as she ran her hand up and down her arm looking at the designs.
"I drew them and a friend inked me." The way she said friend piqued my interest but I didn't have time for this shit as I was in the middle of a tattoo.
"Look, I'll be totally straight with you, this club is owned by the Aces and you'll be working on bikers." I folded my arms and looked at her studying her beautiful face, which gave absolutely nothing away.
"They curse and they're rude, is this really the place you want to work?" I thought that she would run for the hills, although I was hoping she wouldn't because a piece of eye candy around the place would bring in more customers.
Her face lit up showing a line of perfectly white teeth, "Yes, I've dreamt of this." She said excitedly.
Her response took me by surprise but I needed to make a few things clear, "I don't want any dramas brought to my shop or ideas of running away with any of my Brothers." I stood with my hands on my hips assessing her reaction further, she was still smiling with her pleading eyes.
"Well, I can't be any clearer than that and if that hasn't put you off then great. Come in and finish off Bears tattoo, then we'll assess the situation."

Harlow followed me into the back room and I noticed her taking in the decor. It wasn't much, the shop was minimalist and I liked it that way so there was less to clean. We had three tattoo chairs positioned around the room containing individual work areas, the colour scheme was black and white which made it easier to decorate and gave it an almost sterile feel.
Bear was lying on his front in the furthest chair in my work area, he looked like he was asleep.
"Bear, I've got a special treat for you man!" I shouted across the room.
He opened one eye and a smile spread across his face, "Hello beautiful, have you come to suck me off while Spike finishes my tattoo?"
Harlow approached the workstation slowly, swinging her hips provocatively, "Not likely old man, lay back down and you may feel my tits rubbing on your back while I finish your tattoo." She gave me a wink and put on the latex gloves, letting the material smack against her wrist before flexing her fingers and positioning herself over him. Bear was gobsmacked and quickly settled down. She would fit in perfectly!

For the next hour, I observed Harlow finish off the tattoo under my supervision, she was doing well although a little nervous and Bear was most certainly enjoying the attention.
"What's up with you?" Duke asked as he walked into the room with Diesel.
I was still chuckling from the expression on Bears face. Pointing to Harlow I turned to face them, "She's interviewing for the job."
They turned to the beauty in front of them and Diesel let out a low whistle in appreciation.
"She's fit." Duke said stating the obvious.
"And talented!" I informed them crossing my arms and taking a defensive stance. I didn't need to justify who I hired but for some reason, I felt I needed to inform them that I wasn't hiring her just for her looks, although it was a bonus.


The three of us watched Harlow completing Bear's tattoo observing from a far.
"Right it's all done, if you come over to the mirror you can see my handy work." She said beaming with delight.
The first thing I noticed was her long black hair that hung down to her lower back. She was wearing an outfit made of leather that clung in all the right places to enhance all of her assets. Her tattooed arms were beautiful and suited her unlike the strippers and hang around skanks, who get tattoos just because they think bikers like them on our women.
Bear stood and I sniggered at seeing his arousal as it was evident for everyone to see, he cupped himself quickly and made his excuses before scurrying to the bathroom. Harlow's mouth fell open as she turned to face us with a shocked expression, I couldn't help but explode with laughter as the rest of the guys joined in clearly enjoying the entertainment playing out in front of us.
"That's disgusting he's old enough to be my Grandad!" Harlow stated through giggles.

Still laughing, Harlow removed her latex gloves and threw them into the bin.
"Hi, I'm Harlow." She said walking over to Duke confidently with her hand held out.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Duke, President of the club and this is my VP, Diesel."
Harlow smiled politely letting go of Duke's hand and turned towards me. I took her small hand and felt her shudder as our bodies touched, her striking eyes looked me up and down checking me out which I found amusing as she didn't hide the fact. The girl had balls!
"It's a pleasure to meet you Harlow, nice tats." I stated smirking at her whilst raising my eyebrows slightly. Harlow glanced down at her chest then realised what I'd just said, she flashed me a smile and I could see her flush a lovely shade of pink.
"For Christ sakes, leave the girl alone." Spike said in her defence clearly annoyed.
Harlow slowly let go of my hand and I instantly felt like I was missing something.

"You've done well, when can you start?" Spike asked smiling at Harlow.
She clapped her hands together in excitement, I wondered what else may get her excited and started to feel my arousal. I mentally slapped myself for acting like I was fourteen again and rearranged myself quickly, catching Duke's eye as he looked me up and down smiling at my obvious discomfort.

"You don't know what this means to me, I promise I won't let you down." Harlow gave Spike a tight squeeze and kissed him on the cheek. I could feel myself slowly getting annoyed and wanted to pull her from his grasp. What the fuck was wrong with me?
Harlow slowly pulled away from Spike's arms, "I can start Monday, if that's okay with you?"
Patting her on the back lightly, "That's great, welcome to the team Harlow." Spike stated before shouting for the Prospect, "Jimmy, see Harlow out!"
He came bounding into the room from the reception area like a dog on heat, and I stood just taking everything in trying to work her out.

Harlow gathered her things and I noticed the look she was giving Jimmy. It wasn't a pleasant look which made me curious. Had he said something to upset her?
Her stare then moved to me and she checked me out again, unconsciously licking her lips in what looked to be in appreciation. Her eyes caught mine and I thought she may get embarrassed but she continued to stare finishing her sweep over my body before smiling sweetly. My cock started to twitch again and I was trying to compose myself, thinking of things that would keep it under control.


He had caught me checking him out, how embarrassing! I was trying hard to come across worldly and a little older than my twenty years but my confidence was deteriorating the longer I was around him. I was so excited at the prospect of working in this shop but I was trying to keep that excitement bottled up, as I didn't want to make a tit of myself.
Jimmy pulled me from my thoughts as he ushered me out of the main room. To my amazement, he hadn't noticed that I was the same person that had turned up yesterday for the job. What a dickhead!
As we walked to the door Jimmy had the nerve to put his hand on my lower back and I quickly turned grabbing his arm and twisted it behind his back, a move that my dad had shown me to immobilise someone.
"Did I say that you could touch me, you fucking dickhead?" I saw a flash of surprise on his face. "You're so thick you didn't even realise that it was me that came in yesterday looking for a job." I could hear my voice getting louder but I didn't care.
"I'm sorry, it's just that yesterday you looked like a librarian and today you just look fucking hot!" I twisted his arm further and he let out another cry of pain.
"Fucking idiot. From Monday I'm working here and if you do as much as look at me in the wrong way, I'll break your fucking arm. You got me?" All composure was lost and I was now screaming at him.
"Yes, yes I understand. I'm sorry!" he screamed as I let go of his arm and immediately started to rub it.
"Pussy!" I spat as I left the building.


"What the fucking hell is going on out there?" Duke asked, looking towards the curtain leading to reception.
"I'll go and take a look." I strolled into the reception area, where I found Jimmy perched on one of the chairs rubbing his arm, trying to get the circulation back into his hand.

"What happened to you?" I asked him with a smirk.
"She went fucking nuts and started shouting at me about yesterday."
I was sick of talking in riddles, "What happened yesterday?" I was slowly losing my patience with him.
"She came looking for a job but she wasn't dressed like...well you know, like that." Jimmy continued to rub his arm and looked sheepishly at the floor. "I laughed at her and she left obviously annoyed."
I shook my head, "She was right, you are a fucking idiot." I opened the door to find Harlow, "And fix those fucking bells!" I shouted, slamming the door behind me.

I found her leaning against a black Honda further down the high street, taking her inhaler. I casually leaned against the car next to her, "That was quite a performance."
She glanced in my direction with those gorgeous eyes, "Did he tell you what he did yesterday?" She asked folding her arms across her chest but she didn't wait for me to respond. "I'm sick of people judging me for who they think I am, rather than getting to know me first. Have you ever experienced that?" I could see that she was upset as her eyes glistened with unshed tears before turning her head slightly to look in the opposite direction clearly not wanting me to see.
"Every day of my life babe." I said waving my hand up and down my cut. "The thing is though I don't let it bother me." I turned to face her fully, "If you want to work in a place like this, you need to toughen up."
I went to put my arm around her but Harlow flinched and moved away.
"What, you think I'm a push over?" She pushed off the car, putting her hands on her hips looking directly at me. "You think I can't handle myself? You know nothing about me and what I've had to deal with." Now she was shouting again. She crossed her arms in an almost defensive stance and had now drawn attention as I noticed several people were now staring in our direction.
I tried to defuse the situation and calm her down, "Do you wanna talk about it?"
She looked sexy as hell when she was annoyed and I debated whether to keep pushing her for my own sick gratification but my comment had obviously surprised her by the expression on her face.

"Look I'm sorry, you must think I'm a lunatic?" I raised my eyebrow slightly which made her snigger. "I'm not usually this emotional, he just upset me by judging me for looking like a tart." As she spoke she looked at the floor swinging her right foot from side to side, I thought this may be a nervous thing but it made her look young. Come to think of it how old was she, twenty possibly twenty-two?
I placed my hand under her chin lifting her head slightly so she looked directly at me.
"You don't look like a tart, you look fucking hot babe."
With those words, it was as if everything around us had stopped. She looked at me intently and it was only her and I in this moment, sizing each other up. I could see the pulse in her neck steadily beating and could hear her breathing accelerate at my close proximity. She reached out to touch my face but the moment was broken as the car I was leaning on unlocked, making a noise that startled us.

A short overweight man walked towards the vehicle and Harlow moved slightly to give the man access to his car. He huffed and muttered something under his breath that I thought was brave but he soon stopped when he noticed I was glaring at him. He drove away quickly leaving us standing on the pavement.
"I thought that was your car, do you want a lift home?" I asked looking up and down the street to see if there was another vehicle.
"No I'm fine, I've got my ride." She turned and walked over to the Heritage Softail Classic Harley and cocked her leg to sit comfortably on the seat. She secured her helmet, which made her look even hotter if that was at all possible. Harlow could see from my facial expression that I was shocked and she was clearly enjoying my reaction.
"Thank you for calming me down, hopefully I'll see you again soon Diesel?"
Before I knew it, she had pulled away into the traffic, giving a little wave with her left hand at the guys who had now congregated outside.
"You certainly will, Harlow." I said to myself walking back towards the shop.

The guys stood outside the shop laughing at the entertainment that had just been played out in front of them.
"Was that your girl riding the Harley?" Duke asked with humour in his voice.
"It certainly was." I said more to myself than to Duke.
They laughed at my expense as I barged past them stalking into the shop, "Fucking pricks!"

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