Behind The Lines *WW2 Fan-fic...

By Zoros_Bazongas

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Heidi Green. A kind yet intimidating lady. Keen to fight for her country. Keen to do what 'men should be doin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
HELLO 2023!!!!!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
TW Please Read
Chapter 20
Quick Lil Author's Note

Chapter 16

253 8 23
By Zoros_Bazongas

"T-The c-cold will b-be the death o-of me." Stiles shivered and wrapped his arms around himself in attempt to warm up.
We walked through the snow, my feet were already numb from the coldness. Zuss and I trailed behind the others, he was trying to get something out of me. Something to do with Aiello.
He rubbed his hands together and smirked at me, "So what happened last night Greenie? And don't lie to me."
I rolled my eyes and brushed a few strands of hair with my gloved hands.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." I lied to him, trying to hide the smirk that was probably apparent.

It's like Zuss knew me more than I knew myself. He knew when I was lying. I usually told Zuss everything. I saw him as a brother, the brother I never had. Our bond was something I cherished deeply. But I guess you could say that about the others too. We would forever be family. The war brought us closer together.

"I'm sure I just said don't lie to me." Zuss retorted with his brow raised, sarcasm dripping from his words.
I glanced over at him and my smirk became more obvious, which made him snigger.
"We just went out for a smoke, Zuss." I responded and felt a familiar heat on my cheeks. At least my face was warm in this weather.
Zuss noticed this and nudged my shoulder lightly in a playful manner. "I don't believe you for one minute." A grim on his face as he looked over at Aiello, who walked ahead, then back at me.

I let out a light sigh and looked at the ground. My cheeks were burning now. I glanced up at Aiello as he joked with Stiles and some other men.
"If you really must know, Zuss..." I began as I glared at him playfully. "I was cold, so he gave me his jacket and then we had this really long hug. And then we gazed at the stars for a little. Satisfied?" He smiled at my true response and patted my back.
"That wasn't so hard, was it?" He taunted and I shoved him, resulting him to hold his hands up in defence.

Aiello looked over at us and I saw his face slightly drop. He stopped walking and we caught up with him.
"Y'know how slow you guys walk?" He complained and I tried to hide the blush on my cheeks by looking away.
"We were just discussing your relation-" I cut Zuss off before he could finish that embarrassing sentence. I wrapped my hand around his mouth and Aiello gazed at me with his brows raised.
"He's just joking." I giggled nervously, "Aren't you, Zuss?" I narrowed my eyes and Zussman and watched him nod his head slowly. I removed my hand and tried to avoid Aiello's confused gaze.

"We should hurry up." I muttered quietly and rushed by the two, who were laughing at my embarrassment.
I caught up with Stiles and listened to him complain about the cold, hoping it would distract me from what just happened.


The five of us sat in the trench and shivered quietly, waiting for Pearson to assign us with tasks.

"Nice boots, College. They look new." Zuss said as he looked over at Stiles.
I lit a cigarette and offered for the others to take one.
"Yeah. He poached 'em off some replacement. That poor kid froze to death." Aiello added from next to me, lighting the cigarette I gave him.
Stiles shrugged his shoulders and looked over at Daniels, "If Pierson wasn't so stingy with requisitions, I wouldn't have to steal." He explained but Daniels waved a hand.
"It's okay. They weren't doing the replacement any good."
Zussman looked at Daniels with a smile, "Where's that farm kid I used to know?" He asked and Daniels shrugged. "If you see him, give me a holler."

"Helluva Christmas, huh, guys?" Stiles remarked, looking at everyone with a hint of sadness. I tossed my cigarette on the ground and put it out under my shoe.
Aiello scoffed and leaned back on the trench wall. "Oh, yeah. Why would I wanna be cuddled up by a nice warm fire with a gal, when I could be freezing my ass off with you bastards?" He wrapped his arm around me which made me look up at him in slight shock. I felt relaxed under his touch.

"Oh shit. Incoming." Stiles warned and I quickly shifted from Aiello's grip before Pearson could see. He stumbled over and glared at Aiello briefly.
"Aiello, get back on that MG." He ordered and Aiello complied, "Yes, Sergeant."
I mentally rolled my eyes at Pearson. I still couldn't forget about how much of a dick he was to me the other night. He's completely lost it. And because of that, we definitely won't make it home... And if we do, it will be in a casket.

"Sergeant, any extra costs or blankets?" Daniels questioned, shivering between his words. But Pierson didn't show any mercy. "You look just fine to me." He simply answered, a frown on his face.
"East dugout got hit all night. Grab an a ammo box, you're gonna re-supply 'em." Pierson ordered and Daniels sat up to move. "I take that ammo, Aiello's gonna run dry." He said, but once again, Pierson showed no mercy. The shitty Sergeant looked over at Aiello and glared at him harshly.
"Well then I guess you better make every goddamn shot count." Pierson sneered and Aiello shook his head slightly and gave a small smile in Daniels' direction.
Daniels grabbed the ammo and began walking to the men at the dugout.

Pierson's harsh gaze shifted to me and the sniper in my hands. "Over there, Princess." His snarky comment made my blood boil. I got up and moved to the place he was pointing at. "Fuckin' prick." I grumbled lowly under my breath. I got behind the wooden fencing and propped up my sniper rifle.


"Corporal. Green. Have I got a treat for you." Aiello smirked as he tossed his cigarette on the ground before leading us inside a tent. Daniels and I exchanged a look and followed him.

Pierson and an African American were inside. Aiello smugly looked at us before pointing at the stranger. "This is Howard."
Howard stood from the radio and walked over to greet us. "Pleased to make your acquaintance." He said as he held his hand out.
Daniels' eyes widened slightly but shook his hand. "Sorry, I didn't expect-"
Howard cut him off, "To work along such a fine engineer?" he smiled.
Howard then looked over at me and smiled, "A lady on the team. Never seen anything like it." He held his hand out for me and I grinned at him. "Green. Nice to meet you." I politely told him.

Aiello turned to me with a shocked expression but then shook it off and glanced back over at Howard.
"Howard was part of the company that took the ridge." He explained and then smirked at the African American, "Can't believe they let 'em fight." My eyes widened and I smacked Aiello's shoulder at his remark.
"Oh yeah. They even let us die." Howard shot back whilst staring at him, I could feel the tension.

Howard moved over to the papers on the table. "Now, when this convoy rolls through, Krauts are gonna unleash hell." He told us.
"I thought we had reserves coming." Daniels stated from next to me. Pierson looked up from his clipboard and glared at him for a second. "We are the reserves." He sneered.
Daniels shook his head, "Sergeant, we should call in air support." He insisted but Pierson just scoffed in return.
"Look at that. Daniels here just remembered he was a corporal." The sarcasm in his sentence just made me want to tell him to shut up.

"Radio's working now!" Howard jumps in.
Pierson's cold gaze shifted from Daniels to Howard. "Yeah, I wouldn't count on any help. Our flyboys got their hands full." With that, he tosses his clipboard on the table and moves away from us, giving us a death stare in the process.

Daniels, Aiello and I headed out and I let out a sigh. I hate Pierson's attitude with a passion. It's like he wants everyone to die.

"Convoy's here and they have supplies! Grab what you can!" Stiles told everybody. I began walking over to the convoy.
"Now we just need to make sure these guys get to the Rhine." Daniels told us.
"Yeah, if there's any bridges left." Zussman added, making me nod in agreement. "Hopefully there is." I muttered quietly whilst checking the ammo in my weapons.
"There's that holiday spirit." Stiles said to Zussman and I.

"INCOMING!" A soldier screamed as he pointed up at the sky. I froze in place for a split second and looked up to see enemies above us. Explosion after explosion. The trees were collapsing and soldiers were running.
"GUYS, LET'S MOVE!" Daniels shouted over the explosions. I ran with everyone and looked for cover immediately.
"I'M RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" My heart was racing so fast. We dodged the bombs as best as we could, trying to block out the screams from our wounded men. "GO! GO! GO!" Zussman screamed, looking behind him and making sure we were all still here. "MOVE IT! MOVE IT!" He screamed again as he and Daniels jumped into a small hole for cover.
I ran with Aiello and Stiles for cover but noticed a huge tree was about to collapse on me. "GREEN!" I heard Aiello yell out and then I was instantly tackled out of the way. My breathing was heavy from shock. I got up and Aiello guided us to a trench. "OVER HERE!" Stiles and I followed and kept our heads down.

I couldn't process what had happened. I almost died. Aiello saved my ass.

I snapped out of it and waited for the awful explosions to come to an end. The ground was shaking violently, but we kept our heads down and prayed we would be alright. 

"I think it's over." Stiles told us. He was right. The explosions had stopped. I slowly got up from the ground and tried to calm my breathing. Aiello grabbed my shoulders gently and looked me in the eyes. "Are you alright?" His voice laced with panic. Without thinking, I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. "Thank you." I said as I pulled away and went to reunite with Daniels and Zuss. "Are you two okay?" I asked as they got on their feet. "Yeah. We're fine." Daniels answered gratefully and grabbed his gun.

"All clear! All clear!" Pierson shouted.
We followed through and prepared to fight. "They're softening us up for an attack." Zuss said.
"Let's go! Everybody up!" Pierson ordered and lead the way. "Come on! Fall in on me!"

We followed Pierson and gathered around to listen to his orders. "Kraut armour's inbound and they cut our lines!" He shouted, slightly panicked.
"There's a radio in our old CP! You provide the fire support, I'll get it working." Howard insisted.
Daniels looked hesitant, "That CP's on top of the enemy." He stated and Pierson turned around and gave him a death stare.
"Hey! You're a Corporal now, goddamnit! Start acting like one!" He yelled in Daniels' face.

"You can't expect us to go out there with him!" Aiello pointed at Howard and I gave him a stern look.
"You're from Queens. Nothing new." Zussman commented and Aiello shrugged his shoulders, "If you say so."
Howard turned around sharply and looked at Aiello. "Hey! I was an NCO! Gave up my stripes to be here!" He turned to the rest of us and continued, "Now we need to move! Now!" I nodded at him and got ready to move.
"Lead the way." Daniels told him. Aiello and Zuss stood up as well and we all moved together.
"This world's gone topsy turvy." Aiello muttered from next to me.
"Wait until I punch you in the nose." Zuss warned, clearly sick of his awful comments.
"Carry on, Frank, and I will give you fuckin' hell." My voice was stern.
Aiello looked over at me with a small smirk, "Yes, ma'am." He flirted and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Howard dies, we're screwed." Zuss said as we waited for Daniels to catch up.
"He won't. Let's go." I reassured him and we moved up to protect Howard.

"This is gonna take some time! Keep 'em occupied!" Howard shouted to us. "Easy for you to say!" Aiello shot back. Daniels glanced at me for a split second. "Green, you cover the left! Aiello, get the right. Zuss, cover the doorway! Stiles and I will take the windows!" He ordered and I nodded. "Yes, Corporal!"

I used the wooden walls for cover, it wasn't exactly much, but it had to do. I swiftly moved around the wall and aimed my sniper at a Kraut and quickly fired before the enemies could notice me.
I quickly moved behind the wall and waited for some of the enemies to reload. I looked through the scope and aimed my sights at two enemies who stood close together. I quickly shot them both, not wasting any time.

"Could you hurry it up a little?!" Aiello yelled over to Howard, as he reloaded his SMG.
Howard didn't bother to look at him, "I'm trying!" Was all he responded with.
"We're sitting ducks out here!" I heard Aiello shout. I tried to block everyone out as I aimed for another enemy, pulling the trigger immediately.
"We're surrounded!" Zuss screamed.
"Shit!" I switched to my BAR and fired at a few enemies that almost approached us.

"Daniels. I need more time!" Howard called out.
"Howard, you gotta hurry!" Aiello basically ordered him.
"Damn this thing!" Howard shouted as he tried to get the radio to work.

I switched to my sniper once again and took out an enemy to was also using a sniper rifle. He was aiming directly at Howard. "Shit." I mumbled and quickly took him out, sighing in relief.

"That radio better be worth it!" Aiello yelled over the gunfire.
"Alright it's working! Call for air support!" Howard yelled over at Daniels. Daniels then quickly rushed over and began talking into the radio. "Rover Joe, Rover Joe. This is Dagwood White 5 requesting close air support. Over."

"Copy that, Dagwood White 5. Air support is already tasked with heavy bomber support. ETA unknown. Over." I took a deep breath of relief and continued to shoot a few more enemies.

"Let's move!" I heard Daniels shout over to us. I quickly got up and began moving with the others.
"We gotta get back to the line!" Zuss called out. Enemies were shooting at us from behind, we tried to dodge the bullets as best as we could. We made it back to Pierson and found cover.
"Air support is on it's way!" Daniels told Pierson.
"We're not gonna last!" Aiello commented with worry.
I kneeled behind the small wall I used as cover and began firing my BAR at the enemies.
"Gotta hold 'em off a little longer!" Pierson ordered us.

"Get to the left flank!" Pierson commanded. I stood and quickly complied before the Krauts had time to reload. We had to protect our tanks.

"Green! Use that sniper and take out those anti-tank units!" I switched to my Lee Enfield and crouched.
I quickly aimed at the Krauts who was attacking one of our tanks and quickly fired a few bullets into them. I reloaded quickly and moved my sights to the next tank. I aimed at the enemies and made sure they couldn't destroy our tanks.
"2 enemies left, Green! Take them out! Now!" Pierson basically screamed in my ear.
I quickly pulled the trigger at the last two Krauts, who were shooting our third tank. And reloaded.
"All clear!" Pierson said, "Stay alert! Krauts will be back any minute!"

I shifted over and picked up an MP40, aiming it at the ready.
"Movement in the trees!" Howard warned. We began to shoot at them.
"HEAVY ARMOUR!" Zuss pointed out and I looked over in shock, "Shit.." I mumbled, still firing at the enemies.
"We're gonna need more tanks!" Aiello screamed. He was right. There was so many of them.
"Don't let 'em draw you out!" Pierson yelled at us. I slightly gulped at his words. He wasn't going to hold back. This was a death wish.

"Get ready!" Pierson told us.
"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" I heard a soldier scream.
"Stand your ground!" Pierson ordered.
"Here they come! HERE THEY COME!" Another soldier screamed out, as if he was worried. I couldn't blame him. This was awful.
"Hold the line!" Pierson shouted as he fired his SMG.
"There's too many, Sergeant!" I tried to tell him but he ignored me. I cursed under my breath and continued to defend with the others.

The huge clouds of smoke made it impossible for us to see the Krauts. I reloaded the MP40 and fired it anywhere, hoping to kill the enemies.

The Krauts weren't holding back though. MG42s we're pushing us back. They almost had the upper hand. I hid behind the cover and kept my head down for a moment, the machine guns were relentless.
"They're killing us!" Aiello stated as he kneeled next to me, firing his MG at the enemies through the smoke.
"We can't take much more of this!" Howard panicked.
I switched back to my BAR and just rapidly fired bullets into the Krauts I could now see as the smoke died down.
"Damn it! Where's that air support?!" Pierson asked.
I was about to reload but noticed that the air support had turned up. "It's here!" I yelled out, as our men began to attack the enemies.
We watched as our guys took the Krauts out, some of us even cheered for them.

We rallied on Pierson whilst air support dealt with the situation.
"Daniels, tell me that radio still works!" Pierson said with a hint of concern in his words.
"Affirmative!" Daniels confirmed.
I slumped down and took a moment to prepare my weapons for the next advance.
"Call in an air strike on those tanks!" Pierson commanded Daniels.
"They're inside the safety limit!" Daniels told him but Pierson didn't back down.
"Bring it where I tell you! Krauts are exposed!" Daniels refused again and shook his head. "It's too close!" He warned Pierson.
The shitty Sergeant furrowed his brows and grabbed the radio from Daniels' hands. "Rover, we need immediate air support to nine- shit! What are our coordinates?! What are they?!" Pierson's lost it. He can't even remember the coordinates. Daniels looked at him in shock and answered quickly, "9-1-3-8-2-0!" Daniels responded and Pierson quickly repeated them on the radio. "Get to cover!" He screamed to us.

We sprinted to find cover. "He's lost it!" Zussman shouts to us. "Uh huh!" I responded. "This way!" Zuss lead the way to cover. Just as we were about to get to cover, the explosion knocked Daniels off his feet. I wheeled around and helped him up as quickly as I could. "I got you!" I reassured him.
"Come on guys!" Stiles panicked as Daniels and I tried to hurry. Zuss grabs Daniels' hand and pulls him in and I follow in after.

"Gimme your pistol!" Daniels ordered Zussman. Zuss complied.
"Krauts are charging!" Aiello shouted with caution.
Daniels propped himself up and fired at the few enemies near us.
"Our P-47s are here! Get down!" Zuss shouted.
I looked up for a split second and noticed a tank straight in front of us. "FUCK! GUYS GET-"


I slowly opened my eyes and winced at the ringing in my ears. "Oh god..." I groaned in pain as I held my head.
I saw Zuss stand up above me and dust himself off. "Everyone alright?" He questioned and I held my thumbs up i response.
"Ask me after my ears stop ringin'." Daniels replied. My vision was slightly blurred and my body felt limp. But I was alive. And that was all that mattered.
"I can't feel my hand." Stiles stressed. Aiello shifted slightly and moved over. "That's cuz i'm sitting on it." He said and Stiles sighed in relief. "Oh, thank god!"

I shuffled to my feet and shook my head to try and get my vision back.
"You okay?" Aiello asked me and I nodded in return. "Are you?" I questioned and he nodded his head with a smile.

Howard walked over to Daniels, "Question for you, Corporal." He began, "How ming has Pierson been out his goddamn mind?"
Daniels let out a sigh and shook his head with a chuckle. "That's above my pay grade." He answered.
"He'll probably get a medal for it." Zussman joked. I let out a giggle and picked up my sniper rifle.

Pierson made his way over to us and let out a deep breath. "Well, that wasn't so bad." I raised a brow at his response and let out a quiet sigh.
"We're all lucky to be alive." Howard commented. We could have died there and then. Pierson's lost his fucking mind. "For now." Pierson retorted. "Daniels, take those Krauts to processing." Pierson walked by us.
"Yes, Sergeant."
"And be quick about it."

I watched him walk away before turning to the boys. "What a fucking dick." I cursed as I pulled out a cigarette.
"Hey. I've seen that look before. It was right before Kasserine. We're on our own now, guys." Aiello said and I frowned. History was repeating itself. We weren't gonna make it home alive.


"I honestly hate the man. We could've died there and then. And we wouldn't have gave a shit!" I paced around our tent and ranted to the boys.
"He doesn't care, Green. That's simply how it is." Stiles muttered and messed with his camera.
"Yes. But it shouldn't be like that." I told
him, "A good Sergeant isn't supposed to act like that. They should lead you into battle with passion. They should care for their men! They should-"

"They should punish those who try and tell them how to do their job. Isn't that right, Green?" Pierson cut me off. He was listening the whole time. I froze in place and watched him walk over to me. He gave me a cold stare and I could smell the whiskey on his breath from a mile away. He was drunk. Again. "My tent. Now." He ordered me. The boys looked at me with worry but they couldn't do anything to stop this.

I followed Pierson out and could feel the gaze of Aiello on me the entire time. I gulped as we made our way to his tent. As soon as I walked in, I was met with a punch to the side of my face. It was so powerful, I was knocked to the ground. I groaned in pain and Pierson towered over me. "GET UP! I DARE YOU!"

"YOU COME IN TO MY PLATOON AND THINK YOU CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO?! HUH?! A WOMAN TRYING TO DICTATE TO A MAN?!" He screamed loudly and grabbed a fistful of my hair.
"LOOK AT ME!" My gaze met his. His nostrils flared with anger. His angry expression made me shiver. He reminded me of... Jason.

"Come on, soldier! Get up!"

"WHAT MAKES YOU SPECIAL?! WOMEN SHOULD BE AT HOME! DOING WHAT THEY'RE TOLD!" His grip on my hair made me wince. He tossed me back on the ground and kicked my abdomen. I coughed due to the pain and held my stomach in agony. "Fuck..." I managed to get out.
"ANSWER ME, DAMN YOU!" I got another kick but it was to my back. I arched back and let out a scream.

I knew soldiers could hear me. But they couldn't stop this. No one could.

"IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU INSTEAD OF TURNER!" He kicked me in the side of the head and I became extremely dizzy. I couldn't move. He had all the power over me. I was vulnerable under him.

He rolled me over with his foot and got in my face. "You better fucking die out there, whore. I won't be there to save your sorry ass!" He spat in my face.
"You couldn't save... your men in the first place." I stumbled over my words due to the pain. My words angered him more though. He punched me in the face again. And again.

I slowly started to lose consciousness and I couldn't hear him screaming at me as my ears rang violently.
I could feel my limp body being carried out of his tent before I fell unconscious.

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