But, you're just a computer...

By batsbatzbats

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~On Hiatus~ Cover art is mine (^w^)] ⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ Angst! Cutting! Talks about sensitive topics such a... More

What is a "Squip"? - Chapter 1
Your Squip - Chapter 2
A new bestfriend? - Chapter 3
god damn it, LET ME CUDDLE YOU! - Chapter 4
'Cool kids' - Chapter 5
They're not all that bad... - Chapter 6
Deep in thought - Chapter 7
The Other Squips - Chapter 8
Wanna be lazy together? - Chapter 9
Sexy Shopping - Chapter 10
I'm always here... - Chapter 11
Michael- I'm sorry! Okay?! - Chapter 12
Inside your head - Chapter 13
Michael's solution - Chapter 14
Jeremy, what is wrong with you? - Chapter 15
Was that a mistake? - Chapter 16
I just wanna talk about you guys for a moment
But is he really sorry? - Chapter 17
Ups and Down - Chapter 18
Small thing I'm wondering about
Yo, new book out

Laying on the floor, crying, and eating Spaghetti - Chapter 19

1.2K 43 141
By batsbatzbats

Part 19

——Y/n (Your) POV!——

Eric looked at me and blushed. "I don't want you hurt, or worse- dead." He said. "So please understand my choice of action to evacuate the area..."

I grew nervous. "Eric?"

"Oh god, what happened?" Michael frantically asked, sitting up nervously.

Eric walked closer to me and Michael. "There was a 75% chance that Rich Goranski would light a fire as an attempt to rid himself of his Squip," Eric said. "And by the look of those fire trucks being in such a rush that had passed us earlier, that was indeed the correct future."


"what do you mean?" I loudly asked, "are you saying that Rich set fire to Jake's house?!" I frantically asked, quickly standing up form my bed and nervously rubbing my arms.

Michael looked at Eric. "You knew there was going to be a fire, yet you didn't try and prevent it?" He tried to make sense of the situation. "Why? How could you endanger so many innocent people like that?"

Eric looked at me and Michael desperately before glancing off and trying to become professional again. "Because one, who would listen to a stranger trying to get them out of the party, and two..." Eric's face dropped. "Because I couldn't stop it even if I tried... I didn't know why Rich was going to do that soI didn't know how to stop it."

Michael looked off and nervously crossed his arms. "So, could anyone have died tonight?" Michael asked again.

"The lethality of the house fire was is less than 10%."

"10%?" Michael looked at Eric. "That's still a fairly high lethality rate, Eric- how could you have not done anything?!"

I thought about the night and how the events played out, but one thing didn't make sense to me. Why were there fire trucks near us right after we left? What was probably a time weird the fire hadn't started yet, or at most had just started.

"Eric," I said, grabbing his attention. "You were the one to contact the fire department weren't you?" I asked. "You knew it was going to happen, so you sent a signal through to them in advance."

Eric smiled at me. "I knew that I couldn't physically get people out, so I thought of the next best thing." He explained. "I did try and help, I sent a signal and made sure that my next main priority was to get you out safely." He said.

Michael looked down. "I have to stop assuming that just because your a computer doesn't mean you don't care about other people's safety." He said as he threw his head into his hands.

Eric pat his head. "It's fine, Y/n was quite hesitant to trust and follow me as well." He sat down next to me. "And it's fairly understandable."

Michael looked up at laughed. "Yeah..." he chuckled. "So, what now?"

I looked at him. "What do you mean what now?" I asked.

Michael rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, we just came from a party, and we know for a fact that a fire was just set off, so what do we plan to do now? We still have school tomorrow!" He loudly exclaimed.

I looked at him and cringed. "Since when did you care about school?" I asked with a laugh.

Michael looked like he was about to defend himself, but he slowly just nodded. "True..."

"I will have to admit, it will be fairly boring just staying here," Eric stated. Eric pulled up one of his hologram computer screens are started scrolling and clicking on things, I couldn't tell what he was doing due to it all being in Japanese. "The 7-Eleven nearby is open all night," He looked at us, well knowing our answer already. "Wanna go?"

Michael shot up from his blow-up mattress that he was sitting on. "Is that even a question?!" He loudly exclaimed.

Eric laughed. "No, not really." He walked over to my window and opened it. "Let's go."

Eric helped Michael and me down to the ground and led us through the dark streets. The quiet would usually be unsettling, but it was quite peaceful this time. The only thing you could hear was our feet hitting the pavemented sidewalks and the occasional crush of a stiff leaf that we would intentionally step on.

Eric turned us onto the main street and practically waved us into the 7-Eleven as if we were soldiers going in to invade the place (because we totally were).

Eric took three large slushie cups and handed them to us. "Go nuts." He said. Michael and I then proceed to intensely fill our cups with whatever flavors. To be honest, we were too tired to properly see what flavors, so we kinda just based our choices off the color of the signs on the machines.

As I popped the cap onto my concoction, I managed to hear Eric humming Freeze your brain to himself, which made Michael and I giggle. I leaned over and kissed Eric's cheek. "Our love is god- let's go get a slushy." I quoted. Eric's face glowed blue as I skipped away to go look at candy.

Okay, yeah no- I went over to go curse at myself and blush too. It's a god damn crush, isn't it?! I played around with the thought of me having a crush on him as a joke, but I know I clearly have one now!

But it's gotta just be a small crush right? Like those crushes were you just look at one of your guy friends and think: 'wait, when did he get cute?' kind of crushes.

I picked up one pack of whatever candy I knew I would eventually eat. I also picked up some candy corn because I knew Michael liked them. I didn't know what to get Eric so I just picked up a bag of sour patch for him.

I walked over to the register to find Michael and Eric already there. Michael appeared to have a bottle of Mountain Dew Whiteout in his hand and seemed to already be assaulting Eric with it.

I put my items on the counter and snatched the Whiteout from Michael's hand. "Stop poking Eric with the bottle." I put it back and paid for our stuff. We all walked out and began to walk around the less lively main street. Being the theater person I was, I ran over to the street light and threw my arms up and began doing choreography. "Yeah, I'm a streetlight, choking on the heat." I sang. (This is from In The Heights; fun fact, I was in a small production of In The Heights in my town's public theater!)

After us acting like pure and utter crackheads around the town's Main Street, Eric finally chased Michael and me down and led us to a nearby park. We all found a slight rise in the grass, laid down on our backs and looked up at the dark sky that was being illuminated by the bright stars.

Michael started rambling on about the constellations, and although I wasn't really listening, it's was really relaxing to hear his voice just calmly talking about something he was interested about.

I chuckled aloud. "Seems like your quite passionate about these things," I said, referring to Michael. "Although you are very smart, so I'm not surprised that you know so much about this stuff."

"Age cannot wither him, nor custom stale his infinite variety," Eric said.

"Is that Shakespeare?" I asked.

"Perhaps," He smugly answered.

I lightly laughed and shifted onto my side to face Eric. "God, you even make Shakespeare sound cute," I said, squishing my cheeks a bit.

Eric smiled at me. I watched as his cheeks began to glow a bit. Eric reaches out and rested his hands on mine. I smiled at him and flipped my hand over so he could hold it. It was honestly the cutest thing that I've ever done. We were all just laying on the grass, and Eric and I were holding hands. I felt my cheeks warm up when his hand came into contact with my palm.

I had my body jump closer to his, and I rested my head on his chest. He held out his hand and wrapped it around my body and let it rest on my back, rubbing small circles.

I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing. I relaxed quickly, and I could feel myself drifting off, and soon, I fell asleep.

~Time Squip~

I woke up to a soft material underneath me. I pat the surface and opened my eyes to see myself laying on my bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around but didn't see Michael nor Eric. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

I lazily shuffled my feet out of my room and downstairs. On my way down I caught a glimpse of the time. It read 3:37 am. Oh my Go- Sata- er- someone.

I kicked off my shoes when I reached the bottom of the stairs and began looking for them. I looked in the living room, bathroom, my parent's offices, but I eventually heard voices coming from the kitchen so I made my way over in that direction.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Michael and Eric both on the floor, eating spaghetti right out of the pot it was made in, and crying.

"What the fuck am I witnessing...?" I asked as I stood still.

Michael looked up from the spaghetti pot. "Baby ducks... They're so cute..." He sniffed.

Barely a minute later I was also laying on the floor with them crying over baby animals while eating the sad, flavorless Spaghetti that I'm assuming Michael made.

In the middle of our tears, Eric pulled up a picture of a baby seal on his hologram- which just caused us all to bawl our eyes out even more.

"What... the... heck?" My mom's voice asked. We all looked up to see her in her robe, staring at our puffed-up faces inside of a bowl that was already overflowing with plain spaghetti.

"THEY'RE KILLING BABY SEALS." Michael loudly cried out.

My mom looked at the floor. It was clear that she was judging us, but then she also started crying. "Pass me the pot..." she said between sniffs.

We obliged and gave it to her. She took it and walked off with it as she began to eat it. "HEY! YOU TRAITOR!" I yelled to her, but I didn't chase after her because my legs had fallen asleep, and I don't want to chase her with weak legs which will soon start to feel like needle were poking them.

Michael stood up. "I need to shit..." She announced as he then jogged to the bathroom.

I chuckled and leaned on Eric's shoulder. I looked up at him, and in my tired state, I began to speak my mind. "You're really cute..." I said. "And attractive, and sweet..."

Eric's face flushed, he hesitantly put his arm around me and my waist. "T-thanks..." He stammered.

"No, like, really sweet. The sweetest person I've ever met," I continued. "And caring, and cute- wait I already said that..." I corrected myself. "Did I already say sweet?"

Eric stuttered. "Uh, I believe you did... multiple times now..." He grinned.

"Well, it's true." I smiled. Eric finally looked down at me. His electric blue eyes piercing mine. Eric leaned in closer to my face, my face warmed up, out lips were 5 inches apart, 4 inches, 3 inches, 2, 1...

"WANNA GO BURN SHIT IN YOUR DRIVEWAY?" Eric and I jumped away from each other out faces covered in blush as Micheal ran into the kitchen with old school papers in his hand.

I stood up quickly. "Yes!" I yelled as I grabbed a lighter and ran outside. "WAIT IT'S COLD," I yelled as I ran back in and grabbed a jacket. Michael laughed at my actions and followed me out.

"Yo, tic-tac, you coming?" Michael asked. Eric snapped out of his trance and nodded, standing up and followed the two of us outside.

Michael threw the papers on the ground and I grabbed some rocks and made a circle of the around the papers. I looked at the top piece of paper which was a biology test I took last year that I got a garbage store in. I flicked the lighter on and lit the papers. We all sat down in front of our new bonfire and started laughing about dumb shit.

I leaned on Eric's shoulder once more and he restarts his head on mine. We just sat and watched the small fire crackle in front of us, slowly getting dimmer until it was completely dead.

We stood up and made our way back inside and into my room to sleep. Michael flopped on his air mattress and almost immediately passed out.

When I knew for sure that Michael was asleep I door off my hot sweater so I was left in thigh high socks, and the small dress that went underneath my Mad Hatter costume. I laid down on the bed and tucked myself in. I stared at the wall for a brief period of time until I flipped back over onto my opposite side and looked at Eric, who was scrolling through something on his screens.

I quietly clicked my tongue and pat my bed to get his attention. He looked up at me and closed his screen. "Yes, Y/n?"

I smiled at him and shifted my body over to the other half of my bed. "Lay down, and sleep," I requested as I pat the now empty space once more.

Eric's face warmed up and glowed a bit, but before I could mention it, he quickly made his way over to me and slid into the open space underneath the covers. I smiled and hugged his torso. Eric hesitated, but he soon placed his hands on my hand and held me that way.

I began to drift off, but my drowsiness was abruptly interrupted by lips pecking the bridge of my nose, I looked up to see Eric glowing a violent blue, I would have started to bombard him with questions, but I didn't.

I just smiled at him and nuzzled my face deeper into his shirt. This felt much better than all of those times Jake and I laid down together, Jake would always demand that I do stuff for him, but here? With Eric? It is most definitely better than Jake. Eric cares for me, he cares about me.

"Thank you," I thought, knowing Eric would hear it, I leaned up and pressed my lips onto his soft boi cheeks. "Thank you for caring about me."

Eric was going to reply with a: "it's my job," but he refrained himself from saying that. Eric smiled and ran his fingers through my hair and snuggled closer. "You're welcome, although, it comes naturally. I really care about you." He said.

I smiled and pushed my face closer to his chest. "Right... Thank you..." 

A/N - I'm sorry that I took so long to upload this, to be honest, I'm kind of running out of steam for this book, I really like it, and I want to continue it, but I *might* go on hiatus so I could write something else, but I might not. Idk 

Word Count: 2524


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