Wizarding World One-Shots!

By MegLPie

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Hiya! I've finally decided to dive into the world of writing Harry Potter one-shots! As always, my writing i... More

Hopelessly Devoted (Fred Weasley x fem!reader x George Weasley)
Hopelessly in Love (George Weasley x fem!reader)
I'm With Someone Else (past!Sirius x fem!reader; Severus x fem!reader)
Partnered Up (Neville Longbottom x fem!Malfoy reader)
Sudden Kiss (Oliver Wood x fem!reader)
Because I Love You (Fred Weasley x reader)
Using You (Remus Lupin x fem!Evans reader) Marauders Era
Caught(Harry Potter x fem!Snape reader)
You Are More Than Enough (Sirius Black x fem!reader)
Disgusted (Draco Malfoy x fem!Granger reader)
Muggle Healer (Severus Snape x fem!Muggle reader)
The 2nd Task (Cedric Diggory x fem!Hufflepuff reader)
The Hufflepuff (Draco Malfoy x fem!Hufflepuff reader)
Requests are Closed!
Why is He With Her? (Ron Weasley x fem!reader)
Suitcase (Newt Scamander x fem!reader)
Breakfast Interrupted (Draco Malfoy x reader)
I'll Be Your Friend (Fred Weasley x fem!Hufflepuff reader*)
Pranking Lockhart (Professor!Reader)
Winning Her Heart (Sirius Black x fem!Slytherin reader, sort of)
Partnered Up -Part 2 (Neville Longbottom x fem!Malfoy reader)
A Picnic With Scorpius (Scorpius Malfoy x reader)
My Champion (Viktor Krum x fem!reader)
Red Head(The Weasleys; fem!reader*)
First Date(Severus Snape x reader)
She Saved Me (Viktor Krum x fem!reader)
Decisions (Please read)
Requests are Closed!
I Cast Spells and Wake the Dead(Cedric x reader)
No Magical Solution(James Potter x uterus owning!reader)
Green (Harry Potter x reader) Soulmate AU
After All This Time (Neville Longbottom x reader)
He's Not So Bad(Gilderoy Lockhart x fem!reader)
Kiss Already (Severus Snape x fem!reader)
Mentor (Fem!reader, Severus Snape*)
Our "Children"(Newt Scamander x reader)
Secretly Falling (Draco Malfoy x fem!reader)
You Don't Deserve Her(Neville Longbottom x fem!reader)
Full Moon (Remus Lupin x werewolf!reader)
My Daughter (Neville Longbottom x fem!reader)
Collision (Viktor Krum x fem!reader)
Who Do You Choose? (Fred x reader x Oliver)
You're Trouble (Draco Malfoy x fem!reader)
Marks (Severus Snape x fem!reader*) Soulmate AU
After Azkaban (Sirius Black x fem!reader)
Keep Outta Trouble (Newt Scamander x fem!reader)
The Room of Requirement (Neville Longbottom x fem!reader)
You Saved Me (Cedric Diggory x reader)
Bloodied (Draco Malfoy x fem!reader)

Yule Ball (Severus Snape x fem!reader)

3.8K 120 19
By MegLPie

Severus was in a bit of a bind. The Yule Ball was fast approaching and that meant teaching the Slytherins how to dance. The problem was that they were all too afraid of his judgment to volunteer to help him teach the others. That left him with no one to help. Pomona and Minerva were both busy teaching their own houses and Sybill...well Sybill was better left to her crystal ball and tea leaves. That left one person. The new Muggle Studies teacher.

It wasn't that Severus didn't like you. In fact, he liked you more than he liked most people. It was just that, many times, you acted so much like her. Like Lily. You had the same morals in a lot of ways and you were just as stubborn as she had been. It almost hurt Severus to spend so much time with you. But now it seemed as though he had no choice, something Minerva wasn't going to let him forget.

"We don't want the students to embarrass the school, Severus. I must insist that you teach them properly. Ask her. She isn't going to bite." Severus glared halfheartedly at her. Minerva sighed. She had known Severus when he was a boy and she knew how he'd felt about Lily. Almost everyone had.

"Severus," she began softly, "I know she reminds you of Lily, but Y/N isn't here. Spend some time with her and you'll see. She isn't here to torment you. In fact, if you just speak to her for more than fifteen minutes, you'll see she'd really nothing like her at all. Not in the way you think." Severus took a deep breath through his nose before nodding. "Very well. It seems I have no choice. Do you know where I can find Professor Y/L/N now?" With a soft smile, Minerva told him where you might be.

Sure enough, you were patrolling the halls outside your classroom. "Move on, you two. I know for a fact you belong in Charms right now," your firm voice drifted over to Severus. You gaze met his over the heads of the students and you gave him a soft smile. Students parted swiftly when they saw him approach you.

"Good afternoon, Professor Snape. What can I do for you?" Severus asked if you had a class then. Curious, you lead him into your empty classroom. "Is everything alright?" Severus crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. "It seems I am in need of some assistance. Teaching my House how to dance for the Yule Ball." You cocked your head to the side as your brows furrowed together. "I'm afraid I won't be much help to you, Professor. I can't dance."

Severus dropped his arms. It was hopeless. "But, if you can spare a few moments to teach me, I am a very quick study," you offered quickly upon seeing his change in mood. He glanced back up at you. "You would do that?" You smiled. "Of course I would. Anything to help my favorite Potions Master," you said with a wink before turning away from him. Severus swore his cheeks were on fire. This was going to be an interesting few weeks.

And an interesting few weeks it was. As you'd said, you were a quick study. Severus only had to show you the steps a couple of times before you picked it up. Then came the day you had to teach it to the students. You seemed nervous. "You needn't be afraid. Your dancing is adequate enough for this." You huffed and rolled your eyes. "Well, thank you very much. Just...don't let me fall, alright?" you asked, looking into his eyes. "I won't," he found himself responding without his permission.

This time, when the music started and all eyes were on you, Severus didn't think. He just danced. As you danced together, Severus took the time to really watch you and to think over the last several weeks. Minerva had been right. You shared many traits with Lily, but you weren't actually much like her at all. You were more kind, but not afraid to stand up for yourself or others. You admitted when you made mistakes and tried to correct them. And having you in his arms felt more right to him than anything else ever had.

The music ended too soon for his liking, but even the students applauded. Severus started them practicing on their own before coming over to you. "You did well." You beamed up at him. "That means a lot coming from you, Professor." He took a moment to correct one of the student's posture then turned back to you. "You may call me Severus. We are colleagues after all." You hummed in response while your body gently swayed to the tune. Severus opened his mouth to say something else, but thought better of it. Perhaps later.

When the students were dismissed, you gathered your belongings. Only thing did Severus finally pluck up the courage to speak again. "Prof- Y/N?" You peered at him with another one of those soft smiles. "Yes, Severus?" The sound of his name on your lips nearly had him closing up again. But he didn't. Instead he said, "Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the Yule Ball?"

For what seemed like hours, you said nothing. You merely stared at him in surprise. The longer you stayed silent, the more Severus wondered if this had been a good idea. After all, why you would want to go with him? He knew he wasn't the most attractive man. And he certainly wasn't the most pleasant to be around. But surely he deserved one night of frivolity before everything collapsed around him. Right?

"Yes, Severus. I would very much like to go to the Ball with you." Severus blinked. You said yes. You actually said yes. He cleared his throat, trying to force his heart back down. "Very well. Shall I meet you on the staircase just before the start?" You nodded. Then, you did something else the Potions Master hadn't expected. You leaned up and pressed a short but sweet kiss to his cheek. "I will see you then. And thank you."

The night of the Ball, Severus was an anxious mess. Not only was Karkaroff breathing down his neck, but he was about to be on his first real date. "Severus." Severus wanted to groan, but kept his composure. "Not now, Igor." Igor scoffed. "Then when? You have been avoiding me. You have been avoiding the signs." Severus started to argue with him when movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention.

He glanced over and saw you descending the staircase. You looked absolutely radiant. Your (f/c) gown fit you to a T, your (h/c) locks were off your face that only held a slight amount of make-up. Your eyes sparkled merrily as you took in all the decorations. And then, you met Severus' gaze and he swore he saw a hint of embarrassment.

"Do I look alright?" you asked quietly when you reached him. Severus offered his arm to escort you into the Great Hall before the students began arriving. "You look radiant, Y/N. Truly." You beamed under his compliment and thanked him. "You look quite handsome yourself. Black really does suit you, Severus." There was no more time to talk as students began to enter the hall and the first dance began. But it wasn't until Albus lead Minerva onto the floor did Severus finally offer you a hand.

"Shall we?" You took his hand in yours with a soft nod. Severus pulled you close to him. Just as before, when you started to dance, Severus lost sight of everything else. He didn't know he'd had that kind of romantic side to himself, but he couldn't seem to fight it with you. You had somehow managed to wiggle your way passed the defenses he'd put around his heart for years. He wasn't sure he could admit it yet, but Severus Snape was certain that he was falling in love with you.

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