love maze

By falleninterludes

217K 12.4K 3.8K

when jisoo's family company is going bankrupt, her father made a deal with a business partner and set her up... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three


3.8K 249 70
By falleninterludes

UOS Foundation Week Day #4


Nothing really happened much on the fourth day of the week.

My group of friends were divided into whatever club we were in while Chaeyoung had the chance to roam around the campus, jumping from one club to the next just to talk to us when we're on a break.

After the practice, the girls and I decided to eat inside our dorm room and talk about our plans for tomorrow.

"I'm having a date with Jimin tomorrow." Chaeyoung excitedly said.

Jen, Lisa, and I groaned." We know. "

"I'm just so excited. I wonder what he's planning for us to do tomorrow." She looked up smiling, as if imagining what will happen.

"Just be careful with him, okay? Even when he's our friend. I still don't know much about Jimin and his dating experiences." I told her.

"He's a big flirt." Lisa said. "But you all know that already."

"Remember when Jungkook said that Jimin broke up with Jeongyeon because the girl was always out with her classmates?" Jennie asked Lisa.

Chaeng's nose scrunched. "What's wrong with that?

"BOY classmates." Lisa and Jennie said at the same time. Lisa added, "She's spending more time with them than him so it made Jimin mad."

"How many exes does he have here?" I asked.

"Just one." Lisa stood up and cleaned up her side of the table. "He's just a big flirt. That's the problem. He never got into a serious relationship after Jeongyeon."

"How about V? Any news about his past dating life?" Chaeyoung asked.

"He doesn't have any exes, not that I know of. He's like a rock, like Yoongi. They never flirt with anyone, just giving them the cold blank stare except when they're facing customers." Jennie said.

"It runs in the blood then." Lisa laughed.

"Jisoo, I've been noticing something.." Jennie trailed, "Do you like V?"

I was about to stand up with my box of trash when she asked me. Facing Jennie, I answered, "Um, no?"

"Girl!" Jennie laughed at my answer. "You're too obvious!"

"Pardon?" I said.

"You've been eyeing him since you heard him sing." Lisa stated.

"Really?" Chaeng said, "Then it's mutual!"

"What?" Jennie, Lisa, and I asked.

"V likes Jisoo too. Can't you notice?"

"Actually... I can." Jennie sounded convinced.

"He kissed you on the forehead, right? You're the only girl he kissed among all those girls who became his fake bride to be."

"Well, stop assuming things. The boy already said that he doesn't like me." I finally told them.

"He did?!" Jennie asked in surprise.

I nodded. "Just last Tuesday. I saw him on the rooftop and he asked me why I left him after our fake wedding ceremony and-"

"He asked that?!" Chaeyoung mused, "That's clearly a sign that he likes you!"

"I'm not done yet." I looked at her to shut her up. "I knew he was joking so I played with him and asked if he likes me. Then he said 'I don't like you' straight to my face."

"Well, honey, you just got dumped." Jennie said, "And I know just what to do."


"Make him regret what he did to you." She gave me an evil smirk.

"I don't want to do that. Besides, I'll be married with Eun Woo eventually."

"Eun Woo looks like a sweet guy, anyway." Lisa said, "Unlike V." Jennie squinted at her. "Just sayin".

"I'm betting on V. I'll wait for the guy to gather his courage." Jennie winked at me.

"Don't get your hopes up." Chaeng told Jennie with a pout.

"If she doesn't like V, like what she's saying, then she wouldn't get her hopes up."

"I'm right here, Jen." I chuckled.

"I'm right, right?" She said.

"Yeah. I don't like him. I have Eun Woo already."

And in that moment, I knew I lied to myself.


UOS Foundation Week Day #5

Friday (Valentine's Day)

My friends and I were on our way to our booth when Hoseok and V each received letters from random first year students.

"Dude, this is the 6th letter you received since we got out of the dorm." Jimin told V, "And you, Hobi! That's already your 5th too. Why am I not getting any?"

"Then you can have these." V gave him his letters and walked ahead of us.

"Hey! V! You annoying sh-" Jimin yelled but a professor was about to pass by. "Shrub. Annoying shrub." He smiled innocently at the professor and ran towards V.

"What am I supposed to do with these letters?" Jennie complained as she placed another letter inside her bag.

"I know, right. My bag's already getting bulky." Lisa showed us her bag that's almost full of chocolates and letters.

"Place some of them inside my bag. Mine's not even half full." Chaeyoung chuckled. It actually saddens me that she still doesn't have any letters or gifts from admirers, mostly because she's just a new student and a lot of people don't know her yet. I really hope Jimin does something sweet for her to make up for this.

"How about yours, Soo?" JK asked me.

"My bag's not that full. But I got these.." I showed him the big box of chocolates I got from a senior when we got out of the dorm. "It doesn't fit my bag."

"Place it in my bag then. Good thing I always carry a backpack." He said and took the box from my grip. "I'll give it to you later, I won't eat it."

"You can have it if you want.." I said.

He looked at the flavor of the chocolate, "Caramel, huh? Don't you like the flavor?"

"I like it."

"Then we'll eat it later? How about that?" He smiled at his suggestion.

"Sure" I grinned. "Let's eat those with the others."

His smile faded, "Great. Later then."

"Where's Namjoon?" I asked.

"He's spending the day with Hwasa. We'll just meet him before the performance."

"We should get going now too, JK, Lisa. We still have to practice." Hoseok said, "I'm expecting great photos of me, JK! Since you're not in the same group as me and Lisa."

Jungkook beamed, "Count on me and V. We gotchu all."

Hoseok and Lisa walked to the stall where Jimin and V were buying some food. V arrived shortly after Hobi and Jimin left him.

"Jimin told me to stay with you three." He said, his eyes boring into mine, to which I quickly avoided.

"Where should we go then?"

"Don't you have your own club to go to?" asked Chaeng.

"I'm just in Journalism and a photographer."

"But you're great in singing. Why didn't you join Jennie's club?"

"I have work after classes. I can't go when there are meetings."

"Let's just play then!" Jennie suggested, clapping her hands. "I heard Jisoo's good at basketball. V too. Want to bet, Chaeng?"

"I'd love to!"

Despite our last conversation, V and I played basketball. Jennie and Chaeng had a bet; whoever wins will give the winner of the game and the bet a bucket of chicken. Jennie chose V while Chaeng chose me.

There was only ten seconds remaining when I heard Jennie gasp from behind us and said, "Oh! Eun Woo! Daebak! Are you holding flowers?"

In the end, I won against V with only 2 points ahead. I looked at V with a satisfied smirk, "I win."

V only gave me a glare and looked at Eun Woo, who was holding a bouquet of flowers. "Is that.. For me?"

Eun Woo smiled, "Happy Valentine's Day!" He gave me the flowers, while Jennie was squealing and Chaeng kept on taking photos of me. V, on the other hand, just kept standing beside me.

"Thank you, Eun Woo. You really didn't have to give me these.." I smelled the flowers, "But it smells so good! Thanks!"

"Let's have dinner later, yeah?"

"Sure. Where?" I asked.

"At the restaurant we went the other day." He grinned. "Then we'll decide there where we'll go after."

"Sounds like a plan." I gave him a thumbs up, while V left us without even saying anything.

"I'll call you later after the event. Bye!" Eun Woo said and left.

"I'm the only one who won't have a date later." Jennie whined. "This is frustrating."

"Why don't you just go to BTS later with V?" I suggested. "Then you'll get to spend time with Yoongi oppa, though it's not directly a date."

Jennie jumped in excitement and hugged me. "That's a great idea! Thanks, Jisoo! I owe you one!"

Our group of friends all met backstage before our performance. For our club, Jennie, Namjoon, and I were wearing school uniforms as our costume. Hobi, and Lisa were wearing something black while Jungkook and Jimin just wore their usual casual clothes. As for V, he was just holding his camera and taking photos of the students about to perform.

"He looks approachable when he's asking students to pose for a photo." Lisa whispered to me.

I watched as V ask a girl to pose for him. He was smiling when he approached her but then when the girl left, he's back to his blank expression, making me laugh a little. "Yeah, he does."

"Hey, Soo. I'll find a seat now. Jin said I should take videos of your performances since he couldn't come today." Chaeyoung said.

"Sure, text me where you're seated so I can sit with you after our turn."

As Chaeng left, Jennie, Namjoon, and I went to our club co-members gathered. The first group to perform were Baekyun's group, followed by our group then Sungjae's.

When Baekyun and his group went upstage, I started to feel nervous, my palms started sweating.

"You alright, Soo?" Namjoon asked me, looking concerned.

I nodded, "Just nervous. It's my first time."

Jennie patted my head and smiled, "You'll do great! Your voice is beautiful, after all."

It didn't take long before the first group was done singing and our group needs to go onstage. Since I was really nervous, I was the last one on the line to come up. I was about to take a step on the mini stairs that'll lead up the stage when someone grabbed my arm hastily.

I yelped as I stumbled backwards until I felt someone grab my waist. I peered sideways, only to see the face of none other than V.

"Good luck on your performance." He said huskily. "Don't make a fool of yourself up there."

I clenched my jaw. First he dumps me, ignores me, then he does something like this again. "I don't need luck from someone who clearly doesn't like me." I shoved him and went onstage, where Jennie and the others were patiently waiting for me.

"You ready?" Jihyo asked me before the music played.

"Yes. Sorry for the wait."

"That's alright." She smiled at me and got to her position.

I scanned the crowd to look for Chaeng, my hands shaking because of nervousness. After a few seconds, I saw her, raising her free hand while the other was holding her phone, probably taking photos of us. Beside her, V was watching us - wait, he's looking straight at me.

V's watching me, neglecting his job as a photographer in the process. How unprofessional. By now, I think I'm already immune with his gaze, or that I'm already too nervous that I really can't figure out which is making me feel it.

Jennie started the song, which made the audience hyped up. After Jennie's part, the rest of my group looked at me, waiting for me to sing.

"urin binnago inne

gakjaye bang gakjaye byeoreseo"

I grinned as I finished my first part of the song. In front of us, the audience were already raising their hands and waving them while following the beat of the song.

To my relief, we were able to pull off our performance without any mistakes. My only problem now is Sungjae's group; we have to sing and dance with them at the later part of their song; and I'm not confident with my dancing skills.

"Good luck, Sungjae!" Namjoon told the first year student. "Just do the sign to alert us when we'll share the stage with you guys."

Sungjae nodded and went upstage.

"We did great!" Jennie hugged Namjoon and I. "I can't wait for our friends' performance."

"Not so fast, Jen. We still have to join Sungjae there." Namjoon said and whined. "Even though it's really against my will."

"Get ready." Chanyeol signalled our group as Sungjae was about to call us. "Let's go."

Jennie and I were holding hands as we went onstage again. With Jennie's energy, I somehow felt at ease performing. When Sungjae and the other girls did the TT dance, Namjoon and the boys went stiff. After the crowd teased them, they eventually danced and went chaotic onstage. Overall, the last part of our club's performance was fun that I found myself laughing instead of singing with them.

Today is, by far, the happiest day of my life.

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