Forbidden Eternity.

By TylerNicole1x

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After a should've been fatal crash, Katie Lewis wakes up on her birthday with no recollection of the night be... More

Forbidden Eternity. (1)
Forbidden Eternity. (2)
Forbidden Eternity. (3).
Forbidden Eternity. (4).
Frobidden Eternity. (5)
Forbidden Eternity. (6).
Forbidden Eternity. (7).
Forbidden Eternity. (8).
Forbidden Eternity. (9).
Forbidden Eternity. (10).
Forbidden Eternity. (11).
Forbidden Eternity. (12).
Forbidden Eternity. (13).
Forbidden Eternity. (14).
Forbidden Eternity. (15).
Forbidden Eternity. (16).
Forbidden Eternity. (17).
Forbidden Eternity. (18).
Forbidden Eternity. (19).
Forbidden Eternity. (19). Katie.
Forbidden Eternity. (20).
Forbidden Eternity. (21).
Forbidden Eternity. (22).
Forbidden Eternity. (23).
Forbidden Eternity. (24).
Forbidden Eternity: (25)
Forbidden Eternity. (26).

Forbidden Eternity. (27).

922 55 22
By TylerNicole1x


I pace in my bedroom, wringing my hands as my mind races, turning the past few minutes over and over again in my mind. I've opened my window despite the rain, the need for fresh air to clear my cluttered thoughts tantamount.

So what does this mean? What happens now?

Despite my earlier promise, the urge to question everything overpowered me, and now I'm analysing every, single, moment.

Did he enjoy it as much as me? Does this mean he does like me? Do I seem desperate? Should I have held back?

Cursing, I flop onto my bed, glaring at the clock. It's been five minutes since he left the room, five, incredibly long, minutes.

I wonder what he's doing...

The sound of footsteps coming from downstairs stops me, and I cock my head to the side, listening.

Yeah, it's definitely below me. The soft thud thud thud vibrating through my floor, muffled, yet clearly distinguished. I stand up with a frown, what's he doing downstairs? Left over pizza?

Possibly, or maybe he's just hungry for something out of the fridge. I open my door anyway, just to confirm he is downstairs.


Well, I thought he was, up until the moment he opens his door, steps out, and holds a finger to his lips.

My mouth drops open. Who the hell is downstairs?! He passes me and whispers, "Stay. Here."

I shake my head, no, and close my door behind me as quietly as I can. He looks up at the ceiling with frustration and gives me a disbelieving look. I look at him back with an expression akin to stubbornness and innocence, like hell I'm going to stay here!

He raises a hand again and motions me to stay close behind him, and I comply willingly, the beautiful feeling of his body heat and the memory of us a few minuted ago has me blushing, but he doesnt seem to notice.

"If you have to come with me, wait at the top of the stairs until I say the coast is clear." he whispers into my ear, his lips brushing it delicately.

I nod, my mind focusing on his lips again, but I quickly break out of his spell and shake my head, "I'm coming with you."

He smiles almost condescendingly, and disappears. A blur and he's down the stairs.

Damn it! He used his vampire speed. No fair! I tip toe down the stairs after him, cringing as they creak underneath me. I feel like a baby elephant. I reach the bottom quickly, grasping the banister and crouching behind it slightly. Where is he?

I can't hear anything! I scan the dark corridor, vague shapes of the furniture being the only things that jump out at me. The front door is closed, so I don't know how the guy got in. My mother would have made sure she locked it.

Taking a deep breath, my heart bouncing in my chest, I sneak over to the kitchen hoping he in there. Nope, nothing. Nothing at all.

Where is he?

The fear is slowly starting to creep up on me, and I'm starting to regret not listening to him. Why do I always do that? Throughout my childhood I was always the child who did the most dangerous stunt. Climb that tree? Yeah, ok. Jump off of that high wall? Sure.

I never listened to my mum when she warned me not to do these things, and that resulted in many broken bones. She eventually stopped me from going out, grounding me whenever I did something stupid. Which was effective, I did stop jumping off walls. But I still have that morbid curiosity that can not be sated.

I start to creep back towards the stairs, they are a beacon for me now.

A dark figure crashes onto its back in front of me, barely inches away as it scrambles to gain its footing. I slam my palm on the light switch, yelping and jumping back with wild abandon.

Light illuminates the dark figure, revealing it is a male, but a hood covers his face.

Daniel appears a second later and grasps the front of the guys hoodie, dragging him up and pulling a hand back before punching him in the face. The guy sputters, blood spraying slightly, but he recovers immediately and wraps his arms around Daniels waist, slamming him into the wall. Daniel grunts, and slams a fist into the guys side. The guy backs up with a groan, grasping his side and Daniel lunges for him and they both begin to grapple.

I need to do something!

What the hell can I do though?

With frantic fingers I race over to the utensil draw in the kitchen. I can't use a knife, no way, I can't stomach the thought. A spoon will be no good and neither will a fork.

I see the plastic ladle with the metal handle and I grab it, sway on my feet for a few seconds as I decide what to do with it, before running back into the hallway. Daniel and the guy are still fighting, a fist here, a snarl there. The muted thud as punches connect with flesh.

I launch myself down the hallway and without thinking of the consequences, I jump onto the guys back.

He barely even acknowledges me apart from a grunt, his muscled physique easily taking my weight and he carries on fighting.

I pelt him in the head with the ladle over and over again, yelling incoherent obscenities as he swings this way and that, and I can barely hold on.

I jump off quickly, seeing that I'm doing nothing, I'm probably hindering Daniel. I step back, dodging the flailing limbs of the guy as Daniel grabs his hood and pulls him down to the floor. The guy slumps for a second, exhausted, before scrambling frantically for his footing. Daniel stops this with a quick jab to the throat and the guy grasps his neck with wild abandon, sinking to the floor and onto his back. Red eyes.

Red eyes, he's a vampire, so he'll heal. Daniel flicks the light on.

"Craig?!" I screech, dropping the ladle. His eyes roll into the back of his head as he gargles, desperately trying to suck down some air.

I look up, only to see Daniel standing there with a pool of blood at his feet, and a large red stain spreading across his midsection, he's holding a knife in his hand and glaring at it with annoyance.

"Daniel!" I gasp, rushing over to him. He looks up confused, and I grab the Hem of his shirt and lift it up. Dear god. An incredibly deep cut mars his beautiful skin, just below his ribs on his side. Blood pours from it, dripping down his side. A strangled cry is the only thing I can manage as I scramble for something to staunch the bleeding. Oh no, please, please no.

Daniel grabs my arm as I pull away, effectively stopping me, "Katie, calm down, it's fine."

"What?!" I gasp in outrage, why is he stopping me from helping him, "You're bleeding, heavily! Let go so I can find some bandages!"

He rolls his eyes, "Katie I'm fine, I'll heal."

"Eventually yes but you could bleed out, let go!"

He sighs and lifts up his shirt, and I frown as I see it's no longer bleeding, in fact, it's healing right before my very eyes.

Okay, but still!

Seeing my expression he pulls his top down with a smirk. Craig finally sucks in a breath of air, attracting both of our attentions. Panting, he watches us with wary eyes, before they finally rest on me.

Oh Craig. What have you done?

What's happened to you?

I crouch down, watching the trickle of blood race down from his mouth. Grabbing the corner of his hood, I wipe it away. He watches me, coughing slightly, and I turn my mouth down, returning his gaze in silence. Who did this to him? And why, when I was his girlfriend did I not notice?

Sure I didn't know about vampires then, but he must have been half way through his transition. Normal Vampires take around six months to transition.

Daniel crouches down also, "I think you need to start explaining." his deep voice is devoid of emotion and he grabs the front of Craig's hoodie, and drags him into the kitchen. Leaving him on the floor he goes into the living room and grabs a wooden chair, antique, might I add, and sits it in the middle of the kitchen. He grabs Craig and plonks him down onto the chair, whilst Craig protests quietly. I follow, stepping into the kitchen quietly. Craig stares at me with wide, desperate eyes, and I have to remind myself that he was mine a couple of months ago, and I his. I need to stop being so cold.

"Start explaining." Daniel sneers, pulling a chair so its in front of craig, he sits down on it and I walk up to him.

Craig eyes us both, and for some reason his eyes seem, more intense, hungrier. Something carnal lurking in the depths of the dark red.

Daniels eyes slowly begin to turn black as he glares at Craig, waiting for an answer. Unsure of myself, I rest a hand on his shoulder and they quickly return to the luminescent green.

Craig watches us silently, and jumps when Daniel shouts for an answer.

"They want me to do it." he mumbles, his red eyes flicking back and forth.


"They." his red eyes harden and his fangs drop down.

Daniel mirrors him, and I watch as his fist tightens until his knuckles turn white, "Who?"

Craig snarls and begins to stand up, but Daniel stands up quicker than him, and Craig sinks back into his chair.

Daniel shakes his head again, "What do they want you to do?"

Almost discretely, Craig's eyes flicker to mine and I can see the deprived state he's in. And suddenly I'm angry, who did this too him? Craig had such a life ahead of him, fair enough he was a douche but he had amazing prospects, smart, easy going...

And now look at him. Pale, anxious, and angry by the looks of it.

Daniel notices Craigs attention drifts to me, and his face drops for a couple of confusing seconds. Craig nods at Daniel, as if some secret communication has been passed between them.

Scowling, I bite my tongue.

"Why?" Daniel murmurs, and Craig watches him dispassionately.

And then something flashes across Daniels face, and I can see the realisation pass through his emotions. Daniel knows something, going by the way his lips press into a thin line and his eyes narrow.

Standing up, Daniel snatches Craig up with him and drags him out of the kitchen. I follow behind, keeping quiet and watching as Daniel opens the door and closes it behind them, effectively blocking me from going outside as well. Trying the door knob, a push, but it doesn't give, and that's when I realise Daniels holding it. Damn it!

I press an ear to it in the hopes that maybe I'll catch something, but all I can hear is muffled voices, and finally a sickening thud. Stepping back, I eye the decorative door with disgust. Oh Daniel is going to pay.

Seconds tick by, and then minutes, and before I know I've been sitting criss cross on the floor for over half an hour, watching that stupid door. Every few minutes I try the door in the hopes that he's let go, but no, he hasn't. In fact, I think he's put something on it so he doesn't have to hold it. When it finally opens, I scramble for the door and literally pounce on Daniel as he walks in.

"What the hell?!" I hiss, pushing him. He doesn't even waver. Watching me with an amused expression he closes the door behind him. "Where and the hell have you been doing?!"

"I've gotten rid of the boy."

I stop, my eyes widening as horror slowly claims my face.

He sighs and rolls his eye, "He's not dead. But he won't be coming back here."

I sag with relief and run a hand through my hair, dear god I was scared for a moment then, "So where did you take him?"

"To the place he was supposed to meet them."

"'Them' who?"

He taps his nose and walks past me. No, no, he can't do that. Groaning I follow him.

"Just tell me!"




I frown, "Thats not a reason."

He grins at me and takes the stairs two at a time, and I follow grumpily after. At the top I grab his arm before he can go into his room, and he looks down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What's going on Daniel?" I say quietly, and the playfulness disappears from his face.

"Nothing you need to worry about." he says back, just as quietly, his eyes softening.

I let go of his arm and he smiles, before closing the door in my face.

As soon as I'm back in my bedroom, the fear from earlier threatens to overwhelm me, and I sink into bed shaking. The dark, foreboding room surrounding me seems to close in on me, and I jolt out of bed and race over to Daniels room. Screw staying in my room. Opening his door, I close it gently behind me with a shudder.

And them I realise what I've just done.

Damn it! Why don't I think these things through? Daniel won't let me sleep in the same bed as him, considering what we did not an hour ago. Sighing and feeling uncomfortable with the silence, I turn away from the door. Daniels topless, with only a pair of loose boxer shorts on that reach mid thigh. His sculpted body is illuminated in the waning moonlight, and his expression is one of amusement, curiosity and surprise.

"Hi." I murmur, clasping my hands behind my back.


"I uh..." I purse my lips, "I didn't want to stay... By myself." I murmur the last bit, but he hears and his eyes immediately soften. "Can I stay in here with you?"

He glances towards the bed, the satin soft plush white sheets that offer warmth and safety. For a few seconds I stand there, immobile as I watch the subtle emotions play across his handsome face.

"If I say no, will you hit me with a ladle?" the shy smile that crosses his lips along with the amused glint in his eyes almost has me swooning right on the spot.

Instead, I muster up a good scowl, and he rolls his eyes at me.

Eventually, he nods, a tiny tilt of his head.

I sigh in relief and cautiously walk towards the bed, standing beside him. His mouth twitches, and I believe he's trying to contain his humour. I hesitantly pull back the bed sheets, surprised to find them cold. He hasn't slept yet then. I climb in, sit back, and tuck myself in.

And wait.

He disappears into the bathroom for a few seconds, and I can hear the subtle movements of him brushing his teeth and what not. When he emerges, I sit up, and watch as he crosses the room with a lethal grace that Craig had no chance against.


The idiot.

Daniel pulls back the covers and hesitantly climbs in beside me, careful to avoid touching me. Strange, since not two hours ago he couldn't keep his hands off of me. We both turn away from each other, and I snuggle down into the covers, listening to the muted sounds of Daniels breathing.

And then an idea crosses my mind. Why can't I be the instigator for once? Every single boy I've been with, I've always been the one who waits for them to make the first move. Well, why can't I make the first move for once?

I flip onto my back and stare up at the ceiling, tracing its delicate features with my eyes. Maybe not. I can't, he'll probably push me away anyway.

I roll back over and face the door. Why can't I? So what if he pushes me away, at least I can say that I had the balls to do it!

Without another thought wasted on the matter I roll towards him and immediately run my hand across his chest as I cosy up to him, his chest smooth and muscled under my fingertips as I trace him lightly. I wrap my leg around his, folding myself to him, and throughout this he barely speaks, his frame stiffening slightly before relaxing.

He's warm. So warm.

It helps that we've been in bed together before, but he doesn't embrace me back, instead leaving his arms behind his head. The moonlight shines through the window, the curtains barely protecting us against its harsh glare. I blink and yawn as I settle deeper into his frame after a while of silence, my muscles relaxing finally. He sighs slightly, the steady thump of his heart becoming slower as he relaxes and before long his breathing slows too, and I can tell he's asleep.

I raise myself, looking at him lit up by the moonlights gaze. His face is relaxed, his lips slightly parted enough for me to see his fangs. He truly is the most mesmerising specimen I have ever seen, his face being that of only carved beauty.

I smile a sad smile. What am I even doing?

This is Daniel for gods sake. I trace his chest lightly as I lay down again in the curve of his arm, his chest cool under my fingertips.

No matter what I may think, that kiss was a one off. Somehow I know it was. Something inside me is already preparing for the heartbreak that's going to come in the morning. Because that's what Daniel does, he runs away. Every encounter, he always runs. And I know for certain he's going to run again tomorrow. I sigh myself, watching his chest rise and fall. I wish he wouldn't. I really do.

I replay the kiss in my head again, remembering the white hot feeling of his lips on mine, the little nibbles and the kisses that took the sting away. I've never felt like this before. Nobody has ever incited me that much.

Deciding not to dwell on unhappy thoughts I close my eyes, and fall asleep not too long afterwards.


The morning light is what awakens me, and I open my eyes slowly. The first thing I notice is Daniel is missing, his side of the bed empty. The next thing I notice is my mother pottering about as she cleans the room. Oh crap. Busted.

I eye her as she picks up discarded clothes and folds them into a neat pile onto Daniels suitcase, and she looks up at me.

"What time is it?"

She raises an eyebrow, "One."

Oh, that's why I feel so refreshed. I stretch and get out of bed with much more vigour than necessary, "Where's Daniel?"

She narrows her eyes, "He's taking a nice long walk thinking about what he's done."

"What's he done?"

She rolls her eyes at me, "Oh please Katie, you know what he's done. I don't mind him staying here, I don't mind him and you being a couple or whatever you are. But I will not you sleeping in the same bed as him. It's just not done."

I roll my eyes back, "We didn't do anything." sort of.

"Yeah, sure. Don't worry, he'll be coming back later, I have some errands for you to run, and seen as though you only have a few days left here I suggest you get them done quickly."

She has me going down to the supermarket and buying the groceries within the hour, ushering me out the door with a list of things she wants me to do. I walk down there in the freezing cold, bearing only a jacket and some woollen boots and earmuffs. Thankfully the store I have to go to next is nearby, and I pick up her dress from the shop, giving the homely woman who owns the shop my mums details as she hands me the very expensive looking garment. Next I have to pick up a few books, and I have that done within the next hour, thankful when I have enough money left over to catch the bus. The snow comes down harder by the time I'm home, and I barely make it in without being snowed out.

I shake my boots off as I close the door behind me, only to be manhandled by Daniel.

"Where have you been?" he hisses, holding my wrist.

I frown, "Picking some things up." I punctuate this by dropping the few bags I have.

"Why didn't you wait for me?"

I shrug, "Didn't think I had to."

He runs a hand through his hair in frustration, and looks as if he is about to say something but he drops it, closing his eyes for a while before opening them and pinning me with a hard stare, "We have to leave tomorrow, the school are wanting us back before the snow becomes to hazardous."

I ope my mouth to argue but he shakes his head, "Your mother has already agreed to this, it's done, we need to start packing," and without another word he turns and flits up the stairs, leaving me wide eyes and cold.

I close my eyes and sigh, the melancholy from last night returning with a vengeance. He's already pulling away. I pull off my ear muffs and rub my jaw as I make my way to my bedroom, feeling ages older. With a sigh I pack my stuff, new clothes and all, as well as the uniform that we no longer need. Insurance. By the time I'm finished it's already night time, and my mother orders chinese takeout and we eat it in amicable silence, Daniel joining us as well although he declines food. Before I know it I'm showered and in bed, tucked up and watching as the alarm clock changes. Morning comes, and I'm up and dressed in time for the car that's picking us up. I hug my mum goodbye, and she hands me a sandwich for the journey, promising that she'll be visiting soon. I smile sadly and hug her one last time. Daniel waits patiently and I climb into the blacked out car, noting its smart interior. Grey leather. The car oozes higher class. Daniel climbs into the car and shuts the door, I roll down the window and wave to my mum as we exit the household, and then we are on our way.

The car is big, big enough to have a separate divide between the back and the front. Daniel sits across from me, the seats facing each other. The lights above us offers a muted view, and under it Daniel looks stunning as always.

The silence is awkward, and I stare at him, wondering what he is thinking about. Me, maybe? No, I know that's too much to hope for. Definitely not the other night either.

He notices me staring, his green eyes unusually bright, "What?"

I shake my head, looking out of the window. The tinted state of them blocks out most of the scenery, and I give up after a while.

"Katie, what's wrong?"

Does he really want to know? I raise an eyebrow at him and he narrows his own.

"Why do you always do this?"

He frowns, "Do what?"

"This." I shift forwards, "You always push me away. You can't deny what happened the other night, and I'm sure as hell not going to let you ignore it."

His frown deepens, "I'm not pushing you away nor denying it."

"Then why won't you acknowledge me? If you're not pushing me away, prove it, tell me how you feel," bold, I know, but I'm sick of beating around the bush.

He leans back and runs his hands down his face, "Katie this isn't the time-"

"See!" I say, pointing at him, "This is what I mean!"

He grabs that hand and yanks me forwards. I fall out of my seat and onto his lap rather ungracefully, and he pulls my hand up until I'm stretched against him, my chest against his.

"I'm not avoiding it!" he snaps, pulling me up even more until I'm straddling his lap. He lets go of my hand and I pull it to my chest, shocked by his bold movements. His eyes soften and he brushes a hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear.

"I'm postponing it."

"Till when?"

He shrugs, letting his hand fall, "Indefinitely I guess. Until everything is sorted out."

I curse, "No, I'm not letting you do this. I want answers, I want to know what we are now."

He purses his lips and I hold his face between my palms.

"Why won't you tell me? And I don't want any of that bullshit about everything else. This is between me and you."

His silence speaks a thousand words, yet I refuse to be let down, instead, I fuse my lips to his, slanting my head over his in a kiss that he can't refuse. He immediately kisses me back, taking control as his hands find my hair and mine find his chest. His lips pull deliciously at mine, his tongue sweeping across my bottom lip, asking for permission of which I grant, opening my mouth and letting him in. He expertly guides the kiss, his hands tugging my head back lightly and I moan against his lips.

He moans back, his hand finding my waist as I arch against him. His lips leave mine and press against my neck, nipping slightly.

"Tell me." I say breathlessly before he returns to my lips. The kiss, passionate beforehand turns into something else, something much deeper as he slows down, his lips caressing mine now with a different intention. I can barely breathe, shivers racing down my spine as I grasp his shirt, holding onto his shoulders. He pulls away, breathing as heavily as I am as he rests his forehead against mine.

"I'm doing this so you won't be hurt." he says after a few breathless seconds, his hands holding my hips tightly.

"I don't care if it hurts me," I say, blinking my eyes open, "I just want..."

I can't say the word, simply saying that I want him is just too much, too much of myself given away, I can't have that taken away from me, I cant have him destroying me, I wont survive his rejection.

He blinks, stares at me with those emerald green eyes of his, the colour so vibrant they practically glow, luminous in their beauty.

"Okay," he says, just one simple word, and my heart soars in my chest, my palms become sweaty and my lips tingle. My whole body comes alive.

"Okay." I nod, biting my lip and his eyes darken considerably.

He captures my chin in his hand and pulls my jaw down, releasing my lip from my teeth and he runs his thumb across it, the heat of the moment causing my eyes to widen.

"It won't be easy, I'll try to protect you."

I shake my head, "I don't care, I just want to be with you," and I do, it's what I've wanted all along. It's not just his looks, its him, it's Daniel. His beautiful personality and his charming ways have always had me in his personal hold, and I'm relieved that we are finally at a point where we can consider each other properly. I smile as he nods almost worriedly as his face appears to go even whiter.

"Ara will be so surprised." I say, rolling my eyes and his chest rumbles under my touch as he chuckles.

"Jared won't be," he raises an eyebrow, "He's had a bet going on with a few other that we would be together before new year."

"It's technically past new year," I say, squirming in his lap until I'm in a more comfortable position, sitting sideways so I can rest my head on his chest.

"True." he rests his head on mine, and for once I just feel happy, elated in fact. I feel safe and incredibly comfortable already in his arms, despite my earlier resentment. I don't notice that I have fallen asleep until the car door opens and a gust of freezing cold wind wakes me, and I jump in Daniels lap. The driver, an elderly man with a rather distinguished hat on, raises his eyebrows as I clamber off of Daniels lap and out of the car, smoothing my jeans down. Daniel climbs out afterwards with much more grace, and the driver leaves quickly after setting down our suitcases. The academy is truly beautiful in the snow, the roof covered in the stuff and the trees barren of leaves. Daniel, much to my surprise grabs my hand in his, entwining our gloved fingers as he smiles shyly down at me, and I melt inside. We both grab our suitcases, mine seeming heavier than before, probably all of the new clothes and head towards the school, the snow crunching loudly beneath our feet.

Daniel clears his throat, "I hope you know that by tomorrow everyone, and I mean everyone, will know we are together."

I light up at his words, still trying to fathom this sudden change of events, I still want to know what changed his mind over the last few weeks. He would avoid me like the plague back then, but now here he is, declaring that we are an item, together. I shrug in response, smiling slightly, "Oh well."

He grins slightly, his hand squeezing mine.

We walk inside, the heat a welcoming embrace and I immediately shed my coat as does Daniel.

"I'll walk you to your dorm," he says, grabbing both of our suitcases and easily hefting them up the stairs. I follow behind, staring at his muscled back, seeing the muscles ripple beneath his shirt. I can't believe it, I really cannot believe it. Some part of me is still in denial. I shake my head, a dazed smile appearing on my lips. We arrive at my dorm and Daniel follows me inside, dropping my suitcase on the floor. I barely have a chance to thank him before his hands pull me to him by my waist and his lips find mine, a sweet, slow kiss that has me gasping for breath in seconds. He subtly pushes me back and I buckle on to the bed, him following and settling between my legs. He pulls back, brushing a lock of hair out of my face as he smiles down at me. I wrap my legs around his waist and squeeze him to me, his intake of breath making me smirk.

"I can't believe it." I whisper, stroking his biceps. He raises an eyebrow before leaning down and pecking my nose.

"Neither can I."

The door opens, and a stream of gasps follow as it slams against the wall, before an ear shattering scream of rage pounds my ears.

"No! No no no no!"

Daniel rolls off of me in surprise, just in time to avoid the swinging fist that connects with my jaw instead.

I grunt, cupping my face and rolling out of of the way of the next clumsy one.

It's Vanessa! I jump up, avoiding her nails as she swipes at me.

"What the hell?!" I duck, narrowly avoiding her shoddily aimed kick to my head.

Her face is drawn in a snarl, her eyes a deep red, "No! You can't! He can't! No!"

Daniel grabs her around the waist, holding her up and away from me as she wildly claws in my direction. I sniff cautiously, my nose and mouth throbbing slightly. She didn't do much harm, but it still hurt.

Ara walks in, eyes wide, "What the hell Vic?"

Vanessa snarls at Ara, "He's mine, he's not hers he's mine!"

Ara looks at me with confusion, "Vic, you weren't even together."

She suddenly stops, her arms falling and her body dropping as Daniels sets her back down awkwardly. The sobs start after a few silent seconds, and Daniel edges away until he's beside me. He takes my face and checks me over, satisfied when he sees I'm fine.

"I love him." the word come out as a whisper, and I look up in surprise. Vanessa sobs even harder and Ara grabs her by the shoulders and leads her shaking frame out.

Daniel watches, utterly confused. It's then that I notice we have an audience, my friends all staring at us with smiles.

"Oh, my Gawd, I knew it would happen, I knew it!" Laura squeals, hugging Kurt who frowns.

"Congratulations," he chuckles, rolling his eyes at Laura. She abruptly becomes quiet.

"What the hell was that about?" her red eyes find Daniel who shrugs.

"I don't know." he says, his eyes darting down to mine, "I barely even speak to her." his eyes zero in the spot where she hit me, and they narrow, "You're bruising."

I frown, rubbing the sore spot. It's more along my jaw line than anywhere else, and it throbs dully under my fingers. Daniel grunts in annoyance as he takes my hand and pulls me to him.

"Are you okay?"

I nod against his chest, inhaling his fresh scent. Yes, I'm definitely okay.


Finally I've uploaded! I know I know it's been ages, but I'm just too involved with my new story, I mean, I've written nearly the same amount on that as I have on this. Anyway I hope you guys like this, it's taken a while because I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted it to happen this way, but there you go! Hope you like it and don't forget to tell me what you think!





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