Tomura Shigaraki's Sister (Ka...

By EggDippy

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Prologue (Really Short!)
Ch. 1: Class 1A
Ch. 2: All Might!?
Ch. 3: Class Rep/The Song/Intruder/Yelling/Detention/The Argument
Ch. 4: USJ
Ch. 5: Crush!?
Ch. 6: The Songs (Short)
Ch. 7: Flashback/Ex-Boyfriend
Ch. 8: What!?/Fighting/Dorms
Ch. 10: An Awkward Morning/Explaination
Ch. 11: Not so much of a secret(short)
Ch. 12: Finding Out/Promise?
Ch. 13: The Truth/Cuddling
Ch. 14: The Date (Short)
Ch. 15: Caught
Ch. 16: More Secrets
Ch. 17: The Argument
Ch. 18: New Student!? (Short-ish)
Ch. 19: Problems
Ch. 20: The Fight
Ch. 21: The Full Story
Ch. 22: Kidnapped (short)
Ch. 23: Saving Eri
Ch. 24: Out (Short)
Epilogue (Very Short)

Ch. 9: Her Secrets

1.2K 16 7
By EggDippy

I wake up and put this on.

I dye my hair and it looks like this.

Its white fading into blue.

Suddenly I hear ringing in my ears.

It's the voice thing from Frozen 2. Yes I saw it. It's a good movie.

Oh no... Not again...

I keep hearing it.

I'm not going to use it... Not after last time...


I was 4 and I had just gotten my quirk.


After a couple of days I hear a voice in my head.

Suddenly ice comes out of my hands.

I scream.

My parents rush into the room.

Tenko was currently sleeping and he didn't hear it.

I look at my parents with horror.

"Sweetie it's ok. It's just your other quirk. Your other quirk is ice. You can also turn it into water but it takes concentration. If you hear a voice then that means that your body wants to use it. If you ignore the voice and don't use your ice quirk you will feel immense pain. You need proper training. The drawback to this quirk is that if you use it too much your skin can start to freeze. It will first turn white like snow. If it continues like this your skin will turn into ice. If it starts to turn to snow then stop. The only way to unfreeze you if your skin turns to ice is intense heat." Mother says.

I nod.

Time skip
I've made a song that increases the strength of my ice. Only my parents know about it.

After a year of training with both of my quirks I have them both controlled.

I made my parents not to tell Tenko.

I didn't want him to know.

In case my ice quirk got out of control I wore gloves.

I always wore them.

Until that day...

I was using my ice quirk with my parents.

Suddenly I feel stronger.

I keep hearing the voice.

I started shaking.

I look at my parents in fear.

"It won't go away! The voice! Make it go away!" I yell.

Suddenly I see my parents on the floor covered in ice, water, and blood.

I look at them in horror.

I glance back at my parents to my hands.

Tenko comes downstairs from doing homework.

He screams.

"What happened!?" He asks.

I knew if I told Tenko he'd fear me and I'd end up killing him out of fear.

"I-I don't know... I came down here and I saw a figure... It left out the door... I... I tried to chase after the figure... But they got away... This is all my fault! I couldn't protect them!" I yell.

Tears are streaming down both mine and Tenko's face.

We hold each other's hands and run out of the house.

We stop at an alley and we hear a voice.

"Are you two alright? What's the matter?" A voice says.

Tenko and I look up to see a guy with tubes or pipes on him and a purple mist man.

"Our parents.... They died... My name is Asami Shimura and this is my brother Tenko Shimura... We have no where to go... Please.... We need help..." I say.

"We can help you. We have a place you can live. My name is All For One and this is Kurogiri." All For One says.

We nod and follow him into an abandoned bar.

Since then Tenko and I have been living there.

We joined the League Of Villains shortly after we arrived.

I've never told anyone not even Master about my ice quirk.

I haven't been hearing the voice...

Until today.

I pace around my room.

I create gloves.

I put my hair up.

I go downstairs and find Eraserhead.

"Is there any sound proof rooms where I can train?" I ask.

"There's a large room on each side." He says.

He leads me to a room with no windows.

It's a large room.

"Am I allowed to use my quirk in here?" I ask.

He nods.

"Can you male sure no one comes near this room. Of I'm gone for more than 1 hour then check in here first. Make sure that no student or teacher comes in here. Only you, All Might, and Endeavor are allowed in this room when I'm here. If I'm in here for more than 1 hour don't hesitate to enter the room. Whatever you see in this room stays in this room. I only want you, All Might, and Endeavor to know... No one else... Please..." I beg.

" Ok. " he says.

I nod and go inside.

I take off my gloves and put them on a bench that's in the room.

I'm still hearing the voice.

I start singing.

While I sing I start to male ice.

I make snow everywhere.

I concentrate and making ice into snow. Snow into ice. Snow into water. Ice into water. Water into snow. And water into ice.

After 50 mins my skin starts to be coated into snow.

I keep pushing on.

Just a little longer.

I end up making and ice chandelier.

Disperse it and it ends up creating a lot of these.I

Let's say they're like the ones Elsa made in Frozen 2. They have no meaning.

I breathe heavily.

I look at my skin.

It's starting to be coated in ice.

I try to move but I fail.

I look down and my feet are covered in ice.

The ice slowly crawls up my skin.

I yell.

Eraserhead runs into the room with All Might and Endeavor.

"H-Help... Please.... Endeavor... I need you t-to melt the ice on my skin... P-Please...." I beg.

I can still hear the voice.

"Shut up! I've used it now just go away!" I yell.

The ice starts to increase.

I sigh.

I take deep breaths.

I sing again.

Previous song that was sang.

After I finish the voice stops.

The three look at me in shock.

"Just unfreeze me. I'll explain everything later in private... Only with you three. Just get me out of here." I say.

Endeavor nods and unfreezes me.

I disperse the ice crystals.

It just turns into cold air.

I grab my gloves and put them on as quickly as possible.

I walk out of the room leaving no trace of my ice quirk.

I sit down on a chair in the common room.
I start shaking.

Why... Why start again now?

I sigh as I look at my hands.

Suddenly I feel myself getting a headache.l

I look up and see when I accidentally killed my parents over and over again.

I step back.

I bump into someone.

My ice quirk activates.

I make an ice wall.

My gloves are torn.

i I starr shaking.

I cur l up in a ball.

I start sobbing into my knees.

"I'm sorry... Mother... Father... I didn't mean to... It's all my fault... I couldn't control it... I'm so sorry... It's my fault... It's all my fault... I'm sorry... I just want you back... I need you more than ever... I don't know what to do anymore... I just wish you guys were still here... Help... Please..." I whisper.

Tears are rolling down my face.

I finally get up.

I make new gloves and put them on.

I find myself in am ice dome.

I concentrate and turn the ice into water.

I turn the water into snow.

I disperse the snow and it turns into cold air.

Luckily no one is here except Eraserhead, All Might, and Endeavor.

I sigh in relief.

I hear tons of gasps.

I see the class staring at me in awe.I

I start to hyperventilate.

My breathing gets heavier and heavier.

They try to go near me.

"Stay away... Just stay away... I don't want to hurt you..." I say.

What!? Since when do I care if I hurt them or not!?

They just step closer to me.

"Enough!" I yell.

I make a wall of spikes pointing towards them.

They gasp and step back.

I hear the voice again.

I sigh.of

I go to the large roo m and take off my gloves.

I sing the song again.

Please... Go away...

That's all I can think as I sing.

I make an ice structure as I sing.

My skin starts to be covered in snow when I finish.

If you were both here... I know... You'd both be proud... Of my progress in my quirks... But I know... You'd dislike the path that I've chosen... I'm sorry...

I melt the ice and snow.

I make it turn into cold air.

I walk out of the room.

I end up passing out on the common room couch.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this lil chappy. Until next time. Plus Ultra!

Published: 1/6/20

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