Bring Me Back To Life || Gav...

By DodgersKings

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If life can remove someone you never dreamed of losing, it can replace them with someone you never dreamt of... More



744 3 0
By DodgersKings

Ella's POV- November 2019

There was a light knock on the door as I finished doing my hair. My current go-to hair tool was my one-step hair dryer and volumizer because it could be used with one hand.

"One second" I called out.

I unplugged and set the hot brush on the sink before making my way over to the door. On the other side of the door, stood Gavin.

"You look nice" I complimented as I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room.

He smiled.

"Thanks, I shaved"

He had changed into a darker pair of jeans and a short-sleeved button-down that showed a bit of the tattoo on his bicep.

"You look beautiful"

"Thank you" I replied.

I rolled my eyes because I was not wearing anything out of the ordinary, a simple t-shirt and black pants.

"So I got you something"

I raised an eyebrow as I looked at the box he was holding.

"What is it?" I asked.

He smiled.

"Open it"

He gestured for me to take the box

"Do you mind helping me?" I asked as I glanced at my hand.

He followed my gaze and took a deep breath.


Most of my arm was in a cast, hand included.

"It's alright" I assured him.

He opened the box and placed it on my hand so that I could get a look at what was inside.

"Oh," I softly said.

I stared at the notecard that he had scribbled a question on for a second before nodding my head.

"Yes," I answered.

He beamed at my response.

"Can I?"

I nodded as he took the box.

"I just hope this fits you since you've got a really small wrist"

He set the box on my vanity before unclasping the bracelet.

"So what made you choose this specific bracelet?" I wondered.

It was a charm bracelet.

"I figured, we could add more charms"

His cheeks began to flush up.

"Do you like it? I know you're more of a minimalistic jewelry type of person"

"I like the card more" I admitted.

He smiled.

"Thank you, it's perfect," I said.

I wiggled my hand and turned my wrist so I could take a look at the two charms. One was his initial, a G and the other was...a skate.

"I didn't know they had a skate" I admitted.

"I uh had that made"

I looked away from the charm at him to see his face was pink.

"Thank you, boyfriend," I said.

He giggled, his cheeks flushing up even more.

"You're welcome...girlfriend"

Just as we were about to kiss, Nora barged into the room.

"Els, do you have bobby pins I can borrow?"

I hugged Gavin's waist just as he tried to step back.

"Yeah, in the bathroom" I replied.

She and her bump crossed the room to the bathroom. Once she was inside the room, I acted quickly and gave Gavin a kiss.

"Claudia and Win are downstairs"

"We'll be right down," I called out.

A small,


Came from her when she noticed Gavin was in the room. She smiled when she noticed he was a bit uncomfortable, considering we were both pressed up against each other, and I was hugging his waist.

"I'll let them know"

Once she was gone, I looked at Gavin who had begun to look around the room.

"You were not kidding when you said your room was all kinds of purple"

Purple had always been my favorite.

We both looked away at the sound of a small jingle just as Stormy trotted into the room. He immediately made his way over and rubbed his body against my legs.

"Did they send you for us?" I asked.

He meowed before rubbing his body against Gavin's legs.

"Well then let's not keep them waiting," I said.

Stormy led the way out and down the stairs. Gavin took a deep breath in once we were downstairs making me turn at him.

"Just be yourself," I told him.

I reached over and squeezed his bicep before walking to the living room.

"Hey" I greeted.

Before I could even finish saying my greeting, Winnie was jumping on me. I would have probably fallen back if Gavin had not been standing behind me.

"Win, her arm!"

She smiled at Gavin before looking at me.

"You're so tall! and handsome!"

I glanced towards the couch to see dad, Claudia, and Nora watching with amusement as Gavin squirmed in discomfort.

"Hi, I'm Winnie"

I moved out of the way once she let go of me.

"It's nice to meet you, Winnie, I'm Gavin"

The smile on her face grew.

"The lover?"

I turned to my dad who grinned.

"The boyfriend" I corrected.

She wiggled her eyebrows as dad nodded in approval. You see, dad did not like that we were 'getting to know each other'

"I see, well, in that case, I demand a hug"

He crouched down to hug her.

"Are y'all done fawning over Gavin?"

Winnie reached over and fixed Gavin's cowlick.

"Not yet"

Theo rolled his eyes.

"Well dinner is ready"

Win and Theo dated for about two years, and it was my brother who ended the relationship claiming that a long-distance relationship would never work out. Guess who was technically in a long-distance relationship? Theo and his current girlfriend.

"You have the nicest shade of blonde"

She turned to me.

"Before you go full brunette, you should let me tone your ends this color"

I laughed.

"We'll see," I said.

We made our way to the dining room where Josie was.


I accepted her hug and tight squeeze.

"How are you feeling?"

"A bit jet lag" I admitted.

She nodded.

"I'll make you a tea to help with that"

She gave me a final squeeze before letting me go.

"Hey, Gavin"

As he greeted my sister, Win touched my shoulder.

"Let me do a quick braid"

These were the perks of having a hairstylist best friend. I took a seat and let her braid a section of my hair. Nora laughed as Winnie pulled out some bobby pins from her pocket to secure the braid.


As Gavin took a seat next to me, dad spoke up.

"So boyfriend?"

I nodded.

"When did this happen?"

"A couple of minutes ago" I answered.

"Can we eat now? I'm starving"

Thank you, Nora.

After dinner, dad went to the study room whereas mom went to bed. Josie headed out because she was meeting with one of Chris and Gavin's teammates early in the morning, and Theo went upstairs to take a call.


I looked at Nora who squirmed in discomfort.

"You okay?" I asked.

She scrunched up her nose.

"Not really, I've been carrying her low all day and my back is killing me"

She looked at Gavin who asked,

"Where's your pillow?"

He stood up as she replied.

"In my room"

I remember her always saying how much she hated when Chris was on the road because she didn't sleep well.

"Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?" I asked her.

She smiled.

"That would actually be nice"

Claudia took a seat next to Nora.

"Can I touch your bump?"

Nora nodded.

"Go for it"

Claudia grinned.

"What's the little girl's name again?"

Yup, I was going to be an aunty to a baby girl.


Gavin returned with a small pillow.

"Here you go"

He helped Nora up and watched as she adjusted the pillow on the couch before taking a seat. She sighed with relief and looked at us.

"Gav, you're so lucky you're a guy"

He chuckled and took a seat on the other couch.

"Win, you okay?" I asked.

She looked up from her phone with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, why?"

"You're abnormally quiet" I noted.

Claudia snorted.

"She's probably talking with the Swede"

Oh, no way.

"Adrian?" I wondered.



"The hockey player?"

Winnie nodded.

"How'd you meet?"

"Through Ella"

Nora raised an eyebrow.

"How do you know Adrian Kempe?"

"I met him through Tyler" I stated.

"Right, you skate in the same facility during the summer"


"His wife also works for the Dodgers front office" I reminded her.

She nodded.


Claudia clicked her tongue.

"So how'd they meet?"

She pursed her lips as she eyes Win.

"Winifred here won't tell me"

Oh, full name.

"The weekend I was here for the gender reveal, we had brunch at that one fancy smoothie place in Manhattan Beach. He happened spilled his smoothie all over her and proceeded to freak out and forget how to speak English" I told them.

It was cute to see him all flustered since the many times I had interacted with him, he was incredibly cocky.

"How'd he get in contact with you?" I asked.

"He slid into my DMs"

Winnie hummed.


I looked at Gavin who chuckled.


Nora laughed.

"He slid into her DMs as well"

Meet Winnie

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