Truth Or Dare

By RealCrazyJakey

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A fun game of Truth Or Dare soon turns into a deadly game of cat and mouse. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

13 0 0
By RealCrazyJakey

Chelsea, Monica, Kristy, and Tracy all sat inside the Precinct. Tracy was shaking her legs, she was nervous, all the girls were.

"Okay so I sent Deputy Alice to Sally"s House. We're going to send in a Missing persons alert in twenty- four hours."

"Why can't you just do it now!" Kristy yelled!

"You have to wait twenty- four hours to call in a missing persons alert." Deputy Sarah Porter  said back.

"But every second we waste, every minute that's lost, she could be dead, or whoever has her, could do anything to her!" Chelsea cried!

"And we're going to do everything we can to get your friend back alive. In the mean time, the rest of you can go on, and live your normal lives."

"What about the creep who keeps texting us?" Monica asked.

Tracy gave her a look. Then she held her phone down, and sent Monica a text.

Killer said don't say anything, or he"ll kill Sally.

And Monica Gave her a look!

"We can deal with that now, all I have to do is see your phones, and I can Track the texts, and where they are. Coming from."

Deputy Sarah Porter got up, she took the girls into her office, and she took their phones. One, by one she connected their phones to the system.

All the girls contact information popped up, including contacts, but no messages.

"What the hell?! This is bullshit!"Chelsea cried!

"Okay whoever is harassing you could've hacked your phones. He, or she could've deleted all texts."

"But how can he do that?" Kristy asked.

"Might have a software he can download, or he's very smart." Deputy Sarah Porter said.


Deputy Alice Hanes slowly walked up to the small barn.

She noticed blood on the side of the door, and that the door was ajar.

She also noticed there was blood on the electrical cords.

She took pictures of the scene.

"If anyone is inside come out now, with your hands up!" She yelled!

No response. Deputy Alice Hanes slowly opened the door, she cocked her gun, and turned on her flash light.

It was pitch dark, but she could see candles lit, and straight ahead, was Ashley Greens body.

She gasped in horror at the sight! For a split second, she thought she might puke!

She began to dial Deputy Sarah Porter"s phone.

It kept ringing, and ringing. Then suddenly, the call went static.

"Shit." Deputy Alice Hanes said, under her breath.

Then a window in the barn shattered!

"Who's there!"

Deputy Alice Hanes was totally alarmed now!

"I said who is there!" Deputy Alice Hanes yelled!

Nothing! And then, ring ring.

Unknown Caller. Deputy Alice Hanes answered the phone.

"Who is this?" Deputy Alice Hanes asked.

"What a nice night." The anonymous voice said.

"Are we having fun playing detective."

"You listen to me you psycho I have a gun." Deputy Alice Hanes replied.

"And I have a knife, but I don't think you'll have any luck with the gun."

Then the call ended. Moments later, the killer appeared in front of Deputy Alice Hanes.

Deputy Alice Hanes gasped, and fired three shots, which all missed! The Killer shut, and locked the door!

"Stop! I said stop motherfucker!" Deputy Alice Hanes yelled.

As she ran to the door, she spotted The Killer lighting a match!

She watched in horror, as a fire work came right for her!

She dodged the fire work, and it hit Ashley's body head on!

"Oh no, no, shit!"

Fire began to spread along the walls, and the ceiling!

The Killer, aka The Black Hoody, entered the barn!

Deputy Alice Hanes watched as the fire got bigger, it had started to burn Ashley's right arm!

Deputy Alice Hanes bolted, but The Killer cut her off!

"Fuck!" She screamed!

The killer slashed her across her right arm, then picked her up, and threw her up against the wall!

Deputy Alice Hanes stood back up, and felt the blade go into her stomach!

She let out a loud scream, and watched as Ashley's entire body was engulfed in flames!

She fought back, elbowing, and kicking the Killer in the face! But this killer wasn't going to go down without a fight, this killer kept swinging the knife!

Deputy Alice Hanes fired another shot, it nearly got the killer in the left shoulder.

The killer ran.

"No come back here!"

Deputy Alice Hanes ran towards the exit, but the roof caved in, and blocked her escape!

Deputy Alice Hanes reached for her phone, she dialed 911!

The phone rang and rang, and finally a dispatch operator answered!

"911 what's your emergency." The voice asked.

"Yes I need the fire department here, at 329 Whispering Lane!"

The fire got stronger, the air around Deputy Alice Hanes got hotter'

"Please hurry I"m trapped!" Deputy Alice Hanes cried!

"I've got a fire fighter on the way! Please find a safe way wherever you are!" The Operator replied. Then the call ended!

Deputy Alice Hanes was able to look out the window. She noticed a black ford truck pull up. A woman got out of it, and she looked stressed, and she was crying.

"HELP, HELP ME!" Deputy Alice Hanes screamed!

Deputy Alice Hanes looked around for something, anything to bust a window out!

She grabbed a wrench off of a bench, then she busted out a nearby window. As she climbed out, a woman, about 43 came running towards her!

Laura Rivers 43. She"s Sally's alcoholic, and caring mother. An ex sixth grade teacher, Laura cares deeply for her daughter, and will do anything to protect her.

"What the hell happened?" Laura asked?

Sirens wailed in the distance. Laura and Deputy Alice Hanes, ran up to the front yard. Fire fighters jumped out of the fire truck, they carried a big huge water hose toward the back yard.

The fire had spread. It was headed towards the house!

Chelsea"s convertible pulled up! Tracy, Kristy, Monica, and Chelsea all got out of the car.

They watched in horror, as the fire began to make its way onto the left, and right sides of the house!

Laura was staring at her house, in tears!

Then another fire truck pulled up, and more fire fighters began to get water hose out, and ready.

Ding ding ding. The girls looked down at their texts. In black and white, was Sally, tied to a chair, Alive but covered in blood.

Then they each received a text.

The game doesn"t end until I say game over. We're only just getting started. So truth or dare?


30 minutes later......

About thirty minutes had passed, and Sally's house was no more. It had burned to the ground.

A coroner had Ashley's now, burnt body in a body bag.

Laura sat on the ground, in tears. Cameras flashed.

It began to pour down rain.

In an ambulance, Deputy Alice Hanes was being treated for her injuries.

The next morning, Tracy began to run laps around the track, behind Grover High School.

She was doing very well, she's already ran at least six laps, and thought she might try out for the track team.

Her phone kept buzzing, and buzzing. She didn't stop to check it once, and she was sweating, like a whore in church.

She was also under a lot of stress.

She stopped to take a breather, and noticed a figure in a black hoody, watching her on the stands.

The figure jumped down from the top, and made a perfect landing.

He or she was staring Tracy down.

Tracy took off after the figure, the figure was faster, and was able to jump the fence, before Tracy could catch up.

"Damn it!" Tracy cried!

Maybe you should practice running more, bitch.


A light shined down on Sally's face. She moved around, trying to get herself free.

The basement door opened, and Sally could hear a woman screaming.

The woman tumbled down the stairs. She was fifty. Her name was Tina French. English teacher at Grover High School.

Sally stared in shock! She was Sally's freshman English teacher.

"Sally holy shit!" Tina cried.

As she stood up, that faceless person in the black hoody hit her in the face, with a baseball bat.

She was out, right before she hit the ground!

The Black Hoodied person grabbed Tina, and tied her to a chair.

"Stop, don't hurt her!" Sally yelled!

The Killer turned, and he slapped Sally in the face.

She tried to kick him, but he had tied her feet up.

The killer, aka the black hoody taped Tinas mouth shut, and poured a bucket of ice cold water on her.

She didn't wake up, and the killer didn't expect her to. At least not yet.

The killer went back up the stairs.

A few moments passed, and Sally noticed a camera watching her every move. A P.A came on.

"Let's play my game. If you don't, you die, and if you play my game, and play by the rules, you might live. But if I catch you cheating, you die, or I might torture you."

"FUCK YOU, YOU SICK BASTARD!" Sally screamed!

"Rudeness won't get you far." The Voice said.

Sally felt a shock go through her! She screamed bloody murder.

It continued for a good five minutes!

"Let's play Doctor." The voice said.

Within seconds, the lights went out. Sally could hear footsteps, they were fast, and she could hear things moving around!

A light began to shine on her, then it moved to the middle of the room.

Sally stared in horror. On a table, was Tina. She was strapped down, tight and the Killer injected a needle into her arm.

"Stop! Please just stop!" Sally screamed.

Sally watched, as Tina woke up. She was freaking out, she was in so much shock!

"Help me please! Sally run!" Tina cried!

Sally couldn't run. She was still tied up!!

Sally watched as The killer began to cut Tinas stomach open! Time was screaming bloody murder, kicking and screaming!

"OH GOD NOOOOOO!!!" Sally cried!

Sally kicked back from the wall, and felt the chair fall on the hard ground. She felt pain in her back.

The killer grabbed the chair, and pulled her back up. He pulled her over to the table, and he tied her hands onto the table!

He forced her to watch, as he began to cut Tina again!

The screams went all through the basement! Sally and Tina were both in tears!

He then, cut Tinas kidney out, and pulled it out!

Sally watched, her hands were covered in blood.

"Fucking bastard!" Sally screamed!

She saw a jagged edge and she waited for the killer to leave the basement. The door was left wide open! Now was her chance!

She began to prop herself against the jagged edge! She was trying to cut herself free!

"Please God help me!" Sally pleaded!

She worked the rope against the edge, faster, and faster!

She heard footsteps.

"Fuck, Oh God!" She cried.

Her hands were free, now she just had to free her legs! She was able to pull herself free, and she sprang to her feet!

She bolted up the stairs, and noticed she was inside of a cabin!

She didn't waste anytime, she ran straight for the front door, but The Killer stood, watching, and waiting.

A woman In Black stood inches from Sally!

The Woman in Black reached into her pocket, and she tried to attack Sally, with a dagger!

"No!" Sally cried! She fought back, slamming a wine bottle against The Woman In Blacks right side!

The Woman In Black grunted, and Sally took off running, like her ass depended on it.

Crash! Sally went out of a nearby window, and she landed in a puddle of mud!

As she stood up, she fell back down!

She watched as The Black Hoody charged after her!

She took off running, towards a wooded area!

"Help! Someone help me!" Sally screamed!

The Black Hoodied person was fast! He was inches away from grabbing Sally! Sally tried  to put some distance, between her, and her attacker!

Up ahead: Sally spotted the lights from a small Carnival!

Sally began to smile! She was losing her mind!

She made it to the fence, and The Killer grabbed the back of her coat!

She fell against the fence, and felt the tip of a knife against her throat!

"Help! She screamed! She fought back, pushing herself backwards! Blam! The killer let out a loud grunt as he hit a nearby tree.

Sally began to climb the fence, and just as she reached the top, THE WOMAN IN BLACK HIT HER WITH A METAL BASEBALL BAT!

Sally tried to scream, but her screams were cut!

She felt a searing pain in her head, her vision was blurry. The last thing she see"s before it goes black, is that faceless black hoody.


Sally woke up, two hours later. She was back in the basement, but this time she was locked, in what looked like a huge dog cage!

She tried to open the door, but electricity lit up!

The cage was wired, with ten thousand bolts.


End of Chapter 5.

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