Chapter 5

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Chelsea, Monica, Kristy, and Tracy all sat inside the Precinct. Tracy was shaking her legs, she was nervous, all the girls were.

"Okay so I sent Deputy Alice to Sally"s House. We're going to send in a Missing persons alert in twenty- four hours."

"Why can't you just do it now!" Kristy yelled!

"You have to wait twenty- four hours to call in a missing persons alert." Deputy Sarah Porter  said back.

"But every second we waste, every minute that's lost, she could be dead, or whoever has her, could do anything to her!" Chelsea cried!

"And we're going to do everything we can to get your friend back alive. In the mean time, the rest of you can go on, and live your normal lives."

"What about the creep who keeps texting us?" Monica asked.

Tracy gave her a look. Then she held her phone down, and sent Monica a text.

Killer said don't say anything, or he"ll kill Sally.

And Monica Gave her a look!

"We can deal with that now, all I have to do is see your phones, and I can Track the texts, and where they are. Coming from."

Deputy Sarah Porter got up, she took the girls into her office, and she took their phones. One, by one she connected their phones to the system.

All the girls contact information popped up, including contacts, but no messages.

"What the hell?! This is bullshit!"Chelsea cried!

"Okay whoever is harassing you could've hacked your phones. He, or she could've deleted all texts."

"But how can he do that?" Kristy asked.

"Might have a software he can download, or he's very smart." Deputy Sarah Porter said.


Deputy Alice Hanes slowly walked up to the small barn.

She noticed blood on the side of the door, and that the door was ajar.

She also noticed there was blood on the electrical cords.

She took pictures of the scene.

"If anyone is inside come out now, with your hands up!" She yelled!

No response. Deputy Alice Hanes slowly opened the door, she cocked her gun, and turned on her flash light.

It was pitch dark, but she could see candles lit, and straight ahead, was Ashley Greens body.

She gasped in horror at the sight! For a split second, she thought she might puke!

She began to dial Deputy Sarah Porter"s phone.

It kept ringing, and ringing. Then suddenly, the call went static.

"Shit." Deputy Alice Hanes said, under her breath.

Then a window in the barn shattered!

"Who's there!"

Deputy Alice Hanes was totally alarmed now!

"I said who is there!" Deputy Alice Hanes yelled!

Nothing! And then, ring ring.

Unknown Caller. Deputy Alice Hanes answered the phone.

"Who is this?" Deputy Alice Hanes asked.

"What a nice night." The anonymous voice said.

"Are we having fun playing detective."

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