'Help me...'

By silllyguyy

1.7K 28 71

(Kinda spoilers? Even tho this happens in the first 5ish chapters) America gets blackmailed into kidnapping... More

Introduction, and character information!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - An Unexpected Absence
Chapter 10 - The angery Brit

Chapter 4

89 1 2
By silllyguyy

Poland's POV

After the bell had rung, America picked me up and hurriedly dashed off with me in his arms. Once we got to our destination, our Form-Room, he set me on a chair and started talking with Cyprus for a second. Just as he had his hand on the door-knob, ready to leave, Cyprus pulled out a gun on America (Cyprus: See, I pulled a little sneaky on ya) and mentioned something about their deal not including the guarantee that America would be free to leave after he had done what he was asked to do. So, Cyprus was the one who set this up, huh? Why would he want to abduct me, and get a student to do it no less? Sounds like a dick-move to me. Can't even abduct a kid yourself. How low do you have to be? And did he do this because of this morning? That wasn't even shit. If anything, not to disrespect Russia but, if Cyprus was pissed about this morning then it should be Russia he takes his anger out on because I wasn't the one who talked back. I merely stopped the situation. Sigh. Maybe...Cyprus likes me? That's messed up. I'm still a child. He's like, over twenty. God...What's he even going to do to me?!- I was snapped out of my thoughts when he roughly snatched me off my seat and carried me under his arm, grabbing America violently with the other hand. I saw America struggling to get away, and I decided to stick my tongue out at him mockingly. I felt kinda bad, but I don't even think he noticed. Cyprus carried bo- Well he carried me. America on the other hand...He was literally being dragged against his will. He threw me into his car, roughly, probably causing a bruise or two on me. I saw him struggle to try get America in the car, before he kneed him in the ding-dong and ran off. I hope America can go tell someone to get help for me, then-again he doesn't even know me...I'm fucked. Well I guess I should enjoy my last hour or so of an actual life. Cyprus had already gotten in and started the car, and I just had to sit at the back and endure the journey to wherever he decides to take me. He started driving, but quickly turned back to get something he must've forgotten. He left and locked me in the car, leaving me to sit there miserably. A few minutes later I heard a familiar voice quietly cursing in German to himself. It was Germany. Maybe I could get his attention! I tried calling out his name, but it seemed a futile effort. But he did seem to notice me, but wince at me and try to identify me. I noticed his glasses weren't on, maybe he lost them and can't see me properly... "P-Polen?-" He was about to walk up to the car to examine who I was, but Cyprus walked out of the building by then and Germany went back to what I can only assume was his search for his glasses. Cyprus entered the car, started it up, and started driving. I noticed he brought a bag with him, the bag containing some...Interesting illustrations. They appeared to be Germany, doing very...Perverted things. They were clearly drawn, probably by Cyprus. He may be a teacher, but Cyprus really should get a lesson or two from the art teacher, he certainly needs it. I then thought of an idea of why he'd done such a preposterous thing. He...Likes Germany?! Is he scared I'll steal him away from him or something? Cyprus would never even have a chance with Germany regardless of my existence! He's in his twenties and Germany is only like thirteen or fourteen!! Ugh. The car came to an abrupt stop, and a few seconds after I heard Cyprus roughly yanking the door open. He pulled me out of the car by the leg (hduhIUFHIUHR) and carried be bridal style into what I can only assume is his house. He elbowed a button, and a door opened. He carried me down the seemingly long stairs, and set me down on the cold, hard floor. He took the rope off my hands, holding them against the wall tightly so I couldn't fight back. He then tied them to the wall, but as he took the rope off my legs, I kicked him in the ding-dong very hard. He was clearly pissed, and once he tied my legs to the wall with a pretty big struggle, I could tell I had fucked up by the look in his eyes. He punched me in the face, hard. My nose started bleeding a bit, and I'm sure he fucked up at-least one tooth of mine. He looked down at me, laughing quietly. "So weak...I was hoping you'd be a bit smarter. But no. You go for the typical dick kicking tactic. How pathetic..."             

That is yet another chapteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer ended. Next one might include some sad crying bois because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Don't worry my small brain has a plan                                              

I call myself uncreative but then I come up with bigbrain st0ry ideas at 2am because my brain is random

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