Ghost Stories (A Sanscest Sto...

By carelesscreativity

402K 20.8K 19.4K

Nightmare, go to school, they said. Nightmare, it will be FUN, they said. What a load of crap. Nightmare isn... More

A Little Fall of Rain
A New Challenger
A Bad Joke
A Cold Knight
A Small Talk
A Shining Soul
A Way Out
A Personal Hell
A Crazy Sight
A Death Wish
A Good Morning
A Warm Welcome
A New Family
A Cautious Start
A Careless Whisper
A Friendly Visitor
A Fellow Brother
A Bit of Mercy
A Soft Light
A Hidden Look
A Little Mistake
A Stranger Scene
A Certain Intensity
A Dose of Anxiety
A Perfect Picture
A Painful Truth
A Tiny Heart
A Sad Tale
A True Friend
A Slim Chance
A Heated Blast
A Lovely Duet
A Careful Move
A Lingering Touch
A Sense of Victory
A Strange Face
A Poor Plan
A Serious Turn
A Mini Mixup
A Bodily Regret
A Dangerous Mood
A Shimmering Still
A Slow Sunrise
A Love Spark
A Typical Morning
A Normal School
A Digital Deal
A Hated Idea
A Lesser Thrill
A Family Issue
A Hot Flash
A Speck of Ice
A Colorful Reveal
A Somber Intruder
A Tasteless Temperature
A Naïve Conduit
A Tested Connection
A Familial Gathering
A Spiteful Envy
A Tilted Crown
A Beast Released
A Lurking Low
A Courtesy Call
A Garbled Message
A Crisis Code
A Sixth Contender
A Scarlet Scorn
A Future Murder
A Road Not Taken
A Stone Soldier
A Recent Kill
A Horrible Creature
A Bitter Breeze
A Data Exchange
A Black Dreamcatcher
A Deadly Disconnect
A Heartless Art
A Missing Link
A Tender Toll
A Blood Contract
A Silly Flower
A Fragmented Flock
A Silver Scratch
A Steady Bump
A Tired Dragon
A Pulse Of Joy
A Glorious Arrival
A White Night

A Vague Question

4.9K 272 274
By carelesscreativity

Geno was still right where Reaper had left him. The anomaly had fell asleep against the mirror, his back against it. Reaper drifted up to him from inside of the mirror curiously. "You always sleep for so long, darling... Did I actually kill you...?" He wondered softly.

He reached out of the mirror and hugged Geno from behind. The other didn't resist or yell at him and Reaper wanted to squeal. He leaned forward and nuzzled the back of Geno's neck. "Cute... adorable... and all mine..." Reaper murmured, pressing his teeth repeatedly to the back of Geno's neck. He felt the other squirm quietly and he chuckled softly. Well, Geno certainly wasn't dead.

Reaper wanted to hold the other like this forever. He hummed and pushed himself out of the mirror, moving to the front of Geno. The other had a soft red blush on his face. Reaper smiled softly and cupped the other's cheek, leaning forward and gently pressing his teeth all over Geno's face.

The other only blushed and squirmed more. Reaper pulled back. He sighed and leaned forward, pressing their teeth together. Geno was pinned back against the mirror, Reaper gently kissing him. Geno's cheeks were a soft red.

Reaper pulled back and Geno inhaled shakily. Reaper took the opportunity and leaned forward, entangling their tongues. Geno let out muffled noises against him and Reaper smiled. He pulled back, leaving Geno red-faced and panting. Reaper grinned, his own cheeks a soft, dark blue.

"You're so perfect, darling..." Reaper whispered softly, slipping back behind Geno and retreating into the mirror. He hugged Geno from behind again, resting his head on Geno's shoulder and rubbing their cheeks together. "Every part of you is beautiful to me... even the parts you don't think could be beautiful to anyone..."

He sighed softly. The grandfather clock chimed and Reaper's eyes flashed. He hesitated before he pulled back from Geno and grabbed his scythe, which had been floating next to him. "I have to work, darling. I'll return soon..." With that, Death whisked away.


Geno waited a few more minutes before opening his eye. He quickly scrambled up and threw himself onto the bed before burying his face in a pillow and letting out a muffled scream. "What the FUCK?!"

Geno sat up in the bed, covering his mouth. His entire face was bright red. He'd woken up to Death giving him a French Kiss. He could still taste the coldness on his tongue.

The most shocking and disturbing thing about it was that Geno hadn't even hated it. He felt shame flush his face. He'd had to restrain himself from kissing Reaper back. He let out a shaky sigh, glowing red mist being released from his mouth. He was so angry. At Reaper, for saying those kinds of things to him. And at himself, for allowing himself to be attracted to the other.

"Who the FUCK falls in love with the GRIM REAPER???" He asked out loud. He let the question ring around the room before it hit him and he flopped down, burying his face in his pillow. He spoke, his voice muffled. "I do..."

Geno remained like that for several minutes, trying to recall why he'd fallen in love with Death. For some reason, his mind wasn't pulling anything up. He sighed. "Why am I like this...?" He said, burying his face deeper into the pillow. He jumped as he heard tapping and lifted his head to look over at the mirror.

Reaper smiled at him, raising a skeletal hand and waving. Geno responded by flipping him off and Reaper smiled, seeming amused. Reaper spoke in that soothing voice. "Darling, what's wrong?" He asked, drifting quietly in the mirror. His ice blue eyes pierced right into Geno.

Geno growled. "I hate you." He pointed at the mirror. "And I hate myself." He finished before putting his head back down. He heard Reaper chuckle softly. He jumped as he heard Reaper's voice suddenly right next to his head.

"Geno, baby..." Immediately, Geno's face lit up at the new pet name. He didn't even want to lift his head. He jumped as he felt a cold hand ghost over the top of his head. He curled up in the blankets more.

"Why're you out of the mirror?" Geno grumbled, his voice muffled. He heard Reaper chuckle again. He sighed and lifted his head. Reaper floated upside down, his face inches from Geno's. Geno blushed and glared at him. "I hate your stupid fucking eyes." He muttered, laying his head back down.

Reaper blinked before grinning. "That means you love them." He said, slowly drifting until he was right side up. Geno yelped as Reaper's hand fazed through the pillow and lifted his chin. He glared at the other and Reaper stared at him, his blue eyes glowing and swirling. Geno blushed, becoming mesmerized by the shifting shades of blue. "Right, Geno?"

Geno gulped and tore his gaze away, muttering for Reaper to shut the fuck up. Reaper giggled as Geno heard him floating above him. The other hummed softly, the tune haunting and slow. Geno found himself soothed by it. Slowly, without him even realizing it, Geno's body was relaxing. He curled up in the blankets on the bed.

The humming stopped for a moment and he heard Reaper giggle softly. "You are so adorable..." Geno felt his face light up and he buried it back in the pillow. "I'll chase you as long as I need to, Geno... I just want you to be mine..." At those words, Geno groaned in annoyance.

Like he would ever tell this floating douchebag that he liked him back!!! He curled up a little more. He was cold. He jumped as Reaper floated down in front of him and tipped his head. "Geno..." Geno blinked and lifted his head slightly. Reaper blinked at him curiously.

"Why do you hide your head?" Reaper's question caught him off guard and he blinked. He sat up, scowling.

"It's not fucking obvious? You saw it!" Geno snapped angrily. He was very sensitive about his head wound. Reaper blinked.

"I saw a glimpse... What I caught could've been many things, but not enough to warrant constant pixels..." Reaper said, tipping his head. "Will you show me?" Geno sputtered for a moment. He pulled his scarf up. He didn't really like showing people what had happened to him. Reaper blinked before sighing and giving a warm smile. "If you don't wish to show me, that is fine... I'll respect your wishes..."

Reaper closed his eyes and laid his head down on the pillow Geno was holding. His head didn't carry any weight, not causing a single dent in the pillow. Geno stared down at him. The other looked peaceful when he was resting like this.

Being the Grim Reaper, Geno had no doubt that it was a busy job and Reaper probably NEVER slept. He sighed. He felt an odd tugging in his chest. Finally, he made his decision. "Reaper." He stated. The other blinked open his eyes and sat up, tipping his head. Geno avoided his gaze. "I'll show you..." He lifted his hand, but stopped as Reaper reached out and took his wrist.

"Geno, if you do not wish to show me, it's okay..." Reaper said softly. Geno blinked and felt his face heat up as he gently tugged his wrist away, shaking his head.

"No... I'll show you." Geno said quietly, but firmer this time. Reaper drew his hand back and gave a quiet nod. Geno sighed and waved his hand over his face. Slowly, the pixels disappeared, revealing the melted half of his skull.

Geno avoided Reaper's gaze as he stared at the bed. For a few moments, Reaper didn't say anything. Geno felt a pit in his nonexistent stomach. He hated that melted part of himself. He jumped as Reaper spoke. "Geno." He looked up at the other. Reaper, to his surprise, still stared down at him with that warm gaze and soft smile.

"You heard me before, didn't you?" Reaper asked softly. "When I said that every part of you was beautiful to me? Even the ones you don't think could be beautiful to anyone?" Reaper blinked as Geno blushed and raised his hand. Reaper caught it gently, taking it and intertwining their fingers. He held it with his other hand and pulled it up to his teeth. He gently pressed Geno's trembling fingers to his teeth.

Geno felt a shaking warmth go through his torso, despite his cold hand. He didn't like exposing himself like this, but for some reason, Reaper made him feel much more comfortable about it. The other's view of him hadn't changed. He still watched Geno with that same warm (probably perverted) look.

Reaper sighed. He reached out and cupped Geno's cheek. Geno stared at him. He didn't know why, but he could feel something rising in his throat and Geno was shocked to feel tears welling up in his remaining eyesocket. He was fighting to hold them back.

"If you cry now, I will never speak of it to another SOUL." Reaper said quietly. Geno stared at him. Normally, he would've told Reaper to go fuck himself, but he felt overwhelmed. He lowered his head. The first tear slipped out and he clasped Reaper's hand.

He watched through a teary eye as Reaper closed his eyes. He seemed to focus and Geno jumped in shock as Reaper's transparency vanished and he seemed to become solid. He opened his eyes and they were just as vivid as before. Geno blushed as Reaper pulled Geno against him, having him lean against his chest.

"Go ahead..." Reaper said quietly. Geno ducked his head. He felt Reaper rest his chin on top of his skull, before pulling back and pressing his teeth to it. Geno continued to cry softly, sheltered in Death's arms.

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