'Help me...'

By silllyguyy

1.7K 28 71

(Kinda spoilers? Even tho this happens in the first 5ish chapters) America gets blackmailed into kidnapping... More

Introduction, and character information!
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - An Unexpected Absence
Chapter 10 - The angery Brit

Chapter 2

135 5 4
By silllyguyy

Things in " " are speech, ' ' thinking.

I have no access to the story since it's 6 am so uhhhh- if I get anything wrong and unlike the characters just tell me and I'll fix it! Also, Cyprus is 26. He looks very young, maybe around 18. The school system here is also based on the British school system (At least what my small brain knows of it)

Germany's POV (Point of view)

Once we had arrived, the bus stopped, and a ton of children all dashed off the bus and into the school. Once I had finally stepped out of the bus, I took a second to admire the school – It was a decent size, modern structure, and appeared to have recently had a new paint job. I speed-walked into the school, looking for my locker. I found it after around 5 minutes of searching. '23...24...25...Aha! 26! I finally found it.' I opened my locker hastily, throwing some unneeded books in and locking it, heading to my Form-Room (if you don't know what a form is in schools, it's like...Homeroom? Not sure how it works in other countries ngl). I walked in early, so I didn't have to suffer the humiliation of going late and having the whole glass glare at you for a few seconds. I was hesitating to sit in a seat, and our teacher, Cyprus, noticed. (If you're wondering why Cyprus, it's because I saw some random cheese that was 'Made in Cyprus' and I didn't know who to put as the Form Tutor so uh yeah now Cyprus is their Form Tutor!) He said, in a polite tone "You can sit wherever you like, Germany. By the way, I'm Mr Cyprus." "Alright, Mr Cyprus." I replied kindly.

Poland's POV (Point of view)

I was sitting in my seat, slightly looking at the student who was awkwardly sitting down next to me. After he was told he could sit wherever he liked- I think Germany was his name, he hesitated but ended up sitting next to me. I find his shyness kind of...Cute? Wait. What?? I don't even know this kid- Why did I just think he's cute- ...Oh well. I saw him take out a book, very unlike every other person in the class, including Mr Cyprus, who was eagerly tapping away at his phones. The book looked to be... A maths book? He's studying for our next lesson? Damn, this kid is the only kid so far that I haven't seen typing an angry tweet at someone who pissed them off! My thinking was cut off by Mr Cyprus asking, "So Poland...I assume you were listening to the rules and not staring off into space...Or at Germany." My face went slightly red, realising I was partially staring at Germany the whole time. He also seemed a little red in the face, but that might've just been me because the middle of his flag is also red. Germany looked a little uncomfortable, looking down at his book as if he was trying to avoid everyone. I heard a few kids whispering things like "Oooh I think he has a crush on Germany~" Or some rude lines such as "Haha as if Germany would have a chance with him! Even my dead grandma would have a better chance with Poland!!". It kind of pissed me off to see these children disrespect Germany like that, but since they were all way taller than me I decided to not intervene, instead I just looked down at my phone. I saw my friend Russia stand up, and I looked at him with a confused 'What are you doing?' face. He just smirked at me mischievously and started to speak to Mr Cyprus. Russia mocked, "You even tease us like a child would, adds on to the fact that you look like you just came straight out of the last year. You don't even look old enough to be in 6th form, let alone be a Form Tutor or teacher." "Russia, for the love of Shrek sit down." Mr Cyprus replied in a bored tone. "And if I don't?" "...Now I see what your old form tutors meant by 'he's an absolute pain'." Russia shot him a fake look of offence and sarcastically gasped in an obviously mocking offence. "I think someone needs hearing aids, I'm pretty sure they were calling you a pain, seeing as you're supposed to be an example to us, no?" "...I-" "Shut. You're teasing kids as if you are a kid, it's not cool, you're just embarrassing innocent children for no reason." I tried to break up the slowly increasing tension between the two. "Please you two...It's fine Russia I don't mind; I shouldn't have been staring at him anyways. And Mr Cyprus, next time don't do that. We all learn from our mistakes, right?" "I guess." Russia replied. "Alright, Poland.." Cyprus said boredly. "...And Russia, please sit down." I guess he was in a good mood since he actually listened to him. 'Wow, Russia listening to a teacher? That's new-' RING RING Oh. Time for the first period, great. At least I like maths. Just as we reached the door, Russia went up to me, a shit-eating grin on his face. "Aww, did my little friend Poland actually stand up to...What?! Two people, who are way taller than him? Wow~" "And you talk about teasing, Russia." He just chuckled, and we ended up chatting all the way to maths.

Cyprus' POV (Point of view) -Slight pedophile alert, skip to the end if you don't want to read Cyprus being a jealous boi-

Ugh. I might've joked about Poland staring at Germany, but I hate the way he was looking at him. It looks like Poland's going to steal Germany from me...I can't let that happen. Germany must be mine. No matter what. (this sounds so cliché omg please aliven't me) Hm...I should get rid of Poland while Germany doesn't have any sort of friendship with him, so it won't hurt him as much when he's dead. I can think about this later actually since I don't teach anyone for the first period; I can do whatever I please in here...There are not even any cameras in here, how pathetic. (what classroom doesn't have cameras lol) I decided to draw some...Suggestive pictures of Germany.

Nobody should find them, from what I know nobody uses these drawers other than the Form Tutor of this class, that being me. After I had finished drawing those pictures, I wrote some random plans on how to kill Poland...No, assassinate, that sounds better. Stab him...No, too messy and obvious. Kidnap him? Perhaps...Blackmail him into not associating himself with Germany? Too risky...He might tell on me...I know...I can have a little 'fun' with him before I assassinate him. I'll just give him detention after school, he must do something to merit himself detention someday soon, right? I was snapped out of my thoughts by children talking and walking loudly in the corridors. The first period must've ended already then. I sighed and sat up properly putting the pictures and plans in my drawer and locking it, before letting in the few students that were waiting to be let into the class for period two.

Poland's POV.

Maths ended, sadly, since we now have History. Ugh, I hate history, you never know if they're going to go over a touchy topic. Most of the time they do, too. I actually felt kind of bad for embarrassing Germany in form, I should go apologise. "Hey, Niemcy!" Germany didn't respond, why did I expect him to know I was calling him? "...Hey, Germany!" He turned around to look at me, then smiled and greeted me. "Oh, hello Polen." "Polen?" "Oh. It means 'Poland' in German. Sorry about that." We started walking to our next class as we talked "It's alright!" "...Anyways, did you need anything?" "Oh, right! I wanted to say sorry about form...For embarrassing us and all..-" "It's okay, Polen! We all do embarrassing things sometimes anyways." "Welp. Thanks for accepting my apology." "It's no problem...Uh...W-want to be friends?" "Sure, Niemcy!" "...Niemcy?" "Oh- Sorry!! It means 'Germany'." "Ohh.". We walked silently for a minute or two before I broke the silence. "What's your favourite subject, Niemcy?" "Hm. Maths and Science." "Ooh, nice. Mine is...Science and Art." We proceeded to walk in more silence, but not exactly an awkward silence, just a regular silence. We finally made it to our class, where this red and white striped boy was complaining loudly. "Why is Dad our teacherrrrr?! Did nobody hear my prayer of 'Please don't make any of my teachers annoying'?!" "America, calm down! It's only dad anyways, it's not like we have Aussie here to bring his...Animals." This boy with a maple leaf on his head said to the other boy, who is apparently named 'America'. Another kid in the front, with the UK's flag in the corner of his flag, replied with, "I heard you, 'Nada! Want me to bring another one of these 'ere spiders out for ya?!" "No Aussie, that's not necessary-" "Aussie, please at least keep the animals at home..." The UK said tiredly to the third boy, who seemingly is named 'Aussie'. I and Germany were standing at the door, confusedly looking at the four argue, before Germany tried to stop them. "Um...Aren't w-we here to learn history and n-not argue...?" "Oh Blimey! I'm so sorry Germany and Poland, you two can sit wherever you like. I apologise greatly." "It's alright, Sir." Germany replied. Once we had sat down, the lesson passed pretty quickly. Turns out, the UK being the very big-ego person he is, just taught us about some random British kings. They love their 'Henry' and 'Edward's, don't they? (I relate to this Poland, wHY DOES ENGLAND LOVE THEIR KInGS SO MUCH?) Before I knew it, the bell for break had already rung. I happily got out- No. More like jumping out of my seat, dashing for the door so I could go sit on the roof and think. Once I got to the roof, I sat as close to the edge as I could, which was basically right where if you even poked me, I'd go yeeting down to the floor to meet my likely demise. The breeze up here was nice though, a relaxing and familiar feeling that just feels good to me, it's hard to explain, it just feels familiar and amazing. At some point I spaced out, leaning against the bars behind me and falling asleep.


Okayyy! I are having the confidence to actually think my writing is good, and since my Minecraft doesn't work rn I'm probably gonna write chapters like this more often to pass the time while I read and watch countryhumans! I hope you liked this, in my opinion, it's pretty long of a thing for me to write, considering it isn't Minecraft or something I've known about for years. I hope you enjoyed my writing and expect another chapter within the week! (Or day, if you're lucky) Art is mine. 1853s words.

^^ One of the pictures Cyprus drew xd art is mine, I might draw more of the suggestive pictures if I'm bored, idk

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