影の息吹 ᪥ shadow pillar [ON HOLD]

By hcshibira

63.8K 1.8K 451

" 影の息吹 " ✫ 𖣔 ᴋᴀɢᴇ ɴᴏ ʜᴀsʜɪʀᴀ blood moon witnessed it. that might of dishonor and the fall of a well known f... More



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By hcshibira

under the moonlight, a sweet looking young lady sat by the balcony of the mansion. her brown eyes was gazing at the bright moon, embracing the night.

she could never let the matter she just discussed with her mother slip off her mind even for a second. the young lady pulled her knees closer to her heart, hugging them as she rested her forehead on her knees.

the warmth of the spring night with a sudden gush of cold wind passing by makes her triggered on her seat. makio quickly pulled her haori to cover her body completely.


"it's me, shigure."

"what do you want?"

shigure approached the older sister and sit beside her. as she does so, makio watched her closely from the tip of her eyes.

"has the man leave?"

makio asked, staring at her feets. shigure chuckled, resting her head on her shoulder. the older sister gasped, puahing her softly away.


"what is he like?"

"nee-chan, too bad you didn't appear. mother doesn't even spoke about the matter. seems like he is kind."

"mother mentioned me to him, didn't she?"

makio raised her head up to loon at the moon and down to shigure. her eyes was glimmering with curiousity to know what has happened after she refused to meet the said man she will be married off to.

"yes. she praised you a lot. the man seems to be very fond of her stories! by the way his name is uzu-"

"no, no, i don't want to know that!"

makio grabbed her sister's shoulder and quickly covered her mouth shut, cutting her sentence by the middle. nervous and awkward trait can be seen clearly plastered on her expression that time.

"i thinks that he is a nice guy. he will be my mentor when i joined the corps."


"you might not like the idea but sure, it's not just me. there are many boys and girls aside from me there soon."

"you survived 7 days of hell on the mountain but you're still so dumb, aren't you?"

makio ruffled her hair, chuckling as shigure gazed away from her and let out a groan under her breath.

"if i am dumb then you're what?"



"tamayo-san, is there anything i can help you with?"

the beautiful female demon shook her head, her vibing purple eyes stares into the darkness of the night.

she is just awake from a nightmare. the same pitiful scenarios that keep repeating all over like a marathon of movies replaying inside her mind. she could feel her head become heavier and hurt all over as if she had just been knocked off by something hard in the head.

as she finiahed carressing her hair, combing and tied them up into a low bun, she stood up and turned her heels to the back.

"yushiro, do you have any information about her?"

"about who?"

"my children.. i mean, ancestor."

"oh, right. i am sorry my lady, but so far there is nothing i can offer you regarding the matter."

"you should go back to sleep, yushiro. i will be alright."

"no! i'll make you some tea or milk to help you sleep peacefully again!"


"ah, what a trouble!"

yushiro beligarantly cursed under his breath, clinking the spoon inside the warm glass of milk with the glass. he clenched his jaws tight, groaning out of jealousy.

he had always admired tamayo and totally in a deep love with her. yushiro has always been by her side as her protector as well as partner. however, tamayo herself has never bear any feelings of the same kind to yushiro apparantly due to his much younger age.

that time the demon met yushiro, was as an aid. due to unknown source, yushiro's life cannot be saved but all she can do was to turn him into a demon. they have been living together ever since.

however, tamayo's heart has made it's choice.

sousei urakashiki.

she is aware of her status. it is of how human who witnessed demons stealing their happiness away totally saw demons as a disguise, a pathetic creature.

however, her untold one sided love reached its end as soon as he witnessed the death of sousei right in front of her eyes.

ever since shigure was born, tamayo secretly disguised herself as a human doctor who always came over to the mansion to check the health of the little infant of sousei. shigure's mother died when giving birth to her and a year after, the gentleman sousei got married to makio's mother, who is already a widow with a three years old daughter in care.

that night when the man was killed, tamayo who just appeared at the gate sensed a strong smell of blood, so she ran into the house.

she fell into her knees which became really weak seeing the pitiful sight of a dying father. mustering up all of her strength, she pulled shigure away from the dying man and quickly made her way out.

the girl's whole body was coated with her beloved father's blood. her eyes was clenched shut, scared to even open up.

just by the time she reached the entrance door, tamayo turned her heels around and pushed the little girl out, repeatedly begging her to run for her life and look for help as she decided to save sousei, the lover whom she never had chance to be reunited with.

"i am a demon, am i not?"

"no! this man is the father of my only one descendant! he shall be saved!!"

right before the gorgeous, young looking female demon reached the dying man, her purplish violet eyes widens.

the dying man mustered all of his strength to stand on his knees, signalling tamayo with lip synch to run as two upper moon demon approached him, slaining him on the spot.

tamayo hid behind the sliding door and had no choice but to run for her life. those two are at their upmoat potential and more than able to kill her.

she run and run to the front door. the moon was shining brightly, reflecting her brilliant colored eyes as she hold her hands to the sky, and plopped down onto the ground.

from afar, the sense of a young man with lavender eyes and light green hair approached her become more visible to her sense.

as she opened her eyes, a name escaped her lips.



"tamayo-san!! tamayo-san!!"


tamayo fluttered her eyes open, fixing her gaze to the ceiling.

yushiro was holding her in his arms when tamayo suddenly fainted onto the floor. luckily, the male demon took a quick action to lay her head down onto his lap while reassuring her to regain conciousness.


"thanks godness, tamayo-san. are you alright? you just fainted a while ago! i am dead worried that i broke your milk glass i-"

"yushiro, i am just tired. it's alright."

tamayo held her right hand up, touching yushiro's jaw. pink clouds of blush began to linger on the lavender eyed demon's cheeks.

he held her hand, hanging his head down.

"shigure... do you miss her?"

tamayo averted her gaze away, looking to her side. yushiro's expression darkened.

"i understand. she is your descendant. while i... am your friend?"

he exclaimed, lowering his worried tone done but instead changed it with a tone of sadism and sorrow. tamayo stared into his face, creaking a warm smile as she used both hands to cup his cheeks.

"as much as i love shigure, yushiro, i love you too."


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