Waiting on Sarah Grace

By unknownwordsmith

24.4K 970 35

He fell in love with her when she was 16, it didn't matter that he was almost twice her age. He had never se... More

Life Altered
A Stolen Moment and a Memory Cherished
What's Your Name
The Cold Seat
Make the World Go Away
Feed Me
**Clean or Dirty; Can't Decide **
Hit the Road and Y'all Come Back
Road Trip with a Good Soundtrack
Life is a Highway
Disgruntled Members
**A Happy Ending for a Good Morning**
Plans for the Future
Not the Kind of Begging I Wanted
Making Up
Back in the Saddle
#Taken and Used#
#Coming for You#
Let the Healing Begin
Fighting for the Future
Something Old

The Great Escape

618 25 1
By unknownwordsmith

I just stay in my head, it's the only place they can't hurt me. I really just want to die right now.  I hear the door open, but I don't move, I don't even flinch when he touches me.  Squatting down in front of me, his boots and legs is all I can see.  He continues to be silent, rubbing my hair, it seems like a long time before he speaks.

"Well, I've had fun teaching you, now you can take what you know and use it in the world.  I sure wish I had the chance to break in all your holes, more now, since I can't sell you.  It seems your rescue is here.  If I live and you don't die in the crossfire, I'll fuck your pussy just like I fucked your other holes.  Now, let's go see who would want you."

With that he throws me over his shoulder then passes me off to one of the big guys, not bothering to conceal my body or the damage he did.   

I'm carried into an even bigger dark room; more concrete floor and the big man drops me.  I already hurt so much; I barely feel it.  I hear him talking to someone, but I don't care. I just want to close my eyes and never open them again.  He rolls me over with his foot, showing the other people in the room the front of my body.  I continue to look straight ahead, site unfocussed until a pair of boots walks into my line of vision and the next thing, I know a body has landed on top of me and is talking softly to me; there are loud gunshots going off from all over this place; if I'm lucky, one will hit me.  It's Shooter who's been whispering in my ear, but I can't get excited.  He's telling me how sorry he is and how much he loves me.  I just feel dirty, like I'll never be clean again.

We stormed the warehouse, splitting off into different directions, better to surprise and eliminate as many threats as possible.  All these hallways converged into one back storage area, open, concrete floor.  The very thought of my girl being in this place turns my stomach, much less what they did to her.  She's not going to be the same after this, this is the threat that has been dogging her since she was pinned in that car and I will destroy it.  I wait for the signal that means the rest of my team are in here, then we move forward as one, before we are stopped by one man.  Demon.

"Well Shooter, how nice of you to join us.  I believe I have something of yours and you want it back, of course, you might not after you hear of all the fun, we had with her.  She screams real pretty.  Not a very talented mouth though, but her ass sure is tight."

It's all I can do not to put a bullet in his head.  Another man walks out, with what I can only assume is Sarah Grace.  Her hair is matted, she's covered in bruises and dirt: dried white stains all over her body.  She hangs limp over his shoulder until the big man drops her to the floor in a heap and she doesn't move, her hair covers her face and she seems surrounded by desolation. By the way she's so still, it's like she's given up on life, on getting out of here, everything and it almost breaks me.

"I was going to sell her, had some very high bidders wanting her, so no one was allowed to touch her, well that's not true.  They just had to make sure my buyer bought a virgin.  To see her laying there with my come all over her face and tits, on her ass hole when I shoved in; perfection.  I even took some pictures for you; I hope you enjoyed them.  Her pussy sure is pretty, tight little thing, I could barely get one finger in there, much less the four that finally fit.  And the way if taste, exquisite, I don't think I could have a meal in a five-star restaurant that tasted better than eating her."

He rolls her over to face me, uncovering her face; my heart just broke for her.  Her eyes are blank and unseeing, she doesn't even flinch when he touches what's mine and coos to her about how good her pussy tastes.  When he stands up straight, he's a dead man.  I begin walking forward, slowly, my gun still trained on him.  He knows he's dead, so he doesn't care who he takes with him.  We know him and the other guy are the only threats still here, thanks to thermal imaging.  As soon as I dive for her my team will eliminate him and the other one.  As I get closer and look in her eyes, I'm fighting tears. Her face is still covered in someone else's come, it's around her mouth, in her hair, down her neck and covers her whole upper body.  I realize she's not even here with us right now, she's gone somewhere far into her own mind to escape what they did to her.  Thankfully Zip is with us, I won't have to take her to a hospital and subject her to more scrutiny.  As soon as I lower myself into her line of sight, the team starts shooting.  I cover her with my own body as best I can, talking to her, trying to bring her out of where she's locked herself.  The guys begin sweeping what's left of the back of this building and Zip runs to my side to see what he can do here, he takes off his shirt and hands it to me, I put it on her as carefully and quick as I can.  I hand my gun off to Zip and pick her up to carry her out of this place.  Robot is waiting in one of the SUV's and ready to send the word to Boomer to blow it.  Boomer is currently placing explosives in the whole building, there will be nothing left of this place.  Me, Creeper, and Zip are taking her in the other SUV to the cabin we've been using as base for the past week.  The first thing I'm going to do is get her clean, maybe it will bring her out of this, a little at least.  I climb in the back holding her close to my chest, looking into her eyes and she stares vacant back at me.  Her face is covered in bruises, dirt and stains, that I don't even want to consider, her lips are swollen, dry, and cracked, with a cut on her bottom lip; I work the Chapstick out of my pocket, as best I can without moving her too much, and smear it on her lips.  I look at her whole face and see tears moving down her cheeks, flowing freely and washing a little of the dirt away, but this scares me more, because, her eyes still have that dead stare in them, with tears.  I feel my tears start and I don't even care that my buddies are here to see.  I just tell her how sorry I am over and over; I broke my promise to her.  She doesn't move or even utter a sound, I hate what they did to her, if I knew where Critter was, I would kill him.  The guys get out leaving us in here, giving me, a minute and I know Zip will go set up in the bedroom.  He's going to want to look at her injuries, all of them.  I don't know if I can stay with her for that, but I have to; I can't leave her to go through it alone.

"Baby?" It comes out strangled. I take a breath and try again.

"Baby, I'm so sorry I failed you and let you down.  It's my fault you went through all that and I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you.  I know you want to hide away in your head and that's fine, can you just show me you're still in there?  Please forgive me, I would have given anything to take your place. Anything for you not to go through that.  I'm going to take you in the cabin and get you clean, and Zip is going to check you over.  He ...... I need to know what they did to you.  Can you tell me what they did?  Can you speak to me and let me know? Baby?  It's ok, I love you so much and I'm going to get you through this.  I'm going to be with you every step of the way to get you better, we are in this together.  I'm going to take you in and get in the shower with you so I can help you get clean."

I get out of the truck and carry her through the door that's been left open, I hear water running in the shower and Zip just nods at me. He turned the water on to get hot, so I wouldn't have to wait.  I set her down on the toilet so I can get the t shirt off.  Taking my shirt off, I set her in the tub and remember all the times I had to help her when her arm and leg were still in a cast.  After I put her down in the tub, she just sits there, limp and not moving. I kick off my boots and strip down to my boxer briefs, I don't want her to not recognize me and get scared.  I grab her body wash and shampoo; I knew she would want her own stuff when she got out of that place, so I packed a small bag for her.  I grab one of my t shirts for her, I want her in my clothes right now.  After laying some towels out for us, I climb in behind her.  I turn her around, so her back is to the spray, filling in what space is left and trying not to touch her with my body, I get on my knees in front of her and begin washing her from her head down.  I rub shampoo in her long hair over and over, until the suds are white showing me the dirt is gone; then I do it one more time just because.  I rub her body wash on a cloth and begin with her face, she closes her eyes so I can clean her delicate lids.  I really wish I could scrub her body to get the filth off, but she's so bruised and I know the cuts sting; I even see teeth marks in places.  I work my way down her body, soaping and rinsing over and over; I scrub everywhere as hard as I can.  I reach her pussy and she doesn't flinch, but when I reach to clean her back hole, she jumps; she must really hurt if she recognized that pain from where she's hiding, her facial expression didn't change though.  I've been washing her for over an hour now and she still hasn't looked at me.  I turn her back around, so I can get in the spray and get clean. I wash quickly and turn the water off.  Lifting her up so she can sit on the side of the tub while I dry her off and then I dry myself, wrapping a towel around my waist and once I'm covered, I peel my wet boxers off and toss them across the room making a wet slapping sound.  I continue to squeeze water out of her hair, before I run a brush through it, I work and work to get all the tangles out.  I get her a toothbrush and put just water on it, I know I can't get her to stand and rinse her mouth.  Once I'm done, I place my t shirt over her head, when she's covered, I pull the towel from under the shirt and carry her to the bedroom, laying her on the bed and pulling a blanket over her.  She rolls onto her side and curls into herself before I've even stepped away.  I get dressed and gather the clothes to be washed.  I stick my head out and let Zip know I'm through.  I tell him how she didn't flinch when I touched her, but after everything that fucker said he did, he's going to test for any STD's they could have given her.  I step back in with him following me and let her know what's going to happen, she never acknowledges that we are there.  He tells me to leave and I go to the kitchen to fix her some food.  She was so skinny, did they even feed her?  As soon as Zip tells me what he finds, I'll call Tank.  Robot called him and told him we had her, but he needs to hear from me what they did to her.  I need to decide what to do next, we aren't staying in this place and I can't take her back to the club right now. Maybe a visit to her house in New Orleans?  Right now, I just need to know if she's ok.  I don't have to wait long for my answers.  Zip steps out and calls me out on the porch.


"Her throat is swollen and raw, and her ass ..... I don't know how many times he used her, but I know she hurts, no permanent damage, some bleeding.  She is swollen and there are some abrasions in her pussy, that was probably done from fingernails.  I've got a drip going with some pretty potent antibiotics, she is still a virgin.  She wasn't raped, so I believe it was his intent to sell her, we'll know more about that after Robot goes through the computers.  Nothing broken, minor cuts, probably from the rough treatment; she wasn't purposely cut.  She does have a lot of bruising, no internal damage, and she's malnourished; I don't think she got much to eat, and she's dehydrated.  Get a couple of drips in her and she might feel better.  She needs to eat small portions several times a day.  I guess you're cutting out of here soon?"

"Yeah, I gotta call her pops, but I want to talk to Boss first and see if they found anything else in the warehouse."

"Alright man go on back in there and talk to her it will help, and Boss won't be back for a while."

"Thanks for what you did for her, I know it wasn't any easier for you to do, then for her to go through it."

"Honestly, she probably won't remember.  The mind is an amazing thing and depending when she blocked everything out, she may not remember most of it.  But she still needs to process it and deal with it.  Don't be afraid to get her therapy later if she will go."

"I will, thanks."

Going back in there, she's just like I left her.  I lay down next to her, facing her, I want to touch her, but I don't want to upset her.  So, I just reach for her hand and hold her hand.  The adrenaline is wearing off and I'm exhausted.

"Baby, I'm right here beside you and I'm not going anywhere; I'll be right here next to you when you wake up.  I love you so much and as much as I want to hold you right now, I'll wait till you're ready."

I'm finally able to drift off and sleep peacefully, knowing she's under the same roof as me and I'm able to reach out and touch her.  I know Zip will be in and out of here a couple of more times to change out the IV.  And I really have a lot to do, but right now, I make the decision to be next to her, to hell with the rest of the world, she is more important at this moment.  I failed her and I have to make that up to her. Somehow.  And with my failure weighing heavily on me, that is my last thought before sleep overtakes me.

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