if my imagination can be real...

By gunshyboo

540 10 2

I was a regular factory worker, completely bored with work and with life. I got through these days relying on... More

credit to paid artist
My life
when everything changed
something is wrong
some killer fun
everything is not like it seems
somethings you cant change
A World I Once Knew
I interrogated myself
punishing pleasure
some furry fun
the girl with glowing tattoos
god for a day
the monster of nightmares
change of heart
blood on my hands
lost of powers
the day i became a guardian angel
first day of my new new life
my job is done
getting sent to boot camp
sealed away from all
the government had a few questions
im now a government hunter
sucide mission
the storm is coming
all leaders are the same
I have a daughter
the truth came out
meeting the wendigo queen
all in

murder, sex, and deal making

9 0 0
By gunshyboo

I looked at Beth and Tiffany and walked to them until I noticed a tunnel that was almost completely blocked by dead bodies. I looked and then moved some of the bodies, I just wanted into the tunnel and I was going to do anything. I then started to punch bodies with super strength and limbs and bones went flying. I started to get enraged because there were bodies in the way. The other shined lights on me and tried to call out to me and stop me but nothing worked, I wanted in the tunnel so bad. After a few minutes, my fist was bloody and I was out of breath. I started to see my breath and I charged into the tunnel smashing through any metal bars and damaging them as if someone was running after me. I just yelled in anger, until getting to a four-way room, that also had a drop off into what I could guess was shit mixed with water, I could feel myself calming down until I heard her voice. I turned to face the lizard girl that trapped me so long ago and left me for dead. I rushed her but was stuck in a running position, she smiled and said, "Oh my, your body has not aged and it still looks perfect." I gave her a hateful groan and she laughed and said, "Aww your speechless, that's so cute. Well not to take your time but I just had to see you before they turned you into the monster I have seen again." I groaned and jerked my arm towards her, it moved a few inches. Her eyes got wide and she laid down and said, "Well well, you're getting pretty powerful already and it's only been 1000 years." She then crawled to me and rubbed her body against mine as she came to her feet. She glared into my eyes with her bright green eyes, she smiled and said, "I would love to feel you inside me or at least carry your child, I can just feel the power from your body." I groaned again, she giggled and kissed me sticking her tongue in my mouth and not leaving anything untouched, she stopped when a loud bang ringed in the tunnel, I looked and her eyes became black and her gums were replaced by sharp teeth and a pissed smile. She turned to look at who shot her. It was Dia she was shaking as she said, "Shit!" She then fired another shot, this one bounced off the lizard girl. I groaned and began moving my body as every muscle was being held back by some invisible barrier. The lizard girl was getting close to Dia and I knew I had to help. Finally, I tightened all my muscles and grabbed the lizard girl by her tail and threw her into the wall of the tunnel. My body was steaming as I was two feet taller and I had rage boiling through my body. The lizard girl looked at me with her eyes going to green, she shook her head and said, "No no no, you can't. I own you!" I looked at her and said, "NO ONE OWNS ME!" I then punched the wall next to her leaving a massive hole going 6 feet back. She quickly ran to the edge and was about to jump when she was shot with tranq darts until she couldn't move. I looked to see the others looking at me with their guns drawn including Dia. This only pissed me off, even more, I let out a very deep growl. I rushed them until Angel yelled, "Cody, NO!" I stopped making dust and water fly up and I was inches from them. She then slowly said, "Do not hurt them, they are with me. They can be cunts but they only follow orders like grunt workers." As she put her gun on the ground and put her hands up. I felt my body get exhausted as I became their size, I took a few deep breaths and fell into Angel's arms. I was so tired now and I started to slowly close my eyes as I said, "Don't let them lock me up, I'm a human." She nods and said, "I won't." She then picked me off my feet and picked up her gun and began to leave the tunnel as I drifted off to sleep. I woke up in a cargo helicopter, I yelled as I raised up like I was having a nightmare but I hadn't had a dream at all. Angel came to my aid and calmed me down, Dia slowly walked to us and said, "So I think you failed to tell us that you can turn into a monster at will." I looked at her and laughed and a few seconds later I stood up and got in her face and said, "And you didn't tell me you were keeping notes on me. I'm not your damn research project, I'm a normal human." She nodded and said, "I see, well a normal person doesn't kill innocent people..."I grabbed her neck and the two other girls aimed their guns at me as Angel aimed hers at them.

Dia frowned and said, "As I thought, Angel has sided with you, I do wonder how you managed that. Maybe you used your powers." I shook my head and said, "She is not on any side but the right side." I let her neck go and sat back down and rubbed my eyes and let out a loud yawn as I stretched my arms and my back popped multiple times. I looked at Dia and said, "I'm on your side as long as you stop making notes about me or watching me. I'm not a test subject so I demand not to be treated as one." Dia giggled with a smile and said, "Are you serious? No one will stop studying you because you are a threat to humans or anything you come across. Plus if we don't what could you possibly do to stop us." I gave her an evil smile and said, "I can make everything you know and love burn to ashes." Her smile faded and she held back the emotion of being scared. l chuckled and said, "I'm joking... for now." I then closed my eyes and heard everyone walk away, I then heard whispering and said, "Shut the hell up." But it grew louder and louder each second that passed. I stood up and said, "Shut the hell up!" Everyone looked at me as I covered my ears then started going through the bags of theirs as they yelled at me but I didn't understand what they said. I then saw a big wooden box in the corner of the cargo room. I wanted the sound to stop, I grabbed a gun from one of them. I don't remember whose but I then unloaded a mag in the box ripping it apart where the lizard girl was I then screamed in pain as it only grew louder and louder. I threw the gun to the ground and smashed into the box making the lizard girl fall to the ground that was covered in wood chips. I screamed one more time before ripping the chains and cuffs off her along with what clothing she did have on. The other girls looked in concern and confusion, I started to see steam come off my body as I grew in size two times normal. The lizard girl laughed and said, "He is under my control and I don't like the way you look... kill them." I suddenly grabbed the lizard girl's waist in one hand and held her tight, she tossed and turned and punched my finger. I let out a loud groan and slammed her into the ground of the helicopter floor making the entire thing shake and one of the pilots came out of their cabin and opened fire on me. I turned to him and yelled, he screamed like a girl and ran into the cabin. I then ran after him and roared as I made my way to the front of the helicopter. Angel then yelled, "Rip that lizard girl a new one!" I turned to face her and looked at the lizard girl as she said, "Don't listen to her you are mine!" I threw her into the ground making a massive dent. She coughed up blood, I then pulled my army pants down, I had a massive dick and Roberto Esquivel Cabrera had nothing on me. It was like a 2 feet long with 6 inches thick. The lizard girl screamed, "That won't fit you will kill me, you dumb monster!" Angel smiled and watched as the others looked away and covered their ears as I forced my massive dick in her ass taking all her breath from her body. She screamed in pain but all that came out was a whisper of a scream. I then started to pull out and go in making a loud popping sound as the anal cavity was being pulled out and in her body. I moaned and groaned as I thrust hard in her feeling a hot liquid come from her. I grabbed her waist with one hand and started to thrust in her making her stomach stretch almost bursting through her stomach. At this point, her body had gone limp and even Angel felt sick to her stomach. I went faster making a suction cup popping sound like a plunger getting pulled off a wet surface. I was about to climax and I went faster crushing all her ribs and arm bones, but once I was cumming her stomach grew four times normal size until it gave way and sent my sperm and blood into the air covering the cargo bay and everything inside along with the girls. I then blacked out and don't really remember much more after that.

I woke up in a bed and the room seemed normal. I looked around to see it was a somewhat normal room, I then noticed there was no cameras or windows or anything like that. I also didn't hear the sounds of whispering or anything for that matter. I jumped to the sound of the door opening and Angel walking in. She slowly closed the door behind her and had a weird smile on her face as she walked to me and said, "You put on a show for them and they bend to your will. You are no longer being researched, also I need to know why did you kill a girl with your dick?" Memories flooded back to me and I shook my head and said, "Oh no, well there goes any chance I had with Dia." She looked at me confused and said, "You like Dia?" I looked at her worried and said, "Um well yeah, not exactly but I would want to sleep with her along with the others." She giggled and said, "I see, and what about me?" I looked at her and said, "We already did." She shook her head and said, "Not this me, maybe future." I nod and said, "Oh yeah, well then yes I'll have to sleep with you as well." She jumped up and said, "I almost forgot there is a meeting and they want you to come to it, it's about your powers or ... need you." I was about to ask her about it but she left the room, I got up and saw my clothes were no longer on me. I sighed until I saw my dick was much bigger than normal and I then noticed my body was a lot more muscular and bigger. I smiled and wondered how this is possible. I looked around and saw I had no clothes at all in the room. I sighed then looked at my bed sheets and smiled, I pulled the white sheet off the bed and made a DIY toga. Once finishing, I heard knocking on my door, I then said, "Who is it?" I then heard a light voice say, "It's Dia." I honestly didn't want to talk to her as my memory of before was still fuzzy and I didn't know if I did more than kill a girl by forcing my dick through her stomach and having her blood and my cum cover them head to toe.

On the other hand, I always knew it was better just to pull the bandaid off instead of slowly and carefully pulling it off. I then said, "Come in." She came in looking at the ground then closed the door and faced the door and said, "I ... I don't want anything to come between us." I was a bit nervous as to what she meant. I replied, "What do you mean?" She then said, "I don't want to be the person you grab by the neck when you get pissed or mad at something. I also don't feel like me being your boss will do us any good." I looked at her getting more uncomfortable and nervous by the second. She then said, "I noticed every time we butt heads you tried to scare me but when I pushed back you backed down." I spoke with a more annoyed tone of voice and said, "Just damn tell me." She turned around and faced me with tears down her face and said, "I don't know what I'm trying to say, you seem to want me but when you do you back way up and stay distanced, or put something between us. I first noticed this when you spared me the first time and left this bruise." She pointed at the faded bruise on her neck it was still visible but mostly gone. She then said, "Or when you saved me from the girl, but I raised my gun at you with fear and I saw you look at me and get enraged even more. Then on the plane, you were toying with me and tried to get me to break but you stopped when you saw me almost break. It's obvious you have a thing for me, Angel even told me." I said under my breath, "That cunt." Dia then said, "Look all I'm trying to say is, I want us to be on one side. I no longer want to deal with a sleepless night because you like toying with me and my emotions!" I closed my eyes and took a small breath before saying, "I'm sorry but I can't have relationships or true love or anything like that, your right I am a monster. Sometimes I have control but the more and more my body changes the more I can't control it. You wouldn't be safe around me at any point." She rubbed her eyes with her sleeves and said, "Ok, good to know." She turned around and opened the door but I then said, "If you want to share a drink or something I would like that." She stopped and gave me a glance with a smile and said, "I'd like that." She then left and closed the door behind her. I smiled as a weight was lifted off my chest even though it was only there for a few minutes.

I left the room and was stopped by a marine, he then said, "You are needed at the meeting room." I nod and said, "Ok lead me there." He was looking at my choice of clothing and said, "You sure you want to wear that?" I nod and said, "Look lead me there or fuck off." He nods and turned around and walked away and checked to make sure I was following. We walked around for about 2 minutes till getting to a room, above the door was a plate that said, "Meeting room." I looked at the marine and said, "Ok bye." I took a deep breath and entered to see the room was empty but one girl in a lab coat. I sighed and said, "What? Where are the others?" I was annoyed I was rushed over here to find no one here. She then said, "They are wanting to take two blood samples." I shook my head and said, "Look lady I don't let them take anything from my body." She nods and said, "Well I was told to make sure to get some samples, so maybe you can listen to how I take the second one after I take the first." I decided a blood sample should be fine. I sat down and she pulled two needles and two tubes and said, "Ok so the first one is for taking your blood." I gave her my right arm and said, "Ok." She found my vein and stuck it with the needle and pulled blood out of my arm. The blood was very dark almost black, once she filled the tube with blood she put a small bandaid on my right arm and started to take off her clothes. My eyes got wide and I looked at her and got up and said, "What are you doing?" She stopped and said, "I have to make you climax and take the second blood after a few minutes of you cumming." I grabbed her hand to stop her from undressing and said, "Look I can't do that." She nods and said, "Oh... um, no worries we have a male doctor I can call in." I quickly shook my head and said, "Oh no no no. I can't because I don't know why you have to do this." She smiled and nods as she said, "Well we think we know how to help you stay calm but first we have to do some tests on your blood to test our theory." I replied with, "And that is." She then said, "Um... well I'm not sure if I can tell you... ok the theory is that your testosterone is off the charts and this is the trigger to make you turn into the thing. If this is the case we may have a way to keep it at bay." I then let her go and said, "So you are going to jerk me off and then take my blood." She nods, and with that, I shrugged and spread my legs apart. She didn't waste no time and started to rub my dick and made it hard, she looked up at me watching her and said, "Um... can you not watch." I nod and leaned my head back and closed my eyes. She started once more and it felt pretty good, to be honest, it was simple yet effective. I'll spare detail but the ending factor was my cumming and her natural sense was to block but it was too late her eyes, nose, and mouth were covered with my hot liquid. I looked at her and smiled and said, "Well you demanded and you received." She rolled her eyes and grabbed wipes out her other pocket and wiped all the cum off her face and said, "I'm sorry, you caught me off guard, to be honest. It's not professional to jerk off a subject but I guess I was stuck with the task and I like to say if this is what my life came to, you have a large dick and I wish I could .... never mind."I chuckled and said, "You want to fuck, it's fine but don't you have to take my blood?" She snapped out of it and quickly went for the needle and took blood from my left arm and put it in the tube and said, "Ok. Well, my job is done... I can't help it please fuck me."I was a bit thrown off by her demand but I figure if I was going to get jerked off I need to fuck her as payment. She waved her ass in the air towards me like a rattlesnake. She bent over the large table in the room. I smiled and walked to her ass and smacked my dick on her ass cheek then ran it down her crack and rubbing against her asshole and kept going till I got to a soaking wet pussy. I smiled more as I slowly pushed my dick in her, which mad a plop sound and I was fully in her. She moaned as she moved her ass back and forward, I then grabbed her waist with both hands and started to plow her as I used my grip to make her ass slam into my stomach. A loud smacking sound came from this and a moan soon followed it. This continued as my thrust became harder and harder till I heard a door behind me open. I turned to see a group of high ranking officers and Dia's dad along with Dia herself. I could feel my face light up and the girl grabbed her lab coat and left the room covering herself. Dia's dad coughed and I looked at what he was coughing about. I then looked at Dia to see her face solid red and staring downwards.  I look down and covered myself as I forgot I was naked. Once covered the group came in and sat at the table and Dia's dad stood with Dia still solid red and sat next to me and whispered, "Really, I thought... I don't even know." I looked at her and said, "She wanted it so I gave it to her and we are not a thing you made that pretty clear." She was about to say something but her dad coughed again and looked at us. I then looked at him and said, "Do you need some water or something?" He then said, "These guys among you are the highest ranking generals, officers, and other branches of the military." I shrugged and said, "Ok so why does this concern me?" Her dad let out a groan and said, "If you let me finish, they are here to see if you are a threat to the USA or the human race." I interrupted again by standing up and smashed my fist through the table and said, "Do you see this... broke through in just a second, I can do it faster and harder while taking a bullet to the head and keep smashing your heads in... I'll make it simple as possible, I can be the thing that destroys the entire human race or I can be the weapon that helps defend it. You start making the wrong thoughts and you will start losing your lives. I am here to figure out my life and if anything gets in my way I'll kill it, don't take this as a threat in your well being but think of it as a promise if you fuck with me I'll destroy everything you know and love." I then sat back down and everyone looked around as the room was extremely quiet. Dia was not saying anything either, then I said, "I'll be in the training area if yall are ready to talk and don't try to feed my bullshit. I got up with my DIY toga on and left the room. I took a deep breath and said, "Holy shit..." My heart was pumping and I have so much adrenaline in me I felt like I was on top of the world. I then walked around in the halls until finally coming to the training area, I then walked to the extremely deep pool and looked at Tiffany and Beth watching me. I gave them a wave and smile before jumping in the pool and sank to the bottom. At the bottom, it was dark like I could barely see the light from the small underwater lamp mounted into the side of the pool. I sat there, I figured I would need to start swimming up until I accidentally took a breath from the water and I laughed and took another breath. It shocked me that I could breathe in the water. I closed my eyes and relaxed as I started to fall asleep. So I relaxed and went to sleep in maybe 100 feet under water. 

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