By ppppoppoo

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°nct dream mystery/crime au° [ COMPLETE ] Book 1 of irregularseries " solving the school's mystery case... More



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By ppppoppoo

Chapter 24: darkness


"yOU WHAT?!" mark shouted. He wasn't really expecting what i just said.

I told them i got a key from my watch and explained the message on the book that we found. It took a while for us to realize that it's been with us since it happened.

" but why though.. " as the other guys are looking at the key. Renjun was curious about the key being with me. " maybe we needed her all along.."

Mark took my arm and pulled me closer to him.

" ho- i mean why is this happening.. I don't understand why- for years we've been searching and non of this showed up until you came..." he was stressing the fact that they've been here and not alot of clues where spotted.

" don't think about this for now.. We got a lead so we might as well use it and think about it so we can know what is this all about" i said to him trying to calm his nerves.

To be honest i was quite shocked. I did not expect that this will be happening. For the past two months of searching a big clue has been uncovered.


We are inside the headquarters. All of us surrounding the table and above it was the locked book that we have. I have the key and we are about to open it.

" i just hope there will be something inside.." jisung said as i took a deep breath and put the key into the lock. Mark looked at me as he nodded, i twisted the key making a click sound.

Mark came closer and he opened the coverpage revealing a bunch of writings and also a small envelope.

" theres a envelope hyung" chenle said as he pointed it out. Mark grabbed it then open it up revealing a small note.

Dear students

Be ware of the choco man..

Sincerely Mr. Tech

" the choco whAt?"

Okay is this guy even serious or he is just making all of this as a joke?

" this can't be real.." mark placed the note down as we all stare at each other like is this even serious.

" from all the years that we've done after finding the biggest clue we ended up catching this and this bullshit choco man??" jaemin groans as he slammed the table.

" maybe this is used as a metaphor" ryu said

" yeah sure if any of us can figure out what kind of term he used then yeah... We can do it" a comment from jaemin.

" aren't you being sarcastic right now because i get it what you're doing there" ryu replied sarcastically.

There was that tension between them and i can't help but to pull ryu out because she can't mess with jaemin and also jaemin should not mess with ryu.

" okayyy..." haechan pulled jaemin away so we can focused on what we are doing. After a while my phone dinged.

.  .   .

Just found out the second and fourth numbers. Apparently both numbers came together.

What are they??

2 and 1

Is that it???

Yup it was kinda hard getting it from them but i got it now..

Oh alright thank you very much

Oh one more thing..



.  .  .

" I LOST CONTACT.." i was looking at my phone as ryu snatch it from me.

" well someone is trying to take down this person" ryu said as she gave me back my phone.

" i think it's time to get back to our particular routine so please go to your places and we'll discuss this later" ryu went with mark as i went to the computer room with renjun.

" something wrong??" renjun asked as i took a seat next to him.

" very wrong.." i said. I opened the app again and i looked at my phone.

" renjun.." i called him out. He looked at me with that sincere look on his face. It wasn't that normal resting look but a more concerned and will listen to all of  your problems kind.

" i finally figured it out" i said to him.


8 2 4 1 6


[ Enter ]

" are you sure that this is the right code??" i nodded as he clicked the enter button. After that the computer went blank and all we can see is a small white dot on the middle of the screen.








It typed.


Welcome to hide.


User 002 and User 012

Choi Areum and Huang Renjun

The goal is simple. Catch the mastermind and the truth will be revealed. One step from the matermind and I'll give you a clue.

This app will help you find information of anyone and also hidden gems that can be explored and used throughout the investigation or hunt.

All names are recorded.
No one is allowed to tell the police department about any of this.
Don't trust anyone easily.

!Especially inside campus!



" this is sick.." renjun said as we explore the website.

" how come you know all of-" then a loud noise was made outside of the room.

We rushed to the door as we saw ryu and jaemin shouting at each other as mark was trying to pull them off. I quickly went to ryu as she and jaemin are still bickering at each other.

" yAH! YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!" ryu shouted as jaemin was ready to come at her.

" i did not and why would i do that on the first place if i really know what was going on! You're the the one who keeps on bugging mark!" jaemin shouted back. soon mark shouted.

" HAJIMA!" mark went between them as they furiously looked at each other in disgust.

" haechan take jaemin for a minute he needs to chill and ryu may i have a word with you.. " mark and ryu went outside of the headquarters as jaemin and haechan sat on the couch trying to calm down.

" i just don't like her. I really don't-" renjun cut him off.

" you also said that to areum last time and now to ryu. Really what's up with you jaemin" renjun said to him as jaemin just shook his head in disbelief.

" i guess I'm just stressing out but really i don't like her. It not like Areum kind but a weird and ugly way.." he truthfully said.

Well i kinda wish they didn't have to fight but i can't argue with jaemin because I'm basically friends with ryu and i can't betray her like that.

" but i do kinda wish that I'm not near her so i can't get- oh wait i wish to be far away and completely not in the same room with her because i can't stand someone with that kind of attitude" he said as we all listen to him.

" well we just have to bare with it.."


The next day came by and we are currently in class. Ryu is sitting next to me while jaemin is sitting with ryu's cousin.

Jaemin was really annoyed to the fact that he messaged our chatroom saying that he wanted to die rather being with a girl like rafaela.

" na jaemin!" professor moon called him.

" ne professor?" he said as he put back his phone on his pockets.

" i can see you're busy typing something on your phone but since you're too busy i might as well give you a deduction in your behavioral card.. So if you want to maintain that high soaring grade might as well pay attention to class and not on your phone if that is okay with you mr. Na? " he said as jaemin nodded.

" well excellent now grab your pen and start writing these words.. " professor moon started writting hatred, knowledge and love.

" alright since you guys wrote these down i wanted you guys to think of someone that reminds you when you see these words. One person per word. Got it?? " we all respond and then get our thinking brains on.

I was writing down people who remind me of thw words when suddenly a piece of paper went flying on my desk.

I looked at the direction went through and i saw jaemin looking at me. I was about to open it but then ryu dropped her pens making a mess in our table.

" omo I'm so sorry.. I'm so so sorry" she was apologizing to the student at front since all of the pens went falling to that side and it really disturbed that person.

" yah will you get your pens it is getting on my clothes!" the guy said. " I'm so sorry I'll clean-" He was looking at ryu at a nasty kind. He was already glaring at ryu and his face is full of anger. " do you know how much these are worth?"

" more than your life i believe.. " then someone spoke from the back. It was rafaela giving a smirk on her face.

" will you shut up!" ryu got angry this time and looked at her cousin like a dirty pice of trash.

" will you guys calm down! " professor moon shouted as the whole class was dead silent.

" kangsuk, ryu and rafaela come to my office after class. I don't want to here anyone who's going to complain about this and also hear another backstabbing reply on anyone understand? " as we all reply. Then the bell ring.

" i can't believe i didn't finish the lesson for today because of you guys.. " professor moon stormed off the class.

I was packing my things until ryu grabbed my arm. I looked at her and she was about to burst into tears.

" i think I'm a bad person now ari.. " she said as i comforted her and gave her a hug. I pat her back and then she let go.

" i don't think so ryu.. You did not do anything wrong.." i said as i gave her a smile and then she smiled back.

" thank you so much.. "

After class we went to the cafeteria and as we walked inside i saw the guys at their usual table. We went to them and took a seat while the others where doing their things.

" hey did you read what-" jaemin was cut off by haechan.

" Areum! I got something- oh wait you two are talking?" haechan said as he pointed at jaemin.

" ye-" i was about to answer haechan but jaemin answered fast. " no.." he said. As he went next to jeno and haechan sat beside me.

" what's wrong with him?" haechan asked.

" i don't know he always change his mind alot today.."

Like seriously what's going on with jaemin today. I never seen him acting weirdly.


" jisung can you pass me that paper?" jisung handed mark the paper.

" chenle how wide is your head again? " haechan asked as chenle just looked at him and pretended he didn't hear it for the nth time.

" why do you keep asking it like every single time i had a hat on?? " chenle was frustrated then tried to choke hyuck.

" aish you guys.. " mark was tired from all of the boy's playings.

We are actually in the headquarters and trying to get as much information as we need. All of the members are here except for ryu since she had to be at mr. Moon's office and also she had some errands to run.

" hey guys we forgot to tell you that we already unlocked the website.." renjun announced as they all looked at his direction.

" really??" jeno questioned as the others one by one asking questions at renjun..

" just calm your tits I'll send the code on our groupchat so you cant-" i cut renjun off.

" no you cant send that on the chat.." i said. They looked at me strangely.

" there is someone out there trying to get everything about us. So i suggest that you should tell everyone about it right now. " i said as mark nodded.

" right. So what was it? " mark said as they all looked at us.

" i was shocked at first but i guess it was truly destiny. It was 82416 our passcode lock " as renjun gave the code they do is looked at us then blinked.

Then i just realized what renjun said.

" is it really our passcode lock?" jaemin said as renjun nodded.

" yeah you guys try opening it " renjun said as we all went to the computer room.

" that's insane.." jisung said. They where all shooked.

" okay let's see.." mark was the first one to try it. He typed in the  code and the same thing appeared only the name and the numbers are different.

User 006

Lee Mark

The others are trying out their too and we all have different numbers.

User 008

Lee Donghyuck

User 013

Na Jaemin

User 015

Zhong Clenle

User 011

Lee Jeno

User 016

Park Jisung



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