naruto the Ninjutsu prodigy.

By AaronHansell

148K 2.5K 789

naruto is a prodigy. but not just any kind of prodigy. he is a Ninjutsu prodigy and not just any Ninjutsu but... More

chapter 1:the hidden genius behind the mask of stupidity.
chapter 2: naruto reveals his true intelligence.
chapter 3: naruto's first ANBU mission.
chapter 4:the raikage's return to the hidden cloud.naruto's second mission.
chapter 5: the Uchiha clan massacre.itachi's warning
chapter 6: search for the remaining uzumaki clan members
chapter 7:the wave mission.
chapter 9:the uzumaki clan task force
chapter 10:konan and nagato's wedding.
chapter 11: training with naruto Sensei.
chapter 12: the counter strategy
Chapter 13:the chunin exams first round
chapter 14: time skip-the invasion. naruto vs orochimaru and the senju brothers

chapter 8: battle on the bridge. a dance with death

8.6K 174 34
By AaronHansell

Naruto and team 7 were guarding tazuna and the bridge workers when suddenly a heavy mist rolls in and zabuza's sinister laughing could be heard.
However that laughing stopped when he saw only one person standing there.
Zabuza then started backing away in fear and said.

"No!!!. No it's not possible!!!..
Your.. your him!!!. Your the shinobi that all other shinobi run in fear of!!!!. Your the kii raiton kitsune!!!. Gato you fat little man!!!. If I don't die here I'll kill you myself!!!.
Sorry kid... I'd love to stick around for a while but your way out of my league!!!."

Zabuza then turned around and started running for his life back to haku and said.

"Haku we're out of here!!!. This contract with gato isn't worth our lives!!!. Run haku before he...."

Haku then said.

"What's wrong master zabuza???. You look like you have just seen the devil. Is something wrong???."

And zabuza said.

"I don't care how much gato's paying us to kill the bridge builder.. I'm not fighting that Man. He's a kid but he fights like the devil. They say he wiped out half of the Uchiha clan in a single night. Open up the bingo book and look up the kii raiton kitsune."

Haku did as instructed and what he saw frightened him and said.

"We're definitely going to die here aren't we master zabuza???. "

And zabuza said.

"Yes haku.. yes we are."

Naruto then said as he stood there with his hands in his pockets lazily."

"So... your one of the legendary seven hidden mist swordsman zabuza momochi huh???. Gotta say I'm not very impressed right now if you run at the sight of a kid.
And who is this with you???.
I sense the ice release bloodline coming from you.
Haku was it???. Would you like to see my ice style technique???."

Now haku was curious so he asked.

"Your able to use the ice release???. This will be interesting. You have the first move."

And naruto said.

"The first move has already been made. Just look at your feet."

Haku and zabuza then looked at the ground where they were standing and noticed that the the frozen water beneath their feet was creeping up their legs and spread across their arms and chest. Haku and zabuza's eyes widened in disbelief and curious as to how it was possible zabuza asked.

"What's going on here???. What the hell kid. I didn't see you use any hand seals!!!.
What kind of ice jutsu is this!!!."

And naruto said.

"Ice release: crystal ice coffin jutsu. This is a personal favorite of mine since the longer your inside those things the quicker your body temperature is going to drop until you go into hypothermic shock. After that comes pneumonia and then eventually....death.
Sounds like fun right???."

Zabuza then said.

"Is it too late to surrender and join konoha???."

And naruto said.

"Hmm.. that depends. What skills aside from medical and Kenjutsu do you have to offer???."

And zabuza said.

"I could tell you how many men gato's paying to come here right now with him.
But knowing your reputation you could take them on yourself right???."

And naruto said.

"Why don't I remove my mask and introduce myself properly."

Naruto then took off his mask and said.

"That's better. My name is naruto uzumaki namikaze.
Son of minato namikaze and Kushina uzumaki. Now. Start talking before you litteraly get cold feet. How many men does gato have with him???."

Not willing to take their chances haku and zabuza nodded to each other and said.

"He's got an army of at least two hundred bandits and samurai. What's your plan to win this fight kid???."

And naruto said.

"Just make sure you keep everyone away from the bridge. I'll kill them all at once. Once I start killing I don't stop."

Zabuza then saw naruto's eyes flash red with black slits and said.

"Your a jinchuriki!!!. Which one!!??. Hold said fourth Hokage minato namikaze and Kushina uzumaki.... OH.... CRAP!!!.
Haku... he's the nine tails jinchuriki!!!. Kid. Just release us and we'll do whatever you want."

Naruto then said.

"Take this ninja wire and kunai and pin them to the four main beams of the bridge. Then wrap the wire from end to end along both sides of the bridge.and pin them to the middle of the walkway."

And zabuza said.

"Kid...if your planning what I think you are right about now. Then I worry if you have and restraint."

And haku asked.

"What's he planning master zabuza???. What's the Ninja wire and kunai for???. And why do we have to stay clear???."

And zabuza said.

"Haku... your about to see what makes this kid so damn feared. He's basically turning the bridge into one big lightning rod. He's going to kill gato and his men all at once. Something that big needs a large conductor.
And considering we're surrounded by a huge body of water...."

Haku's face went pale white with fear and said.

"Well.... perhaps we should get started then???... Master zabuza???."

Zabuza and haku then did as asked and not long after gato and his men all showed up and gato said.

"What's this supposed to be some kind of restraint for the bridge???. hahaha."

And naruto with his mask on said..

"No... it's the location where you and your men die together. Hinata. A giant water wave jutsu if you please."

Hinata then went through a series of hand seals and said.

"Water style: giant tsunami jutsu!!!."

Gato and his men were all soaking wet and gato said.

"You bastards!!!. Do you have any idea what this suit cost me!!!. Kill them!!!. What are you idiots waiting for??!!!. Get moving!!!."

And one of the bandits said.

"Sorry boss we can't move this wire has us stuck!!!."

Naruto was on the other side of the bridge with the ram hand seal as team 7 kakashi and Sasuke show up and kakashi said.

"It seems like our help isn't needed. Tazuna. You and your family need to stay back. And cover your eyes.
This isn't going to be pretty."

Naruto then said.

"Shadow possession jutsu..success. now to end this. Yellow lightning style: chidori shock wave jutsu!!!."

Naruto then slammed his lightning coated hand on the soaking wet bridge and everyone watched as the entire bridge became one giant lightning rod electrocuting gato and his men. After the jutsu ended naruto then used his hiraishin technique and ANBU sword and one by one cut of the heads of all gato's men. Because Gato was parylized from the electric shock he couldn't move as naruto took his sword and within a single swing cut off the fat little mans head.
Naruto then said.

"My job here is done. Kakashi senpai. Report straight to the Hokage's office when you get back to the hidden leaf village. The chunin exams are coming up soon and we need to discuss your training methods with your gennin team."

Naruto then vanished in a yellow flash as zabuza and haku look at kakashi and said.

"Someone's in trouble with their leader when they get back to the village. What happened kakashi??. You weren't playing favoritism with the Uchiha were you???."

And kakashi said.

"Well... I may have done so a little bit and forgot about my other gennin in the process???."

And zabuza said.

"You idiot.... your lucky if the Hokage's not considered demotion as your punishment already!!!."

And kakashi said.

"Oh crap!!!. I didn't think of that!!!. I don't wanna go back to the anbu black ops!!!. Kii raiton kitsune is so scary when he's mad!!!."

And zabuza said.

"He couldn't be that bad kakashi. Could he???."

And kakashi said.

"Zabuza... the last time I showed up late for a mission.. he grabbed me and threw me around like a rag doll!!!. After the mission he made it a point to use me as his personal punching bag if I was ever late again!!!. And he doesn't hold back when he's sparring with someone!!!. Especially in Kenjutsu!!!. I want my mommy!!!. I want my daddy!!!. Please don't hurt me kii raiton Sama!!!. I'll never be late again!!!."

Kakashi then curled up in the fetal position sucking on his thumb like a scared five year old child. Zabuza found it both hilarious and embarrassing at the same time to think that a 12 year old ANBU could put the fear of KAMI into a veteran shinobi like kakashi. But after what he's just witnessed...he began to doubt even himself. One thing was certain. Kakashi was getting the third degree burn when they got back to the hidden leaf village. And not in a happy sunshine kind of way either. Kakashi would be getting kicked where the sun doesn't shine at all.

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