A World of Differences [1DFF]

By _soontobebritish

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Originally posted on onedirectionfanfiction.com in 2011. Eighteen-year-old Charlotte McDermott is moving to L... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 11

52 1 0
By _soontobebritish

Liam's POV

"Did you get it in on last night?" Louis slapped my back causing me to choke on my cereal. 

"Come on Lou-Lou. You know Liam better than that. He didn't even kiss her, did you?" Niall shot me a nasty look. I shook my head, causing the four boys to groan in disbelief. 

"If you like her man what is holding you back?" Zayn just shook his head.

"What do you want me to do, huh?" I shook my head. "I am honestly freaked out guys!"
"Group meeting session two is a-go," Harry spun the chair around straddling it. "What's wrong?"
"I like her." I stated plainly.

"No shit, Sherlock," Niall laughed his strange laugh. "We knew that from the moment she stepped off the plane. So what's holding you back from asking her out?"

"Guys, I just don't know. Niall, Amalia was used to the fame. Zayn, Rebecca was famous. So was Eleanor, Lou. I mean, Hannah was just accepting because she knew what was going to happen. Harry is forever alone.... Charlotte is different. She, she is an American who still hasn't... I don't know..."

"Liam, she told you not to worry! She obviously doesn't care. You said she was really cool about the fans yesterday. Ask her out, what's the worst she can say?" Zayn threw his hands in the air.

"No. She could say no." I dropped my head into my hands. "I don't know if I can take rejection this-this soon. I'm not even sure I can take another relationship. Honestly, I don't want Char to be my rebound. She deserves more than that and I want her to mean more than that. She does, but... and I still don't know if I can get over the fact that she doesn't really know us as a band..."  

"Idea!" Harry stuck his pointer finger high in the air. "Why don't you see if she wants to come to tour rehearsals on Saturday? Amalia will most likely be there. They can hang out and watch and then, you serenade her on stage."

"For once, Harry has a good idea. Who would have ever thought we'd see the day?!" Louis snickered.

"Hmmm," I tapped my finger against my chin contemplating Harry's idea. 

In more ways than one, it was genius. She wanted to see the band and this way she could. Rehearsals were always entertaining. 

"I guess I can ask if she wants to come...."

Louis slapped me on the back again, "Ask her during lunch today. Zayn you are third-wheeling again aren't you? Make sure he extends the invite, and if he doesn't, take the upper hand. But Liam don't be a chicken."
Louis and Harry walked out of the room flapping their wings like chickens while Niall literally on the floor laughing.
How the heck did I ever survive before them?

Charlotte's POV

The next morning I was still flying high on cloud nine. The previous night had been amazing. I was going out for lunch with Liam and most likely the other boys tomorrow, but today was meant entirely for shopping.

I logged onto my email to find two new messages. One was from Amalia and one was from Marisa, my roommate.

I opened the message from Amalia first. It read:

Hey Char,

I had a great time last night! That was so much fun! I was wondering if you would want to hang out sometime soon. From the looks of it, you and I might be spending lots of days and well dates ;) together. Just let me know.

Love, Amalia

Amalia had seemed like the person I would be best friends with. In more ways than one she reminded me of many friends that I had left behind in Omaha. I quickly replied telling her that we should meet up for dinner tonight if she was free. I sent her my phone number and told her to text me if she could or if she couldn't,

Then I clicked on the email from Marisa. Her email was rather long. She explained that she had just flown in from France and that she was going to the university to check in today. She asked if she wanted to meet up in our room around 11:30. Then we could go out for lunch and go shopping for the room. She had given me her cell number so I texted her that her plan was great. I told her I would see her at 11:30. She texted back immediately. She must have been standing in line. She said it sounded great and she was excited to meet me.

After taking a quick shower, I got dressed and did my hair and makeup. I grabbed my purse and headed for the university.

I was sitting on the floor texting Liam when Marisa walked in. I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket and stood up to greet her.

"Hi!" she squealed as she entered the room. She was tall and lean with gorgeous black hair. Her form was fit with visible muscles. Her deep brown eyes reminded me of Zayn's. They almost looked black. She was wearing a green and white plaid shirt and adorable jean shorts. She had on a tall pair of brown boots.

"I'm Marisa," she smiled.

"Charlotte," I said extending my hand. "It's nice to meet you!"

"You too," she laughed. "I hope you know where we can go to buy some stuff. This place needs a serious make over but I have no idea where any stores are!"
"No worries," I consoled her. "I looked up some places this morning before I left."
"Oh goodie!" She and I were clearly going to get along. She held the door for me as we entered the hallway and made our way down to the front door. "So I was talking to this really adorable British guy while I was waiting in line and he told me of this restaurant that is supposed to be really good. Would you wanna check it out? I have the address."

"Sounds perfect! I'm starving!"

The afternoon passed quickly. I learned that Marisa grew up in London before moving to Paris when she was thirteen. Her biggest dream was to move back here. She had seven brothers and sisters who lived with her mom and step dad. Her dad had left the family when her baby sister Avery was born.

She wanted to major in education but her parents told her to go for business. She was a huge runner and loved soccer (football... whatever it is here). She loves to shop and eat. We were going to get along just fabulous.

We tossed many things into our shopping cart to decorate our room. We got posters and picture frames along with matching bedspreads that were pink, yellow, and orange. We got room hangars and curtains along with wall decals and a full length mirror. She paid for the refrigerator and I paid for the microwave. We split the cost of the coffee maker and all of the food we had tossed in. By the time we returned to the campus at four we had way to much stuff, but our room was going to be awesome.

We decided to stack out beds into bunk beds so that we could buy a sofa and a TV. We made up our beds and unloaded our bags. By five o'clock our room looked completely different.

As I collapsed onto the bed that would soon be my permanent place of rest my phone rang. It was Amalia. I answered it and she apologized for not getting back to me sooner but said she'd still love to meet up for dinner if I was still available. I told her I was and she gave me directions to a restaurant that she said was her favorite. I told her to meet me there at 5:45.

"Who was that?" Marisa inquired when I hung up the phone.

"Oh Amalia. She is dating my friend's friend. We are meeting up for dinner –trying to get to know each other better. Wanna come?!"
"Oh I wouldn't want to intrude," she put her hands up in defense.

It took some convincing but finally she agreed to come with me.

"So what's Amalia's last name?" Marisa asked once we were on our way to the restaurant.

"Sorin. Amalia Sorin."

She laughed, "That's funny. Coincidental really."

I gave her a funny look, "Um, I guarantee it's not as funny as you think it is."

"Oh no I don't mean to be rude. It's just that there's a girl named Amalia Sorin dating a famous singer....."

"Niall Horan, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, how do you already know about One Direction?"
I shook my head, "If I were to tell you, you wouldn't believe me."

We had arrived at the restaurant and I got out of the cab. There were three paps waiting outside the door.

"PAPS!" Marisa chuckled. "I wonder who they are here for?"

"They are here for Amalia Sorin, Niall Horan's girlfriend." I told her. Honestly I didn't know that paps followed Amalia. That was unfortunate for her.

"Funny," Marisa laughed still thinking I was joking. "Hey don't you think it's funny? Sorin and Horan? I think it's funny!"
I laughed. "I've never thought of that before."
We stepped inside the dining area to see Amalia waving to us.

"Ohmygod you weren't kidding," Marisa gripped my arm.

"Told ya," I chuckled leading her to the table. "Amalia this is my roommate Marisa. Marisa this is Amalia Sorin."

They shook hands but Marisa was still in shock. "I don't mean to be rude, but, um, Charlotte how do you know Amalia?"

"I sat next to Liam on the plane ride here. We met up the next day and that's when I met Amalia. We just hung out with the boys last night."

"Kind of hung out," Amalia shook a finger at me. "Char over there fell asleep on Liam's chest. Who knows how long she and Liam slept out there!"
"Oh come on! The first time I met you, you were in the middle of a make out session! I don't even want to know where you and Niall went off to yesterday!" I joked. Then, I turned to Marisa. Her mouth was wide open.

"Sorry Ris. I would have told you but, well, I didn't really know how to tell you and I didn't think you'd believe me."

Suddenly I knew exactly how Liam must have felt on the plane. I was glad I wasn't too hard on him. It was a rather awkward situation to be in.

She just shook her head as if to clear her mind. "It's ok. I'm a fan but not obsessed. They have great voices and are really cute and funny. It's just weird to think about."

She was surprisingly cool with the whole thing,

The rest of the night was simply a girls' night. It was fun just to be carefree and relax. Amalia and Marisa and I got along great. It was an incredible time.

That night I went home and called my family for the first time since I had been in London. I was surprised with the amount of space they had given me.

"Hello?" a familiar voice answered the phone.

"Hey Grant! It's Char!"

I talked with each of my siblings for a short amount of time. They asked me all about London and said how much they wanted to come and visit me.

Eventually I talked with my dad who asked me how I was adjusting.

When I talked to my mom she asked the typical mom questions. Had I made any friends? When she asked how the British boys were I paused.

Being the mom she was she knew exactly what this meant.

"Do tell," I could just picture the smug look on her face.

I told her about the boys I sat next to on the plane and how they had said they were in a band. I told her I got Liam's number and then I found out they were really famous but he was still really nice and we had hung out a little bit.

She was shocked, but she gave me her motherly advice. As long as he was a good person and treated me with respect she approved.

That night when Liam texted me, butterflies filled my stomach. Having my mom's approval meant more to me than it should have.

He asked if it would be okay if we went to lunch with Zayn tomorrow.

I told him it sounded great. He responded that he would pick me up tomorrow outside the hotel.

I texted him goodnight and told him I was excited to see him tomorrow.

I loved London more by the day.

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