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By melancholyevermore

154K 3.8K 782


To My Readers


3.3K 114 89
By melancholyevermore

☾ ✶ ☽

    Caroline turned down the stove and hurried to find something to fan the smoke before the alarm went off — too late.

Elizandra had been awake in her room the entire time, listening to Caroline struggling to prepare the perfect breakfast. Elizandra had been texting Brady from her new phone — finally, she might add.

She could tell Brady was amused as well, listening to Caroline cursing at herself.

Maybe we should go down now before she burns the place

She texts Brady. She slipped on her furry slippers, her hoodie, and exited her room.

"Smells wonderful, Care!" Elizandra mused as she descended the stairs.

"Ha ha!" She mocked. Elizandra and Brady entered the kitchen. They expected burnt pancakes and muffins, but instead the kitchen island contained so much breakfast goodies and fresh, cut, washed fruit to top their waffles and pancakes. "I burned the last batch of muffins." She frowned.

"I think this is more than ... enough," Brady eyed all the food before him.

"Well, when I researched Direwolves, I read that you guys eat a lot. Like ... a lot, a lot."

"Now that's definitely true." Elizandra points at her and walked over to the cabinet to grab plates. Caroline giggles and grins widely. She sits across from Elizandra and began making her plate. "So, my Direwolf bestie, what's on the agenda today?"

Elizandra gave her a pointed look, "School?"

Caroline made an o-shape with her mouth, " Right." Her shoulders slump as she took a bite out of her bacon.

☾ ✶ ☽

    Caroline and Elizandra carpooled to school. When they exited the car they noticed the  increased security on campus.

"Have you heard from Tyler?" Elizandra asks as they walked up to the school's building.

Caroline knelt down and picked up a piece of paper off the floor, "Not since last night. But, I think they're releasing him today ... hey, look at this." She shows Elizandra the paper. She takes it from Caroline and reads it.

"Curfew?" Elizandra scoffs, "So we're that type of town now?"

"Tyler did get shot in front half the town."

"If only they knew what was really going on." Elizadnra's mind drifted off the subject and to somebody who's been occupying her thoughts, "So ... I'm guessing Klaus left town after Bonnie brought him back?" She tried to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"Yeah I guess. No one's seen him. Fortunately, " She spat.

"Hm," Elizandra hums but the pang in her chest was not dismissible.

They enter the school building and they part ways to find their lockers.

"I'll see you later, Care." She gives her a fleeting smile and headed in the direction of her locker. When she turned the corner, another blonde immediately caught her attention. "Crap." She muttered.

"Eli!" Rebekah walked at a fast pace in her direction with a bright smile and a stack of green papers in her hand. Right as she approached Elizandra, she handed her one of the papers. "I'd like you to be the first invitee to my Anti-Curfew Party at my new house — "

"New house?"

Rebekah's grin fell, "Yes. New house. My house. No more pestering siblings ... Anyways! I would love for you to come." She proceeds handing out flyers as she walks past Elizandra. Elizandra looked down at the green paper and rolls her eyes; continuing to her first class.

Klaus really did leave, she supposed.

☾ ✶ ☽

    Elizandra is back home after ditching her last two classes. She was currently lying on her back, reading for her English class while 'Lorde' blasted through her speakers.

Caroline bursts through her bedroom and huffs at the sight of Elizandra lying in bed.

"Didn't you hear me at the front door?" Caroline yells over the music. Elizandra continues staring up at her book.

"I did. But, I'm reading, Care, and you're disrupting."

Caroline stomps over to the speaker and pauses the music, "How can you read and listen to music at the same time?"

Elizandra rolls over on her stomach and sets the book aside; staring up at Caroline innocently. "What's up, Care?"

"Why aren't you dressed?"

"For?" She then groans in realization, "Tell me we're not actually going to Rebekah's ditching party."

"Ew — no. Elizandra, I texted you hours ago. You're coming with me to see Tyler since I know you have nothing else to do." Caroline huffs and puts all her weight on one hip. Elizandra scrunches her nose.

"I usually turn off my phone off when I'm doing homework." She gets off her bed and walks over to her dresser where her phone was set and charging.

"Well, get dressed. I'll drive."

"Why do I have to go? I hate being third wheel."

"I'm getting you out of the house, come onnnnn!" Caroline persisted.

"Okay, okay! I'll change right now." Elizadnra walks over to her closet and mutters to herself, "I was so damn comfortable in my pj's."

Caroline swipes a pillow off her bed and throws it at Elizandra's head.

☾ ✶ ☽

    Caroline parks into the driveway and turns the ignition off. She was grinning from ear to ear; happy to be able to finally see Tyler. The love radiating off her was making Elizandra figuratively sick. Though, she'll admit seeing Caroline so happy and in love made her happy in return.

The two girls walked up to the front door and she rang the doorbell. Not too long after, Tyler opens the door and his eyes widen. Caroline giggles and throws her arms around him. Elizandra simply nods a 'sup' to Tyler and lets herself inside. She takes off her sunglasses and looks at the three strange men standing from a distance.

"Uh, Tyler?" Elizandra furrows her brows and looks at the men distastefully.

Caroline notices them too and looks at Tyler, uneasy. "What's with all the testosterone?"

"Hybrids. I'm on house arrest." Tyler responds.

"Says who? Your mom?" She jested and and brings him closer to her. To which he breaks them apart. Elizandra begins to feel suspicious, glancing between Tyler and the guards. She then allows her senses to take over and her legs begin moving towards the staircase, despite Tyler's protests.

"Elizand — no, don't go up there!"

"Tyler, what's going on?"

Elizandra hears Caroline's last sentence before she's out of earshot and venturing down the hall upstairs. She then hears new voices and her pace picks up until she halted before a study room. Her whole body freezes in the doorway and her breath hitches. He stood there with his back towards Elizandra, and facing another girl. Said girl looks past Klaus and notices Elizandra.

"Hi." The girls curiously says. Klaus turns around and pauses. His lower jaw slightly parting. Elizandra felt her chest fall as he locks eyes with her. Last time she saw him he was up in flames. That image wasn't pretty and she wished it could be ripped from her memories.

"Elizandra." He mused. The stranger in the room glances between the two, and catches on quickly.

"The tension here is overwhelming." The girl remarked. Klaus blinked away as if he were in a trance. Elizandra looks over at the girl. She felt uneasy on the inside, whether it was just her trust issues or how close she stood by Klaus. Elizandra's legs carried her forward and brushed past Klaus. Her scent lingered in the air as she did so, and it threw off Klaus, though he'd never show it.

"Elizandra Beaumont." She stuck her hand out but kept a straight face. Hayley looked down at her extended hand and shook it.

"Hayley ... Hayley Marshall." She looks at Elizandra with suspicion in her eyes, "I've heard of a Beaumont Family."

"Hm." Elizandra raises a brow.

"Probably nothing." Hayley shook it off and let out a breathy chuckle as she started walking towards the door, "I'm going ... somewhere." She not so subtly excused herself from the room. When she was gone, the room felt uncomfortably quiet. Elizandra clears her throat and turns around to face Klaus who had already been gazing.

"You are a sight for sore eyes." He chimed. Elizandra lightly scoffs.

"Why didn't you come see me when Bonnie brought you back?" She spat.

Klaus looks back at her and tilts his head, "Did you want me to?"

Elizandra lets out a breathy chuckle and walks over to the booze table. She didn't pour herself a drink, she definitely wanted to, though."One of the oldest people to live and you're still that clueless. I mourned for you. Now I feel ridiculous — " She turns around and Klaus speeds over to her; one hand around her waist and the other cupping her cheek. Elizandra looks up at him, breathing harder with the amount of flips her stomach is making. Klaus looks into her eyes as he brushes her hair behind her ear.

"I may be a thousand years old, but one can still be blinded by their fear of rejection."

Elizandra's brows twitch together, "Thank you for not dying." She grabs both side of his face and pulls him in. Their lips crash and there wasn't a more euphoric feeling than the one she was feeling at this exact moment. They only broke contact to catch their breaths before Klaus dips his head and kisses her again, passionately like he's been waiting forever, and quite frankly it felt like he had been.

"Eli!" Caroline screams from downstairs, "I think we should leave." There was anger in her voice and Elizandra could sense it. She broke off the kiss. Her hands caressing his face as her thumbs run along his jaw.

"I should probably go." She says lowly and looks up at him.

"I'd rather you not." He slowly ran a hand down her neck leaving goosebumps. She involuntarily let out gasp but covered it immediately by clearing her throat. He looks at her with his infamous smirk. She smiles back and begins to leave. Her hand lingered in front of her mouth with her fingers touching her lips, and she couldn't help but smile.

☾ ✶ ☽

    Elizandra headed up to the Salvatore's front door with a skip in her step. Damon had asked if she wanted to join him take down the Hunter.

One, she was feeling rather ecstatic and would agree to anything.
Two, she wanted revenge for being staked. It wouldn't have killed her but it still hurt like hell.

"Damon, looking rather dashing today," She bombarded him as he opened the door. She grinned and her eyes sparkled.

He narrowed his eyes at her, suspiciously. "Elizandra, acting rather ... weird today." He remarked.

"So, we doing this or not?" She gestured with her head towards her car and started heading for it. Damon just follows her with his eyes and a strange expression on his face.

They arrived at the hospital where they planned a trap with Jeremy and Meredith.

"The supply storeroom. Go." Damon nodded towards the door that led to the storeroom. "We'll be right behind you."

Elizandra nodded her head and began walking towards the room, but then halted. She spun around and repeated, "We?"

Damon looked back at her and made an exaggerated oh expression, "Did I forget to mention Klaus was tagging along? Save the I'm going to rip your head off threat. There's no time." He disappears down the hall leaving a stunned Elizandra.

"Oh crap." She whispers to herself then continued back to the storeroom. She got into position; ready to attack if things didn't go as planned on Damon's part.

Elizandra waited a few long minutes in the quiet supply storeroom before Meredith finally entered, subtly nods to Elizandra, then quickly took a different exit. She heard distant male voices belonging to Jeremy and who she assumed to be the hunter. She smirked to herself and waited for him. She could practically smell the extreme doses of vervain in his system as he entered the room.

Elizandra watched him from her place behind the shelves as he walked around suspiciously and realizing soon enough that Meredith wasn't in here.

"You know Direwolves are pretty large animals, so not very good at hiding. Guess it's safe to say the same about their counter-self."

Elizandra rolls her eyes. She steps out from her hiding place.

"I guess it's because we weren't made to hide." Elizandra whips out her claws and fangs, and flashed her red eyes. In return, he pulls out a gun tucked in the back of his pants, aims, and shoots. She caught the stake just inches from her chest but immediately dropped it when her skin burned.

"Yeah, I wasn't prepared for your first attack, but I did my research." He remarked.

"Then you should know they typically run in packs." Damon chimed in and stepped out from behind the shelves. Suddenly, two arrows pierce through the air and lodged themselves on either side of the hunter. He falls to his knees and groans.

Elizandra's fangs retract and looks at Damon. "That was sort of corny."

Damon nods defeatedly, "I know. I realized that after I said it — enough with the red eyes, they're a little creepy."

The hunter realizes the arrows are connected to bombs. Damon gives a sly smirk, "Stings doesn't it?" He reaches for his gun but in a split second, another presence speeds to him and kicks the gun out of reach.

"Hello, Mate." Klaus looks down at him. Elizandra inhales deeply at the sight of Klaus, almost like a breath of relief. As if ... Klaus' presence assured her safety. Even if she didn't need the extra protection.

Klaus turns around and his eyes immediately land on Elizandra, "Oh, don't mind Damon, love. The red eyes are rather fearful." Damon rolls his eyes and Elizandra smiles at Damon. The Hunter begins to tug at the arrows in him.

"Keep it up, buddy. We'll be scraping you off the ceiling." Damon warned. Elizandra grimaced at the thought.

"You three are gonna kill me anyway." The Hunter seethed.

Elizandra nods her head genuinely and says, "Well, it is very tempting ... "

"Let's not be too hasty. I feel like we're just getting to know each other!" Klaus chimes in.

"Let's start with the basics. Where are you from? What do you know? Maybe you can cue me in on this greater evil, because I've fought this guy — " He points at Klaus, "And there's nothing more evil than that."

Klaus takes the piece of paper Damon stole from the trailer. It was the letter Pastor Young wrote to April.

"Yeah, truth be told, I'm as evil as it gets." Klaus added.

"Oh, I wouldn't bet on that." Elizandra steps into view from behind Damon and smirks at Klaus, who looked back up at her with his infamous smirk. Damon furrows his brows and looks between the two — literally, since he was standing right in-between them.

"Okay, pause! This," He waves his finger between them, "what's happening right now, sounds like flirtatious comments. It isn't allowed. Ever. Forbidden!" He emphasizes the last word. Elizandra chuckles and kneels down in front of The Hunter.

"I can always claw, " She drags her pointer claw lightly across his neck, "his words out."

"I'm not telling you anything, and if you think if you kill me, it's gonna be over ... there's another waiting to take my place." Connor spat. Elizandra nicked his neck and stood back up. Connor grunted and glared at Elizandra.

"See, this is what I like to hear, vague threats, ominous prophecies, disappearing tattoos."

Klaus' smirk falls after hearing Damon's last sentence. Elizandra notices this, but stays silent, curious to hear from him.

"What do you mean, tattoos?" Klaus inquires.

"Don't bother, you can't see the damn thing." Damon replies lowly and nonchalantly. Elizandra looks down at Connor's arms; tattoo-free.

Klaus kneels down in front of Connor. "There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?" Connor stares back, and suddenly attempts to stake Klaus, but of course he fails. "Nice try, but I'm faster than your average vampire." Klaus takes the stake away. He looks down and observes the etching; realization crossing his face. He nods to himself.

"What is it?" Elizandra asks warily; noticing the change in his demeanor.

"He's one of the five." Klaus responds, still looking down at the stake.

"The what?" Damon squints.

"And I'm faster than your average hunter." Connor remarked. Elizandra's head whipped in his direction and her eyes widen; realizing his next intentions.

She growls, "No!" Connor tugs at the wire connected to the bomb.

Next thing she knew, Elizandra was standing outside the hospital building trying to regain her balance. She catches her breath and looks up at the building where a broken window a few stories up resulted from the explosion.

A voice rang from behind her, "We're dealing with something more than just an average vampire hunter." Elizandra whips around and sees an approaching Klaus.

"You going to explain?" She nods at him. He stops just a few feet in front of her and inhales deeply at the close proximity. There was a shadow of a smile on his face.

"I suppose I can," He stares into her eyes a little while and continues, "In the meantime the other Salvatore brother is nagging for my assistance in regards of his dear Elena ... care to join me?"

Elizandra smiles, "Love too. I've been meaning to see how she's doing. You know, vampire newbie and all."

"Perfect." He smiles back.

☾ ✶ ☽

    The two head up the stairs and Klaus leads them into one of the bedrooms of the Salvatore house.

"You came." Stefan sighs n relief and his eyes catch Elizandra too. He lightly furrows his brows, " ... with Elizandra."

"Yeah, bumped into him on the way here." Elizandra shrugged. She knew Stefan didn't buy it, but he didn't bite. Elizandra walks over to the opposite side of the bed Elena was on, and sat beside her; facing her. Elizandra frowned at how sickly she looked.

"And for future reference, one voicemail is just as effective as nine."

"This vampire life hasn't been treating you well has it?" Elizandra tilts her head and smiles sadly. Elena attempts to smile back and moans in pain.

"What's wrong?" Klaus looks over at her, concerned.

"She has werewolf venom in her system." Stefan replies, "You know you're the only one that can heal her, Klaus. Please." Elizandra tucks a strand of Elena's hair behind her ear.

"You'll be alright." She tells her.

"And what would you have done if I were no longer here? Hm? If you and your friends had succeeded in ridding the world of me? Let's play that game for a moment, shall we?" Klaus spat; sending chills throughout Elizandra's body. He was right. If he were no longer here, Elena wouldn't have had a chance to live much longer.

"Whatever you want from me ... " Stefan grumbled and looked him dead in the eyes. Elena moaned in pain again. Elizandra rolls her eyes at the levels of testosterone in the room.

"Klaus!" Elizandra looks at him pleadingly, "Look at her."

Klaus glances from Elizandra, to Elena. He sighs and looks at Stefan as he brushes past him. "I suppose ... you may be of use to me after all." He walks over to Elena and bites into his wrist. He offers it to her and Elena drinks. "There we go."

Elizandra on the other hand, wondered what he meant by his words; most likely having to do with The Hunter and The Five.

☾ ✶ ☽

A.N: Hey, I'm back! I know it's been a while. School started and not going to lie it's a little overwhelming. But I just can't seem to stay away from this story. Every day I add a bit and try to finish another chapter for you guys. It's doing so good and it makes me so happy. Of course, it can be better and I know that. I try my absolute best, I promise! Thank you to those who are commenting, voting, and sharing!

P.S: anyone have any ship names for Elizandra and Klaus??  I would love to hear them!

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