The Strongest Kure (History's...

By MikumoEnjoyer

20.1K 404 121

Y/N Kure is a normal teenager, well almost, he is actually from the Kure clan a powerful league of assassins... More

Y/N Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Y/N Love Interests
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7- Y/N and Miu go on a date!
Chapter 8- Furinji Island and Y/N vs Yuzaki
Chapter 9- The Eight Fists of Ragnarok
Chapter 10- Deserter's lynching

Chapter 3

1.7K 37 11
By MikumoEnjoyer

(3rd person POV)

Some time passed after Kenichi's victory on Tsukuba, everything was normal, except by the fact that now everyone in school was terrified of Kenichi, the one who had the fault of spreading this news quickly was Haruo, he even knew that Kenichi was training secretly in a dojo. How de he know? Miu told him...bribing her with two bowls of ramen, as they were talking a group of three guys appeared. Kenichi hid behind Haruo thinking this guys were after him

Long hair guy: Tsukuba, that weak bastard...he's smearing mud on Ragnarok's face, make sure he never shows up his face near this school again. Lady Kisara also ordered to bring back that freshman Kenichi

The group separated in order to find Kenichi as he was still hiding.

Kenichi: They're looking for me...if they found me, it's going to be the end!

Miu: Maybe they just want to be friends?

Kenichi: How can you think that?!

Haruo: That's the Ragnarok gang, the strongest delinquent group in the area

At this point Kenichi was having another mental breakdown. Poor guy.

(At the dojo)

Kenichi: Sensei! I need help! Something terrible happened, please do something! Anything!

Hayato: What's with all this ruckus?

The elder along with Y/N and Miu entered the room.

Miu: Kenichi, since grandfather has a lot of life experience, he should find a good solution

Hayato: I the problem has worsened, I'll give you a good plan!

Y/N: Oh no...

Kenichi: A plan?

Hayayo: It's called the "Fight until I'm  the last one standing" plan! There's also the "Run and hide until you get caught" plan!

Kenichi: I'M GOING HOME!

Y/N then stops him from leaving

Y/N: You chose this path, didn't you? Then...I'll just have to help you train!

Y/N gave him a thumbs up and a smile

Hayato: That reminds me, let me tell you a story, of a martial artist...WHO TOOK DOWN 500 MARTIAL ARTISTS AT ONCE!

Y/N: Oh, this a fun one

Hayato: Day after day, he had no choice but to spend his life going around destroying dojos. When he came to his senses, that person...was an old man!

Koetsuji: That was pretty deep...

Kenichi: That story doesn't help me at all! Are you telling me to keep fighting forever?!

Y/N: Well, most people in those stories die in the middle of it.

Miu: Y/N! Grandpa! Quit it!

(Timeskip, next day)

Due to the danger that was Ragnarok, Kenichi decided to stay at the dojo on weekends because honestly if he doesn't get any stronger he will probably die. Right now Kenichi was putting on his karate gi as he was going to spar with Y/N.

When Kenichi entered the room where he was going to do the spar, he saw Miu who also had a karate gi on and Y/N, who was shirtless as some parts of his body had several scars. But the most noticeable one was a big scar in his left arm. 

They were sparring together, both were sweating which means they were doing it for a while now, Miu threw a right punch that Y/N moved away quickly with his left hand and threw a punch at her face, just as it was about to hit her he stopped and instead patted her head with a smile as she slightly blushed

Y/N: You did well, your moves improved a lot since our last spar, good job!

Y/N looked behind him and Saw Kenichi standing there.

Y/N: Hey there, Kenichi! I was just about to tell you, that we will have to leave the spar for another day.

Kenichi: Huh? Why's that?

Y/N: Well, as much as I would like to teach you how to fight quickly, There's something Even more important

Y/N Said as Koetsuji entered the room with a weird device as Kenichi was put into it.

Y/N: Your body is too stiff, we'll need to work on your flexibility first, there's no such thing as a martial artist with a stiff body. Check this out!

Kenichi: The hell?! Are you Even human?!

Y/N: Actually...this is kinda painful after a while...

(Small timeskip, some minutes later)

Y/N was pushing Kenichi slowly to help him with the exercise, as Miu watched nervously at them. Meanwhile outside, Honoka was watching all of this happening with some binoculars and misunderstood everything, thinking they were torturing her brother as she tried to found a way to get inside.

Y/N: Allright! Let's finish it in one blow!

Kenichi: Wait! Wait!

Honoka then opened the door loudly which slightly alerted Y/N as he fell down into Kenichi, making him scream in pain

Y/N: Damn...sorry?

Koetsuji then entered the room.

Koetsuji: Did I just hear the safe word, "Ughhaa"?

Y/N: Koetsuji, I think his leg is dislocated

Koetsuji: Is that so? That's why I told you to do it slowly

Koetsuji then kicked Kenichi's leg relocating the bone.

Koetsuji: It's ok, if you get hurt. I'll fix you up in no time.

Y/N: That sounds scary

Y/N and Koetsuji then Saw Honoka not knowing she was Kenichi's little sister

(I love her expression)

Miu: What? Kenichi's little sister? So cute!

Y/N: Oh, so you have a younger sister too? What a coincidence!

Honoka: *Le gasp*

Honoka then saw Miu's body and detected danger, at least for her

Honoka: Brother, step back! It's dangerous!

Kenichi: Why are you here...?

Honoka: I knew it! You've been hypnotized by this girl!

Suddenly she was surrounded by all the other Masters except Shigure who was out for her own reasons

Sakaki: Who's this little one?

Y/N: She's Kenichi little sister

Honoka grabbed Kenichi's hand and tried to run away with him, but much to her surprise he let go of her hand. Then she started to hit him repeatedly.

Honoka: You like big breasts that much?! You indecent human being!

Miu: Is this what they call, a sibling's quarrel?

Y/N: Makes me remember of my sister

Honoka: Hey you! My mom sent this and asked to take good care of him! I'll be leaving for now! But don't think you've won!

Honoka gave Miu a bento box as she ran away

Honoka: I'll be back!

Miu: What a Nice girl! I wish I had a little sister

Kenichi: Do you want mine...?

Then out of curiosity Kenichi asked Miu about her parents.

Miu: Ah, when I was little...they passed away, so the only relative I have is my grandfather...well, I'll Go to prepare dinner

When Miu left the room Y/N then had his hand around Kenichi's head as he slowly felt the pressure increasing, when he looked up he saw Y/N smiling with a dark aura around him.

(Small timeskip brought to you by Sakaki separating a chibi Y/N from a chibi Kenichi)

Shigure was coming back to the dojo as Y/N greeted her on the entrance after helping Miu with the dinner

Y/N: Hey there, Shigure, you Came back early this time

Shigure: Is that thing still alive?

Y/N: That thing? Oh, you mean Kenichi? Yep he's fine

Right now everyone was sitting in front of the table as a whole banquet of food was in it. But Shigure was the only one who wasn't on the table

Kenichi: Uh, where is Shigure?

Miu: She likes to eat alone, so she eats up in the attic

Y/N: She's probably with Don-chan too

Kenichi: Who?

Y/N: Oh yeah you haven't met him yet

Y/N whistles and out of nowhere there was a puff of smoke in his lap, when the smoke went away there was a tanuki in his lap, and it also had a red ribbon in its tail. This was Don-chan, Y/N's pet tanuki that knew ninjutsu

(Yep it is the same pet of Ibuki from Street Fighter)

Y/N: This is Don-chan

The small tanuki did a small wave with its paw, Miu then caressed Don-chan as he nuzzled into her hand

Y/N: Don-chan, Go to the attic again, Shigure probably has some food for you there

He nodded and dissapeared again in a puff of smoke, everyone started to eat and most Masters started to steal his food after he named the stereotype in movies of Masters stealing food to their students as training

Kenichi was now in a sleeping bag as Y/N called him from outside. When he went outside Y/N helped him get to the roof and he had a bento box in his hand as he gave it to Kenichi.

Y/N: Koetsuji told me to give you this.

Kenichi then started to eat desperately as Y/N chuckled and he looked to the night sky which was filled with stars

Y/N: This takes me back, when I met Miu, and we came to see this view for the first time, it was one of her dreams to watch this view when she Made a friend. Do you have any specific dreams, Kenichi?

Kenichi: dream is to become a novelist and win the Naoki award. What about you?

Y/N: My dream... actually...I've always wanted to be a manga artist.

Y/N and Kenichi kept talking and laughing most of the night, having their most normal conversation so far

(At Kenichi's house)

Honoka: Goodnight

Mototsugu: How was it?! What's the cause of your brother acting weird?!

Honoka: *sleepily* Big boobies

Mototsugu: What?! Big boobies?!

(Timeskip brought to you by Y/N telling his manga idea of a group of guys going to egypt to fight a vampire)

Y/N is seen looking for both Kenichi and Miu, but instead found Apachai and Shigure looking for Kenichi and a destroyed wall courtesy of Sakaki

Y/N: I'm not even going to ask about the wall...Where are Kenichi and Miu?

Kensei: They went outside a while ago,

Y/N: This is bad, it's late and they aren't back...maybe something happened

Y/N thought as he exited the dojo and started to look for them.

(Meanwhile with Kenichi and Miu)

Kenichi and Miu were surrounded by a group of thugs which included one of the guys from the group he saw the other day (The black haired one), He's called Koga Daichi. Koga suddenly got his sight on Miu

Koga: Woah, the girl over there has huge breasts! Is that beauty your girlfriend?!

Miu: I'm not his girlfriend! I like someone else! And my breasts aren't big!!

Koga: Takeda told me to bring you back, but you know what? I'll take you down and take the girl for my own

Miu: Don't decide things on your own!

Kenichi: This is bad, there are at least 9 of them! Even if I'm with Miu there's too many of them with weapons

Koga: Allright! Shall we get started?

Y/N: I was wondering were you guys were, but I heard enough from this guy!

Both Y/N and Sakaki were behind the thugs, Y/N however had an angry expression and was cracking his knuckles

Sakaki: This is a good atmosphere, wouldn't you agree, Y/N?

Y/N: *Angry boi noises*

Thug: Who the hell are you, bastards?!

Y/N and Sakaki threw a glare at the thug, the thug slowly went back and then passed out on the ground.

Koga: They knocked him down with a glance?!

Kenichi: As I thought they're not human!

What Sakaki did next was just correct Kenichi's posture and started to walk away.

Sakaki: Apachai is looking for you, go back quickly

Kenichi: Are you just going to leave?!!

Y/N: Don't worry, just focus on the Koga guy...this might be overkill but...

Y/N then inhaled deeply and muttered.

Y/N: Removal (less than 5% though)

Y/N eyes then changed as the sclera was now completely black and his iris was white as veins bulged around his eyes. As he started to walk MENACINGLY to the thugs.

As Miu and Y/N were taking care of the thugs, Y/N looked back at Kenichi who was fighting Koga, and saw him flapping his arms...? Kenichi threw a fist as Koga threw a kick, while Kenichi kick grazed Koga's chin, as Koga's hit him right on his cheek

Koga: Hm...just a graze.

Then suddenly Koga lost balance and fell to the ground, when he tried to get up he fell again. He stood up one more time and managed to regain his balance as he was now really angry at Kenichi.

Koga: Beat them down, guys! Kill this bastard!

Koga said to his thugs, but just as he glanced at them he saw Miu doing a powerbomb on one of them and Y/N having two of the thugs by the head on his hands with his removal activated as the rest were on the ground beaten.

Y/N: We forgot to leave Kenichi's share

Y/N said calmly as he threw the two guys away from him and dusted his hands.

Koga: Ahhh!!!! A Demon (Y/N) and a Beast (Miu)!!! Someone save me!!!

As koga ran away Y/N deactivated his removal making his eyes go back to normal and the veins to stop bulging, Y/N was now hugging Miu with a sweatdrop while patting her head.

Miu: He called me a beast...

Y/N: Maybe he meant beauty! Since your moves were so slick!

Miu: He said beast!

Y/N: M-maybe we should go back to the dojo...

(Back at the dojo!)

Sakaki: See, Kensei?! As I predicted, he took down the boss! Surely you used the simultaneous hitting and punching technique I taught you?

Kenichi: Yeah, of course...

Kenichi wouldn't mention Kensei's lessons were more useful, even if he was held up at knife point.

Y/N: Ah, now that I think of it...Apachai's sulking because you didn't come in time for his lesson.

Kenichi: I'm sorry Apachai! Next time for sure!

Apachai: Forget it...Apachai's just gonna play with crayons

(Somehwere else with Ragnarok)

We see Koga getting kicked in the face by Kisara for failing in capturing Kenichi.

Koga: L-let me explain, Kisara! I was going to bring him! But the girl was so beautiful! And it turned out the girl was a beast! And there was also a demon guy!

Kisara: The hell is he talking about?

Kaoru (Kisara's right hand): Your punishment for sending all of your subordinates to the hospital will be heavy! You three don't have to come to Ragnarok for a while

(Timeskip, next day)

At the dojo Kenichi was sparring with Miu and Sakaki's help, since Y/N was doing some hand conditioning. He was hitting one of the walls with his hand in a nukite (spear hand) shape, his fingers were bleeding for a while now and as he did one final strike he literally stabbed the wall with his fingers but also felt a stinging pain.

Y/N: I think that's enough hand conditioning for today. But I'm still not near that old guy...he's still on another whole level

Then Y/N had an image in his head of the same man, a shiver went through his spine as this was the man that gave him the scar in his arm.

Y/N sighed a bit as he cleaned the blood from his fingers and put some bandages over them going back into the room to see how the sparring was going. As soon as he slid the door he saw Kenichi getting thrown into the ground by Miu as he had a sweatdrop.

(Small timeskip)

Y/N was talking outside with Kenichi since he saw him slightly depressed when he arrived at the dojo.

Y/N: So, you got scared when the guy pulled out a knife?

Kenichi: Yeah....not to mention I'm the easily scared type

Y/N: Then I got the perfect solution! Wait for me right here!

Then Y/N ran to somewhere else as Kenichi was waiting, after a few minutes he saw Y/N running back and he was carrying Shigure in his shoulder as she had a blank look on her face as Y/N finally puts her down.

Y/N: If you want to dodge a weapon, then you must learn a weapon in its entirety, and Shigure here is the perfect master for this!

Now they were all inside and Shigure suddenly threw a knife at Kenichi as it went pass him and it dig into the wall.

Shigure: Take it...we start with sword usage...

Miu: Who starts with swords?!

Shigure: I can't?

Miu: Of course not!

Y/N: I have an idea

Then Y/N gave both Kenichi and Shigure a spoon. But Shigure slashed at Kenichi either way and somehow cutted part of his clothes with the spoon. Miu clothes also suffered from the attack of Shigure as Y/N had a slight nosebleed and was blushing.

Then to avoid any injury or another accident, they were given a rolled up newspaper instead. some time passed as they were practising and correcting Kenichi until the Elder arrived and whispered something to Y/N.

Y/N: You're right, Elder,  we must condition his courage! Anything can be conditioned!

Hayato: Shigure, push to the point until you nearly kill

Shigure: Got it...Here I go

Shigure unsheated her katana and Y/N stood closely in case something happened to the poor Kenichi.

(Timeskip brought to you by Y/N meditating as he is surrounded by Tanukis)

Y/N, Kenichi and Koetsuji were walking on the street with some big backpacks on their backs as Don-chan was sitting in Y/N's head

Koetsuji: I normally go shopping with Kensei, but he said today was the release of some limited book

Y/N/Kenichi: Probably a porn book...

Kenichi: But to walk this far by foot, both ways. Is this part of your training?

Koetsuji: Nope! It's saving bus fare!

As they were walking they saw the same group of gangsters from that other time as they were surrounding two girls and threatening them. One of them being Izumi, one of Kenichi's classmates.

Y/N: Oh, it's those guys again

Gangster: Ah, those kids!

The gangster now approached the three while Kenichi hid behind Koetsuji and the girls used the chance to get away from there. One of the gangsters then tried to push Koetsuji.

Gangster: Get out of the way, moustache! We got some business with them!

Koetsuji: I don't know the details but, what business would you have with my disciple?

Koetsuji then had his hand over the gangster's wrist as the gangster moved his arm away and was scared from Koetsuji's presence alone.

Gangster: Boys! Watch out, this guy is not normal!

Gangster #2: Y-your hand!

The guy looked at his wrist and saw it was dislocated because of Koetsuji's, he started to scream in pain as both Y/N and Koetsuji had a sweatdrop

Koetsuji: Sorry, sorry! I just dislocated it out of sheer habit

With one swift movement Koetsuji relocated the gangster wrist, meanwhile Kenichi was doing an "strategic retreat"

Gangster: This guy is a monster! Bring the weapons! And call sensei!

From the car of the gangsters came out a huge guy  wearing a suit and a wrestling mask, as he was easily taller than Y/N and Koetsuji

Gangster boss: What's this? You call me out to take care of this little pipsqueak?!

The gangster boss then proceeded to bent a near stop signal with one hand, Kenichi and the gangsters were impressed, however Y/N and Koetsuji didn't even react.

Koetsuji: Seems like I made you angry. I don't like fighting so much. If I offended you in any way, I apologize.

Koetsuji with just one finger bent the same stop signal to it's former shape.

Koetsuji: Kenichi! I shall demonstrate the real life applications of Ju-jitsu, watch closely, and learn

The boss charged at Koetsuji, but Koetsuji simply catched his hands and wasn't pushed back in the slightest even with the size difference, Koetsuji then gripped the boss's hands as he screamed in pain and went to attack Koetsuji again as he only dodged

Koetsuji then hits the guy in the head making him lose balance but that didn't stop him from attacking, However Koetsuji easily moved all the attacks away, with one final counter, Koetsuji grabs the boss arm and throws him into the ground easily leaving him unconscious.

Kenichi: That was awesome, Koetsuji Sensei!

Koetsuji: Did it help you learn?

A gunshot was heard as one of the gangsters shot at Kenichi but Y/n casually deflected the bullet with the back of his hand. He was now shaking his hand as he had some blood on the back of it.

Y/N: Damn, that hurts!

What Y/N did to deflect it,  was calculate the angle of the bullet and push it away with hard bone at the moment of impact, changing the bullet trajectory, this was the Niko style, redirection kata "flowing edge". The gangster kept shooting at Y/n as he charged at him still deflecting the bullets with his hands. As soon as he got close to the gangster he threw him into the air with a powerful twisting throw 

Y/N: Wait there just a moment, Kenichi, it'll be over in a minute

Y/N and Koetsuji took the gangsters to an alleway as the screams of the gangsters was the only thing heard in there.

(Timeskip, back to the dojo)

Sakaki, Kenichi, Miu and Y/N were sitting inside the dojo as Miu was putting some bandages on Y/N's hands due to him using flowing edge to deflect bullet fire. She gave Y/n and Kenichi tea and went to give Koetsuji some tea too since Sakaki was already drinking a beer.

Sakaki: Koetsuji is an unusual master even in ju-jitsu circles! I highly rate his power as well, according to him. There are three types of muscle in a person. "White muscle", which has explosive power but cannot be used for an extended period of time, "Red muscle" which has stamina but almost no power.

Y/N: And "Pink muscles", they are in the middle, having properties of both red and white muscle, going by Koetsuji's theory almost everyone in my family has a body full of that type of muscle to handle our "secret technique". The percentage of those muscles is said to never change but...

Sakaki: That bastard, ignoring all common sense created his own theory and his unusual self-training that he continued ceaselessly for 20 years, had converted his body completely into that pink muscle

Y/N: Yes...Koetsuji is not skinny at all. He doesn't have even one milligram of useless muscle in his body. It's the ultimate concentration of muscle

Kenichi: Is he stronger than the two of you, by any chance?

Y/N: Well, to tell you the truth...

Sakaki: He's a guy we would never want to fight seriously, if posibble! If we fought seriously, then one of us would surely die.

Then Miu entered Koetsuji's room with the tea on a tray as Koetsuji just smiled kindly at her

Koetsuji: Thank you!

Chapter 3 end

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