Don't Tell My Boss I Work As...

By Inmila

4.9K 186 103

(Y/N) (L/N) is the secretary for the famous pro-duelist Aster Phoenix for two years. She isn't well-liked in... More

Chapter 1 {Secretary By Day and Maid By Night}
Chapter 2 {Serving Your Boss}
Chapter 3 {Keep this Secret Between Us}
Chapter 4 {Getting Even With Your Boss}
Chapter 6 {Stalker}
Chapter 7 {Hangout with a Celebrity}
Chapter 8 {Reconnecting A Childhood Friend}
Chapter 9 {Confront Someone In Need}
Chapter 10 {Assist A Higher Up}
Chapter 11 {Destress Conversation}
Chapter 12 {Being Your Boss's Personal Tailor}
Chapter 13 {Discussing Outfits}
Chapter 14 {Attention Seeker}
Chapter 15 {Neighbors}
Chapter 16 {Dealing With Envy}
Chapter 17 {Rivalry For Love}
Chapter 18 {Find An Outfit to Impress}
Chapter 19 {Restraining A Complicated Relationship}
Chapter 20 {Meeting an Overprotective Father}

Chapter 5 {Overworking Yourself}

290 12 6
By Inmila

A/N: Hey guys this is chapter five. Enjoy! 🤗

At the cafe, (Y/N) was in the main dining area serving the customers. As type the order to a group of customers, a messy black hair male customer accidentally knocked a glass cup of juice and shard all over the floor. It was so loud that caught some people's attention. (Y/N) turn back and walk towards him.

"S**t!" He muttered.

"You ok master?" (Y/N) said with concern.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." He said as (Y/N) kneel down on the floor.

"It's ok, it was an accident." (Y/N) said as she put on rubber gloves and pick up the shards glass.

"Here let me help." He said as he tried to grab it but (Y/N) stop him by touching his hand.

"I don't want you to get cut master." (Y/N) said.

"Oh, ok." He said as he blushes to see her smiling.

"I'll come back with a new cup." (Y/N) said as he nodded and (Y/N) left.

"She's an angel." He said as he watched (Y/N) walking away.

Time-Skip to New Morning

(Y/N) was in the office as she was on her laptop to check the email. She was relaxed and happy as the work was slow today. Unfortunately for her, the male coworkers came into her office as they each carried a pile of paperwork with them. (Y/N) saw this and was annoyed as she didn't want to be pestered by them.

"What the hell are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked annoyingly as they stood in front of her.

"We just came here because you are going to cover our shift for a week." One of them said as they put paperwork at her desk.

'What!? You have got to be kidding me!?' (Y/N) thought to herself as she was angry to hear this.

"Yeah right." (Y/N) said sarcastically as she looked back at her laptop.

"We're serious (Y/N)." One of them said as they all nodded.

"And who told you that." (Y/N) said as she was irritated.

"That would be me." They all turn as Aster came into the office which made (Y/N) tick off.

'So all that advice I gave was all for nothing. Maybe I should take Mindy's advice if he keeps it up.' (Y/N) thought to herself as she bit her lip.

"Thank you, Mr. Phoenix." The males said in unison happily.

"(Y/N) you'll be covering all their work. I'm allowing you to do overtime so it's doesn't matter if you come early or stay late." Aster said as he left.

"Have fun." One of them said as they left the office.

"I f**ken hate you." (Y/N) muttered herself as she was annoyed by Aster's decision.

For a week, (Y/N) was doing the guys work while they were on their vacation and on top of that she has her own work to finish as well. She tries to finish the best of her abilities. It was so bad that she had to wake up a couple of hours earlier than usual to catch up with her work which has her to sleep less often. Her boss wasn't helping much as he was yelling at her and telling her. She was annoyed but she was too tired to get angry. So she stayed quiet and kept on working. (Y/N) was exhausted from the company and was put double the work on to her. She came to the cafe as she has baggy eyes and was very tried. Blair noticed this as she was worried about her friend.

"(Y/N) are you feeling ok?" Blair asked as (Y/N) yawn and turn to her.

"Yeah just tired, my boss gave me a lot of work because the guys went to New York as a vacation for a week." (Y/N) replied.

"Ok, you could just take a day off." Blair said as (Y/N) shook her head.

"I can't Blair. I need the money right now." (Y/N) said as she grabs her tray.

"Ok just don't push yourself." Blair said as (Y/N) left the kitchen.

(Y/N) walked towards Aster as she was still very tired and isn't the best mood. She tried to greet him as best as she could.

"Hello, Aster." (Y/N) said still trying open her eyes.

"Bella, is everything ok? You look like a zombie for almost a week." Aster said as he looked at (Y/N) in a bad shape.

"Sorry, I'm just tired that's all." (Y/N) explained as she rubbed her eyes.

"How much did you sleep?" Aster asked which (Y/N) tried to guess.

"I don't know probably less than six hours each day." (Y/N) respond as she was unsure herself.

"Bella you shouldn't force yourself to overwork." Aster said he was concerned about her health.

"I know but don't worry about it. I'm ok. I'll catch up on my sleep later." (Y/N) said which made Aster worried even more.

"Promise me that you'll rest." Aster said as (Y/N) nodded.

"I will." (Y/N) said as she walked back into the kitchen.

(Y/N) was starting to feel really hot and the room starts to spin. She tried to walk straight and opened the door. She focuses to walk with all of her strength. Just as (Y/N) went into the kitchen, she collapsed on the floor. Blair witnessed this and ran towards (Y/N) as she tried to shake her.

"Bella!" Blair yell which made Aster stood up from his seat.

"What happened?" Aunt Cinder asked as some of the coworkers came in the kitchen to see (Y/N) laying on the floor.

"Oh my gosh!" Jasmine said as she was scared for her friend.

"What happened to Bella?!" Aster pushes the door open as he came into the kitchen.

"Aster?" Everyone said in unison as they turn to him.

"I heard someone screaming for Bella." Aster said as his eyes were wide open when he saw her lying unconscious.

"Bella past out the minute she walks in here." Blair said as the others hover over (Y/N).

"She's ok." Aunt Cinder said as she checked her pulse.

"She really heating up." Jasmine said as she touched her forehead.

"I'll get a towel." Aunt Cinder said as she went to grab a cloth and wet it with cold water.

"Does she have a fever?" Blair asked.

"No, but probably overworked herself." Atticus said.

"Take her upstairs." Aunt Cinder said as she went upstairs.

Aster picks up (Y/N) by his arms and carries her to the second floor. The maids watch as the found it to be romantic how Aster worried about (Y/N). Aster still carries (Y/N) followed Aunt Cinder as they were in the break room. It was big and a had some comfy couches with pillows at the side.

"Put her down on the couch." Aunt Cinder said as he put (Y/N) on the couch.

"If you don't mind me staying here to watch over Bella." Aster said as he sat on the couch as he grabs a pillow and put it on his lap as he put (Y/N)'s head on the pillow.

"Of course dear." Aunt Cinder said as she gave him the cold wet cloth and put it on (Y/N)'s forehead.

An hour had passed, Aster was still watched over (Y/N). She is still unconscious of overworking herself. Aster feels terrible to see (Y/N) very tired and fainted during her shift. He doesn't understand why would she push herself too hard. He looked at (Y/N) and looked upset.

"Bella, why did you have to push yourself?" Aster said to himself as he touched her face which made (Y/N) started to wake up.

"Ugh, what happened." (Y/N) said as she opened her eyes to see Aster.

"You finally woke up." Aster said which made (Y/N) get up still sitting on the couch.

"Aster, why are you here? Customers aren't allowed to be here." (Y/N) said as turn to Aster and fix her hair a little.

"Your aunt let me stay here to take care of you. You fainted from overworking yourself." Aster explained a (Y/N) remember what happened before she fainted.

"How long was I out for?" (Y/N) asked.

"You were unconscious for an hour." Aster replied as (Y/N) stood up.

"I going back." (Y/N) said but Aster grabs her hand.

"Bella your not in the condition to work." Aster said still worried about her.

"I have to work." (Y/N) said as she moves her hand away from her.

"Bella you're awake." Aunt Cinder came in to check up her niece.

"Yeah, I am. I'll come downstairs and help." (Y/N) said as her aunt was in her way.

"Oh no, you're not. You need to rest." Aunt Cinder said.

"Not you too." (Y/N) said to her aunt.

"Honey, you have been overworking yourself this week because of your morning shift. I want you to take a couple of days off." Aunt Cinder said as (Y/N) shook her head.

"I can't you know what happens if I don't have enough money." (Y/N) said and went downstairs.

"That girl can be very stubborn. I'm sorry about that, my niece is an honest and very hard worker." Aunt Cinder said as she turned to Aster.

"It's ok. I know I shouldn't be asking this but does Bella have financial issues?" Aster asked which made Cinder change her expression.

"Yes sadly, she and her parents had suffered financially for years. She's working two jobs because her father is sick and can't work from his condition." Aunt Cinder explained as she looked upset.

"Her mother?" Aster asked.

"She passed away seven years ago due to an illness. They did everything they could to cure her mother but they ended up losing her and was left with bills." Aunt Cinder replied.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Now, I understand why she pushes herself." Aster said feeling empathy towards (Y/N).

"She never liked talking about it and is very protective when it comes to her parents especially her father. Now Bella is in her father's shoes and tries her best to not make the same mistake again. She already lost her mother, losing her father would crush her." Cinder said.

"She has her work cut out. Sacrificing her time and youth to take care of a father in need." Aster said.

"I just wish that she can live people like her age. Hanging out with friends, partying, or traveling to different places. But life has other plans for her." Aunt Cinder said as they felt sorry for (Y/N).

Time-Skip to Wednesday Morning

In (Y/N)'s office, (Y/N) was very tired as she was typing on her laptop. Having a pile of paperwork on top of her desk. She drank her third cup of coffee as she tried to stay focused. Her face was red as she felt hot. The door was opened as Aster came into the office and walked towards her desk.

"(Y/N)." Aster said.

"Yes, Mr. Phoenix." (Y/N) said as she looked very tired and her face was really red.

'Oh no! He's probably mad at me for not finishing everything he asked for.' (Y/N) thought to herself

Aster looks at (Y/N) as she was very vulnerable and tired to do or say anything. It reminded him how Bella fainted for overworking herself which it hurts him for not helping her.

"Take a week off from work. You look terrible and in bad shape." Aster said which surprised her.

"Really?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yes, starting tomorrow I don't want to see you in this building. I'm not letting my secretary make stupid mistakes at work. You return to your office on Wednesday." Aster said which (Y/N) was worried about who was taking her place while she's gone.

"But..." (Y/N) was about to ask but Aster interrupted her.

"No buts! That's an order (Y/N)." Aster said with a cold tone that scared her.

"Yes, Mr. Phoenix." (Y/N) followed his order.

"Good, enjoy your vacation while you can but when you come back here I better not see you slacking off." Aster said and he left her office while leaving (Y/N) dumbfounded by this.

'Was he supposed to be nice to me or shame me?' (Y/N) ponder to herself as her boss left.

Time-Skip To Evening

At the cafe, (Y/N) was happy to hear that she's starting her vacation right now. She was cleaning the dishes while humming. Everyone in the kitchen noticed that she was in a good mood. She hears the bell ring from the VIP room and went in. She saw her boss sitting on the booth which made her smile and walked towards him.

"Good evening, Aster." (Y/N) said as Aster looked up to see her happy.

"Hello Bella, you seemed relaxed." Aster said as he smiled.

"Yeah, I won't be going to my morning shift for a week." (Y/N) said happily.

"That's great to hear. I'm happy for you." Aster said.

"Thank you, I get your order." (Y/N) said as she walk away.

She went to the kitchen as Aunt Cinder was waiting for her. (Y/N) stop walking as her aunt came up to her.

"(Y/N) is Aster here?" Aunt Cinder asked.

"Yes, why?" (Y/N) asked in confusion.

"I want you to take the rest of the day off." Aunt Cinder said.

"What?! Aunt Cinder I can't." (Y/N) refused of her offer.

"(Y/N) I know that you still want to work but please I'm doing this for your health." Aunt Cinder concerned.

"But..." (Y/N) was about to say something but her aunt spoke over her.

"No excuses (Y/N). Now go change quickly, I don't want Aster to wait for you too long." Aunt Cinder said as she grab (Y/N)'s tray and push her to the changing room.

"*sigh* Fine." (Y/N) said and went to the locker room to change her outfit.

(Y/N) finish changing her outfit as she wore a see-through black halter top that shows her black bra and skin. Having tight navy blue jeans and a pair of leather black boots with chunky heels that cover to her ankles. She came into the kitchen as her coworkers were astonished by the outfit she just wore.

"Chao! Look at you, trying to make Aster fall for you." Atticus said as he teased her cousin.

"Shut up." (Y/N) annoyingly said to Atticus.

"Wow, you look great in that outfit (Y/N)." Blair said as she complements her friend.

"Thanks, Blair." (Y/N) said.

"I don't want to be that person but isn't this too much for Aster." Jasmine said which (Y/N) raised her eyebrow.

"What?!" (Y/N) said she couldn't believe what she's hearing from Jasmine.

"Just hear me out on this. You two have been seeing each other for two weeks now. That outfit you're wearing right now is way too risque for your first date." Jasmine said which annoyed (Y/N).

"Jazz, I'm not going out with Aster. I'm his secretary and it's wrong to have a relationship with my boss." (Y/N) said.

"You are about to have dinner with him. Therefore it's a date." Jasmine said as she wasn't convinced by (Y/N)'s statement.

"It's not a date!" (Y/N) yelled as she was irritated.

"It is (Y/N), it's so obvious." Jasmine said.

"You're right, Jasmine. I think (Y/N) want this to happen and maybe thinking about kissing him." Atticus said as (Y/N) had enough hearing this.

"I'm leaving." (Y/N) said which made Atticus laugh.

"Have a nice night (Y/N)." Blair said as (Y/N) left the kitchen.

(Y/N) came in to see Aster sitting alone. She was nervous to sit down next to her boss. Usually, he would want to stay away from her at work. She took a deep breath and walked towards him.

"May I sit here?" (Y/N) asked as Aster looked up to see her in a different outfit.

He scans her from head to toe as he was amazed to see (Y/N) dress up very beautifully. He loved how the outfit complements her figure. (Y/N) was blushing as she had her hand on her hip.

"Aster." (Y/N) said as he snapped out of it.

"Oh yeah, go ahead." Aster said as (Y/N) sat down on the booth.

"I won't be serving you today since my aunt wants me to take the day off." (Y/N) said.

"You deserve it, Bella." Aster said.

Aunt Cinder came in as she was happy to see them together and getting along.

"How is my favorite couple doing?" Aunt Cinder said as she came in to see the young adults.

"Aunt Cinder!" (Y/N) yelled as she blushed.

"*giggles* I'm just teasing you (Y/N)." Aunt Cinder said happily.

"We're great, thank you." Aster said.

"Since (Y/N) is taking the day off and you help me to take care of her yesterday. The food and drinks are on the house today so you won't have to pay anything." Aunt Cinder said.

"Why thank you Cinder." Aster said.

"And if you want I'll take a picture of both of you." Aunt Cinder said which made (Y/N) had her eyes wide open after hearing this.

"What?!" (Y/N) said as she didn't agree with this.

"Sure, if Bella doesn't mind." Aster said as turned to (Y/N) with a smile on his face.

"Bella?" Aunt Cinder said which made her niece blushed.

"Since you asked nicely, I will do it." (Y/N) said.

"Great! I'll get my phone." Aunt Cinder excitedly.

"Is it fine for you I was hoping if you can use my phone as well." Aster asked.

"Of course Aster, I'll be happy to." Aunt Cinder said as she went to get her phone.

A few minutes pass, Aunt Cinder came back with her phone and stood in front of them.

"We'll start with your phone first Aster." Aunt Cinder said.

"Here." Aster said as he gave his phone to Cinder.

"Ok, then you two get into position." Aunt Cinder said as she was ready to take a photo with his phone.

"Bella sweetie, can you move closer to Aster." Aunt Cinder said as (Y/N) has her distance from Aster.

"Isn't this enough?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yes, but I wanted the picture to be focused on you and Aster." Aunt Cinder said which made (Y/N) a bit nervous.

"Ok then." (Y/N) said as she moves closer to Aster.

"Just a little more." Aunt Cinder said as (Y/N) made body contact with him.

Aster wraps his right arm around her and put his hand on the side of her shoulder. (Y/N) blushing as she looked at Aster. He turned to (Y/N) and smiled which made her smiled softly. They turn back to Aunt Cinder as she was ready to take a picture.

"Great! Now, smile you two." Aunt Cinder said as they smiled and took the picture.

"Alright, one more." Aunt Cinder said as she uses her phone this time and snapped another picture together.

"There we're done. Here's your phone Aster." Aunt Cinder said as she gave him back her phone.

"Thank you." Aster as he grabs his phone to see the photo.

"So are you going to post it on social media?" Aunt Cinder asked.

"Actually I want to keep this for myself. Besides if I post it I don't think Bella won't handle the attention." Aster said as (Y/N) rolled her eyes.

"That's because I don't deal with your fans." (Y/N) annoyingly said which made Aster laughed.

"Aww, how sweet of you. I better leave you lovebirds alone." Aunt Cinder said as she left leave both alone.

"I'm glad that you agree to take a picture with me." Aster said.

"Why is that?" (Y/N) asked with curiosity.

"Because whenever I'm down, I'll have this photo to make me smiled." Aster said sincerely with made (Y/N) surprisingly blushed but was happy to hear this.

Time-Skip To Next Day at (Y/N)'s Apartment

(Y/N) was sleeping in her bed as it was her day off. Her phone rings as if someone is calling her. She woke up and tried to grab her phone. Still sleepy she picks up and answered the call.

"Hello?" (Y/N) answer as she stretches her body.

"Hi (Y/N)! It's Mindy." Mindy said as (Y/N) got off her bed.

"Hey, Mindy how are you doing?" (Y/N) asked as she was happy to hear a familiar voice.

"I'm great. The minute the guys asked about your whereabouts and Aster told them that you're taking a week off. They were freaking out and it was funny." Mindy said as she giggles.

"*giggles* I wish I have seen it." (Y/N) said as she giggles.

"So, how are you doing (Y/N)." Mindy said.

"I'm doing fine, I'm resting on my bed." (Y/N) said.

"So what are going to do for the rest of the week?" Mindy asked as (Y/N) got up from her bed.

"I'll be working on a project that I been sketching for a couple of weeks now." (Y/N) said as she walked towards her bed.

"Oooh, what clothing you're making today?" Mindy asked excitedly.

"Probably something that you would wear on the red carpet if you're a celebrity." (Y/N) replied as she looked at her sketchbook.

"Trying a new challenge I see." Mindy said.

"Yeah, I always wanted to make a beautiful dress and I think I'm ready." (Y/N) said as she was excited about her project.

"That's great news (Y/N), you been sewing almost a decade and you have enough experience to pull it off." Mindy said.

"Well, we'll see how I do." (Y/N) said she still isn't unconfident about her skills.

"It's going to be amazing I just know it. Send me a pic when you're done." Mindy said.

"I will." (Y/N) said.

"I have to go, I don't want to get caught talking on the phone by Aster." Mindy whispered as she saw Aster coming out of his office.

"Ok then see you on Tuesday Mindy." (Y/N) said with a smile.

"Bye (Y/N) and good luck on your project." Mindy whispered as she hung up.

"I should check out the mall to see what type of material I should use for the dress. I do have a fabric clothing I want to use." (Y/N) said to herself as she grabs a long black soft see-through cloth.

"Sunday, I'll go to the mall but for now I need to check if I need more thread." (Y/N) said as she started to make the dress.

She stayed in her room as she was working on her dress. (Y/N) use measurements on herself and carefully sew the dress as the fabric was delicate. She stops her project as she needs to get ready to work.

Time past as evening came, the cafe was about to close in thirty minutes. There were a few customers left in the dining area. (Y/N) was smiling as it was quiet and peaceful. She was checking to making sure that the customers were ok. The same messy hair male from last week has been coming here almost every day and watching (Y/N) from the distance. He had the courage to speak to (Y/N).

"Umm miss." He calls to (Y/N).

"Yes, Master?" (Y/N) asked.

"I've been watching you for a while now. You're the most beautiful woman I laid my eyes on." He said which made her feel uncomfortable.

"Umm... thank you m..." (Y/N) was about to finish her first but the man grabs her hand and pull her closer.

"I'm not done talking. I want you to be my only maid and I don't want you to call any other man master because I'm your only master." He said which made (Y/N) eyes wide open.

(Y/N) was frightened by his comments, she made an excuse to leave. She went into the kitchen to have a moment to herself. (Y/N) didn't want to go back because she had a new problem to deal with. A obsess male customer or as they called him a creepy stalker.

A/N: That's the end of chapter five. So what do you think about this chapter and comment down below. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day. Bye! 🤗

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