Epithet erased "Molly's Villa...

By LeonIsNotStraight22

9.9K 315 248

(THIS TAKES PLACE AFTER EPISODE 4) This is basically just our precious little goofball becoming a villain and... More

each day just like the other...
familiar faces
well that was unexpected...
a small favor
is this home?
who's at the door?
it's gonna be alright
cat and mouse

The Psychologist

942 32 37
By LeonIsNotStraight22

"...what do you MEAN she's legally not allowed to stay here? Come on, you've heard what she said before!" Giovanni is in a conversation with Sylvie over the phone, who he contacted right after he woke up.

Molly just came down the staircase, looking at her brother, who's angrily growling at the sheep dr.
"Gio? That's Sylvie right? Can I talk to him?" She shyly asks him.
He turns around to face her,"Huh? Oh, hey sis! Sure ya can. Here you go.."
Molly takes the phone out of his hands, giving him a quick smile, which he happily returns.

"Hey Sylvie!" She then greets her friend, who seems to still be half asleep judging by his tone of voice.
"Molly?? What on earth is going on there, and WHY did you decide to live with that piece of-- ahem, I mean villain..."
Molly giggles at his small outburst, replying:"I mean it just kinda came to be.. I can tell you more when we meet. Has Gio already told you, I was gonna get a therapy session today? Only if you're free of course."

She hears a long sigh over the phone, and then a groan, "ughhhh, yeah. Just get here at 3, alright? I'll be in my office... assuming you still have my card, I'm gonna get some coffee and I'll see you there."

"Sure I do! See ya." The girl with the bear hoodie speaks, giving Giovanni the phone back.

*a few hours later*

"Wow, this car looks... used." Molly tries to be mild with her words, but the smashed car just doesn't look like someone could drive it.
Giovanni opens the car door and sits himself down in the seat, replying:"Yeah, mom really should get it repaired... but it still works! That's all that matters, right?"

Molly raises an eyebrow, but sits down as well, pulling the door closed, "...I don't know how to tell you this, but safety is all that matters when driving a car. Aren't you all about safety?"

The brother in question chuckles at that, "Well YEAH, that's why you wear seatbelts! Seatbelts save lives." With that, he takes off.

"Where does dr. Yo yo have his place again?" Giovanni asks her, already passing the speed limit.

The girl hands him Sylvies card.

"...oh." He sounds rather surprised.
Then he drives into the very next parking spot.

Giovanni points at a large building, "This is it. Wow, almost drove past this big thing... well, you'll be alright alone, right? I'll stay if you really need company in there."

The girl shakes her head, smiling. "Nah, it's fine. Sylvie knows I'm coming, so I'll be good!" She reassures her big bro, who's almost tempted to stay, but lets go quickly.

Sighing, he speaks:"I'll be back in an hour then, I have some villain stuff to do anyways! If you need to call me, just ask mr. Yo yo, since he has my number now... take care, sis!" And with that, he waves at Molly one last time, before driving away.

She shrugs his slightly weird behavior off, and enters the building.
There's a room filled with chairs and reading material right there.
Well that sure looks like Sylvie!

She sits down and waits for him to arrive.
And just as she thought, he doesn't lose any time coming here.
Wearing the same outfit as back at the museum, he walks up to her with a sheep following him.

Molly gets up, grinning at her friend, who attempts to talk:"So, hello ms. Blyndeff. You wanted to--" but he's cut off by the girl tackling her happily, hugging her friend like a cushion.

"Uhhh... I've, missed you too." He awkwardly hugs her back.
Sylvie's never been embraced like this before, but it's definitely a nice change.
Even though he doesn't really know how to react to that kind of thing....

He looks slightly embarrassed when she let's go to follow him into his office.
"What's happened, after you got carried off, at the museum?" She asks interested, for all she knows, he got into some ambulance car.

The sheep bounces around them, as he answers:"Well, they drove me to a hospital, and got me checked out. Then I got my needed treatment, since my insides seemed to be kinda dry like sand... lots of H2O and other stuff. The rest should actually be pretty self explanatory..."

Molly nods, stroking the sheep in the meantime.
She's a bit surprised, since it seems to be a real sheep, and not a summoned one...

At the office, Sylvie sets down some stuff on the table in the middle of some arm chairs.
"Take a seat." He speaks, taking the sheep into his lap.

She sits down, glaring at him and his fluffy pet.
"So, firstly I'd need to know, how are you right now?" He asks, taking a sip of tea.

Molly replies quickly:"I'm good! Nothing bad has happened today, which is a nice change."

He writes something down on a piece of paper, asking the second question:"Alright... now what do you mean with "a nice change"? Do bad things happen often?"
He's acting like more like an actual psychologist, than she'd thought, but that's his job anyways, so what should she expect...

Hesitant, she nods"Well normally, something always happens. Either dad or my sister would start a fight, or they would make me do their jobs, like cleaning, making dishes, tidying up, work at the store at night, and so on. Sometimes my sister would come into my room in the middle of the night, to tell me that I didn't do anything right..."

Concern in his eyes, he notes that down, "And what would you say, was the most recent event, you'd call "bad"?"

Molly stays quiet for a solid ten seconds, but regains herself quickly,"I... had a panic attack last night." She manages to spill out.

Sylvie let's his papers sink, "And, do you remember why you had it? Any specific reasons?"

Molly has never been super excited to talk about her fears and things that make her lose it sometimes.
But she knows, that he only wants to help her, so she talks:"I... as you know, my mom's died about two years ago.... remember how I was afraid of fire? Well, that... is kinda the reason why. Y-you see, mom died in a fire. I-... she... didn't know, I- tried to save her... b-but it was no use! A-and... I just-"

Sylvie cuts her off, "Molly, it's fine! You don't need to tell me all about it, if it hurts so much... I understand." He writes something down again.

"So... that was the reason for the panic attack, right? Anything else you'd like to tell me before we start the treatment? Like, did anything else happen?" He questions further.

Molly wipes away a tear, thinking.
Was that all? Huh...
"Ummm... I mean, I think that's it for now."

Sylvie nods, taking some more notes, "Good... alright, now to go more into things, how does it make you feel, when your sister comes in, to tell you how you messed up?"

The girl shrugs, "It was almost normal by then... part of life, so who cares?"

A simple answer, no meaning behind it, right?
Sylvie raises an eyebrow, noting again.
"And what do you tell yourself, whenever bad things happen?"

"It be like that sometimes..." She answers, shrugging it off.
He glares at her, then down at his papers to write again.

"Uh... alright. And when you tell yourself that, how do you feel afterwards?"

Molly thinks for a second, "The same as before? With the difference that it matters even less if I do something good or bad, or if shit happens, it won't change a thing anyways."

With every answer he gets, Sylvie feels like she needs even more help than he'd thought.

"Oh well... and what changed when Giovanni took you in? Did you feel better or worse?" He sounds concerned saying that.

And without any hesitation, Molly's face lights up drastically as she answers full of excitement:"Oh, I was scared of his mom at first, but now I feel a lot better! Everything is just so welcoming and warm, and they bake cookies a lot. They don't make me do work, they don't tell me to shut up, they lift up my spirits, make me feel like I could do anything if it's just for them! It's like... I'm finally home again." She sniffs a bit as she says that, tearing up.

The sheep boy, nods surprisedly, "Huh, they do? I thought they were nothing but crappy villains, but I guess I might've been wrong... is Giovanni coming to pick you up today?"

Molly nods happily, "Yeah, you could have a chat with him once he's here! I know you don't get along as well, but I'm sure we can do something about that."

Sylvie smiles, maybe the pink haired goofball isn't as bad of a person as his first impression showed.
Don't judge a book by it's cover, right?


so this chapter took a bit longer than expected. But you got about 500 more words than usual in exchange!

I hope that helps...

Also... Hey I got Sylvie into the story!
A lot of people wanted to see this fluffy boi, so here you go :3
Got a role for him now, he's probably gonna show up a lot, if ya want him to.
I've got some more characters I'd like to introduce in this story, but I guess those would be episode 5-7 spoilers...
(If you're okey or not okey with that, you can tell me in the comments)

Well, if you want more of the story, please do vote and/or write a nice comment, since it encourages me to write a whole lot!

Thank you for reading and see you next time! ^^

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