a small favor

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Molly looks down on the floor and sighs loudly.
Her pink haired friend glances at her, deep in thought.
It's risky, but what is the great Giovanni Potage without any risks anyways?

"Hey, Molly.. have you ever wanted a cool big bro?" He asks with a warm tone in his voice.
The girl peaks up at him, and without hesitation replies:"Yes, if he's nice. I'd like someone who cares to be in my life for sure."

Giovanni takes the soup from the stove and turns it down.
Then as he takes out the plates, he speaks up again:"And a badass new mom, who will be there if you need her?"

Molly seems to take the hint now and thinks for a moment.
"It'd be nice...  but what about the store? Dad won't have anything left, and my sister also isn't a great help.
Also, I don't think it's legal to take a child out of their home just like that."

"Beartrap, don't you think that would teach him to finally get off his behind and get his shit together? Plus, I'm a villain, and you are too! We can do what we want together, remember?" He enthusiastically poses around like he always does, and fills the plates with soup.

What he said is true...
But could she really leave her own family just like that?

Suddenly, all these possibilities rush through her head like shooting stars, it's her decision to make.
Hers, and hers only.
Finally after such a long time, Molly sees herself growing hope.
It's a strange feeling, like flight.
But different still...

She could get out, go far away, no turning back if she took that chance.
Caring about others is great, but someone told her that she's just as important as everybody else.

"Beartrap? Oh no, I didn't mean to make you cry! Haha, just forget it. I can't force you, if you don't want to! It's alright." Giovanni panics as he watches the kid's tears fall down onto the floor.

"W-what? Oh sorry, I just... had a moment." She apologized, wiping her eyes quickly, smiling widely at her friend, who seems to be rather unsure about that statement, but then shows a grin himself.

"And yeah... I'd be down for a big bro." Molly then tells him.
There, that wasn't too hard.
Giovanni takes the plates in his hands, glaring at her for a moment, and then saying:"Wait, really? Holy crap, we're going to need a new bed and supplies and-uh.... do you still sleep in this weird thing for toddlers, or...?"

Molly chuckles at his blabbering, and replies:"Well, I don't. But can we talk about that after eating soup? I think it's getting cold otherwise..."
There it is.
That feeling she only ever had in her life before her mother died.
...the feeling of someone actually caring about her.
It's uplifting... though Molly isn't sure if she actually deserves it.

"Oh, yeah. You're right! Then let's meet our guests." He enthusiastically speaks, as he carries the soup plates out to the table where the two hungry criminals are sitting.
"Aaaaghh, finally..." Mera groans, but as Indus glares at her dumbly, she rolls her eyes, saying:"... I mean, thanks...."

It's rather quiet at the table, the only thing really happening, is Giovanni flipping the "open" sign over and locking the door, so they could eat in peace.

*an hour later*

"That was good, thanks Gio!" Molly praises happily shuffling around as he puts away the plates while Mera and Indus are just about to head out the door the soup cook had opened again for them to go.
"Wait a second!" Molly shouts, she worries about them.

Mera turns to her, "What is it?"
The girl in the bear hoodie glances at them unsure, then questions:"Where are you gonna stay?"

Indus doesn't say anything, which is weird considering his extroverted personality.
They both share a look, then Mera answers:"Look kid, we're gonna do fine. There is no reason to worry. Thanks for the food, and tell your friend we owe him a tiny favor."
And with that they head straight out the door.

A favor, huh?
Well, that's something...

"Gio! I have a quick question." Molly then yells into the kitchen where Giovanni is just cleaning up.
"Yeah, Bear trap? What is it?" He asks.

"Say... what's your mom like?" She then questions her friend, who now turns the kitchen light off, to pack his stuff.

He turns around for a moment, replying:"Oh, well... she's kind of a hand full, sort of like me. I don't think I could describe her well though. Let's just see what you think once we get there..."

He pulls out his keys and goes out on the street with Molly, and then locks the door again.
It's still pretty dark.
"We're leaving, right? But don't you have a shift to complete?" The girl looks him dead in the eyes.

He smiles down at her warmly, saying:"Well, some things are just worth putting your responsibilities aside. I can work that shift down tomorrow."


Heya, guys!
Thanks for reading my stuff, I love writing and drawing wholesome stories and other stuff with some sad/thrilling impacts and DANGERRRR.

Anyways, I hope you liked it, and please vote or write a nice comment if you want more.
The votes and nice comments keep me going, it's always good to know that there are people out there who like what I do.

I don't know if I'll be able to post a special story part for Christmas, but I'll try.

See ya, and thanks for the support!

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