familiar faces

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Molly wonders, it isn't Giovanni or any of the Banzai Blasters she'd met.
The voice is way too deep for that.

But wait a second... could it be?
She quickly skips around the corner to where it seems to come from.
It is indeed... Indus and Mera.
What are they doing here?
There's nothing left for them in here.

Indus turns around as he hears her steps pound onto the hard ground.
Mera looks at her, visibly confused.
"K-Kid?? What the hell are YOU doing here? You wanna go call the police again? Because I can't let that happen." She speaks up, her tone of voice wavering.
She sounds tired, like Molly.

"I-uhhh... just heard Indus talking, so I came here. I don't know why I bother though... I mean, what can I do anyways?" The 12 year old admitted, staring at the grass.
What has she hoped for? A cozy welcoming? No.
Not from them anyways.
But somehow she's still glad to see they're alright. After all Mera seems to break a leg once in a while... literally.

"ME? DID I TALK TOO LOUD?" Indus asks, not even questioning the situation in the slightest.
Mera rolls her eyes, annoyed at this big mass of muscles.
"Yeah well... If you're not gonna call the police, I guess we can let you go. But how can we be sure?" The small woman continues, not trusting Molly. Which might be understandable...

"Oh. Ummm... I don't really know." Her eyes darken a bit as she sits down on the ground.
Indus shouts, not caring at all about being caught, judging by his loud tone of voice.
Mera takes a quick glance around the corner to spot five policemen, who seem to be heading into the building.

"We haven't even done anything yet, and here they are already. Can't be because of us though... nobody spotted us, except--" she turns to stare at Molly for a few seconds.
Then she speaks up again:"Alright little girl, either you called the cops on us beforehand, or someone else robbed the museum."

"WAIT WHA--" Mera rams her elbow into Indus' stomach to shut him up.
"Quiet, you moron! You wanna get us both in prison again?"
He keeps his mouth closed after that, and sits down himself.
"Wait, you broke out of prison right? You couldn't have come out of jail any other way, since it's only been a month." Molly calls them out, instantly regretting her decision.

"Well no shit, Sherlock. How'd you get behind that?" Mera sarcastically laughs, just barely managing to keep her voice down.
And as she finishes her sentence, they see a few figures rushing out the back door of the museum.
They must've been the thieves who the police was called here for.
Molly couldn't really see who it was, since they hide in the shadows.

"What are you here for anyway?" Molly then asks, ignoring the thieves completely.
Why should she care?
It's not like it could be her friends, right?
Who knows...
The dark blue haired woman takes a look around before she replies:"That's none of your business. But whatever, we just want to get some money.
We can't return home, because the police knows where we live now. Why am I even telling you that? AND WHY IS INDUS SO QUIET??"

Mera looks back, then sighs, "No no, please stay silent."
She sounds so exhausted...
"Maybe I could help you out? I got some money with me. Are you hungry? We could go to the bakery, if you want."

A few moments of silence pass.
Then Indus stands up "HOW DID YOU KNOW??"
Mera face palms again at his question, and then decides to say:"What's the catch?"
Molly now also gets up and leans against the wall.
"There is none. I don't want anything in return."

The small woman and Indus look at one another, then back at Molly.
"You do realize that we are wanted criminals now? We couldn't get inside even if we wanted to." Mera let's her guard down.

"That doesn't mean that I can't get in. Come on! We gotta get moving if we want to be there before the rest of the town wakes up." Molly states, going forward.
She checks if they're following her, and indeed they are! Moving from hiding spot to hiding spot.

They don't get very far though, since Molly abruptly decides to stop in front of a restaurant. A surprisingly cheap restaurant.
A soup restaurant...
Molly has to giggle, that would be the perfect place for Giovanni to work at!
But he's a villain, surely he wouldn't get in on a normal job, right?
Although he could use some money, his job as villain doesn't seem to be enough for anything.
Then again, he can just steal money...

Looking in the direction Mera and Indus are hiding, she waits for a confirmation that they'd want to get food here.
They nod in response.
Mera glances around, then comes out of her hiding spot, whispering:"I'd like a chicken soup, and Indus can eat anything as long as it's maximum sized." Molly nods back and enters the restaurant.
It's mostly empty, there are no customers, only someone at the counter.

She couldn't see what they look like, since they hide behind an extraordinarily huge newspaper.
It smelled familiar, like tomato basil...
Weird, there isn't even a single customer and soup is already being made.
Shouldn't a restaurant let people order first before they make their dishes? So that they actually know what they need to cook???

That doesn't really matter right now, two people are starving outside, waiting for her like birds that want to be fed.

"Uhhh... excuse me? I-I'd like to order one medium sized bowl of chicken soup, a big sized bowl, and one small tomato hazel please." She starts to order before that person can even fold together his newspaper.
"Geez, at least say hello before you drop all these orders on me, would you?" He grumbles with a goofily high and raspy voice, almost sounding like a child...

Then he gets up, and into her point of view.
Wha- what the hell?!
Molly stays frozen in place as she watches a tall pink haired dude, who doesn't even seem to have noticed who she is, write down her orders.


You might not believe it, but
I had sooo much fun
writing this chapter.
I hope you liked it too?
Also, we're soon getting
to the good stuff!!
Next chapter coming soon!

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