naruto the Ninjutsu prodigy.

By AaronHansell

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naruto is a prodigy. but not just any kind of prodigy. he is a Ninjutsu prodigy and not just any Ninjutsu but... More

chapter 1:the hidden genius behind the mask of stupidity.
chapter 2: naruto reveals his true intelligence.
chapter 3: naruto's first ANBU mission.
chapter 4:the raikage's return to the hidden cloud.naruto's second mission.
chapter 5: the Uchiha clan massacre.itachi's warning
chapter 7:the wave mission.
chapter 8: battle on the bridge. a dance with death
chapter 9:the uzumaki clan task force
chapter 10:konan and nagato's wedding.
chapter 11: training with naruto Sensei.
chapter 12: the counter strategy
Chapter 13:the chunin exams first round
chapter 14: time skip-the invasion. naruto vs orochimaru and the senju brothers

chapter 6: search for the remaining uzumaki clan members

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By AaronHansell

Naruto and jiraiya were currently in the land of grass country. According to the maps location hide outs for the uzumaki clan one of them was right in the hidden Grass village. Her name is Karin uzumaki. And she's about to be rescued from a terrible person. Orochimaru.
Karin was being dragged off to a place where people like her are sold for various reasons. It's what was known as a human slave auction.
Just before orochimaru could save Karin with his snake a fox the size of a German Shepherd appeared to protect her from the greedy men. This was naruto's animal companion kasumi.
Over the last year kasumi had grown quite large and naruto was now able to ride on her back. The last thing Karin heard before passing out from shock was a man in a black and gold fox mask that said.

"Yellow Lightning style: duel chidori flash!!!."

The masked man then charged towards the greedy men and rammed the lightning style technique through their chests. Jiraiya then showed up and said.

"If you want to live before even bigger trouble show's up come with us and we will explain everything to you.
Your Karin uzumaki correct???."

Karin just nodded her Head yes and said.

"Yes I am. But how do you know that???. I've never met either of you before."

The masked man then said.

"Jiraiya quit stalling and get her out of here now!!!. Orochimaru is on his way here to collect her!!!."

Jiraiya then put on a serious expression and said.

"Alright up you go. And hold on tight. Don't worry. Kasumi is friendly. She's not going to hurt you. That Man over there. That's her master.
Kii raiton kitsune. And he's also an uzumaki clan member of the hidden leaf.
Well.. half uzumaki. Kasumi!!!. Get her as far away from here as possible!!!. We'll catch up with you later using the hiraishin technique!!!."

Kasumi nodded and in a burst of speed leapt on to the rooftops and over the wall of the village. Orochimaru then showed up moments later just as jiraiya was about to leave with naruto. sadly naruto had no time to mess around with the snake sannin and grabbed jiraiya using the hiraishin technique teleported out of the village.
Orochimaru had missed his opportunity to gain an uzumaki clan member for his village. He then cursed whatever God was protecting the uzumaki clan members that remained and swore he would find out who that masked man with jiraiya was. Orochimaru then said to himself.

"Curse you jiraiya and your untimely luck!!!. I'm not sure who that man with you was but he shall suffer my wrath as well!!!. I always get what I want. And I want that uzumaki girl for my village!!!."

(Meanwhile with Karin and kasumi.)

Kasumi had stopped when she felt that they were far enough out of the village and orochimaru's reach to take a break and wait for naruto and jiraiya. Naruto and jiraiya then appeared in a yellow flash as jiraiya fell to the ground vomiting for the first time in so many years.
He couldn't remember the last time he's had that technique used on him with minato.  Though he was surprised how much farther naruto could teleport then his father was able to. Naruto then removed his mask and said.

"Oh get over it jiraiya. Your a sannin and have been through far worse. Hello Karin. I'm naruto uzumaki namikaze. And my mother was Kushina uzumaki. The princess of the uzumaki clan Royal family. And your my cousin. Karin. I'm making you an offer to join konoha and help me find the rest of our clan using this map I have. If you know anyone else from our clan in hiding please let me know and show me on this map."

And Karin said.

"Just how exactly do you expect me to believe your an uzumaki if you don't have our clans signiture red hair???."

And naruto said.

"Sadly that's a trait I inherited from my father the fourth Hokage minato namikaze. But if you want proof then perhaps these are enough to convince you."

Naruto then performed the ram hand seal and focused his chakra into his back. Jiraiya then watched as nine solid chakra chains erupted from naruto's back but unlike the usual gold color his chain's were red. Indicating that he could form them either with his natural chakra or the nine tails chakra. Jiraiya then said.

"Well what the hell kid!!!. You never told me you had your mother's bloodline abilities!!!. Why not!!!."

And naruto said.

"As I've told everyone on the konoha council and the hokage. You have your secrets and I have mine.
Plus. It didn't seem relevant at the time. But now was as good a time as any. So now do you believe me Karin???."

Karin just nodded her Head yes and hugged her new family and said.

"I'll help you in any way I can to bring back our clans former glory. The uzumaki clan shall rise from the ashes of ruin and be reborn in the hidden leaf village. Stronger then ever before."

It then occurred to jiraiya that he remembered training  an uzumaki clan member with the rinnegan once. Jiraiya then went over to naruto and said.

"Hey.... naruto... don't kill me over this but I just remembered that....well...I..trained an uzumaki... before you... from the hidden rain village..his name was nagato uzumaki."

Naruto then activated his chakra chains and grabbed jiraiya squeezing him tightly said in a tone of voice that promised extreme pain.

"You knew that this whole time...and didn't think it was important to tell me at all!!!.
We passed by that village on our way here!!!. Why didn't you say something then!!??."

And jiraiya said.

"Because he's a part of the akatsuki organization. A group of S rank missing nin that are after the tailed beasts. He's got the rinnegan.
The eyes of the sage of six paths. Could you obviously tell me you can beat someone like that???. Your even crazier then your mother was!!."

Naruto then said.

"Names and bloodline abilities only get you so far in life. Only through hard work and dedication can true success be obtained."

Jiraiya couldn't believe just how wise naruto actually was!!!. It's as if he was acting like a sage. But that would have to mean that he had some form of sage training.
So. being very curious jiraiya asked.

"He naruto. How would you like to sign the toad summoning contract???."

And naruto said.

"Sorry... I've already got 2 summons more useful then the toads slugs or serpants.
I have...the leopard and fox contracts. the leopard clans contract belonged to my father. The fox contract I was given by the nine tails when we first met."

Now jiraiya knew naruto was keeping secrets from him.
Jiraiya then asked.

"Just how many different Ninjutsu can you use kid!!??.
I'm beginning to think I know nothing about you at all!!!."

And naruto said.

"Well perhaps maybe you should have stuck around to care for me like my parents wanted you to. But. Look where that has gotten you.
And where it's gotten me.
I was doing well without you before. And I'm sure even with you looking over my shoulders I could still manage to kill orochimaru myself. But I'm not on his skill level yet. Until I get stronger. All I can do is find the remaining uzumaki clan members before he does."

They then traveled back towards the hidden rain village in the hopes of getting nagato uzumaki to come to the hidden leaf village they made it to the village within a weeks time. Naruto wanted to use the hiraishin technique and get there faster but jiraiya said he should stop being so reliant on it for everything and enjoy the scenery of nature around him. Naruto had protested saying that jiraiya just wanted to sneak off and find the nearest waterfall with beautiful woman to peek on. Jiraiya couldn't deny that claim and so he decided to forget about peeking on woman for a few more years and hopefully wouldn't look at another woman in that way ever again. for jiraiya. It was torture. But for naruto.
He was enjoying every single moment of jiraiya's despair.
Five more years would go by before naruto and jiraiya returned to the hidden leaf village. By which point all of naruto's classmates will have graduated the academy and be placed on gennin teams.
Naruto. As smart and strong as he was. Was well beyond gennin level in skills and knowledge. He was what some would consider a lone wolf. Or in his case. Fox. Once the uzumaki clan was reestablished in konoha.
Naruto would go back to protecting the village from the shadows. He loved his village. The people who lived in it even more so. But he still couldn't come to terms with the fact that he killed half of the entire uchiha clan to protect the village from one of their own people.
Since that day he constantly had nightmares that the kyuubi and jiraiya had to help him through. It was a long process and one where he wished he had a yamanaka clan member to help him more easily. The sights and sounds of bodies burning alive and people screaming out in pain through the night haunted him for the last year. He always told jiraiya that it was just a bad dream. But jiraiya was anything but stupid and knew that naruto needed help. The kyuubi could only do so much in suppressing the memories and jiraiya could only say so much for comfort to naruto before naruto would go back to sleep and actually be awake enough the next morning to continue traveling. As they walked through the hidden rain village they realized that everything was quiet...a little bit too quiet. And jiraiya knew exactly why. Hanzo the salamander was Dead. Killed by nagato himself and made himself the new village leader. Once they got to the tower entrance naruto walked up to one of the guards and said.

"I wish to speak with your leader about the uzumaki clan. I can assure you that I have no ill intentions of harming your village."

One of the guards then said.

"You must hand over any weapons you posess before we allow you to enter. Please hand over your sword and kunai so you can enter."

"And naruto said.

"I'm sorry. But I'm afraid that I cannot do that. These kunai are special. This sword I created myself and is very unique. It will kill anyone not of uzumaki clan blood. The kunai are essentially my father's. Doe the name...yellow flash. Ring any bells to you???. It should. Otherwise... you'd know that I'm not any ordinary shinobi.
I'm his son. The nine tails jinchuriki. Now I'll ask you again. May I speak with your leader nagato uzumaki about the uzumaki clan???."

The guards then stepped aside in fear of the masked shinobi and let him pass. Jiraiya however wasn't so lucky. Jiraiya was forced to hand over all his weapons and was then allowed to pass through. They then went up to the highest point of the tower and met a figure strapped to a machine that was obviously keeping him alive with chakra rods in his back. Naruto knew that this was the real nagato and that the one at the desk was just one of his six paths of pain.
A woman with fair white skin blue hair tied in a Chinese bun with an oragami flower wearing a red Cloak with red clouds on it stood before nagato. This was the oragami mistress konan. More commonly know to the village of hidden rain as lady Angel. Naruto then removed his mask and said.

"Greetings nagato uzumaki.
Bearer of the rinnegan eyes.
I am naruto uzumaki namikaze. Son of minato namikaze and Kushina uzumaki. I've come here to ask if you would consider joining konoha and give up on obtaining the tailed beasts. If you do collect and capture them all. You will be reviving a monster of unimaginable power beyond even your control. The ten tails must never be ressurected. Our ancestor the sage of six paths. Divided up the ten tails into the nine tailed beasts so that it would never destroy the world ever again. Your playing right into Madara uchiha's hands. Once he's got your rinnegan. Nothing will stop him. You can change the world with those eyes of yours yes. But what good will that bring if nothing else but fear???. Peace can be achieved without the use of fear to obtain it."

And Nagato said.

"You speak of peace yet all that the pursuit of peace brings is war. And war breeds hatred which in return breeds a lust for power. You say peace can be obtained without making people fear you. But what I see when I looked into your eyes was not fear of dying.
Or regret for something you did to protect your village.
No. What I saw...was pitty, sadness,and loneliness.
You say you want to reunite our clan. How can you do that with my help in my current condition???."

And naruto said.

"I can heal you with my tailed beast chakra. If you use the ability to absorb a concentrated amount of it into your body. I garuntee your body will begin to heal itself. Do you trust me???."

Nagato was then unhooked from the machine holding him in place and taking naruto's hand said.

"Once you activate your tailed beast chakra mode I will use my preta path ability to absorb the chakra into my body. Let's begin."

Naruto then channeled his tailed beast chakra out of his body and Nagato absorbed it immediately feeling his strength returning to him.
His scrawny features began to regain their nutrients and his skin no longer a sickly pale white color he felt like he could fight an entire army all over again and then celebrate with his friends.
He felt young again and better then ever before.
Konan was surprised to see that it actually worked and said.

"Thank you naruto Sama. Your too kind to be doing this for us. We're forever in your debt. Hello jiraiya Sensei. It's been a while since I have seen you. How is tsunade doing???. And orochimaru I believe is still alive???."

And jiraiya said.

"It's good to see both of you as well konan. Nagato. So have you decided to go back to konoha with us???."

And Nagato said.

"We shall agree to disband the akatsuki organization.
And then we will join konoha. All of the akatsuki organization have nowhere to go so we might as well."

Naruto then said.

"Then you might want to get started. Because I sense a type of chakra approaching.
One that I've never felt before but kurama has. But how's that possible???. You should have been dead years ago... Obito uchiha."

Just then a black swirling vortex appeared behind everyone and Obito uchiha said.

"I no longer go by that wretched name. I. am. Madara Uchiha!!!. And your a fool for coming here. Naruto uzumaki namikaze. Or should I just call you... Yellow lightning fox???. Ironic since your father was the yellow flash of konoha."

And naruto said.

"You were one of his most promising students. Obito.
But your near death experience and being saved by Madara Uchiha has corrupted you from the innocent person who once desired to be the first uchiha hokage. You abandoned your dreams. You abandoned your comrades. What was it that you once told kakashi???.
Those who break the rules are scum. But those who abandon their Friends are worse then scum???. Your never going to let your comrades die???. What happened to you that made you change so much???. Was it possibly...the death of your teammate and love interest Rin Nohara???. It was wasn't it???."

And Obito said.

"Shut up!!! shut up!! shut up!!!. Stop trying to trick me!!!. I won't fall for it!!!.
Get out of my head!!!. NOOO!!!."

And naruto said.

"I thought so. You've been under a genjutsu this entire time. Most likely from the real Madara Uchiha. Time to set you free Obito!!!. Open up your heart and soul to the kindness you once knew!!!.
Genjutsu art: release!!!."

Obito then fell unconscious and on to the floor and naruto went over to him and removed the orange mask and handing it to jiraiya said.

"Is this the very same mask that the Madara Uchiha who attached my parents the night I was born wearing???.
If so then I think we should take him back to the hidden leaf for questions about how he survived his death."

Jiraiya examined the masked and then the sharingan that was used and said.

"Yeah kid. This is him. Though I'm sad to find out that it's been Obito uchiha this whole time. I had my suspicion but wasn't sure until now. We need to inform the hokage about this. This just opened up a whole new world of questions that need to be answered."

They then applied chakra suppressing seals to Obito uchiha all over his body and sealed him up in a body storage scroll. naruto then summons a messenger leopard and hands the scroll to the cat and said.

"Take this scroll to the hidden leaf village and strait to the hokage. Do not stop for anything on the way. I'll be sending kasumi with you as back up. She's fast enough to keep up with you if you run out of energy hand the scroll to kasumi and she will take it the rest of the way."

Kasumi and the leopard then ran off with the scroll and off to the hidden leaf village to deliver Obito uchiha to the hokage.

Meanwhile. in a cave near fire country.

The real Madara Uchiha was furious right now because somehow his genjutsu over Obito uchiha was broken by the son of the fourth Hokage and Kushina uzumaki. The previous jinchuriki of the kyuubi. Well needless to say even though it was a small setback it wasn't anything major unless the rest of the akatsuki organization somehow left and right now he couldn't afford that to happen. Sadly that's exactly what was happening. He was loosing all his most powerful pieces on the Shogi board right now first Nagato. Now Obito. He just lost his knight and bishop in a single day.
He still had the akatsuki organization as his pawns and rooks however konan the queen piece of the board was also taken leaving very few options left. Madara Uchiha then said to himself.

"Very impressive naruto uzumaki. I didn't expect you to be able to break the genjutsu hold I had over Obito uchiha. And to turn Nagato over to your side as seems I've underestimated you. No matter. It shall not happen again. I'll just have to push my plans ahead of schedule and begin collection of the tailed beasts. Mwa hahahaha!!!. ah.hahahaha!!!"

Naruto got a bad feeling again just like when he was ordered to kill the Uchiha clan. However this feeling was more ominous and forboding as if the events that were about to unfold.
Would change everything.
Naruto had no idea how right he was.

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