Falling (Depressed Deku Fanfi...

By WholeLotOfDeku

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Ever since Izuku Midoriya joined U.A. High School and settled in, he knew that the League of Villains were af... More

*Not A Chapter* Voting! + Discord Server!
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*Not A Chapter* Midoriya Poem! + Justin Briner!
Passing Of A Hero
New Books!!!


1.1K 31 13
By WholeLotOfDeku

"All Might must be disappointed in you."

Midoriya opened his eyelids and sat up. He didn't recognize his surroundings, or anything at all as a matter of fact. The green-haired male couldn't make out anything from the abyss surrounding him again. He heard the voice, but also couldn't tell where it came from.

"You don't deserve anything he gave you." The stranger's voice echoed but reverberated off the invisible walls set around the boy who noticed this, he narrowed his eyes as a result and frowned his eyebrows in confusion, his voice became defensive.

"You don't know anything about me. Get out of my head." Midoriya growled in frustration, he tried his best to fend off the offending voice, but he knew that he wouldn't last long with his own doubts spilling into the front of his mind, and the stranger seemed to sense this.

"Ah, but I know everything about you, Izuku Midoriya." Midoriya's eyes widened as the voice chuckled and continued. "You may think I don't, but let me change that." The next words the stranger spoke made the UA student shudder and feel chills run down his spine.

"I know that you came here from a previous, now nonexistent time. I remember briefly what I did to you in the hideout while all your precious friends and heroes forgot all about you. You resisted the first year I had you, but after no one came to rescue you, you still somewhat fought back, but you broke. I remember experimenting on you, and you may have thought that you escaped by outsmarting Shigaraki, but in truth, I let you escape." The voice snickered, a sinister tone in their voice while Midoriya began to tremble in fear.

"You never fully escaped that, even now. Do you really think that I wouldn't have thought this far? Foolish boy. Choosing to come back only sealed your fate. I am your master now. You cannot escape me, no matter how far you run or where you hide, you will always answer to me." Midoriya gripped his head and shut his eyes, gritting his teeth.

"Get out of my head! Y-you're wrong!" Midoriya screamed desperately, trying to ignore the man's voice but suddenly, realization hit him. He couldn't tell if these were his own thoughts or the voice's but they disturbed him as he spoke them outloud.

"T-that's right......I'm the reason for all of this...." Midoriya suddenly said, releasing his head and staring blankly at his hands as they lay in front of him on his legs. "If I hadn't joined UA, then mom wouldn't want me to leave it, she wouldn't be worried sick about me. It's my fault that All Might gave me his power, if I had just let the heroes deal with that sludge villain, then none of this would've happened. I'm the one who injured Kacchan and worried Todoroki and All Might. If I hadn't caught Shigaraki's attention, then All Might wouldn't have to have protected me more than before. It's my fault that All Might's dead......." The green-haired teen muttered to himself, feeling himself become numb except for the sudden weight of extreme guilt on his shoulders.

Suddenly, Midoriya opens his eyes to recognize his dorm room he had fallen asleep in last night after Recovery Girl helped him return there upon request. He sighs and wipes away his tears that streamed down the sides of his face. The green-haired male closed his eyes then looked back up at his walls to see all of his All Might posters he still had up. He still couldn't believe that his idol, mentor, and father-figure was gone so soon into his first year of becoming heroes.

"I'm sorry, All Might...."

"Don't think that I care about the rest of you extras. This is only because IcyHot convinced me, and it would be better if everyone knew what was happening right now." Bakugo announced to their class as they were asked to gather in the main living quarters. Everyone was here, except Midoriya, of course. He and Todoroki stood beside each other, in front of their grieving classmates.

"We all know that All Might's death was very hard for all of us, and the world, to process. It was too quick and cruel how he went out, but we need to remember that he died to protect not only Midoriya, but the whole world." Todoroki started, holding back his own tears as well as Bakugo. Most of the class however, couldn't pull that off; most started crying and sobbing heavily, leaning on each other or embracing one another. Basically, everyone was in tears, but those who tried to remain strong for their classmates apart from the two standing were Tokoyami, Shoji, Sero, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro.

"We all were hit hard by this, but Deku was hit the hardest. He was there and he was holding All Might as he took his last breath. I know that we all admired All Might and looked up to him, but all of us could tell that the nerd adored All Might more than anyone else. He was the biggest fan of All Might more than all of us could combined." Bakugo lowered his red gaze, holding back his tears and trying not to choke on his words. He did his best to continue. "Right now, Deku's in his dorm room, we should give him enough space." The blond concluded, allowing Todoroki to speak while their classmates listened and tried to comfort each other.

"As Bakugo said, we should give Midoriya space, but we also need to help him. Like I said earlier, we are all going through our own dark times, but Midoriya had to watch All Might die in his arms while he couldn't do anything. Of course, we should help each other, but Midoriya is most likely to refuse help, that's when we should help him the most." Todoroki tilts his head up slightly to try and keep his tears from falling down his face, the more he talked about All Might and Midoriya, the more he wanted to cry and do everything he possibly could to try and reverse the pain Midoriya must be feeling, even if he knew that was nearly impossible.

"We only ask to show Midoriya that we are here for him, you don't necessarily need to spend hours with him, I assume that some of us will already do this for him, and we understand that all of you are sad and grieving, so don't feel like you have to help. If you can't then we won't judge you or respect you less." The heterochromatic spoke with a choked voice, closing his eyes now that some of the water had cleared from his eyes.

Bakugo did his best to hold back his tears for as long as he possibly could, but in the end, they finally slipped down his face. Gritting his teeth, the ash blond forced his words out of his mouth so he wouldn't suffocate on them. "I know that I was an ass to Deku in the past, even now, but god, it hurt so damn much to see him collapse. Sure, it hurt when All Might died, but I've known Deku longer, and I've never seen such sadness and guilt weigh him down. Fuck, Deku's been fucking strong, he endured all the shit I fucking threw at him when we were kids, and yet, he still saw me as his damn friend and he still wanted to surpass me." Everyone quieted down on their sobs a little and listened to Bakugo while he finally let his emotions speak.

"I have never seen Deku so.....lifeless. He fucking looked like someone else and fuck, all I could do was watch as he spiraled and he's still spiraling down into darkness! I'm fucking weak to not realize that what I told him as kids is now coming back to ruin his life in his darkest time!" Bakugo shouted as he lowered his head, an attempt to hide his crying face from his classmates while his hands clenched into fists and small explosions ignited from the palms of his clenched hands.

Suddenly, Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, and Mina got up to embrace their blond friend. Todoroki saw that Bakugo had finally given in to his tears, so he decided that it was okay for him to do the same. Uraraka, Tsu, and Iida came over to embrace their own friend. Then, they felt another person join their group, they looked up and saw the messy purple hair and his tired-looking eyes; Shinso.

"I know I'm not part of this class, but I heard about the meeting you guys were having, and I decided to come and support. As much as I came off as uninterested and heartless, I care for Midoriya too, and the rest of you. Heh, I can't help but admit that him and the rest of you changed me for the better." Shinso explained himself, but the group gladly took him in, letting him join their group hug. Soon enough, the rest of Class 1-A joined in, the two groups now merging so that everyone embraced one another in a way to help comfort and strengthen their bonds and minds.

A/N: Sorry for taking so long! Christmas came up and I got really busy and couldn't get enough time to work on this! I'll try to continue more now that it's going to be a new year, 2020 is my high school graduation year, whoop! I'm keeping these new chapters short so it's easier for me to continue and stay inspired! Thanks for reading!

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