The True Happiness

By 1Dneverland

6.7K 114 48

Hanna Evans is a normal girl with a huge love for books, instilled by her grandfather. Searching for somethin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (Alex special)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Second Part - Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 (Alex)
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 35

50 0 0
By 1Dneverland

Hanna looks at her grandfather and opens the journal. She’s surprise to see aggression and anger in the way in which the words are written. The script is a mess and there is no doubt that he has pressed the pen with enough anger to break the sheet in some places.

January 3, 2010

9:10 p.m.

I fucked it, I've ruined everything. There is no way that Diana will forgive me after this. I'm really screwed.

“What are you doing?” I asked entering her room. It felt strange to be back at home after spending ten days in her parent's House.

“Nothing, I'm empting my suitcase and my purse...”

Diana took out a CD of her bag.

“What is that?”

“Don't know. It was in the clutch that I wore at the New Year’s party.”

We had gone to New Year’s party in Elmwood with our group of friends. Surprisingly Liam and Audrey showed up, although they avoided each other during the greater part of the night. It was a huge party; I would say that at least a thousand people were there. There were several drinks bars and several DJs played during the night. And at midnight the countdown appeared on the screens and the fireworks in the sky. And of course Diana was my midnight kiss.

She pulled out the CD of the box and turned on her laptop. She sat on the bed next to me and waited for the contents of the CD appear on the display. Diana gave click on play and the screen turned black. The first thing that appeared on the screen was an empty room.

The room’s door opened and a guy and a girl entered. The girl pushed the boy and he fell on his back in the bed. The girl began to kiss the boy's neck while taking away shirt. He didn’t resist and slowly things moved on.

“Oh my God,” Diana took a hand to her mouth and closed the laptop.


“Get out.”

“Diana, I..."

“Do not want to hear it, Niall. Please go,” she wasn’t looking at me, I was staring at the laptop.

“But, I swear...”

“Get out! You are a damn prick!” She hit me with one of the pillows and I stood up.

“Go away! I do not want to see you again!”

I looked at her in the eyes and I saw all that anger and disappointment. Her cheeks were rosy and the tears had already appeared. I didn't know what to do.

“Diana,” I tried to explain her once again.

“Get out of here, damn idiot!”

I sighed. I knew that she wouldn’t I listen until she calmed down a little and let some of her anger out. I heard a crystal glass crashing against the door seconds later after I left.

I didn’t try to speak to her during the rest of the day. She closed the window and curtains, locking herself in her room completely. I also did the same thing, curling in a corner of my room. I didn’t know what to do, didn’t remember anything of what happened in the video. But there was no doubt that I was the guy in the video.

My mind didn’t stop tormenting me and had forgotten that I have this stupid notebook to download all these frustrating problems. It is a pity that it cannot tell me what to do.

January 4, 2010

7:09 pm

“Diana,” I took her by the arm when I reached her.

Classes hadn’t started yet and I had been waiting for Dian to come to school so I could talk to her.

“Let me go.”

“No Diana, please let me explain. God, don't let all that we did go to waste.”

Diana looked at me with her chocolate bloodshot eyes. All the sadness reflected in them.


She sighed and nodded. She didn´t stop walking though, now at a slower pace.

“Diana, I really don't know what happened in that video. I don't remember that that happened. It‘s possible that it occurred at the party that I went to when you were in Boston.”

She wasn’t looking at me; she had her gaze nailed on the floor while moving her feet slowly. It was obvious that I wasn’t the only one who felt like garbage. And she let it clear with her loose clothing, undone hair and pale skin.

“Diana,” I took her by the chin “you know I love you. Hell, you're the only person that I care about in this wretched life. I would never do anything to harm you and would never cheat on you. Please, you have to believe me. Doll, I love you.”

Her beautiful eyes filled with tears and Diana hugged me. I held her in my arms feeling as her tears wet my shirt.

“Niall, I also love you,” she sobbed.

“I think the best thing will be that we go and finish this conversation elsewhere,” I kissed her forehead and Diana nodded.

We both walked down the hallway towards the exit door. Increasingly more and more people were walking towards the central hall, all huddled and voices mingled in a truly irritating noise.

“What happens?” Diana stopped dryly, looking all teens opening space to see what others have already commented.

She opened a passage between people, as I tried to follow her. The main hallway lockers were full of posters... Filled with all of Diana’s secrets.

Everyone recognized her instantly and began to harass her with questions and taunts. All pointed their fingers at her while they laughed at what was written on the posters. She seemed lost in this sea of people. All cornered her more and more. Diana crashed into the locker and began to shrink, trying to avoid everyone.

“Eh! Everyone immediately to their classes or I’ll suspend you,” the sports professor shouted angrily while the music teacher and biology professor helped Diana.

I was there standing in the middle of the hall. Diana turned to look at me, with anger in her eyes. My throat dried out seeing those emotions in her eyes. Not knowing what do needless say I was there standing looking as teachers escorted her to the principal's office.

Half an hour later Christian and Clara had cam to pick her up, the posters had disappeared, but the taunts continued.

“You are a damn slut,” I cornered Audrey against lockers at lunchtime.

She smiled cynically.

“What are you talking about?” The very bitch dared to ask.

“Don't give me that shit Audrey, that I am less than a breath of beating the shit out of you,” I growled.

“God, Niall. Stop being’ a girl. It was all planned, don’t you remember?”

“I told you that I wanted to put an end to all this,” I pressed her harder against the lockers, listening to her bones creak.

“Yes, I know it. And it has already ended,” she smiled.

“You are one...”

“Hey! Take it easy!”

Arms moved me away from Audrey and my blood boiled when I saw that it was Liam.”

“I should’ve known that you'd be behind this too. The two are made for each other.”

“Niall, don’t act innocent. You were in accordance with all this from the beginning.”

“I told this bitch that I didn’t want any of this.”

“Oh, poor Niall. Is that you fell in love with the rich girl?”

“Stop fucking with me, Payne,” I gave him a punch on the chin before storming out of there.

I was all the afternoon got at work, making the inventory of all the books in the store. I needed to keep my head away from my problems and keep my bad mood at bay. Lorette noticed my bad mood from the moment in which I crossed the door.

When I returned home at night there was no sign of Dian. I tried to call her 37 times, dialing again and again listen to her voice mail. I walked in circles in my room, kicking the door of the closet or the wall whenever she didn’t answer.

“Come on, answer the phone...”

“Hello?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

“Diana! Where are you?”


“We have to talk, why didn’t you answer my calls?” I asked running my fingers through my hair.

“'Why'? God, seriously are so cynical? You're a fucking idiot! First you cheat on me and then you dare to reveal all my secrets in the school...”

“Diana, I swear that it have not been me.”

“Stop lying! Only you knew those things, don’t come to tell me that it wasn’t you because I'm sick of you seeing stupid written in face.”

“Diana, I'm telling the truth. Please doll, believe in me.”

“Believe in you? Niall, this surely was your plan from the beginning. I cannot believe that forgiving you has even crossed my mind. I hate you, Niall Horan! I'm sick of your shit, your lies and crying for you! Go to find a slut to fuck, because I don't want to see you in my life! I hope you die and leave me in peace. Don't you dare look for me, because if you do I will send you rot at the bottom and make your life as miserable as you did mine... See you never again, idiot!”

The call ended and I was alone, in the middle of the darkness feeling like my life again was crashing before my eyes.

(Hey guys!! Just 5 chapters more!! Please vote and comment!! love you xoxo)

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