Who Are We?

By sweetghostgirl97

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*I don't own any Vampire Diaries characters the all belong to their rightful owners. * Arielle and Blair Faye... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Ten

130 3 0
By sweetghostgirl97

I held her in my arms on that dark road and just wished that she wouldn't have left Arielle in the Grill. When Arielle texted me, I had this bad feeling that something would happen to her. I was drawn to this girl in some way, but I wasn't sure why. I'm Damon flipping Salvatore, the guy who doesn't care about people's feelings and getting my Katherine back.

I listened to her heart beat fade and fade. I glanced down at her limp body and noticed that there was glass and gravel in her wounds. I could smell the blood coming from her stomach. I caressed her gorgeous brown hair and lifted her head towards me.

"I can't be in a world without you Blair." I said to this "corpse",no she's not gone, not while I'm here. Where's my hero hair when I need it? "Come on Blair, drink it." I begged as I held my bleeding wrist to her beautiful lips that were slightly open and covered in my blood. I noticed that it was flowing down her cheek, I began to panic because I couldn't lose her and I wasn't going to let Arielle go through the pain and suffering of losing a sibling.

I focused on her heartbeat again and there was nothing. I looked at the majestic creature in my arms and knew that I had to save her. Lifting her off of the ground, I sped towards the hospital to get her to Meredith.

"Meredith! Please you have to help her-" I said before she cut me off by talking to the nurse.

"Okay, there looks to be severe blood loss and major trauma to the head. Get her to a surgery room stat." The nurse ran off with her. My instinct was to go and protect her from whatever they were going to do to her, bit sexy-doctor-lady held me back. "Damon she's going to be fine, okay?" She looked at me in the eyes and then ran to save the girl that I was in love with. Wait, what? I didn't love Blair? I only thought about Katherine. Who am I kidding, I do love my Blair-bear. I would do anything for her.

Hours later while I was waiting for someone to tell me anything about her, my prayers were answered. I saw Meredith walking towards me from the hallway where the surgery rooms were. Being a doctor she does well with hiding her emotions. Right now, I knew my humanity was on because my emotions were pouring throughout my entire demeanor.

"Damon-" she began.

"Is she alright? Tell me she's okay." I begged quickly. She looked down and then back up again.

Oh no.

"You got her here just in time Damon, because as soon as we got her back there, she flatlined." Don't tell me that! Knowing that she was dead for even a millisecond scares me. She is only human after all. "You need to call Stefan and her sister and tell them what happened. What exactly did happen Damon?" Meredith interrogated.

"Nothing a pretty little doctor like yourself has to worry about." I said smirking. As I pulled out my phone, I hesitated with calling Arielle. Her sister almost died tonight and it's basically my fault since I'm the one who turned Vicki and she's the one who made Blair flip her car. So, I decided to call Stef first.


"What is it Damon?" He answered very snappish. "I thought you took Arielle home?"

"I did.What are you talking about little brother?" I asked confused.
"She standing right here crying her eyes out about someone dying?" What? How could she have known that Blair flatlined in there?

"Let me talk to her Stefan."

"Are you sure Damon? I know how you are when someone else's feelings are involved." What the hell is that supposed to mean? I may not care about people, who don't even matter, feelings. With these two, I can't be insensitive because they bring my humanity out, one more than the other.

"Put Arielle on the phone Stefan." I stated firmly.

"D-Damon," Her voice was soft and shaky. "Where is she?"

"At the hospital Arielle. Meredith, the doctor, told me that she was fine." Okay a little white lie won't kill anybody.

"But Damon I saw her," Arielle whispered. "I saw her hit the glass and I felt it-" she trailed off. She is really freaking me out with this. Do these two girls have like a strange sister bond or something?

"Arie, what do you mean? How did you see it? I know for a fact you got into my car and I drove you to your dad's place." Her end of the phone line was silent until I heard the thud that came a few seconds later.

"Arie? Arielle! Answer me," This yelling into an inanimate object probably looked a little strange, but I know for a fact that I didn't give a damn. The hesitation was emanate in my voice. The poor girl at the end of the line was like my little sister, which is strange since she's only been in "Mystic Hell" a short two days and she's faced problems that she has probably never even thought about.

"Damon! Arielle isn't breathing," Stefan's voice rang through the speaker of my phone. "Arielle wake up, come on!"

"Stefan check her heart! You've been alive long enough, you should know CPR." I didn't even try and hide the sarcasm in my tone of voice.

"Now is not the time Damon," He stated firmly. Touché baby brother.

"Damon!" A woman's voice entered the mix. I turned and saw Meredith racing towards me in the cluttered hospital hallway. "It's Blair, she's not responding," What? Also the same moment Arielle collapsed, something strange is connecting these two, but what?

"What the hell do you mean, Meredith?!" I yelled at her as I lowered the phone from my ear. I could still hear Stefan trying to help Arielle, but from the sound of his panicked sighs and screams, but somehow I wasn't worried about Arielle right now. Blair had more of an impact on me at the moment, and I could feel her slipping from my grasp on reality.

"Damon? I need to save Blair and there is only one way that I know she will pull through," Meredith said holding up a small, plastic syringe towards me. The thought of my blood saving her life was erotic and foreign to me. I've always been the one to take people's lives because that's what I'm good at.

I glanced at Meredith's hand again and nodded at her. She quickly aided me in getting my jacket sleeve up my arm so she good get to my vein. As she stuck the cold, metal needle into my arm, I was frozen in place, but it wasn't because I didn't like needles, it was because that if this somehow goes badly and Meredith gives Blair my blood, NO! I'm not going to think about that. She's going to survive.
Stefan's POV

I left Arielle to talk with Damon alone. I knew right now she trusted him more than myself. I thought about calling Elena to tell her what's going on, but I was interrupted when I heard a loud noise coming from the parlor. I raced out worrying that something had happened to Arielle.

My fears were confirmed.

I saw Arielle lying on the ground, motionless and pale. I used my vampiric speed to get to her. I heard Damon yelling for her on the other end of the phone that was lying a few inches from her hand with a crack on one of the top corners. Whatever happened to her, she hit the floor hard and I saw a small amount of blood shining through her long hair that was sprawled out along the floor like a ball of yarn that had been unraveled.

I grabbed hold of the phone and yelled into the speaker, "Damon! Arielle isn't breathing!" I was beginning to panic because not only is Blair in the hospital, but I have her sister lying in my arms lifeless and not breathing.
Damon said some sarcastic comment and it started to get under my skin and burn. He had no feelings towards this poor girl, but he was flipping out over her sister. If this were flipped and Blair were the one lying her on the floor bleeding from her head and not breathing, within a blink of an eye he would be here trying to revive her, but not for Arielle. He would do it for his own person gain because whatever he sees in that girl is beyond me. I'm not saying she's not beautiful or a bad influence, but the way she makes Damon act is dangerous for anyone and everyone around him.
I heard Meredith's voice on the other end of the phone call. I was too focused on Arielle to know or comprehend what she was telling Damon nor did I care at this point. "Arielle, come on. Breathe Arielle," I begged. I know I only just met this girl two days ago, but something just drew me to her.

I, Stefan Salvatore, vow to protect her from any harm. Including my brother.

Sooo I know majorly over due! Been busy with school and UIL stuff, and it doesn't help having writer's block half the day!



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