Love can go wrong

By norajames_14

40.3K 636 184

Beth Mead is new to the Arsenal squad, when she meets everyone she immediately falls for Daan (Daniëlle van d... More

Coming home
Meeting the teammates
The night where things went wrong and nobody remembered
Waking up to trouble
Feelings are difficult pt.1 L&J
Feelings are difficult pt.2 D&B
The future of us
A day to remember
*Authors Note*
*Authors Note pt.2*


4K 73 28
By norajames_14

2 weeks later

Beth's POV:
Today is game day, my favourite day of the week! We're playing against Manchester United Women and I am really looking forward to the game. I have been trying extra hard on training to prove that I deserve to be in the starting 11, Daan on the other hand has been a bit unfocused. I told her that if she wouldn't play good on training, she won't be in the starting 11, but she brushed it off. I do hope that she will be playing, she loves it.

My alarm went off at 7:00 since we had to be at the club at 8:15. Luckily Leah, Jordan and I have a very organised routine on game days so we were there at 8:00. Apparently we're the first one to arrive, we're even earlier then Joe. Leah and Jordan have been a little less close lately then usual, which is confusing, but I always learned to mind my own business, so I'll just let them figure out their problems by themselves. We put on our boots and shin guards and get on the field so we can practice some tricks before the rest of the squad comes.
*after training*
Training went pretty well, now we've got a team meeting and after that another quick training and then we're off to Manchester. We are walking into the team meeting room and sit down. Daan sits next to me and I give her a quick smile. She looks a little bit concerned? I look around and see Leah and Jordan sitting on the same row but with 3 chairs in between them. What is going on between those two? I thought they were the best of buddies? They have been acting so weird the last two weeks. We quickly go through some tactics and then Joe is reading the starting 11 list:
"So we've got Zinsberger in goal, then defence: Maier, Williamson, Beattie and McCabe, midfield: Little, Roord, Nobbs and Evans, then forward: Mead and Miedema." Yes, I'm playing! But Daan is not....
I look to my left to see Daan sitting with her elbows on her knees and her chin leaning on her hands.
"And the substitutions: Mitchell, van de Donk, Quinn, Schnaderbeck, Grant, Filis and Peyraud-Magnin." Joe finishes.
I know that Daan is upset, but she'll try and hide it. I, again, look to my left to see, to my suprise, an empty chair. I look around, but I can't see Daan. Everybody has already gotten up from their seats and is now walking to the cafeteria because it's lunch time. I follow the group, hoping that I will find Daan at the cafeteria. But she's not there. I still cannot find her, even after I searched the entire building. Daan, where the heck are you?! I'm starting to get a bit worried. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around, hoping to see Daan, but see Viv.
"Have you checked the field yet?" She says with a wink before I can say anything. I quickly thank her and run to the training ground. Viv was right; on the very end of the field I can see a little brunette figure shooting balls in the goal angrily. I start walking, but that soon turns into running. When I am 4 feet away from her, she turns around and says:
"I always do this when I'm not in the starting squad, it helps me calm down and be happy for the other players."
"I wish you would've told me that earlier, then I wouldn't have been so worried about you." I say before pulling her in for a hug.
"Well now you know where to find me next time." She says while hugging back.
"Let's go back and have some lunch, okay?" I ask while pulling away.
She nods and we walk back to the training centre.

After lunch and the short training session.

Daan's POV:
We are all getting in the bus, preparing for a 3 hour and 32 minutes bus drive. Some people are listening to music, some are on their phone, some are chatting. Beff and I are sitting together with Viv and Lisa on one of the two seats with a table. Usually Leah and Jordan sit with us, but now I can see that Leah is sitting with Manu (Manuela Zinsberger) and Jordan with Lia. What is going on with those two? They always sit together in the bus. I am on my phone, scrolling through Instagram with my legs on top of Beff's legs, while Beff is talking to Viv and Lisa. After a while I can feel Beff moving my legs off hers.
"What are you doing?" I ask, sad that she moved my legs.
"Just going to check on Lee and Jord. They've been acting weird." She says before getting up.
"I've noticed too, but please, just let them be. They'll figure it out on their own! And I don't want to be rude, but I don't think that they'll appreciate your help too much. You know how they are, they figure thing out on their own and will only come to you when in desperate need." I say, trying to save Leah and Jordan from Beff's interrogation.
"Thank you for trusting me in these situations", she says sarcastically, "but I think they could need some help." She says before walking away.

Leah's POV:
Jord and I have decided that we'll not tell the girls, because Jordan is being scared of getting benched. I think our plan of not letting them know has gotten a bit out of hand, because now we don't even sit together on the bus anymore. But I think that our actions have only caused confusion in the group as we've gotten some weird stares every time we were apart. On this long bus journey I do miss Jords company. We usually have lots of fun, singing to songs and just chatting. While I was talking to Manu about the opponent, Beth suddenly comes up to me and gives me a weird look.
"Can I talk to you for a sec, Leah?" She asks, pointing her head to some empty seats in the back.
"Well, I was kind of in the middle of a conversation with Manu...." I say.
"It's alright Lee, we'll catch up later." Manu say.
I don't want to talk to Beth, I know that she'll ask about the whole Jordan and I situation.
We walk to the empty seats in the back and sit down.
"Wassup?" I ask Beth, a little annoyed.
"Well, I've been noticing that you and Jord have been a little distant towards each other and I just wanted to check if everything is alright." She asks, with a concerned undertone.
"Nope, everything's fine." I say, trying to already walk away again.
"So no fights, no weird feelings?" She asks, making me come back.
"Look, I've said that I'm fine and I'm pretty sure that Jordan is too, so just let us be." I say, really annoyed by Beth's behaviour.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure that you're alright." She says, making me feel guilty about my little tantrum.
"Look Beth, it's complicated. Let us just first figure it out on our own and then we'll talk again. That sound alright?" I explain.
She nods and we walk back to our seats, preparing for the remaining 1.5 hours of the bus drive.

Arrived at Manchester, 45 min before kick off.
(Still Leah's POV)
We have finally arrived at Leigh Sports Village and my legs are really sore. I've never liked having to sit down for a long time, I'd rather play football. We all gather our stuff and walk out of the bus, to the dressing room. We change into our gear, do our regular warm up and then walk back inside for Joe's pep talk. Surprisingly, I don't listen very closely like I always do. I catch myself with my head in a whole another universe, staring at Jordan. I pray that nobody noticed, but before I can check it's already time to get ready to walk out on the pitch for our clash with Manchester United.

Commentator POV (from the actual match):
Two famous names in the history of English football, that this perhaps represents the beginnings of a new rivalry. One with the potential to enrich the women's game even further going forward. (....) So felt even in defeat as a performance that could have build confidence, here's Sigsworth with Ross, waiting in the middle here. Sigsworth... cross is brilliant and that's a good chance where it should have ended better!! (....) Little...just to squeeze it through to Evans when Miedema to aim at in the box. Towards Miedemaaaaa, just kept out..... and again by Earps, brilliant save! (.....) Focus and concentration so important here for Manchester United .. Mead fires one in, goodness me. She came close to embarrassing Earps. (No goal)
Halftime whistle.
Beth's POV:
It's halftime and it's still 0-0, with a couple of chances. We get inside where everybody is a bit frustrated that we're not in front yet. I had a big chance myself too, just touched by the goalkeeper. Joe gives us his pep talk and we get back on the field with great confidence.

Commentator POV:
In towards Jane Ross, great chance to make it 1-0! It still could be! Galton's there.... ooh what an opportunity for United. But Jane Ross couldn't take it. (...) Here's Little, who is a brilliant- and Earps with the save! Little again! And another save and that is put behind! (....) Substitution for Arsenal: Nobbs is off with Daniëlle van de Donk replacing her. (....) McCabe with a pass to Daniëlle van de Donk gets into the box here now. Vivianne Miedemaaaa, oh oh off the post! So close! (....) Williamson. Evans peels wide, van de Donk shows for it and gets it. United hanging on a bit here. Van de Donk with a turn and Kim Littleeee and Daniëlle van de Donkk!! IN!!! FINALLY!! What a finish!!
(.....) And that's the final whistle! Arsenal 1, Manchester United 0.

Daan's POV:
We won!! And I scored!! The game ends and we come together at the dugout. The whole team is very happy and I get congratulated on my goal a lot. But the congratulation from Beth makes me the most happy:
"Hey Daan, you did amazing! Thanks for your goal huh!" She says teasing.
"Your welcome and you did pretty good yourself too!" I compliment her back. She blushes.
After a bit of talking with the team, I walk to the United side to look for my national teammate Jackie. We chat a bit (in Dutch of course) and take a picture together. After a while Joe calls our team back into the dressing room.
"Everybody did good today, good win, enjoy it while it lasts. The bus will leave in about 20 min, so shower and do all that stuff and I'll see you in the bus." He says before walking out.
We all change out of our sweaty game gear and into our tracksuits. We walk to the bus for another 3,5 hour drive back to London. Surprisingly, Leah and Jordan join us at the table instead of the weird seating at the outward bus drive. I think they didn't notice until we asked them about it, but they shrugged. Of course Beth is chatting her head off and singing, but tonight it doesn't bother me. It's kinds cute actually. I fall asleep halfway and when I wake up, we're al already back in London. We all say goodbye and goodnight to the others. Sadly, Beth doesn't live in the same apartment as me so I also have to say goodbye to her.
"Goodnight Beff, see ya tomorrow." I say with a sleepy head.
"Bye, sleep tight." She says with her nice smile. I chuckle.
"What?" She asks.
"Nothing, just thinking about the Dutch literal translation of 'sleep tight'." I say.
"Too bad I don't know any Dutch." She shrugs.
"Maybe one day I'll teach you."
"I'll keep you to that promise." She laughs.
"Ey Daan, ya coming or what?" Lisa yells from the car.
"This is a lot like the day at the beach, doesn't it?" She says.
I laugh and wave to her. "Tot morgen! {See you tomorrow!}"
She chuckles and walks away.

Oh my god I am so so so so so so so so so sorry that it took me this long to update!! Man, it's been like 50 years 😂. Well I'm back now, but I don't know when I'll update again. Here's an extra long chapter to make up with the wait 😂. Please tell me what you want to read in the next chapter, it helps me a lot!! See you soon (I hope 😬😂)! (Oh yeah and thanks for reading! ❤️)

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