We're Just Friends [BOOK 1 Of...

By Riane_Pereira

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They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you. And that's what he brought me, Heaven... More

"Metal Rods and Ex Cons"
"Royal Fuckery"
"Blonde Herpe"
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours"
"I would rather choke on a razor blade"
"That's Pretty Wild"
"Skeletons in the closet"
"Sticky Stickerson"
"Two can play at this game"
"The Devil's Punch"
"Walking Testosterone Bottles"
"The Party Fiasco"
"Mistakes have been made"
"Is she mute?"
"Nathan the nutsack bastard"
"Did you get her pregnant?!"
"Baboons balls"
"Penny for your thoughts"
"The balls that hang on the tree"
"Sausage Fest!"
"Absofuckinglutely Nothing"
"Mr.Potato Head?"
"Midnight Memories"
"My pecs ARE sexy and firm"
"Nathan Cheated"
"Date..Date.. Oh! DATE!"
"Are you hitting on my girlfriend?"
"Lover Of Mine"
"Unless you're secretly gay"
"Nate, Dave and the Cave"
"Cry me a river... of blood"
BOOK 2?!?!?!

"The Christmas Bimbo"

554 10 0
By Riane_Pereira

T W E N T Y  T W O

24th morning is calmer than usual, we eat till everyone looks like they might throw up if they ate another morsel.  

"I'm going back to bed" Samuel announces as he stands up and excuses himself after gracefully burping. I roll my eyes, muttering "uncultured swine.." making David chuckle. Nathan eyes us from across the table, his arms crossed over his chest making the fabric of his red christmas sweater stretch around his arms.

"I'm.. gonna go for a walk" I smile, standing up and leaving the dining room "Yeah me too" I hear nathan announce but his mum stops him for something, by then i'm out of earshot as i slip my warm boots on by the door and exit.

I then remember i was supposed to meet up with monica to go surprise gen and i curse under my breath, just then a cold winds hits me in the face whipping my hair back.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial monica, it rings a hundred times before she finally answers "i thought you'd never call! I was in the bathroom, sorry. I'll meet you 2 blocks down from gens place okay? See ya!" Before i can even respond she hangs up, with a huff i shove the phone back into my pocket and wrap my arms around myself as i begin the 10 minute walk to gen's place a few blocks down.

I'm about a house down from my own when i hear running before a hand lands on my shoulder "hey" i already know it's nathan so i smile at him "took you long enough" i tease, he rolls his eyes in response as his feet fall into pace with mine. A comfortable silence settles around us as we walk, the cold air blowing gently making goosebumps rise even under my thick hoodie.

From the corner of my eye i see nathan run a hand through his soft hair, pushing it back and away from his face. Its such a mesmerising action to see, the morning sun bright and peaking through the trees beside nathan, hitting his face.

His eyes look even brighter when under the sun, my eyes rake over the small details on his face. He has a few scattered freckles along his cheeks, his skin looking lighter now that i look carefully, the curve of his lips are so smooth it makes my tongue run over my own. His breath blows out, sending out clouds of air.

I always loved the way you could see your breath during winter...

"I really need to make an agreement with you that we are only allowed 5 minutes of ogling a day, i feel like my head my fall off if you keep staring at me" He chuckles, weirdly enough even his soft chuckle makes something unknown inside me stir.

Like the cowardly person i am, i push that feeling away into a dark corner. I'm not ready to look into feelings yet, i'm enjoying the feeling of being around nathan as.. well whatever we are too much.

"Yeah yeah, you stare too.." i mumble, kicking a pebble off the stone sidewalk.

We stop at a park with little children playing, happily laughing and chasing each other and my smile falters.

My stomach churns and i feel like i might be sick as memories flood my head from those horrible 2 weeks..


I sit in the hospital waiting room, my heart pounding in my chest as i wait for my name to be called. Mum insisted i come to a doctor after i slipped down the stairs and started getting bad cramps, she was scared i might've hurt myself when i bumped my stomach into the hard railing.

But i had a bad feeling it wasn't my period..

"Anastasia black? Please come with me" a doctor, probably in her mid 30s calls me making mum and i shoot to our feet.

After we're welcomed and sat down, they ask mum to stand outside. i feel as if my insides are being tugged at. I shift uncomfortably in my seat and i begin to feel sick "i need you to tell me exactly what happened" Ms.Drake intertwines her fingers, resting her hands in front of her on the desk.

I begin to explain what happened and she nods "no need to worry its probably just your muscles a little sore. Any discomfort?" I hesitantly nod, making her eyes grow together with concern "what is it?"

My skin breaks out into a cold sweat and i can feel my hands shake and get clammy. "I-i feel like my insides are begin tugged downward" my voice is shaky and i feel bursts of pain up and down my lower back.

I let out a soft whimper making her shoot out of her chair and come to my aid, i adjust the dress i'm wearing as i try to stand up.

And when i do, i feel something literally fall out of me and onto the floor. The last thing i see is blood pour down my legs before i pass out.

• • •

"Anastasia!" Nathan shakes me, making me snap my head in his direction to meet his eyes. He cups my face in his hands "You're crying.." his voice is soft and laced with concern as he wipes my tear stained cheeks with the pads on his thumbs.

I blink rapidly "i-i am?". I never realized i was crying, i pull his hands away and wipe my eyes sniffing before giving him a genuine smile "Lets go get hot chocolate" i hook my arm with his and tug him towards the little shop outside the park "two hot chocolates please" i smile at the lady, looking to be about 60.

She smiles and pours 2 rather large cups of hot chocolate, handing them to us with a smile "you two make a very beautiful couple.." i blush "we aren't-" i'm about to correct her but nathan cuts me off "Thank you ma'am.." he hands her 5 pounds and pulls me out.

I decide not to comment on it, choosing to ship my hot chocolate instead.

"Mm this is good" Nathan groans, making me smile "it really is, i come here often with the girls..its usually the old lady's daughter that's serving" he nods, blowing the chocolatey goodness before taking another sip.

Suddenly a question that's been burning in me pops up "hey.. can i ask you something?" I look up at nathan, his eyes drop to me for a spit second he then nods, urging me to go on.

"If you're place is under renovation.. then its probably close by right?" He nods "yeah its 30 minutes away from your place" i frown, wracking my brain for information.

How have i never seen him before? I mean if he lives close by, then he probably went to the same school as me right?

"Which high school did you attend?" He thinks for a few moments "uh.. winchester high?" I frown "that's like almost an hour from here"

"I know, my parents had their business close to my school so it was easier for them to drop and pick me" I nod.

We sit on a wooden bench by the park for a while before my phone goes off "look i hate to interrupt you getting laid but i've been waiting for nearly 20 minutes, where the hell are you?" I curse under my breath when i hear Monica's agitated voice over the receiver "i'm so sorry! I'll be there in 5 minutes" i hang up and jump to my feet "i have to go meet Monica, do you wanna come or will you be fine going home alone?"

Nathan looks at me like i'm crazy "hang out with you guys again?" I roll my eyes slapping his arm "shut up you ass, we're going to see gen" I see something in his eyes flash before he stands up "No thanks, go ahead" He smiles before waving at me and walking away.

"Odd child.." I mumble to myself and begin speed walking to gen's. By the time i've reached the little pond 2 houses down from gen's i see an angry Monica dressed in a red sweater dress with her hair in a semi-messy bun and her bangs freshly cut.

I stare at her wide eyed "when did that happen?" I point a finger at her head, making her chuckle "i decided to get a new look, like it?" She twirls around in her black suede thigh-high boots that tie at the backs of her legs just a few inches below the end of her dress.

My eyes go down to my own attire, black uggs with thick black leggings and a black hoodie with the 'vans' logo on it. Then back up at her "you didn't say we should be dressing up..?" I raise a questioning brow, making her grin at me sheepishly "sorry.. i thought you'd dress up like you usually do" with the roll of my eyes and my boots kicking at the light snow that's covered the sidewalk i tug her towards gens angrily.

We push the gate open and walk up the wooden stairs, Monica rings the buzzer and we wait. "Steph could you get that!"

No Stephen! Let her open it!

"I'm peeing!" I hear him yell from the downstairs bathroom before i hear feet stomp down the carpeted stairs and the door swing open. Gen's red hair is loosely hanging around her slim waist in beach waves, her blue eyes look brighter than ever and she has on light makeup.

"Surprise!" Monica and i yell. Gen screams "you guys are assholes!" She pulls us both into hugs, i can hear the giddy feeling in her voice when she pulls away with a grin so wide i'm afraid her lips might split "best Christmas ever!" She pulls us into the house and shuts the door behind us. "Mum is out buying groceries for Christmas dinner tomorrow, she's excited to cook a bunch of desserts for aunt deb" she smiles.

We follow her up to her room "so we got you stuff" Monica hands her a bag, gen peaks into it and she's already squealing "you guys didn't! How much did this cost you?!" I shrug "don't worry about it, just enjoy it and don't destroy it" i frown, sitting on the foot of her bed.

"Why do you two look like complete opposites?" She raises a brow, her lip pulled up from one corner. She tends to do that when she's confused and.. even disgusted.

"This bitch here didn't tell me to dress up. She just assumed i did." I huff, crossing my arms over my chest and sending Monica a look to which she sticks her tongue out.

Gen is dressed in silk black pyjama shorts and what looks to be one of Stephen's band tees. "What's the plan today ladies?" I sigh "well all the families are meeting up at 9 o'clock for the Christmas eve ball held in the city like we do every year, i realized i don't have a dress so we need to get me that first" i throw myself back with a sigh after saying that all in one breath.

.. i really need to learn how to breath between sentences

"Alright, so shopping" i nod "and pizza?" Gen suggests sweetly, making both mon and i chuckle. 

We pull up at the mall after raiding a store of all their cookies and gingerbread men.

Well not all but you know what i mean.

"Okay so what colour are we looking for?" Gen announces like a sergeant, i look at her and shake my head with a disapproving look. "Anything in red, black, blue or.. white maybe? But mainly red" i look between mon and gen, they nod and start their march towards the entrance.

50 minutes and 10 dresses later i'm almost lying on the dresser room floor of a really nice shop with beautiful gowns, panting like a thirsty dog from the amount of sucking in and squeezing into dresses i've done.

"Guys this is the 5th shop we've been to and there's absolutely nothing here!" I yell dramatically, making a few staff and customers send dirty looks over their shoulders to which i roll my eyes.

"There has to be at least one place that has a dress that looks nice!" Gen whines, throwing her arms up exasperated. From the corner of my eye i see another set of staff glare at her making her smile sweetly at them and saying "i really don't care what you think" before turning back to look at the 3 dresses hanging in front of her.

"My arms are read to fall the fuck off will you just pick one already!" Mon cries out, sounding similar to a little child throwing a tantrum "honey you need to get laid" Gen pats her shoulder. Mon rolls her eyes, drops the dresses on a small table and stomps out ahead of gen.

Ladies and gentlemen i present to you, my best friends.

"Okay so i know this place that i bought my prom dress from, its a little pricey but still in your budget" Gen pipes in, smiling and locking her arm with mine then pulling poor monica to her side and locking arms with her too "to black swans!" She practically drags us through the mall.

By the time we get there my right arm is sore from all the tugging to the point where i feel like i'm an arms tug away from my arm slipping out of its socket. We finally come to a halt at the entrance of black swan's, a modern looking store with pop-rock music playing over the speakers. Completely throwing you off when you look at the elegant gowns in all sorts of colours, and all shorts of shades with hundreds of different cuts and styles.

My pupils dilate at the sight of a 20% discount sign.

"Why didn't you bring us here to begin with?!" I whisper yell in gen's ear as we walk in. She smirks "you never asked".

My eyes land on a beautiful silk wine red gown with straps and a sweet heart deep neck and i already know i want it. I slap gens arm repeatedly until she whips around to look at me, her fiery red hair smacking me in the face.

I grimace and push her long strands off my face before i point at the dress, her eyes turn to saucers when she sees it "its perfect! Go try it on!" She pulls it off the rack and it flows down elegantly.

I think i just fell in love with an inanimate object..

I rush to the dressing room and strip off my clothes, grabbing the dress off its hanger i slip into it with ease. The back drops deep and stops just at my lower back, a band in the middle to keep the dress secure.

I turn to the mirror and gasp.

This is insane.. how do i look so different?

With a grin i slide the dark curtain open and everyone standing in sight has their jaws on the floor.

"Silver heels would be perfect with this" the dress still has a few inches of length to it making it sweep the floor. "Buy it before i do!" Gen yells with obvious excitement.

After changing back into my own clothes we head to the counter to pay.

"Ma'am this is the last piece left from this edition and will cost you 750 pounds" i choke "750? W-what about the 20% off?" She smiles apologetically "not on this dress.."

I let out a sad huff as i stare at the 350 i pulled out.

Of course a dress this beautiful would cost more than 350..

"I can knock the 50 off but that's all i can do.." Gen pulls out her debit card and slides it over to the lady with a smile "bill it, we'll take it"

My eyes widen, i turn to look at her "are you insane?! No! We aren't taking it. Thank you very much" i smile at the lady, she looks between gen and i extremely confused.

I shake my head "Gen you're insane, i will not allow you to buy me a dress that's so expensive" she chuckles "its okay! Merry Christmas Anna.." she's already typed in the pin by the time i can react.

My jaw is on the floor as i watch her take the packet containing the dress and handing it to monica. Considering she's the tallest we always give her longer stuff to carry because when we do it usually drags along the floor a lot.

"I hate you" i laugh and pull her into a hug "i promise i'll pay you back" i whisper, making her roll her eyes "you deserve it.. your prom was ruined and this ball is higher class and more exclusive, meaning snobby rich people who flaunt their money" i nod in agreement.

"Besides, i already bought mine and spent a good 650 on it" she winks.


The thought of not knowing how this night is going to go gives me a small bit of anxiety as i put on the last of my light makeup.

Just dark red lipstick, mascara and eyeliner with highlight and eyeshadow.

In all honesty i like the most natural makeup plausible for any occasion but my mother won't have me stepping out of our car in a beautiful red dress and my face bare as a baboons ass.

Hence the little more makeup than i'm used to.

Oh and i almost forgot, i decided my nearly waist length brown hair was too plain for my liking so i got it cut to the point where it brushes my collarbones in a long bob.

And i have to say, it the best decision i've made all year. I even got my brows reshaped.

I look at the person staring back at me in my dresser mirror and i can't believe its me. Just around this time last year i was a poor little helpless girl who'd visited a court more times in 6 months than a convict themself.

The thought makes bile rise to my throat but i push the sick feeling away and focus on tonight.

After i've curled my now short hair, i twist two locks, one on either sides of my head and clip them with a small black clip at the back of my head to keep it away from my face.

I finally slip into my dress and shoes and take a few pictures in the full length mirror by my bed. Just then i hear mum call from downstairs so i grab my matching silver clutch and black shawl before carefully walking down the stairs.

"Anastasia.." mum breaths out in awe "you look absolutely stunning.." i grin "thank you" she sends me a warm smile before attending to her buzzing phone.

With a few minutes left to spare i head down the hall into the kitchen to get a glass of water, but my eyes land on the tall figure leaning against the counter, his back facing the entrance.

Black button down shirt tucked into grey chequered formal trousers is none other than Nathaniel O'Connor himself. What shocks me more is the two arms that suddenly wrap around his shoulders.

"Oh-" i mumble as i pretend like i just entered making both Nathan and the blonde bimbo turn to look at me. I see nathan's eyes go visibly wider and his adam's apple bob up and down, his eyes shamelessly raking over

Her dress is an annoying shade of pink and her heels are way too high and black. Her dress stops right below her ass, just enough to cover whatever's left of it.

"I just wanted water" i whisper as i move to grab a glass of water, gulping it down i place the glass in the sink and walk out.

"Anastasia! Munch help me with this" Dad calls out from the door as he fiddles with his tie. I nod and walk up to him "mum not around?" I smirk teasingly, making him chuckle "she's busy helping millicent with her dress or something, you know her when she's in a hurry..always mumbling" i laugh "that's her.."

As i fold and tuck my dad's tie i ask him the question i've been dying to know an answer to for the last 2 minutes. Yes. That's it. 2 whole minutes.

"Will Gregory and his family be coming with us?" I frown up at my father, making him nod with a smile "of course darling, they're co contributors of the Christmas Ball. O'connors logistics and The black publications have shares for decades now!" He chuckles, making me grow only more curious.

If they have shares and are co-contributors.. why weren't they here for last years Christmas Ball?

"Why weren't they here last year then?" He sighs "something had happened to their youngest boy, Nathaniel is his name? Anyways, it had stalled their whole plan and they could unfortunately not make it.."

What happened to Nathan last Christmas?

More questions burn the walls of my head as i nod and walk away to sit on one of dad's bar stools in the lounge room down the hall from the kitchen. Including..

Who the hell is this blonde Christmas bimbo? And more importantly, why was nathan making out with her in MY kitchen of all places? 

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