My Little Assassin ( Nagisa S...

De Spac3r

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(THERE IS A LEMON IN THIS STORY.) You're a transfer student from America to Kunugigaoka Academy. Every three... Mai multe

The Move
Who Was That?
Nagisa Shiota
The Sudden News
Training Day
Intertwined (!Lemon! 🍋)
Reality Check
Karma, and Jealousy
The Lucky "Girl"
A Boy???
Takaoka (2)
The Date
This Is What You Wanted
Goodbyes and New Beginings
Hey! (Author's Note)

My Only Present (Bonus Chapter)

8.9K 192 163
De Spac3r

A year.

It's been a year since you've seen him.

Those innocent, azure eyes.

His luscious/flowing blue hair, with those two perfectly aligned tails you so adored.

That calm and alluring tone in his voice which spoke between those soft, sweet lips you yearned for.

And of course last but not least, his petite and—to your liking—curvy figure.

Nagisa Shiota. Or, what you preferred to call him was your Little Assassin. It's been a whole year since you've felt his touch, and honestly your body was frustrated in many unexplainable ways, whether it be pure or risqué. Not to mention, it was also Christmas, a white Christmas morning.

Your body would lay limp upon the comfort of your covered mattress, (E/C) orbs gazing stilly at the ceiling, glistened by the calm beam of morning white light that'd shone through your window.

Ever since yourself along with the lot of E-Class had separated, over the year your father managed to hook you up with your own apartment; He even gave you his old black Chevy Silverado truck, which left you baffled.
...Especially since the government of Japan straight up covered another vehicle OF HIS CHOICE soon after.

Nonetheless, you were comfortable and didn't have many worries. In about two to three weeks you were planning to head off to college in order to begin working on your degree. Even though you weren't exactly fond of School, your father constantly insisted or rather forced you to go for the experience.

A sigh drifted between your chapped lips as you tiredly lifted yourself from your bed, legs hanging over the side, eyes glancing over to the partially frosted window across the decently sized, but also cluttered room.

Noticeable snowflakes decorated the still air along with small white dots of ice that danced with one another before swiftly drifting over toward the next... and the next, until finally becoming one with the bright blanket of snow that hid the streets and sidewalks of the town.

You chuckled to yourself at the peaceful sight, eyes half lidded with fatigue, hair frizzled and or wild from the comfort of your pillow. To put it into simpler words, you looked like shit right about now, and you needed a shower.
(Sorry reader-chan (*'-'))

Without further a due, you hoisted yourself from the bed, proceeding to stretch your lazy bones away, hearing them pop with each and every shifting motion. Soon after, you'd swipe your phone from the wooden surface of your dresser, the sound of an exaggerative yawn following suit as you treaded from the bedroom and into your personal bathroom, your finger hopelessly missing the light switch before finally flickering it on, the bright light momentarily blinding your sight.
"Mmm... Alexa?" You'd spout out in a deep tone of voice, a ringing from the small device bouncing off the walls of the bathroom and a simple robotic, female like voice following short after, "Good morning (Y/N); Merry Christmas. What may I assist you with?"

With a rub of your eyes and yet another yawn, you'd step in front of the toilet, dropping your boxers decorated in your favorite design, a sigh of relief, as well as the familiar sound of liquid colliding with liquid filling the bathroom.
"—play Fly Me To The Moon by Claire, would'ja?"

(A link to the song to set the mood~)

"Of course... Enjoy."
Suddenly, a melancholy violin would fill the bathroom, as well as a melodic and calming piano following after, the part of the song that'd always send a pleasant chill down your spine. When you were feeling most silly, you'd even sometimes sway to the rhythm of the song in order to express your unusual love for the tune.

Flushing the toilet and ridding of your boxers completely, you'd lip sync the words, prancing over to the tub and rotating the shower nob in order to turn on the shower head, adjusting the metal object protruding out of the tiled walls until the temperature was just right.

Before you knew it, you were under the warmth of never ending beads of water colliding with your skin, the feeling of relaxation kicking in and massaging your muscles. You proceeded to sing along with the music, gliding a wash cloth along your skin and upon every crevice possible to in order to scrub the muck and stench away, as well as letting the water run throughly into your (H/C) locks.

It wasn't long before you were out of the shower drying yourself off with a towel and replacing the cloth with a (F/C) bath robe to top it off. "Alexa, max out the volume," you'd request, the music stretching throughout the house itself once exiting the bathroom and proceeding at a much louder, hearty sound than before.

Though you weren't usually a singer, you sang to your heart's content as you dressed yourself in a pair of sweats and an ugly Christmas sweater your father'd recently sent to you over the holly month, the fabric hugging your muscled figure comfortably and perfectly. You smiled to yourself in response to the silly Christmasy designs that sat upon the sweater. If anything, it was better than nothing.

Truthfully, even though it was Christmas Day, you weren't expecting much at all. Really, there wasn't much you wanted or needed to satisfy you for this typically joyful day.

Though... There was one thing you wanted most, more than anything in the world actually. It was the fact that there was no way you'd be able to get such a present this year, or even the next; it was just too much to ask for, especially with the little time that'd passed ever since Koro Sensei departed into literal particles. Even so, today is supposed to be a good day... A day for you to enjoy yourself, who you were, what you've accomplished and what you had.

Your forced a grin onto your face, giving your chest a motivation filled pound to the chest, "Alright (Y/N)," you'd exclaim, pulling a (F/C) winter jacket over yourself in preparation for the cold that was about to torture the hell out of you; You were planning to walk to a Starbucks not too far from the apartment complex. Even before today, you'd usually go there to chill on the sofas and snack on cake pops and coffee cakes, and today would be no different. Though, you weren't looking forward to the employee at the counter that'd always try to flirt with you... She just could never take no for an answer.

By the time you were dressed fully, your favorite song was over. Slipping your phone into your pocket you ordered Alexa to power off for the time being that you were gone as you passed by the bathroom. Of course, you couldn't leave the house without having to go on a hunt for your house key first...

Within a span of ten to fifteen minutes, you were out of the house and on your way to your favorite café.

"—Uhh, I'll have the usual...?" You'd request in a slightly unsure tone, nodding your head once you were completely positive, "Yeah, the usual, please."

At the counter, behind the register stood a female with bright smile, as well as a viable blush coating her plump cheeks. She was about half your height, landing around 5'3. Her hair was a bright tint of orange, braided in a neat tail resting over her shoulder. She wore a pair of glasses that sat loosely upon the brim of her nose, freckles staining from her nose to her cheeks... From what you knew, her name was Himara, Himara Ichika.

Yep... This was the female who would constantly hit on you every time you'd show your face at Starbucks. It seemed like she'd always be here when you were present; She probably never takes time off. Though, it was partly your fault because of how often you'd arrive and stay for hours.

"Oh! S-so a medium frappé along with a coffee cake and a birthday cake pop?" She beamed, seeming to sink behind the counter as if wondering if she massacred the order.
With a sigh, you'd avert your gaze toward anywhere but the small female, scratching your chin out of habit.
"Yeah... That's right—"
"I'll have that right out for you! A-And don't worry, it's on the house!"

By the time you could complain, she was already busy taking care of the order herself. Standing dumbfounded, wallet in hand, with a shrug you hid your wallet away in your pocket
"Ah. Well, I'm not complainin'."

With a yawn, you wasted no time to take a pleasant seat on one of the couches displayed in the small building, letting the sound of slow jazz fill your ears. Surprisingly there were few people here, and the little amount of people there were would stick with the original wooden chairs.

With a cheeky grin, being the couch potato you were, you hogged the couch all to yourself, careless to what any gazing eyes thought about the unusual sight. Not soon after, Himara arrived with your order; That's right, she even delivered it to you, being that you were her favorite customer. Sometimes she would even decorate the outside of your drink with sharpie. Surprisingly, she was a great artist.

"H-Here's your order, (Y/N)-senpai... I made it just the way you like it." She spoke quickly before bowing and heading back to her position at the register, an impatient customer waiting to greet her there, Your face contorting into that of mild confusion. "...Did she just call me a scented pie? ...Whatever."

Ignoring your obliviousness toward The little Japanese you knew, you proceeded to stuff your mouth with the tasty cakes, washing them down with your beverage...

It wasn't long before you were sunken comfortably into the couch, stomach full and satisfied, not planning to move a muscle anytime soon.

A smile slowly etched onto your lips... You were actually somewhat enjoying yourself; It was just the feeling itself Christmas gave off that made it enjoyable.

—That was, until you felt a pair of arms unwelcomingly wrap around your neck, in which you were certain to be Himara; it wasn't the first time she'd tried to make a move on you, but this was new. Her short arms rested peacefully upon your toned shoulders, curious but delicate hands traveling to your pecks, and gradually making way to your abs.

At this point, you were getting annoyed her persistence. With a heavy sigh, your eyebrows furrowed, you spoke in a semi-serious tone, "Himara. How many times do I have to tell you I'm not interested?"

"Ouch. Is that how you really speak to the girls when I'm not around?" A familiar voice finally spoke out. A voice you haven't heard so close and so present in what seemed to be decades. Eyes widened, you'd jolt forward, whipping your head around completely only to meet eyes with none other than oceanic blue eyes, gazing back into your (E/C) ones—

"N... Na..." You managed to stutter, forcing your romantic other's lips to curve into a smile.

The two of you stood like this for a good minute, gazes locked in an unbreakable trance. You couldn't help but feel the tears welling in your eyes, bottom lip quivering in sheer disbelief. Frantically, you would rub your eyes in hopes you weren't hallucinating.

To your amazement, there he stood, a look of concern upon his face.
"Uhm. You alright? I didn't say something wrong did I?"

Before you knew it, the waterworks began, tears falling like none other time before. Quickly, you turned away, trying to rid your face of the embarrassing liquids pouring from your eyes. "D-Damn it; This isn't how I wanted you to see me." You choked out under your breath, using your sleeve as a tissue of sorts to wipe away any excess tears.

Once again, you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. Nagisa snuggled into you, a small nervous filled chuckle escaping his lips, "You're the only person I know who could turn a moment like this into such a dramatic one." He cooed. In that moment, his small arms squeezed a fraction tighter around your figure, forcing you to hug him back. Your breathing slowed, your bodies melting into one another, ignoring anything staring from the outside in.
"I'm sorry—I just... Missed you; Like, a lot." You hiccuped, loosening your hold on the smaller male so you wouldn't suffocate the poor thing.

Nagisa would pull away in order to get a better look at your face, shaking his head as well as using a stray hand to caress your cheek in his soft palms, "But we just talked on the phone yesterday..." Nagisa sweat-dropped at my clingy like demeanor.
Frowning at his response, you shook your head, "I know, I know; It just isn't the same as, well, this... How did you even know I was here? A-And when did you have time to get back in town?" You questioned quickly, placing strong hands upon Nagisa's frail shoulders.

With a chuckle, Nagisa calmly removed your hands from his shoulders, holding them in the warmth of his own two hands.
"I-It's a bit of a long story... How about we talk about it at your place?—Your father told me you have a place of your own now, if I'm right?"

"...Oh! Yeah, that's right: I live by myself now. We can go right now."

It wasn't long before the two of you left the Café, leaving a confused but also slightly heartbroken Himara behind.

Later, when the two of you arrived at your homey apartment, eventually one thing led to another. The both of you couldn't resist each other. Your hands proceeded to explore your perfect Nagisa's body, which you longed for for months; Hearing his small innocent pleas and pants, the way he blushed and bit his lips, the way he squirmed hopelessly under your gentle but naughty hands. You mercilessly smothered Nagisa's smooth stomach with butterfly kisses and love bites, your hands held firmly against his slim, curved waist in order to keep him still. "N-Nnnh... Aahn.." he huffed and puffed, his hands desperately traveling to your hair, grasping a lock shakily in either of his hands.

"(Y/N)... (Y-Y/N)~" He continued to plea.
"Nagisa..." You returned in a husky whisper.

Both of your bodies were so amazingly frustrated you didn't want to stop, and Nagisa didn't want you to.
You would cup your lover's cheeks in your hands, hungrily planting your lips against his in which Nagisa returned with the same feistiness, hips grinding and bucking into one another in a perfect rhythm.
It wasn't long before Nagisa couldn't take anymore, forcing his lips to pull away from yours, releasing his pent up love all over the fabric of his undergarments, a choked out cry of raw pleasure following in the midst.
Soon enough, you couldn't seem to hold out anymore as well, finally spurting your seed, once again dirtying another pair of boxers...

Of course, it didn't matter all that much; All that mattered at the moment was Nagisa, that he was here with you in your very own room. The both of you embraced one another's warmth, clinging as if oxygen wasn't enough to stay alive.

"Nagisa." You finally spoke out against his ear, successfully catching your lover's attention.
"—Y...Yeah?" He murmured, gazing at you through his peripheral vision. There was a short pause, "Please, stay with me a little longer... That's all I want this Christmas, I'm so lonely without you around." You whined, wrapping your arms around his small figure.

"I..." Nagisa began, complaint evident in his voice. Exhaling from his nostrils, Nagisa let his eyes slowly come to a shut, as well as returning the hug. "Okay... but only for a little." He chuckled softly, patting your back, "I swear, you're just like a big baby sometimes."

Ayyy, just as promised right? I figured this'd be the best present I could offer for my followers. You guys have been so great to me, it's more than I could ever ask for. I love y'all so much, and I hope your Christmas went well!

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